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What kind of ship do you like? Considering the setting, I quite like LoGH's style.
I loved these as a kid. Fucking Atlanteans were super based.
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LoGH understands the importance of giving each ship personality.
Well, they have personality but they also feel functional for the setting.
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Last time I played Space Engineers, I took upon myself a project:
Create as logical and realistic warship you can with base gameplay. No addons, no mods.

And the results was surprisingly similar to LOGH ships.
Minimalized forward profile, very heavy forward armoring, only leaving openings for weapons systems to jut out. Nothing extra (no production ability apart from emergency survival kit) covered all around with point-defense systems, missile and gun turrets providing 360 firing arcs. Central nuclear reactor and cargo hold with multiple redundant conveyor belt systems to provide power all surrounded by heavy armor, ammo and missiles to weapons systems even if large parts of the ships would be blow away. It has two bridges (one with forward view and another deep inside the ship to function as a back-up) and both ion and hydrogen engine propulsion to all directions. I decided not to use the "gravity drive" for this model as it's kinda cheating. While I did use quite a lot of heavy armor, I also tried to conserve it, trying to keep the total mass to a minimum for maximum movement and manouverability.

It has no luxuries, minimal crew living spaces and all in all, everything is optimized just to fight other ships. I named it "heavy corvette", but... yeah, it's kinda destroyer at this point already.
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There are certain optimal configurations on realistic ship designs.
Just like evolution seems to re-invent lions, sharks and crabs (and something resembling bisons/rhinos and elephants) again and again, regardless of the time era. Some designs just... work.
Imperium of man ships. 'Ate space elves, 'ate space dwarves, 'ate space skeletons, luv me flying cathedral. Simple as.
big problem with nuclear reactors and propulsion is that there's no effective way to actually shield them safely for a vessel, crewed or uncrewed. Unlike a nuclear submarine the nuclear reactors needed in a spacecraft (Nuclear Thermal, Fusion, Nuclear Electric) are so insanely radioactive that the best method of protection is distancing them from the ship (components, crew, radiator arrays) and utilizing an angled/cone-ish shield made of a non radioactive-conducting material to sort of shadow the radiation away from the main hull.
You have inspired me to rewatch lotgh all over again. Thanks
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I leave this thread in good hands.
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'Ate networks
'Ate toaster (not racist just don't like 'em)
Luv me vipers
Luv me nukes
Luv me flak fields
Simple as
no problem
That one Halo MAC mod for Space Engineers taught me that LOGH ship design is indeed pretty good. If you have weapons that shoot at or near lightspeed, building your ship around as many of the weapons as possible is the way to go. More guns means more power consumption and therefore a larger ship, but if you get one good hit in with a 4+ battery then the enemy is pretty much toast.
>LOGH is just space musketeers and cavalry fighting each other.
>Star Wars is just space man o' wars except with small fighters.
>W40k is also just space man o' wars with fighters and torpedoes.
>Dune removes space battles because fuck you.
>Other semi realistic approaches are just modern navies in space.
Why do people lack imagination?
modern navies are pretty good at what they do and missile based combat translates well into a vacuum

what do you want, space dragons fighting sentient asteroids?
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>nobody posted it
>space dragons fighting sentient asteroids?
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Yeah, I doubt it
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read Lost Fleet.
sure drop a link
There's always Battletech.
battletech is the least imaginative because it puts the ends (giant mechs) before the means (horribly contrived magitech to make mechs work without making tanks better)
I mean Battletech's space combat is actually fairly hard when you consider it exists to facilitate giant robots kicking down tank-shaped objects.
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You gotta have some form to it.
Watch The Expanse Anons, I beg you
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You will never have a battle cruiser captain for a wife
Why even live?
what if I want a battle cruiser for a wife?
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It's retarded but also cool.
As someone who's played it for over twenty years, Battletech ships are basically
>Star Wars but NO ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY because we're HARD* SF
And a tiny nod to Jumpships as Dune Heighliners
18th century sailing ships IN SPAAAACE
Thread theme
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Imperial Star Destroyers for the soulless fascistic empire

Ra Cailum for the plucky resistance. Suitably battle damaged and weathered of course.
I love this aesthetic. And a good movie too.
I'm partial to the clean lines of the Imperial-class Start Destroyer, but there's something about the curves and asymmetry of the Sith Interdictor that I really like
Firefly class multipurpose mid-bulk transport
Ever tried out the game?
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The later gen Imperial ships that had big mini-Iserlohn cannons like the Köningstiger and strong shields like the Brunhild are really cool. I wonder how LoGH shipbuilding developed in the following few hundred years, it seems like Reinhard's new empire would have a lot of resources on hand for tech development, especially considering they went with something less totalitarian in the end which probably means much less soviet-tier research and more western-style.
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Similarly later ships based on the Brunhild have a more unique, sleek look essentially based on just deflecting incoming shots.
Can't speak for imperial designs, but looking at alliance, their ship design seem to have been on the trajectory of turning battleships into massive fire support platforms (Triglav) while creating faster and longer range and higher damage per cannon ships, out of their cruisers (Leda II).
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According to side materials, the Empire's ships were wholesale revolutionary in design just like the Dreadnought was pre-WW1 at least.
I dare say that the ability to deflect incoming fire is probably more advantageous than just being able to fire more, unless you can get your own Iserlohn gun of course.
I'd imagine the cruisers would become pretty popular in post-FPA state.
Less resources to put per ship, and with tons of ships that you can maneuver around the pointy mirror ship to hit it at flattest angles possible, seems like the best counter meta for Brunhilde like ships.
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Well, that's if the FPA got to design its own stuff again. Chances are the best parts of FPA stuff got gobbled up by empire shipyards, so every ship has the deflection characteristic.
I also imagine they figure out how to manage the heat of pic rel which I mentioned because it seems like a good weapon fitted on something not developed enough to handle it yet, since it ended up melting part of the ship without a way to heatsink.
I've heard it's one of those "no reason to be as good as it is" things considering it's more of a spin-off game that doesn't concern the events of the movie.
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On the topic of LoGH, old space pirates had some odd designs.
Looks like old Earth fleet ship with new paint job and some gaudy shit bolted on it.
ablative armor is the only armor that matters in space, in addition to some manner of refractory surface for waves and beams intended to slap around electronics or damage radiation shielding
if you are hit by literally any object moving at relativistic speeds in space, no amount of armor is sufficient (barring technically viable but practically ludicrious "I strapped on an asteroid" scenarios)

