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take him down to infiltrate the vatican
use a carrier pigeon. they just fly right in.
>unzips dick
No. He's Swiss. He's neutral, He's wearing a stripped uniform with a pattern that confuses firecontrol systems. I can't do this.
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>take him down to infiltrate the vatican
I dress and arm myself in the way of the Swiss Guard’s natural predator, a drunken Landsknecht. I will finally get to live out my dream of sacking Rome.

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Dude probably can't run from having been around too many priests as a kid.
>You have to be 18 or older to post here
You're at least 10 years too old for that to work anon
File deleted.
On the flip side, how fucking cool wouldn't it be to be a swiss guard and get to legally kill someone in the name of god?
Do they learn any halberd techniques or do they have grip skiddly back there in case shit goes down?
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They are like the British royal guards with the funny hats.
The old-fashioned uniforms and archaic weapons standing at the gate with the tourists pointing and taking pictures are just for tradition, they have actual assault rifles for when they need to seriously defend their charge (the british guards rifles have bayonets though becuse of course)
Pretty gay cause you still go to jail for acting beyond the ceremony of your office.
the (sigh) King's guard are actual soldiers on a public duties rotation though so they're fully trained soldiers in their own right, some may even have combat experience

shit's going down in the magical world if Harry Potter's protecting the pope
Why doesn't italy just invade the fuckers? Imagine the riches they could seize from the cardinals: lands all over the world, buildings, castles, museums, art collections, foundations, and not to mention the gold reserves and billions of the vatican bank. All that bounty just at theur doorstep, guarded by a handful of posers in carnival costumes and halberds.
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Idk man, I would think differently if it were a ceremonial guard equal to an Arlington Cemetery watchstander, but this guy is just a guy holding a cheap looking halberd while wearing funky antiquated clothes. You think he's gonna try to kill me if I violate his territory? You think he's gonna get away with trying while he's operating in Europe inside EU territorial boundaries? Maybe you lack perspective anon, but you're wrong.
Presumably there's a number of catholics in Italy not to mention abroad who would object.

Also the Swiss gurds have guns as has been pointed out
>Bankers' best guesses about the Vatican's wealth put it at $10 billion to $15 billion
chump fucking change to a state with nearly $2 trillion GDP, dumbass
Italy gets twenty times that much from tourism every year
the resulting reputation hit from annexing the Vatican would outweigh any financial gains several times over
>if Harry Potter's protecting the pope
Is that a fanfiction written by a christian somewhere, in which Potter forsakes the satantic world of magic to become a warrior of Christ?

The Harry Potter books have worse worldbuilding than the ones that make up the Bible honestly.
Read a book, nigga
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>he's operating in Europe inside EU territorial boundaries?
Vatican isn't part of the EU. Also, the halberds are very real and they are in fact trained in how to use them.
What's the fucking point? The only thing they could deal with an halberd is an unarmed civvie, any mook with a gun will kill you instantly
>but they're trained with guns
>but they're ceremonial
So what's the reason of training in the first place??
>Vatican isn't part of the EU
I never said they were. Where is the Vatican on the map, anon? If you said "it is completely contained within the country of Italy and relies heavily upon Italian law enforcement and cooperation", then good job. Where do these people stand watch at the Vatican, anon? If you said "at points of entry to the Vatican from Italy" then give yourself a pat on the back. Let's be honest though: you said none of these things because being a pedantic disingenuous faggot is your only agenda here.
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Basically this. While the unforms are funny looking, the were designed by Michelangelo which is cool and the tradition of 200 Swiss guards looking after the Vatican has been there since 1505 and it is the oldest military group in service in the world. They are well trained men and historically they have been in a few wars. I believe there is an equavalent of this guard in every country.
Why shouldn't they be trained in how to handle a piece of equipment if they are going to carry it as part of their job, brainlet.
>not telling him that the time of the execution... has changed
I shiggity diggity doodog.
You're just a faggot who is butthurt someone rightly called out that your schoolshooter-tier fantasy as retarded.
No, you're just being a medieval autist trying to ride the pole that is the halberd. The ceremonial guards are useless.
Does the Pope ever do room inspections?
They are military, if you tried to durka durka the pope you'd get shot.
If you acted like a retard who thinks the British guards aren't allowed to move and played stupid games you'd just get slapped any maybe taken into custody for a bit.
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>In Nomine Dominvs
does the pope shit in the woods?
You are probably right. I have a book called Roma e il Vaticano and there is an article about the Swiss guard and they say it was Michelangelo who made the first design but when I checked some other sources on the internet it mostly says it is mistakenly attributed to Michelangelo. I just trusted the book I have from Italy lol.
Patti lateranensi entered the chat
why is he standing on a pallet?
Matchlock arquebus. Polearmfags still seething 600 years later lmao.
fuck me running, gimme the name
The halberd would probably do the job against a new European gardener of peace armed with a machete
I'm not talking about the guards using guns that surround the polearm users. I'm talking about the halberd user. Pikes don't fire bullets, anon. This is not the same as an Arlington Cemetery watchstander.
>"Behold the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch"
>on his own
You are going to DIE.
I can't. He's protected from God himself.
>So what's the reason of training in the first place??
they take turns being the armed response squad round the corner, and being the ceremonial halberdiers, fuckwit
>The most basic bitch I'm the world with the face of a 13 year old
You're pathetic
>basic bitch
It's a man. She's a 10/10 for trannies.
>Not a scene where anyone said Bankai
>Not a scene where a Bankai did anything useful
If you attack a ceremonial halberdier I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to hit you with the thing in his fucking hands.
>Be ceremonial guard
>Given ceremonial weapon
>trained in it's use, just in case someone or a group tries to mob you
Did you know that nearly every organized military on the planet still teaches men to fight with their bare hands, knives, and sticks?
Tomboys bear healthy children.
fucking learn to google image search
I thought they used P220s
Yes he is because he’s a member of a religious order, not a random civilian. If he thinks you need to die he will kill you and the Pope will say it’s okay and he won’t feel very bad.
Where do you live that she's not attractive?
The 'gyaru landsknecht' is one of centurii's funnier gags.
First step, I disguise myself as a painter who's been sent to renovate that fucking booth.
I just have to time my takeout so that there's nobody else within 50 meters facing my way.
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That's the smallest Swiss guard I have ever seen, usually they are pretty big dudes.

