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this thread is for everyone to pay their respects to the holy weapon cube.
Whatever happened to /K/ube?
The artist and patron got freaked the fuck out when their statement on the horror of weapons became a holy icon to the glory of man's ultimate expression of self determination. They hid it in some dank warehouse like some two bit confederate statue.
I checked, and it resides in Edmonton, Alberta, in western Canada.
Can't tell if it currently resides in a museum or out of public view, but last I heard either the Prince of Wales Armories or Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA).
It's worth noting, that since it's original unveiling in Edmonton, the province has grown increasingly pro-gun as the years go by.
>or Art Gallery of Alberta
Friend of mine lives near there and tried to go see the holy /k/ube last year. It's not there.
What's the story here? Is that a fucking pallet of dead russians? Grim. Good on the russians for figuring out pallet technology though.
We must liberate it. It's Canada, resistance will be minimal.
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I do not possess an appropriate reaction image for this. I'm torn between laughter and a grim revulsion at the state of humanity.
It wont be as simple as it sounds, the overwhelming majority of guns in Canada, be they legal or illegal, reside in Alberta.
Shouldn't they assist us then?
If you came to throw out the current government, probably.
If you come for the /k/ube, I couldn't say for sure.
The /k/ube must be protected at all costs.
>state of humanity.
its just the state of pidorashkas, they dont belong to humanity
did you ask the people running the gallery where it was
the solution is simple: those who offend you thusly are not part of humanity
>did you
I never went there. My friend did go through every exhibit at the museum but didn't ask anyone because he's an anti social weirdo.
did you tell your friend he's retarded
thx m8 it means a lot
Probably smart. Those Cancucks probably track anyone who asks where it is and fit the profile.
>It's worth noting, that since it's original unveiling in Edmonton, the province has grown increasingly pro-gun as the years go by.
The Cube's blessings are many.
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We have faced this scourge before l, we know what needs to be done.
It is every vatnik's final duty to go into the cubes, to become one with the people.
That looks like a very expensive /k/ube how many thousands of dollars in weaponry do you think is in it?
Would you give one of your guns to the /k/ube?
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St. NLAW approves
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Praise the /k/ube and long live the /k/ween.
Get your own, bud
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Based and commissar pilled.
Гдe идeт вoйнa, мы бyдeм cпeдoвaть
I've seen this thing in person while it was still at the museum. Apparently it's not there anymore which sucks.
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Ave Nex Alea;

War is the way of Man;

Man is the means of war;

the Murder/k/ube allows us war;

our worship is our readiness.

Saluto Nex Alea.
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they are moving the cube at the end of the year. its not being shown atm.
Trolling flag boards with proxies must be great fun during times like this.
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The kube can protect itself
> moving the /k/ube
> leaving Edmonton
> for a permanent home
Ok /k/, what should the permanent home of the /k/ube be?
> inb4 Medina
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> permanent home for /k/ube?
/k/nob Creek, /k/entucky
> it's in Bullitt County
It's the murder/k/ube newfren
some madman bought the /k/ube and is putting it in his living room
Oh my Cube in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Please bless me with my new 300 winmag barrel and deliver my optic through US Customs by September so I have some time to practice before hunting season. Amen.
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Soon to be a coom room of doom
>permanent home
I would unironically buy it and display it for myself and guests. I need a bigger house, though.
>permanent home
Invert its purpose
> originally an anti-gun piece of "art"
> buy /k/ube
> re-wat as many pieces of /k/ube as possible
> send /k/ube's original creator pic of each re-made gun
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Saluto Nex Alea
Hail Firepower
I think they're too far gone to salvage.
>melt the metal down and make 1911s out of them
>salvage the wood for grips
>make 1911s out of them
Something fitting about that.
> "And the Lord said unto Moses, John Moses Browning, go forth and make pistols."
It would send the anti-gun and the anti-god types into a fit. Two for the price of one.
Revelation 19:11
>“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”
>Revelation 19:11
/me looks it up.
Holy shit.
There's your rollmark on the slide.
And your serial number
Model: /k/ube /k/ommander
Serial: Rev19-11-xxxxx
it's the murder/k/ube, all the weapons in it were ritually murdered, thus making them more symbolically murder filled. Resurrecting the dead guns would decrease the amount of murder in the /k/ube, I propose instead that the hollow inside of the /k/ube should be turned into a mausoleum for historic guns that were destroyed by anti gunners at buybacks and stuff.
I wonder what happens to the guns the cops destroy.
If they just throw them away or sell them as scrap, then getting hold of it would probably be pretty simple.
>guns the cops destroy
Hint: they don't destroy a lot of them
> be me, small town adjacent to large shithole cancerous city
> local PD has a table at annual Town Picnic
> Chief of PD is there
> guns-on-table.gif
> M16 on table
> pencil barrel, duck bill flashhider, bayo lug, 20-round mag, A1 upper, no fence
> get closer
> oh, it's a rubber duck (training rifle, inert)
> Chief, how'd you get this?
> resident owned it, he died, wife was scared of it
> she turned it in for destruction
> chief-smiles.jpg
> "it was too nice to destroy"
That Chief has since retired. At most recent field day I asked the new chief, "where's the rubber M16?"
> old chief took it with him when he retired
I know of other departments that will let officers keep their service weapon when they retire so on day of retirement the department assigns the retiring officer weapons from the "special collection" and the he can keep that weapon.
>>seize it en route
>>secretly move it to Bannerman Island
>>establish the official /k/ult, sue state of jew york for religious infringements, refuse to leave island and bunker down
>>devotees arrive from across the country to pay tribute to the cube with offerings of Hoppes #9/spent shell casings/blood
>establish the official /k/ult, sue state of jew york for religious infringements, refuse to leave island and bunker down
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hail the /k/ube
Hopefully someone close.

Well I'm an Ameri bro so if I ever visit Leafland again I'll be sure to ask and take the heat off my fellow canuk bros.
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>Ok /k/, what should the permanent home of the /k/ube be?
Hear me out anon. It should be placed in the hands of the knife angel. I don't care about the size difference, it should be given whatever support is needed in order to achieve this.
Include some great symbol meaning. Create a cube pyramid made of stone tools at the bottom, going through the ages of weaponry until the /k/ube itself stands on top. A place for future weaponry on top of it.
Nope, just throw in the bullet church somewhere in the mix
>>Welcome Anon to the independent state of... New Kanon
>>Recovered UXO from the grounds up on pedestals lining the path to the central holy chamber
>>Multiple metal detectors and secure checkpoints along the way to ensure that no one approaches the sanktuary unarmed
>>Monastery/armory full of reloading benches
>>Broken parts and spent shell casings surround the holy Line
>>All pathways are paved with spent 22lr brass
>>Hudson river is full of NYPD/NYSP/Nasty Girls corpses, the beach waters run red with blood
>>Latin chanting echoes over the waters day and night
The Borg queen is very interested.
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Any organization that would ruin a Colt Python like does not know what they’ve got.
Chicago has arguably earned it.
>Multiple metal detectors and secure checkpoints along the way to ensure that no one approaches the sanktuary unarmed
>organ kontinually plays military marches
Also bagpipes
Balti-murder seems to disagree.
Someone photoshop the cube into the angel's hands
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At Springfield Armory in Mass. they have a small museum devoted to the weapons the armory made.
> this isn't the Springfield Armory in IL
> those fuckers just bought the rights to the name
> this is the place in Mass. that made weapons for the US for 2 centuries (1777 - 1968)
> in the museum they have an "Organ of Rifles"
> it's about 600+ Springfield muskets
> stacked in a beautiful cube
Would make a fitting base for the /k/ube

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