major issue with these designs, yes even LoGH, they are intended to resemble hydrodynamic forms (e.g. space"ships"), this is the fault of very early sci-fi which thought these massive hulks would re-enter an atmosphere and then somehow leave again despite that being physically improbable even with the known science of the time, now most ships are depicted as purely held and docked in space with smaller landers, yet the design sensibilities are retained
without the constraint of meaninful drag, the tyranny of form that is "long rectanglish thing with two discrete sides" is totally irrelevant
EVE and Star Trek tend to embrace more novel forms with logical segregation of parts that have nothing to do with drag dynamics - top half civilian, bottom half military, all guns in a central location for ammo feeding, etc., but they aren't exactly low fantasy environments so they still miss the mark
pure military spaceships are likely to devolve into segmented vessel with fine and detailed radial symmetry to minimize the need for correction burns when aiming (something like the Heighliners from DUNE) or spheres so they can strike in all directions (something like the Tau battlesphere)
Stealth in detail is literally impossible in space but I would also anticipate small ships that can tether to asteroids closely like polyps and exist only to fire tens of thousands of kinetic rounds vaguely on the trajectory of incoming ships
"shields" change everything, of course, but there's no reason to expect we'll find such things in a viable way
yes yes Children of Dead Earth is based and the ultimate expression of space combat, but Star Destroyers, X-Wings, and Battlestars are cool
The Expanse is modern naval combat in space, it's all PDCs and missiles, active ECM and laser dazzling

Which is probably how space combat will actually work but that anon thinks it's uncreative
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>without the constraint of meaninful drag, the tyranny of form that is "long rectanglish thing with two discrete sides" is totally irrelevant

While a lot of what you said strikes the chord, that above somehow does not. At least not for me. Maybe I am truly the idiot here.
But with distances as long as space, I would recon than minimizing the profile that the enemy can shoot at is always important. Thus, making ships long, almost needle-like, makes sense. While this does not protect your from a direct hit (it would just smash through your entire ship altogehter), it does minimize the probability of that hit taking place. just like crouching makes a shooter a smaller target, and going prone makes him even smaller target still.

The target silhouette matters, even in space. Thus, long ships with minimal forward silhouette would still make sense.
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In LoGH the shape of the ships is demanded a lot by the kind of warfare they do which is warfare they do because the ECM in LoGH is insane to the point that they need to use messenger ships. The only thing that doesn't really make much sense about it is that they don't move more in 3D too often, but one of the first battles in the series with Yang and all the Imperial Admirals has them do that at least.
The circumstances demand minimal forward silhouette, and as discussed here >>62059019 even the shape of the ship matters as to minimize the effectiveness of the common and fastest ship-based weapons.
The fighters don't have this restriction though and move fully 3D, since they are too small to target by the larger ships more often than not. The new remake also goes kind of stupid and has the admiral who had Geiersburg turn it into some weird fucking super ship in the process of fighting Iserlohn, but I'm not sure if that counts.
They are also seemingly limited by logistics so they can't move too "freely" since they're not self-sufficient enough. There was one guy in one of the OVA episodes who breaks from FPA formations, wrecks some shit but is promptly fucked after the Imperials retreat to make him run out of gas.
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Willem Holland's bum rush was nice.
Went to show why massive fleets are engaging in formation warfare instead of zooming around like crazy, trying to dodge shots that hit you the same second you see them coming.
Another thing is that battles in LoGH usually take a long while to finish, several days and there can be hours between certain movements happening in the OVA.
Generally, the setting is, while old and somewhat trapped by old Star Wars inspirations, constrained by mostly justified internal logic.
Yep. He fought good, but it wasn't smart. Maybe it'd have worked if he was a few centuries in the future and they had some insane new fuel for the ships.
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read Star Justice
Just parking my Phalanx-class battlecruiser in this thread.
Based, love that game
>Starts SEETHING about Mechs despite the discussion being centered on the space aspect of things
Now this is peak midwittery
space cathedrals
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I started to watch Die Neue These yesterday and I'm currently on the aftermath of Amritsar and I'm quite disappointed everything has been redesigned and worsened, the ships of which I can understand it going for cgi but they don't command the same level of authority, destruction falls flat and it feels like a game.
People said it here in this same thread about the optimal space battle ship, an small target to be seen from the front with an elongated body with engine in the back and guns at the front with the bridge around the middle, but look at this, the alliance ship have no respect for the original designs besides the "green" and the shape really shows why the empire stomps them.
>engines on the front sides alongside the main guns
>increase size and chances of being hit
>get shot in the front "woops both engines and weapons are destroyed we are a sitting duck now"
Are cool
Pretty shitty, just soulless cylinders with radiators with the sole purpose of transporting planetary forces
>no corporatism
Mechcomplainers are something you'd scrape off your boot.
Well atckhually
Honorverse novels go from
>space dreadnoughts with big cannons
>to dreadnoughts with missiles
>to dreadnoughts with better missiles
>to dreadnoughts with better missiles and that also tow extra missile pods
>to dreadnoughts that have better missiles, missile pods, and ecm missiles
>to dreadnoughts with better missiles, missile pods, ecm missiles, counter-ecm missiles, and ftl command node missiles
>to dreadnoughts with all of the above but shit out thousands more missiles than their distant ancestors
>space warfare in the last book has essentially become a numbers game of firing more missiles than your enemy while using your own missiles, ecm, decoys, interceptors, and point defence to lower the amount of missiles that hit your shielding

It's great
don't you have your 357th consecutive weekly thread to start, /toy/?
That or star destroyer style wedges, to deflect incoming shots while maximising forward weapon emplacements.
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I've never met a nerd bitching about mechs being bad who owned a gun.
>tfw your contract with the corporation just got a five year extension and you WILL go to the outer system.

