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Rapier sisters.... How do we cope with the fact that katana bros will kill us if we fought to the death
same way you deal with the fact that i could kill both of you dorks if we 'fought to the death'.
Why are you proud of being a pussy?
>inferring pride from nothing/projection
>ad hominem
dominated by the first post, anon. you are too gentle for this board.
You would killed by both if they got the fent buff
I am pretty sure that happened a bunch of times in history. Didn't end up too well for Katana bros.
>katana vs rapier
>man has a spadroon instead
Why are they like this?
The Master literally said he would not want to fight a rapier because of how dangerous it is to initiate an attack with a Katana.
Thats not even a fucking rapier.
In the video the katana master was very positive about the rapier after playing around with it, he also was commenting how scared he was of it's speed and reach immediately when he had to spar against it (and the guy using it was also untrained in it).
You didnt answer my question pussy
You can just take a hit from the rapier then in return you slash them. Easy
>not slicing the rapier in half lengthwise before beheading the enemy swordsman
Do you even spar brah?
I must feel good posting that
It's the video the image is referring to.
>makes video with a clear agenda
>weapon he wants to win wins
No way.How could this happen?
The fencer would just back out of reach. The Katana is 30 inches while the Rapier is 40 inches. Give or take.
But what if the rapier pierces right through the Katana? The Rapier's ore was smelted in the hottest kilns for 3 days to remove all impurities and then forged into shape by the finest Italian craftsmen to Germanic specifications.
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Rapiers are too often confused with smallswords/sideswords, rapiers are fucking huge dedicated dueling weapons that are pretty much the maximum size a one handed weapon can be while still being remotely practical, obviously they'd have a significant reach advantage over a sword that you were expected to carry around with you nearly 24/7 that needed to be comfortable to wear and short enough to freely move around indoors with.

This is also why katana vs "longsword" is generally a dumb discussion too, dedicated two handed battlefield swords were WAY bigger than people think they were due to people in movies always swinging their normal swords around like battleaxes
But the video shows that even using a shorter stand in weapon, the Rapier is a dangerous weapon to fight against. Even the master katana specialists said he would be terrified to engage against one in a real fight.
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Just to add to this, here is an except from an old longsword fighting manual. Doesn't look like something you'd wear on your hip while walking around inside houses and navigating busy streets does it?
>Dedicated dueling weapons.
Fudd spotted. Go back to your SCA bs while us HEMA big boys do the real shizzz.
Pride in handling an edged weapon is deserved. It requires physical fitness and poise. Any faggot can use a gun, including your obese, out of shape ass. The vast majority of the general public respects a skilled swordsman more than some asshole with a gun. Also in any situation where you don't already have your gun drawn you would get gutted by an edged weapon attacker within 20 feet.
Here's the video, since OP couldn't be arsed to link it
If you think choosing the most optimal option to protect yourself, family, friends, etc makes you less masculine, then you clearly hold your own manhood in very low regard.
moderately powerful bait
Actual historical accounts of Portuguese rapier fencers (specifically, destreza type rapier fencers who fenced with circular footwork as opposed to the more linear Italian fencers) did pretty well when fighting against Japanese swordsmen. My theory on this is that the Portuguese fencers, if they were experienced swordsmen, probably had some knowledge of longsword fencing which is somewhat similar to Japanese swordsmanship. Conversely, the Japanese probably did not have experience with the point oriented and circular moving fencing of the Portuguese. That and the fact that even though Spanish rapiers were typically shorter than other types of rapiers, they still had a good reach advantage against the typical katana.

Western sources did comment on the speed of the Japanese swordsman’s initial attack though, in which they would draw and deliver a deadly cut in the same motion. You can see how they practiced this with modern martial arts like iaido.
If you plan on throwing your life away that’s all fine and good but most people want to survive. Though I guess a ton of Japanese people just killed themselves after winning a duel anyways so that may actually be a sound strategy for them.
Where in his post did he mention any pride?
You're getting really upset over something he never said.
Dude on the left looks like a seething wojack
Fent buff makes every fight a short-term win only. In a fentynal zombie 3-way fight of gun vs rapier vs katana, every side is fighting until CNS damage or shortly after major blood supply interruption. Katana may actually have a chance here with its abnormally high damage vs limbs.
Less in civilan context. But in military context longsword can be sidesword. This how German longsword got noble status been associate with knights. And then trickled in as noble weapon to study and duel with
This reads like weaboo copypasta
Go back to watching bleach and polishing your mall sword kid
Is guy on left in better position or GUY on right in this instance? He is blocking to the outside and so long as he keeps distance he is an advantageous position to strike back. Guy on right could leap back but looks kinda committed like he could get his arm or leg cut if he timed his parry.
>portugal enters the server
Considering how it went when Samurai dueled Portuguese sailors, I'd guess pretty well.
autism detected
Your instantaneous seething about how much more people "respect" swordsmen (lol) over people who use guns is pretty indicative of autism, yes.
I aint the one you were crying to with a poor imitation of social skills.
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>no fair, throwing rock take no skill, Ugg only like pointy stick!
Sorry retard, but throwing rock wins. It was true 100,000 years ago, it's true today. The reason you exist is because your ancestors realized this, and murdered the other hominids who were not good at throwing rocks.

