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GE claims to have developed and tested a new hypersonic dual-mode ramjet with substantial performance gains over previous art – 3x airflow increase – in work performed over 11 months. Every application of such a thing is military in nature, so theorycraft as you will.
Need to keep the lead on jet engines.
So is this for a cruise missle?
Or something unmanned and very fast, or SR72.
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>new hypersonic ramjet
>looks inside
>it's a fucking pipe
realistically speaking that's every ramjet/scramjet style engine. The engineering is generally just material.
It's a joke tho.
>just material.
And incredible well researched high speed aerodynamics+engine control. That's why others countries simply copy or use as base the designs developed in the US
>draw the rest of the fucking owl
there's a reason why hypersonic engines are so much cheaper and easier to build compared to subsonic engines. It do be getting simpler the faster you go
>it's a fucking pipe
I feel like that's a little reductive.
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if it was possible the Russians and the Chinese would have done it already with all the lead they have in hypersonics. But by all means continue to waste your money
China probably failed at their attempt in materials science, and Russia probably failed in general competency and not being a bunch of thieves
>with all the lead they have in hypersonics
they made some glide vehicles, that's it. it's not new tech whatsoever. the space shuttle was a hypersonic glide vehicle
There were a whole bunch of pre-shuttle hypersonic lifting body concepts done in the 60's, dyna-soar, ASSET, PRIME, but the tech was mostly a solution looking for a problem. X-15 is also worth a mention.
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China and Russia are just now starting to catch up to 1950s US tech.
*turning on the turbogetto*
And after turbogetto?
This hits far too close to home.
I'll have you know it's a very fancy tube with flamethrowers on the inside.
The only reason the US didn't put any research into hypersonic boost-glide was because it encroached on a nuclear arms treaty with the Soviets. We're just too damn honorable for our own good.
this bait gets funnier the longer I think about it
>bro it's just a fucking tube
The geometry do be looking simple, but it be not.
Also, getting ignition in a hypersonic airflow is not trivial.
The thing is, we did put money and effort in BGVs. We started in the 50s with Bold Orion, High Virgo, Alpha Draco, the HBGV, on to SWERVE in the 80s, FALCON HTV, and now ARRW and C-HGB (successor to SWERVE). The US has always kept on the cutting edge in research, the problem is crossing over into production. As pointed out by others before, making a missile go fast and turn is trivial compared to developing a kill chain efficient enough to utilize the reduced time the missile gives you. What good is a super-duper missile if your target is long gone by the time you get the ok to launch? Also, they offer relatively little advantage over standard BMs - or even CMs - at a much higher price point. Another thing, since the Cold War, the US hasn't wanted to field capabilities that force our enemies to make escalatory or irrational moves. Not unless the US was using it as an ace up its sleeve during negotiations. There's essays out there about the problem with hypersonic kill chain, and for the rest of the shit I listed.
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>designs a nerve-breaking TUUUUBE
>the last version had a trust of 500 kgf and could propel the V-1 to +800km/h outperforming far more complex designs
Junkers, BMW, and bongs hated that thing.
so how fast would this thing be able to go? I know it's fuselage dependent, but, say, stick it in an SR-72 with a frame that is as reinforced as modern engineering allows, and make it computer piloted so you don't have to keep a human alive. What are we looking at?

and what's the point?
A prision of some sort.
>so how fast would this thing be able to go?
Also curious. Anyone up for some napkin math?
Retard question (extra retarded since I'm an engineer), but how do you turn while going at speeds like this? In my mind it seems like you could only make really tiny turns. Anything else would either fuck up the pilot or the plane.
You don't.
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Kinda shitty picture, but the radius of turn is a function of your speed (atmospheric properties assumed constant). The load factor is a function of bank angle. The force on the airframe isn’t substantial in a turn unless you start banking it over hard, which will cause other problems. The airplane would likely enter an accelerated stall if excessive load factor was imposed rather than exceeding a structural limitation.
>fancy tube with flamethrowers on the inside
The flamethrowers themselves are tubes, too, ergo it is a series of tubes.
>François, ou did vous put le jew du speed?
Just like my hometown
To public knowledge, we haven't deliberately pushed the limits of instantaneous g records since something like the 1950s or 60s. So it's hard to say.
how fast tho
very gradually
Fuck off
always has been
>500 kgf
you guys really are a farce
>user of superior metric system
>wants to measure thrust
>thrust is measured in units of force
>can't remember the unit for force in superior metric system
>remembers that stupid americans can differentiate between force and mass in their hacked together system of king appendages and grain buckets by putting "m" or "f" at the back end of their force unit "lb"
>puts an f at the back end of the mass unit and calls it a day
kgf aka the kilopond is just a linear multiple of the newton, you windbag. who gives a single fuck in casual conversation, if his meaning is understood and the dimensional analysis lines up. go excrete yourself near someone else's countertops

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