Considering the entire galaxy has been united under one state, how much military research/investment would there be?

Considering they moved to a parliamentary/constitutional monarchy after reinhard died, there wouldn't be any big dustups even if his son turned out to be a complete dipshit
The implication was that Reuenthal and Reinhard's sons would become important in the future of the empire, but who knows if there'd be another time of trouble for a century or so.

This seems appropriate for this thread. Just updated with a new video yesterday.
This one too.
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Good morning, sir! Do you have a moment t to talk about our lord and savior, Δv?

I'm partial to cones, but I do like a lot of other designs. The thing that annoys me about most space stuff though isn't really design so much as it is nothing actually moving like it's in space.
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Free Planet Alliance strikes a balance between semi realistic utilitarianism and aesthetics
Absolutely peak
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I like retrofuturistic "dirty" white designs, lots of antennaes and multiple metal sheets, like old star wars ships, but without the stupid geometric shapes.
Don’t forget the development of space carriers, hollowing out dreadnoughts and filling them with LAC’s (corvettes with a 10ish man crew) with battleship grade front shields and a huge fuckoff cannon that use ECM fuckery to get close to the enemy before zapping the shit out of them and returning to the mothership.
Generally speaking I think the Empire designs next to the FPA stuff is like comparing stealth aircraft next to old 4th gens and previous aircraft. Especially with the later-gen stuff like Perceval and Brunhild they start rolling out by the time Reinhard's up to end the war.
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Luv me Providence
Luv me Confederacy
Luv me droids

'ate Venators
'ate the Republics
'ate clones

Simple as
I don't see why this would be an issue there's clearly advantages to using legs instead of treads otherwise nobody in the modern day would be investing in lrobots with egs instead of treads.
RIP Fractured Space, some of the designs were pure sex.
I wish The Expanse focused on the Earth-Mars war. The alien shit bored me, I wanted the damn space war.
>Stealth in detail is literally impossible in space
Not to rag on you too hard anon but I hate this fucking meme and how it's taken over wannabe "serious" space ship discussion so much. It reeks of mindless repeating some half heard "smart" thing from the kid who has heard of "thermodynamics" for the first time without actually ever taking a class and then thinking about it.

Omnidirectional indefinite CLOAKING is definitely impossible by any known physics. But STEALTH isn't, and never has been, cloaking. Not even on Earth. Stealth is about making it more challenging both to detect but then detect precisely enough to get a lock, such that if one opponent has stealth and the other doesn't the one that has it can get their weapons off first, and at least take the enemy with them or alternatively maybe even live by destroying the other guy. Even in space, there is a big fucking difference between "can be spotted with big sensors within 30 light seconds" vs "visible at literally interstellar distances" (like the ass end of a fusion torch or orion drive or something). It's very different to be able to get spotted on easily on very long wave stuff that is much easier to pump around vs (like on earth) being hard to spot on radar so the opponent has to use thermal or visible. If you're a super shiny object vs a less shiny one that affects passive sensors needed (and your ability to spot that in return). Any active illumination used reveals the user first. Etc etc.

Also just like real stealth on Earth, there is a difference between "detection" and "accurate firing solution".
Still objectively one of the best looking supercapitals in all of sci-fi.
Homeworld 3 sucked ass btw.
CIS shipbuilding is retarded, they build two different ships, that are designed exactly the same, and are both called providence except the battleship is just 1:2 scaled up from the cruiser to two kilometers length
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Salamis-class cruiser, my beloved.
I hate that it has a good aesthetic and great music on top of letting you salvage everything like in first game. And then it goes out of its way, to make commanding the fleet feel downgraded from even the special editions perspective, and adding a laughably bad story to it.
There was an interesting space anime from years ago, the one where high-schoolers get sponsored to be a part of a ship crew or something and an interstellar war breaks out. I remember explicitly that the enemy nation had a stealth ship and one of the episodes was the crew desperately searching empty space for the stealth ship that was relentlessly stalking them. If I recall correctly it could occlude its exhaust from the direction of the enemy vessel or something like that — I remember thinking it did a good job actually explaining how stealth would work in space.
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This character was fun, we should've kept him as the FPA Bittenfeld.
I watched ever single one of the 111 episodes of the original series and I never noticed this.
It all comes down to how you're doing the interstellar travel part. If you're just going "bloop" from place to place with some sort of dimensional fuckery, your ship had better be a sphere. If you're going through some sort of portal or slogging at near-lightspeed, you're going to want basically a mile long needle.
Ian Douglas’ various Marine wank series have some space battles of varying quality. Shoutout to the alien race humanity hunts to extinction by finding whatever systems they infest and forcing their suns to go nova.
I read a community serves is still up
The free planet bricks feel good because you have the armored bow with lasers that were a consistent size, supposedly for some engineering reason to do with cooling or exciting medium or whatever.

And when you're fighting at such a distance you can keep oriented to the primary threat, it just makes sense you would over specialize rather than all-round armor and weapons. The imperial ships' form factor seemed less like it had an underlying purpose. They're more bulgy, and that's not to say it wouldn't be realistic to have bulges, because you could convince me that the volume gained, especially for more durable ship parts, makes them work out well.

When I designed ships in COADE I used all-or-nothing armor schemes. Technically three: full armor, nuclear flash second chance armor and no armor. Drop tank fuel pods don't need armor, especially since kerosene or decane is not an explosive fuel in the vacuum of space. And those fuel tanks are to be used and let a tanker refuel and replace the external tanks after the battle.
>I named it "heavy corvette", but... yeah, it's kinda destroyer at this point already.
Ship classifications are inconsistent and political. you could do it by displacement, physical length, crew compliment, endurance and mission or more.