You are willingly reverting to subhumanism. No matter how good you make the pointy stick, throwing rock wins.
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I don't know mate, seething out of nowhere seems pretty fucking autistic to me.
And you sure got really fucking mad about a single post that doesn't involve you.
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based highly evolved chad
>sees assmad retard cry about the word pride not being mentioned
>laughs at autism
>REEEE ur the autistic and mad, not me!
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oh look he is posting selfies now.
why are you crying so hard over a rando commenting?
are you new to message boards or something, crybaby?
>no barrel
Why do sword threads always attract the biggest retards? We have two homos shitting up the thread with wojaks and shit because some other guy entertained the idea that you could kill a swordsman with gun
because swordfags are literally devolved subhumans. see: >>62066441
I wish my waist looked like this.
the guy literally talks about how dangerous the weapon is and how he can easily stop an attack. Are you retarded?
Tell that to Sakamoto Ryōma. Dude used S&W N2 Army
>Portuguese rapier fencers (specifically, destreza type rapier fencers who fenced with circular footwork as opposed to the more linear Italian fencers)
Verdadera Destreza and Vulgar destreza are quite different and the latter was older and more widely practiced style. Unless the historical accounts specifically mention the Verdadera Destreza or desctibe its movements it's not accurate to assume that it is what they were using just because they were Spanish/Portugese.
there's only one duel to the death between rapier and katana with witnesses and everything that I know of and both dudes died
Boshin war was based
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God I want to stab her
No one called Indiana Jones a pussy when he shot that dude with a sword.
fag post
captcha: NTR2A
In the anime/manga Shigurui there's a mock duel with a disgraced, but self-taught rapier wielder who picked it up after his master forbid him from pariticpating in the usual sword techniques. He appears to have gone mostly off of manuals, and the way he fights is not super duper accurate.
It's not a particularly important fight, and he doesn't win, but the way he's portrayed he would've been able to kill the person with the katana (or wooden sword in this case) if he didn't miss the initial attack and evidently he's killed a lot of people in previous (real) duels.
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>Sakamoto was a visionary who dreamt of an independent Japan without feudalism or the caste system, inspired by the example of the United States where "all men are created equal".
What a based individual
> well developed thighs
I'm sold. Gimme rapier.
The manga is pretty good btw, if a bit weird.
Probably the only depiction I've seen of this in any manga.
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not just that
She won't be able to parry this dick
Christ I'd rather have the Z bots than sword fag's.
is that some obsidian?
yes it's about a third of a chunk of it I found digging fenceposts
The way you type I can tell you got a tiny pecker. Like the average overcompensating gun owner.
You shouldn't use fucking manga as arguments nigga.
what rock is that? Obsidian? it looks lovely
It's not an argument, but it's a depiction.
No point in bringing it up anyways.
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I fucking hate underage youtube historian fags.

Bait thread but here's a cool rapier vs katana video


Rapier guy is fighting in chill mode because he was meant to bring the fencing gear for both but forgot so he can't do any dangerous strikes or fight at regular speed.
People are posting random shit regarding rapiers, why not bring it up for the sake of random discussion?
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I can tell you have no swordz, nogunz, no bitches.
>Western sources did comment on the speed of the Japanese swordsman’s initial attack though, in which they would draw and deliver a deadly cut in the same motion. You can see how they practiced this with modern martial arts like iaido.

Japanese only win by attacking by surprise, just like Pearl harbor. Got it.
Pride in handling a bare fist as a weapon is deserved. It requires physical fitness and poise. Any faggot can use a sword, including your obese, out of shape ass. The vast majority of the general public respects a skilled boxer more than some asshole with a machete. Also in any situation where you don't already have your sword drawn you would get sucker punched by a bare fist attacker within 2 feet.
The manga is shit m8. There's some good stuff in there, but it's surrounded by pointless schlock that goes nowhere.