And by the way they do have a gun under those puffy clothes and are surprisingly well trained.

That's just Harry Potter doing guard duty at Hogwarts.

Already done that.
The papal state used to be 1/3 of Italy and included Rome.
The Italian army broke trough the papal states defenses and the pope ran away to France.
The following popes kept being pissed off and talk shit about the Italian government till Mussolini (many years and popes afterwards) gave them back a bit of land and a mini state to sort that out.
>infiltrate the vatican
why should i, im protestant. cathols can fuck themselves
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>The Italian army broke trough the papal states defenses and the pope ran away to France.
And they built themselves a nice little sweet home.
The Landsknechtettes are pretty good overall
These guys are skilled in hand to hand combat as well
Has anyone actually been subdued/killed by a modern day halberdier?
They use Glocks because Gaston was a Catholic who personally donated those pistols to the Swiss guard.
Sounds like bullshit, but it's 100% true.
No. You would easily be able to dispatch that guard, but there are others nearby with guns that would take you out immediately after.
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Fucking this. And it's not just the fact that the training might be useful, it's also part of standard military drill.
He's hiding some of his precious cheese from you, anon.
Take him out.
I like how dickbutt is similar to killroy now. It's like its successor
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>Father almost took a Job in Switzerland when I was younger
>Catholic background, could have feasibly gotten citizenship and been on the path to being a Swissguard
feels bad man
Damn I here I though Berettas were the most Catholic handgun
Glockchads I will l keep you in my prayers
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Thank you Mussolini; I really like the museum to the Alter of Peace and uhhh the Roma Termini station is alright as well
>you would easily be able to dispatch that guard
People are killed with knives, bats, and machetes every fucking day, retard.
Yeah, that's the worst place to get captured at, if you understand my meanings.
What did the latest one read?
Yes, by people who use those items to stab, clobber, and mutilate people routinely. Also, do you think he's gonna deflect bullets with his halberd? Dispatching him would be a simple thing, but it's the other guards in the area that will probably take you down. I can tell you've never been to the Vatican.
>You think he's gonna try to kill me if I violate his territory?
Yes, if you in your infinite wisdom decide that, with the advent of guns, all hand-held striking weapons now no longer function at a fundamental physical level and decide to push him, then he will kill you, presumably same as the Arlington watchman, and you will spend the last moments of your life being photographed by uncomprehending tourists.
Even with that, a halberd is probably the most useful hand-to-hand primary weapon out there.
It's a spear, plus an axe, and it's also a big sturdy pole.
It's perfect for crowd control and melee force application.
Dress up in full plate and let the autism take control / leave a trail made out of various Luther's works leading away from the post.
I wonder if centurii is a guy or not..what do you think fellow HATO glowies?
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gotta post it m8
I'm saying anyone is more likely to get away with killing the halberd welding man in Europe than the gun welding hero at Arlington Cemetery. Pay attention.
>It's literally impossible for a man with a large bladed implement to ever repel an attacker of any kind because everyone on the planet only attacks people using guns
If you're gonna move the goalposts, so will I. The Vatican halberd guard cannot survive a nuclear assault followed by a surface to surface missile barrage. The supported air drop and 5,000+ tank columns with 15+ different special forces detachments will also pose significant challenges. This doesn't even consider the 12 aircraft carrier groups, 500,000 insurgents trained in guerilla warfare, and the 6 million swat team members armed with collapsible batons all targeting this individual.
If they're a woman, probably. If they're a man, unlikely.
less lethal option
One of the requirements is being unmarried.
I want to see this movie
>smirking Vatican guardsman
>Nah, I'd win
>the 6 million swat team members armed with collapsible batons
>If you're gonna move the goalposts, so will I.