Fighter jets have 1-2 pilots/wso. Cargo planes and bombers have 2 pilots, a navigator, and 1-2 load masters. Ships have between 12 and 5,000 crew. With 300 crew quite popular both in the age of sail and even today. The minimum crew to control a ship isn't large and merchant ships use the minimum crewing.
>>Star Wars is just space man o' wars except with small fighters.
Star wars is 1950 WW2 pacific dogfight movies recoloured with a space theme.
The game plays the same as the star trek fleet command games. Which is to say the game is very good.
>The only thing that doesn't really make much sense about it is that they don't move more in 3D too often
If you rotate your view by 90 degrees, up and down become right and left. The big donut they make in the first episode or so could be around any arbitrary plane and then they just rotate the map to display better. And they do collapse and widen the formations.

Would you prefer an X formation that is fifty kilometers wide or a - formation that is a hundred kilometers wide?
Fixed mounts or turrets?
Which type do you guys prefer?
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I see your Phalanx and I raise you my Kardashev-class
Got any Dropfleet commander ships in your folders?
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Oh yeah, that takes me back I remember that one if we're thinking of the same thing: Starship Operators. Was never a popular series and I can see the rough spots for sure. But while it did have some sci-magic (limited FTL travel and comms) I still think to this day it was one of the most realistic space combat depictions ever in anime and very interesting in the setup and execution. They had to deal with speed of light limits in all normal combat, acceleration and thermal challenges, they had heat dissipating armor but iirc their "shield" was basically dumping a bunch of fibers and metal particles into space to help break up inbound laser fire. Everyone had to deal with fog of war and the challenge of finding stuff and aiming at it, the challenges of range and punching power when it came to lasers vs plasma or whatever. Lot of cool maneuvers. Everyone's gravity control was quite limited, and the ship interior designs like the bridge reflected that in nice ways.

Definitely a flawed and autistic show, but something about it was fresh vs the typical space stuff. I certainly still remember the finale, whatever the issues leading up to it that was a damn cool battle on all sides.
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Also it gets /k/ points for having its secondary anti-ship weapon be a gigantic space laser revolver lmao.
Unless it is a missile/drone bay you need some gimbal to fire at the exact sub-arcsecond. A true fixed mount doesn't work so you do need a turret by necessity.

Overall I'm in favor of asymmetrical spine armor. So the ship has a strong arc along the dorsal, which is also where the weapons coverage is focused. Dorsal armor lets you point your rocket engine in any spherical direction and still rotate your armored top towards the threat.
Jumpnode FTL like wing commander and battletech is my preferred FTL. Basically you have "warpgate" areas that are relatively far from planets and can exist as predictable semipermanent patrol vectors as well as transient, less predictable hidden nodes. If an attacker uses a transient node they have a surprise vector, but they can't escape the same way they came.
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Posting Culture is basically cheating. Talking spaceships with entire oceans inside them, ships that can fry your brain from a billion miles away. Banks was a commie but I love his writing.
he inspired Halo CE and Cortana too which is pretty cool
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Based Qwaar Jet chad. For me its the Heeshk.
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Disqualified due to aids.

Space ocean closed due to aids.
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I love the design of the Taiidani support frigate since it fully embraces the "jeep carrier" look. The assault frigate isn't a bad design either.
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I'm an alliance man but I will admit that the Imperial ship designs look so much better and aesthetic.
Even tho it is just a recce frigate, I think Normandy is peak 80's scifi design.
That's just a musai with bling
Big chunky fuckers, where battles take hours. Also they're very expensive, so normally we just sail real close and have a bunch of peasants shoot each other with airguns for a bit.
Well drag doesn't matter in space, but in regards to minimizing size it's more complicated. If you need to pressurize your hull so humans can be inside it, you do want to shrink as much as you can down, but miniaturization can only go so far. I somewhat doubt there's a major difference between a 100 square meter target and a 125, missiles will probably lock onto either easily enough with similar capability and for beams or projectiles to hit a target you would need huge volume of fire or amazing accuracy, so again, a little bigger or smaller likely matters little. More space could also mean more void space which might be one of your only ways to armor a ship too.
>I somewhat doubt there's a major difference between a 100 square meter target and a 125, missiles will probably lock onto either easily enough with similar capability
This would just increase engagement ranges until this wasn't normally possible.
Think of it like fighting with sticks vs boxing. The engagement is mostly at the range where both parties are unable to hit the other one properly.

Space might also create a disparity in speed of space craft vs missiles. A space craft might accelerate over a long period of time before they get close with something like ion engines. Then once they're close accelerate further with conventional engines (plus boosters). It might be difficult for a defensive missile to hit a target that's moving at dozens of kilometers per second. They would have to do a head-on interception, because the missiles wouldn't be able to catch up. And if they can do that then the space ship can also use defensive missiles to target the inbound (and much slower) missiles.
My brother in Christ, Magellan and Salamis are top tier ships
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for me, it's the musaka. such a shame its bigger brother didn't have a similarly nice-looking set of radiators
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Always liked modern nato aesthetic but in space.
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you mean a musai-class is just the arcadia with no bling
Paintings on space ships?
Yay or nay?
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Nay, honestly, I prefer a more utilitarian look
There's no way I could convince you otherwise?
actually pretty based
I wouldn't mind a modernised remake with all the gore
aww yeah

the author has a fetish for describing technological advances in detail in his novels and he has fun writing those bits, it's obvious and fucking enjoyable to read
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Someone should update this old pic with No Man's Sky freighters. I once measured my dreadnought's length at several thousand units, probably comparable to EVE Online titans.
>no corporatism
by definition, yes
corporations are a check and balance against government
that's part of the reason why the bandwaves have been filled with
>CORPORATIONS DOUBLEPLUS UNGOOD propaganda while the other side is literally 1) unelected career bureaucrats saying "trust me bro with your money I'll use it well I won't commit fraud", and saying 2) "you'll own nothing and be happy bro, trust me bro" while at the same time 3) sucking up to billionaires and corporations themselves to pump up the economy numbers

it would be ludicrously schizo if it wasn't so effective at bamboozling fuckwits. it's Russian firehose tactics all over again.
Honorverse had a fun premise except that Weber's main writing technique is infodump and he's utter shit at character drama
This picture is so old, I remember seeing it all the way back in like 2009.
One thing LoGH really got across that big fleet battle series (space or otherwise) do is the sheer raw numbers of mooks on all these ships and how many die for the ambitions and politics of the higher tiers that actually get the general story focus. There's real focus on and you really do get the sense of hundreds of thousands or million+ deaths in a battle, and how many are just regular folks.
>Why do people lack imagination?
It's not a matter of lacking imagination it's that realistic space battle is ultra hyper boring to anyone but turbo autists, completely inhuman and unrelatable. Like there won't even be any humans onboard any of these ships at all except maybe virtualized, everything will be 100% AIs or lesser drone systems evolving fast with automated manufacturing facilities. Makes sense to have every single ship be semirandom and different so that there is no clear pattern to vital points and where voids or redundancy are. Wars will stretch out over years, decades, centuries or even millennia, all slower than lightspeed.

You can apply true imagination and physics sure but the result will be something almost nobody wants to read/watch/play.
Remembrance of Earth's Past, a droplet held together with strong nuclear force matter that just smashes through anything. A mass dot accelerated to relativistic speed destroying the entire star and solar system. A 2 dimensional "slip of paper" that expands indefinitely converting 3d space into 2d space thus destroying entire sections of space. Lightspeed engines create bubbles of space where the speed of light is reduced trapping anyone inside. You may think it's dumb but its definitely original and creative.
Ah, a gentleman and a scholar.

The spinoffs are also fun.
Oh ya I forgot, bullets with antimatter floating in them so that when they hit something it creates an antimatter explosion
1 atmosphere is only 14psi. It doesn't need to be that strong. Car tires are 35-80psi a soda bottle is over 100psi.
If you haven't played No Man's Sky in VR, you should. All the vehicles have motion controls that work very well in VR. Plus you actually get true sense of scale amd places become real.
I can immerse myself in games well enough without VR.
The sense of scale was the whole reason I brought NMS up. There are many similar space games nowadays but none of them have absolutely immense player motherships quite like the scale of NMS freighters.
Taiidan were better designs, that was why some of them like the Age of Sjet strikecraft look similar. The Hiigaran Fleet Carrier in the concept art look similar to Taiidan design.
Pretty sure he died of cancer, but seeing as you can’t read I guess there’s not much of a difference
1000 years in photoshop
I hate how they have every major LOGH ship except the Hyperion here.
Rings a bell.
Infinite Ryvius? It's been like 20 years since I watched it. It was more like "All the adults die in order to save the school kids, and then kids have to just deal with shitty situations by themselves and it kinda devolves into lord-of-the-flies type situation."

Another possible candidate would be "Classroom Crisis"
Eve is, or at least was, the only fictional universe I know of that tried to tackle the logistics of suuplying, fielding, and building ships that size. That's why their ships went from Disney Wars bullshit in the early lore to 95% of ships being 500M or smaller.
>kissanime watermark
kill yourself, could have done better
It still is, but the logistics of supplying and fielding ships have always been mostly trivial and the logistics of construction are limited to gathering the raw materials, which takes a completely arbitrary amount of work.
And despite Eve's attempts at economics, just like in any other MMO, players create an insane amount of value and very little of it is being drained out of the economy despite Eve's hardcore nature with total ship destruction and all.
The average ship in Eve is only getting bigger the longer the game exists. The first Titan was huge achievement. Nowadays they are commonplace.
>despite Eve's attempts at economics, just like in any other MMO, players create an insane amount of value and very little of it is being drained out of the economy despite Eve's hardcore nature with total ship destruction and all.
>The average ship in Eve is only getting bigger the longer the game exists. The first Titan was huge achievement. Nowadays they are commonplace.
nayrt but why
explain please?
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I like space bricks
I wasn't referring to cloaking by any means, clearly low observable technology "works" and would be a goal of any/all military space vessel designs, but there is nothing that can realistically conceal a burn in space at any distance IF something is already looking in your direction
"firing solutions" are also less complicated because you know where a vessel traveling between bodies is and where it will be with absolute surety unless the meme future is everyone doing 0.01 degree correction burns in random directions at all times as some form of autistic risk mitigation measure (in which case slow guided projectiles become the way forward yet again, instead of fast inert dumb ones)
I am obviously discounting FTL or near-lightspeed travel since they aren't realistically attainable ever, or at least with any known technology
how do the bullets not just explode by themselves? how do you even make antimatter filled bullets? should have just gone with superfuture explosive compound that far surpasses anything we currently have desu
I don't remember but isn't the idea that you somehow produce the antimatter in a total vacuum and then contain it and move it about with a vacuum of some kind?
Wait, Magnetic fields not "vacuums of some kind"*
I'm retarded
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I LOVED the Vaygr (Homeworld 2) designs. I consider them peak sci-fi spaceship battle aesthetic. "This is what a badass space warship should look like".
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Fuck yeah
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I've always loved the destroyer design for the Imperials.
LoGH's really aren't that good.
And what exactly isn't "that good" about them?
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UNSC ships are pretty good and have the best names
>Pillar of Autumn
>In Amber Clad
>Two for Flinching
>Bum Rush
>Unto the Breach
>Say My Name
It's more difficult to find something that is good about them. They're rather generic, cookie-cutter designs and emblematic of the lack of imagination in the show's story.
Culture ships are cool as fuck but unfortunately utterly boring to look at.
some are the best, some are pure cringe (omg Say My Name, so epic!)
Firefly annoys me in that it should be constructed to take the standardised shipping containers you see in the TV series but bizzarely isnt.
What the fuck is that cover art? Its really putting me off ever wanting to read that.
They failed on the "equal and opposite reaction" thinking with those. I'd love to see them spinning them up and then realising that both halves were spinning counter rotation to each other, or not being able to roll your ship a certain way specifically because it would slow the spin of the rotating mass part of the ship.
Everything in Eve is obtained by players. The ships are built by players using components built by other players from material gathered by other players using tools, weapons, and ammo made by even more players.