Here's the start of the chain
"has anyone been subdued by a Halberdier in modern times?"

here's your response

Thus the argument: It's impossible for a ceremonial guard to ever beat someone with his ceremonial melee weapon becasue every single attack involves guns
Yes you retard. The only people a halberd welding ceremonial guardsman could defeat is a drugged out junkie assaulting him by hand. Everyone else would optimize their assault by jumping on the opportunity of the only thing that has a definitive advantage against every melee weapon ever: ranged weaponry. Guess what ranged weapons are popular, common, and readily available more than any other anon.
>The only people a halberd welding ceremonial guardsman could defeat is a drugged out junkie assaulting him by hand
Goalpost shift.
>It's literally IMPOSSIBLE for a man with a melee weapon do defeat an attack in the modern age!
>Except for literally the most common form of assault by an order of magnitude
SO to be clear, you were fucking WRONG and GAY.
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So we're back to "every assault features a gun".
It doesn't matter because initial criteria wasn't established.
That supports MY point, not yours.
It makes both irrelevant
>face of a 13 year old
Well now I'm interested. What was the file?
Your nukes are nothing next to the power of God.
Also there are no goalposts. It's not a formal debate. There's no referee to award you victory, no matter how badly your opposition argues.
One of these guys squared up to take me down because I ran up the pope's private driveway or whatever when I was late for a scheduled tour.
He was really nice about it considering I was probably the 15th sweaty american retard he had to deal with that day.
>Your nukes are nothing next to the power of God.
You can't nuke away something that is already non-existent
Post gun with timestamp
No. I'm a knife and sword autist.
>gets shot by a swiss sniper somewhere in some window in the distance
the job of the ceremonial guard is to look good, keep people from wandering where they shouldn't and keeping schitzos from rushing in.
Because off this 99.9% of the interactions you are going to have will not result in you using force.
most of those that do will be non-lethal use of force.
A halbert is also very useful for crowd control.
You can create a dead space around you where people know if they enter they will get fucked up. hen your job is keeping people that want to get in out but not to kill them (because 99% of the people that want to get in have no bad intentions) then swinging a halbert around does that a lot better than putting a hole in someone.
If deadly force is needed that there are several squads of men with modern gear on quick response duty around the clock.
As for the organization and their employer it's a lot preferable that one of them gets shot. Then if every few years a guard pulls his gun to use deadly force on some guy who stoped taking his pills and has to go see the Pope to tell him to send missionaries to Venus to convert the lizard people.
Post sword with timestamp and brimmed hat
throw a bolt or a stone on the other side of the gate. while he checks out what that sound was. i will behind his back go through the gate in a crouching manner.
God I wish a girl would look at me like that
Post god with timestamp
The bit people don't get about papal forces is that they don't stay in the Vatican.
The Vatican operates a global network of assassins, just like isreal their defence policy is not territorial
you don't know what you're talking about.
Is that why the jews fucked up on 7th oct.? their assassins were abroad?
your paliposting is weak
mudslimes would say the jews were the ones doing all the raping and beheading, it was an elaborate false flag
Look, just get an Archbishop or Cardinal to approve first.
I wonder how effective the Vatican can be as an intelligence agency compared to the usual alphabet glowies, since they have churches and faithful in just about every country
>brimmed hat
I have a cloak. Does that work?
You must be 18 to post here.
Genesis 1:1. Don't want to get into the temporal stuff.
>take him down to infiltrate the vatican
That would be wrong. Are you a terrorist?
>No. He's Swiss. He's neutral, He's wearing a stripped uniform with a pattern that confuses firecontrol systems. I can't do this.
That's what I thought faggot. Go back where you came from.
Do the job or I'll find someone else who will
They have collapsible batons motherfucker
>muh immaturity synonymous with atheism
Christopher Hitchens was right.
you're replying to two different people (sword autist here)
The seal of confession is taken very seriously. Breaking it for the purposes of intelligence gathering would (iirc) incur automatic excommunication on part of the priest.
So basically nothing important as a consequence
But can't a priest make nudge decisions and act on info without saying anything based from what he heard in confession?
I know you're probably an atomized nihilistic zoomer and this might blow your mind but some people take their religions very seriously, particularly if they have made significant sacrifices for their faith. In the past, priests have been martyred for their refusal to break the seal.
What do you think an intelligence agency does, exactly? What do you think the role of a priest is, exactly?