So arguably losing a ship is a big deal right? That's a lot of effort just to watch it go down the drain. Well in the beginning that was true, so players banded together to build bigger ships with bigger guns and tools to get more resources. Everything was analyzed from a cost / risk / benefit standpoint. Survival became mundane. Fabrication became industrialized. Eve went from "Internet spaceships" to "Internet spreadsheets".

Since nobody loses ships that much, all the resources collected compile on each other. The current path to using those resources is to build bigger and more expensive ships which people who make lots of money from internet spreadsheets will buy and promptly not destroy, just making things that much worse and leaving the current clueless dev's helpless.

TL;DR: Don't play Eve. It's not fun anymore.
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it's smut.
space tiger man breaks out of space slavery, rescues a space vampire witch, and goes on space adventures collecting a space harem.

i bring it up because in that particular book he gets trapped in a dream and fucks a space harpy, and it turns out his ship was sapient all along and the harpy was his ship also in the dream.

other shipwife fiction inclues Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Battle Fairy Yukikaze, and The Last Angel
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for me, it's the Agamemnon
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...the TARDIS is that big?
The missing link I think is entropy. EVE ships don't decay when stuck in inventory, I presume. And there's no / little maintenance cost to keeping thousands of warships in player's bags of holding, presumably.
>leaving the current clueless dev's helpless.
Introduce a "use it or lose it" policy via an upkeep cost, coupled with inventory caps.

it would also help with the server issues they get during those massive wars we always hear about.
it's smaller on the outside

took me a while to realise I was looking at Unicron, noice
I respectfully disagree on all points.
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What is your counter-example? If you look at historical ships from cold war to the current, arr rook same.
this movie was kind of a letdown compared to the games but was still cool as hell. I liked the mix of practical effects and CGI. Kinda gives proto-BSG remake vibes
If EVE did that, it would lose the last bits of fun where it was internet spaceships.
It would not hurt massive organizations but the casual players doing their own thing, solo/small gang pvp, ratting and gathering isk with their own limited means, not multiboxing etc.
upkeep and caps can easily be slanted to hurt the large inventories
casual players could for example be exempt
same way taxes work
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You're not getting it. They don't have large inventories. They don't need them. They can multibox with 1 ship per account if need be. Eve is not like other MMOs. It allows and to some degree encourages multiboxing.
They have their own factories (and on-demand production capability is what the meta would shift towards if owning ships had an ongoing cost) whereas the casuals compete for extremely limited npc factory production slots.

EVE's economy won't be fixed by throwing around vague ideas without even knowing the game. They've got professional economists on their payroll trying to figure it out and it just isn't working.
>They can multibox with 1 ship per account if need be. Eve is not like other MMOs. It allows and to some degree encourages multiboxing.
well there's your problem
IRL such large entities e.g. empires are broken up by war and natural decay.
>They have their own factories (and on-demand production capability is what the meta would shift towards if owning ships had an ongoing cost) whereas the casuals compete for extremely limited npc factory production slots
devs can put a cap on factory ownership as well
IRL regulations prevent corporations the size of nations (e.g. Apple) from becoming actual nations
>They've got professional economists on their payroll trying to figure it out and it just isn't working.
have those economists explained why they can't solve the problem?
>EVE's economy won't be fixed by throwing around vague ideas without even knowing the game.
Fair enough, but some of these problems appear to be self-inflicted
The Carrier/Destroyer is the standard version and the only one that appears in the movies. The Dreadnought is more Filoniwars bullshit that goes in the trash where it belongs.
>Filoniwars bullshit that goes in the trash where it belongs.
hear, hear
Optimal in space would be a sphere.
or a squat barrel
>have those economists explained why they can't solve the problem?
They kinda have? There is a fundamental economy problem with players creating far more value than they consume, but so far ccp economists have kept it under control. There is no ridiculous inflation or any other major problems within the economy that would ruin it for everyone or a specific type of player, the market is still nearly 100% player-driven as always, market pvp is far more brutal than spaceship pvp, etc.

You are now trying to solve a problem that is not a problem in the first place. There are huge player-controlled empires with immense resources worth probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars... and that's fine. It's kinda the point of the game. They have their own internals tax systems define by the players and everything. Player agency in other MMOs is limited to how big shoulder armor you can get. In EVE Online players run the galaxy.
It's just that the gameplay is ass at those scales. It's gone from--as other anon put it--internet spaceships to internet spreadsheets. Eve is most fun when it is solo or small gang pvp.
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How about interlocking rings?
Generic is one thing they are not.
"generic shape" maybe, but the actual designs themselves are clearly part of LoGH identity
Still waiting for a short story about the last stand of UNSC Boldy They Rode and Quoth the Raven.
>mentioning Culture ships without dropping favorite names
>GSV Anticipation of a lover's arrival
>GSU Xenophobe
>GSV Never said I love you
>GSV Improper suggestion
Half of those are made up, that's the beauty of Culture ship names
And then after a few books it hits you with the
>GSV Shit faced bastard
>UNSC Boaty McBoatface
Bodacious Space Pirates?
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Your warship is armed with double barreled spinal mount cannons, right anon?
disappointing game that, lags too fast and has too many hard coded limits e.g 500g RC control. Oh and RC code is shite
>ships don't decay when stuck in inventory, I presume. And there's no / little maintenance cost to keeping thousands of warships
Nor would they IRL. Something that can survive space would last a very long time, far longer that what's relevant to the game. People won't be playing eve in 4 centuries time.
Or they will and It'll end up like 40K with people owning ships which were built before they were born.
People were playing eve 2 decades ago.
There are already people owning ships which were built before they were born.
> They've got professional economists on their payroll trying to figure it out and it just isn't working.
Probably needs a free market but the devs long ago implemented something that acts like a government interference.
>IRL such large entities e.g. empires are broken up by war and natural decay.
Correct, one big way that happens is a few key people from that company die or move on. Eve's not been around long enough for that to happen I expect.
>IRL regulations prevent corporations the size of nations (e.g. Apple) from becoming actual nations
You know what I mean. Of course you could technically have a 9 year old younger brother playing in 2016 for the same effect. I'm talking someone in 2176 playing.
>You know what I mean. Of course you could technically have a 9 year old younger brother playing in 2016 for the same effect. I'm talking someone in 2176 playing.
In English, doc
The CIS will rise again!
Also anons, any redomendation for Fleet battle books? I read the Lost Fleet ones (The first series and the ayss one) and I quite liked it.
Get a taste.
this anon hates cool things and constantly licks dicks
>Nor would they IRL
even metals in a vacuum would oxidise. protective coatings stop protecting. microelectronics stop working first, then thin wiring. you can delay but you cannot defeat entropy.

> Total opposite mate, governments make monopolies.
Governments which respect the free market stop market leaders from entrenching their hold so strongly that they are irreplaceable. It's in their ultimate interest to keep healthy competition going; government itself is a customer.
oh great it's the free market schizo
TLW rules but man some of the autists behind it are just way too abrasive and annoying.
Absolutely beautiful ships though, man alive

Man, I love ME ships. Both of the Normandys are amazing love letters to the lockheed constellation, retrofuturism, syd mead, etc. All the right buttons being pushed.
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TNG era Romulan ships are so cool, my favorite is this piece of shit from the Armada 2 game.
Star Trek in general has an amazing art direction that is sadly held hostage by fags more interested writing about inane gay bullshit.
Every setting that has "Realism" at its core will attract some of the most insufferable people imaginable.
there's a couple tasteful recs there, too. live a little.
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My warship has a rail gun that fires in 3 round bursts. Plus my uncle works at Nintendo and my Dad can beat up your dad.
>Governments which respect the free market stop market leaders from entrenching their hold so strongly that they are irreplaceable. It's in their ultimate interest to keep healthy competition going; government itself is a customer.
Sounds great. Maybe next time all our "too big to fail" fail they'll be allowed to actually die.
>Yahoo has monopolised the tech industry, it's joever
based projection-anon
still upset it just got randomly shrekt so effortlessly, 343 does NOT know how to kill things off properly
>you CAN'T have fun blasting ayys ok you just CAN'T you have to be SERIOUS about it all the time ok!!!??? it MUST be completely joyless or I'm gonna tell!!!!!
yeah, you're definitely a fag for sure

The Pillar of Autumn died in Halo 1 anon.
There are aliens, but in reality it’s VERY rare to actually see them. 20 years ago or something like that they stopped visiting — I heard from somewhere that they lost their visitation rights, maybe due to all abduction research they were doing which led to them being spotted occasionally. So if they visit now it’s not going to be in a form we have any easy way of detecting. Manipulating the narrow bands of the electromagnetic spectrum we rely on is probably trivial for them if they’re focused on stealth. They probably don’t have "warships", the very concept may be completely archaic to them. An example of that difference in perspective was in War of the Worlds; the Tripods were NOT war machines and the Martians were NOT waging war — they were forestry workers clearing a bog and fumigating the area, and any risk to them was at the level of an occupational hazard. Alien visitors to Earth likely see it as an interesting biosphere that is rare in the universe, and humanity not that much different to other Earth organisms. But, still, there’s rules which apply to them and they can’t do literally whatever they want, maybe these complex biospheres are rare enough that they get the protection of galactic park wardens or something like. Ie, you’re not allowed to unduly disrupt the ecology which are resource for everyone not just for one group of greedy assholes.
Also, how many fuckoff absurdly gigantic ships like the Long Night of Solace did the Covenant have? I wonder why NONE of them ever wondered why they’re geocoding humans and not offered a place in the Covenant?
I don't know why EVE doesn't just implement "multi boxing" or small fleet control from a single session. The ships themselves are extremely simple, why shouldn't I be able to switch between five ships with the requisite skills and outfitted clones.

What are the mods for SE? Seems like anytime I go to multi-player, there is nothing. This looks cool as fuck though!
fuck I'm rarted, thought it was Infinity, which looks completely different
i'd honestly watch this movie
If I recall from Halo lore, the first meeting with the Covenant started out okay but went badly, then after a bit the Prophets realized they were reclaimers and basically did a huge propaganda campaign since they could upend the faith.
The Elites really didn't mind, it seemed, only when the Prophets tried replacing them with the Brutes.
The rest of the Covenant were mercenary/peasant tier or not numerous enough.
>The Elites really didn't mind, it seemed, only when the Prophets tried replacing them with the Brutes.
Elites had immense respect for human ground forces. Besides the changing of hats, they were suspicious of why such a martially powerful species wasn't offered a position within the Covenant.
Prophets said they were demons.

Some were suspicious but it's not like you can voice that opinion in a theocratic dictatorship.
>The ships themselves are extremely simple

Sure you could control 5 sniper battleships (or 50 for that matter) in a blob vs blob context where everyone is just following orders and doing the exact same simple actions.
But in solo pvp where skill actually matters, you will have your hands completely full just flying one ship, managing d-scans, etc
For the Elites, the war with humanity was like Afghanistan. It wasn't "Difficult" or anything approaching "an even fight" but it was just endless nuking of spider holes. Pointless and without honor and it was dragging on and on with no end in sight. The Vast majority of elites had never even seen a *picture* of a human even after the war, a human literally visits their homeworld and basically no one even pays them any mind.
The covenant have an absolute assload of ships, High Charity's escort fleet alone was ten times the size of the biggest fleet the UNSC had ever seen, and fleets operated with a great deal of Autonomy, with some even attacking others. An average elite during the war was literally more likely to be killed by a covenant pirate than by a human.