That's cool and all, but forgiveness by God is more significant and important than by the institutions that pretend to administer faith on God's behalf. God makes the people, not the other way around.
>he thinks this is the real guard
That's nice, anon. The apostolic churches have a different understanding and they are the subject of the discussion here.
It gets better. There are anons in this thread that think the ceremonial halberd guard is an effective measure against gun welding assailants.
See >>62092787
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Yes, I can see that you do not understand or care about value systems other than your own. Thanks for your, uh, "contribution" to the discussion.
How about I take him down to a paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty?
I mean, if someone confesses he planted a bomb somewhere, and the priest later sends an anonymous tip to call in EOD. Will the priest be excommunicated if there's no information about the confessor shared?
No other value systems matter because acting in one's own self interest is the only course of action. To act outside of your own self interest is to commit yourself to someone else's value instead of your own, except when doing so benefits you.
Only God would know about the transgression, and God is not known for informing on Catholic priests for their transgressions.
The seal of confession is absolute. However, the priest typically assigns a penance or gives spiritual guidance to the penitent. In this case it is very likely that the "guidance" would be to tell the person who planted the bomb to defuse it or call emergency services.
I'm just some random guy and not a theologian so I don't know if calling EOD about a bomb threat would break the seal, but my guess would be no, as long as the priest doesn't reveal the identity of the bomb planter.
Cool value system you have there. A shame I don't care about it.
>A shame I don't care about it.
That's the spirit
The Vatican is a sovereign country
That guard is at the border (kinda). Killing him from the Italian side is a trivial thing.
In the event of serious crimes, a priest will usually tell the confessor that he cannot forgive so grave a sin unless a penance is performed beforehand, and absolution will be granted upon its completion. For example, if a murder is confessed, part of the penance will be to turn yourself in. It wouldn't be binding if the person refuses to carry out their penance. However, we can assume that if they're in the confessional, they're already aware of what will be asked of them and are ready to carry it out. The only times this might be waived is if the person is near death or if there's some extenuating political circumstances in the country (for example: perhaps there's not a law and order to speak of at the moment).
>the priest typically assigns a penance or gives spiritual guidance to the penitent. In this case it is very likely that the "guidance" would be to tell the person who planted the bomb to defuse it or call emergency services.
Something like this
I'd assume a border guard has some level of international authority as part of the job, or at least within the DMZ.
Probably, but gun beats halberd
yes, but the halbert isn't there to beat a gun
the armed response units are there to beat gun
the halbert is there because it looks snazy
as has being pointed out a dozen times in this tread already
>because it looks snazy
Worthless feature. It is the watchstander equivalent of "engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever".
Scizoid disorder is a sad thing to see
Post gun with timestamp
OP litterally says "take [the halberd guard]down to enter the Vatican" and people like you can't control your anger every time I mention how easy it is to do so. I even get you people to agree with me, and here you are running your mouth as if you think there's still something left to walk away from this conversation with.
because it's no as easy as take down man with the halbert, on the other side of that gate there are armed response teams
if you shoot the halbert guard they come out
you'r running on russian MoD logic, shoot border guard, cross border, ukraine is now ours
I'm gonna defer you to this ridiculous but convenient post >>62078254
>thinking half a minute ahead is moving the goal post
>talking about a element of a security system in the context of that system is moving the goal post
>you have to look at this one guy purely in the now
sure buddy, look how well that tuned out for the Trump shooter, It was just him and an un armed boomer. What could possibly go wrong for him?
You're overcomplicating everything. Just kill the damn guard like OP says and fuck the details, consequences, and everything else.
Good luck getting one in Italy
>schengen area with tons of poorly controlled borders
Not impossible
Highly unlikely to the point that a lone gunman isn't considered a threat. Polearm guy deals with rowdy locals and disrespectful tourists and the odd schizo among them trying to break in, possibly with a knife. On the off chance there is a guy with a gun, there's an armed response team sitting a couple hundred yards away at most. The Vatican is only like 1000 yards across at it's longest, there's effectively zero response time for backup because they're literally right there.
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>fedora tipper reacts mindlessly to latest reply regardless of logic and reply chain
it's practically amoebic
Is that really the case?

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