So the elites just accepted the war in the beginning on the word of the prophets, but as it dragged on without any real end goal or justification, fought in a way that didn't resemble their other wars (bloody the enemy then incorporate them), many began to have doubts. It's cannon even as of Halo 3 that there were wide scale protests of the war. Ntho, the blue elite who player three or four plays as in Halo 3, was stated to have been one of a growing number of young elites to speak out against the war.

The "absolute authority" of the prophets is something that only exists in theory, otherwise a threat like the Sangheili Council of high chairity threatening to leave wouldn't have been taken seriously.
>no Who's Your Daddy
You'll need an engineer for that ship. Can you tell my wife she can't come?
No she's not a battleship, but I don't care.

None better.
That doesn't change multi boxing.
I'm asking for native support to let people fly their own small fleet on a single account to their best ability.
Heavy cruiser
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Me 2
is it true what Abrams Trek* claims that these ships are mainly science vessels?
>*I know, I know, sorry, not a Trekkie
first of all, who cares what Abrams Trek says, not cannon.
Second of all, most Starfleet ships before encounter with the Borg were "Exploration/Science/Diplomatic" vessels.
Defiant was the first "battleship" federation had designed in a long time and it was classed as an "Escort".
Some of the other Dominion War era ships are also more battle hardened, like the Sabre, Steamrunner and Akira.
The classification for the refit Constitution might come from a TTG called Star Fleet Battles or from the Starfleet Command game.
It's essentially the main theme of Star Trek itself, they are explorers and the federation is a peaceful cooperative alliance.
I suppose it doesn't help that I think the first Abrams Trek was really cool with an awesome score and a couple of decent battle scenes, and would be really good as a generic sci-fi movie

>most Starfleet ships before encounter with the Borg were "Exploration/Science/Diplomatic" vessels.
>Defiant was the first "battleship" federation had designed in a long time and it was classed as an "Escort".
so in a sense, "yes if pre-Borg"?

yeah that's what a lot of people say about Roddenberry Trek
(too early for my age, my first encounter was with Picard)

I think it's pretty cool that these are supposed to be exploration vessels. kinda like HMS Endeavour, HMS Endurance, etc.
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Officially Starfleet does not field warships.
If you go by video games, they practically did during late 2290s and early 2310s, but kept them secret, however this is not TV show/Film canon.
After Borg, Starfleet started building more combat oriented ships but never classified them as such.
is Fleet Command good? It looks awesome but I've not dived into it yet
Wrong, there are few TOS episodes where the constitution class is referred to as a heavy cruiser. It is not just the video games and tabletop.
Love this game. Awesome mix between homeworld sci-fi vibes and realistic ship combat
Remember that episode where Obrien's wife got turned into a little girl and she was really offended that he wasn't giving her any physical attention?
To quote a review "Warning: This game requires you to submit medical documentation verifying your autism diagnosis before you're allowed to play complicated space ship shooty boom war game"

The game has depth like the Marianas Trench. Prepare for a crash course in Radar Dynamics, Electronic Warfare, Cruise Missile tactics, 3 Dimensional Thinking, Warship Outfitting, and not thinking too hard about why a Spaceship is on Fire.
I think I had fun with it.
Didn't win many matches against A.I but it felt fun.
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The total lack of guardrails is worrying me.
Either there's a gravitational mirror or everyone dumb enough already fell off.
so what your saying is that if I have a few hundred hours in Children of a Dead Earth I should like it? (I acknowledge they're two very different styles of game)
Ever played Harpoon?
No. Milsim navel warfare game iirc
Probably. Nebulous is more PvP focused and less granular than CoaDE, not like that's hard. Fights are shorter range and half the game is finding the enemy and getting a firing solution before they can do the same. The game is very missile centric. Not only are they the deadliest weapon in the game but there's also a lot of tools for countering them (decoys, PD, anti-missile missiles, etc). There are guns but you can't make your own. The game locks you into 3 calibers per faction 120/100mm,250mm,and 450mm. You also have railguns/mass drivers but they're more for harassing than actually taking out an enemy.

Ships can't get blown in half like they can in CoaDE but you can damage a ship so badly the crew abandon ship or you can cause the reactor to explode. Damage control is a major part of the game Subsystem damage is a major part of the game as everything from berthing space to individual thrusters have their own hit boxes within the larger hitbox of the warship. Think War Thunder except most repairs are automatic and fires can spread from subsystem to subsystem

I think that's everything important. Just remember to pay your PD tax and test a fleet before running into multiplayer.
sounds cool. so you can customize your ships? I assume there's a skirmish or single player since you need to "test" a fleet before MP
Skirmish is exactly what they call it. You're basically given empty hulls with the bare minimum needed to move and allowed to slot in whatever parts can fit. Game is still in EA so you've got some mechanics like Crew that don't do anything.
Always loved the Hyperion. It's a shame that the reboot series dropped the ball hard on space combat.
The Gamilan export Andromedas were one of the coolest things introduced by 2202, even if they're only shown taking off in one scene and as destroyed wrecks in the next.
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Could you please bump with some images?
Futurama lookin ass
Black Fleet Saga by Joshua Dalzelle
Space combat doesn't become interesting until you fill the vacuum ocean with merchant, mining/fishing and other civilian vessels.

Final destination crap is the most boring.
Pillar of Autumn
In Amber Clad
Unto Breach
Two for Flinching
Bum Rush
Say My Name
Sangheili hands wrote this.
It was a trap. If he did lewd things with her younger self, her older self would've punished him for it.
I agree, space is absolutely boring unless is full of stuff, from ays to monsters or human stuff.
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Your wish is my command.
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Bumping but with Content.

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