>futanari dojo girl
>deformed frog guy
The video literally proves the opposite.
That's literally the only pointless bit, and mostly cause the novel it was adapting had that in it and the author stopped because the story made him feel bad.
The core plot of the manga is bretty gud, and I will stand by that.
>Pride in handling an edged weapon is deserved. It requires physical fitness and poise.
If and only if you're edged weapon is long enough and if you're going against someone else with a Melee weapon. In the context of common use, no. You deserve disrespect for your lack of intelligent weapon choice that places pride over efficiency.
>Any faggot can use a gun, including your obese, out of shape ass.
Only as effectively as anyone can use something without training. Properly aiming, loading, and handling the gun in question is not an easy task for those who are untrained. This doesn't even take into account the variety of guns that exist, nor their maintenance.
>The vast majority of the general public respects a skilled swordsman more than some asshole with a gun.
Wrong. This may have been true a couple hundred years ago (or less depending on country), but most people either don't care about swords or prefer admiring marksmen, snipers, and modern soldiers. The sword itself is at best today a symbol of war, attack, or courage, but it does not represent how people feel about swordsmen today.
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>You can just let yourself get stabbed and take a swing at them
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did you even watch the video?
>Rapier sisters.... How do we cope with the fact that katana bros will kill us if we fought to the death
By living in reality, where the katana's inferior reach and miserable hand protection as well as inferior point control decide the fight in favor of the rapierist, where skill and luck are held equal.
The 'rapier' also isn't even a rapier, or even a good stand-in. The guy's smart, he intuits the threat of a rapier well.
Cool stainless steel wallhanger that's a good way to spend the money you should spend on your wife's alimony, bitch. Do you even spar?
>Also in any situation where you don't already have your gun drawn you would get gutted by an edged weapon attacker within 20 feet
I've long since shot you in the torso 12 times before you're within 20 feet with a sword. I've also left the scene.
>flab of my strong, flab of muh stron, flabamuhstron
Guy on the left should have control of the bind, and will have an easier time bring his point to bare.
NO ONE mentioned clements nigger settle down
1060 is stainless now?
Of course not. Swords are toys, I own guns.
you cannot justify the utility or ownership of swords anymore. guns are the current way to optimize defense for the command man, wage war for the military, and enforce law for the government.
Post body.
Oh wait you won't cause you are fat and have a micro pecker.
ESL nigger spotted. Bet you don't even own a .22LR sissy pistol lmfao. Please just kill yourself rn.
post hand
Post Dick
>Both dudes died
When two people with equal length blades meet (with no armour) this is usually the outcome. This is why pistol dueling wasn't seen as dumb af because you're actually more likely to be able to win unharmed>>62067814
post feet
Looks to me like the guy on the right went for a duplieren and the guy on the left was forced to parry it in a wierd position. Neither is is a great position right now and they probably disengage, but maybe the guy on the right keeps pressing the attack if he thinks the guy on the left is a pussy. The thing is, trying to predict even 5 moves ahead in a swordfight is like trying to predict 20 moves ahead in a chess game, the probability space is just so much bigger. Usually the way it works is that you strike, your opponent counters, you counter his counter, and if he manages to counter that you back out and regroup. The deeper you get into a single exchange, the less that skill matters and the more likely that something wildly unexpected happens that gets you killed.
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Literal skill issue, only happened to drunken retards.
Also not all duels are to the death, most were first blood duels.
Typical dunning krugger american nigger thinking he knows history cause he watched 2 youtube vids and showing the world how much of an uncultured phillistine he is.
typical euro, brown and nogunz
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>People would fight with everything they could get their hands on be it sword, spears, bows, pistols ,matchlocks , breech-loading guns, artilery and even fucking farming appliances
Honestly sounds very fucking kino.
>and even fucking farming appliances
Using farming tools as weapons is a tradition as old as time
My favorite improvised weapon were wooden cannons.
Based. Just like my anime(No really Jin from samurai champloo did this)
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Dont forget you adjust your body in a way your vital spots dont get hit just like in my favorite animes.
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>He doesnt just use the secret technique to move around your organs
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>very good Anon, very good…however I have the Hydrazine rifle
>just get stabbed completely through the heart, no biggie
>Rapier sisters.... How do we cope with the fact that katana bros will kill us if we fought to the death
its simple, we shoot them with a shotgun before they unsheathe.

what is this, your first day on the fucking job? get it together cocksucker.
underage retard
Seems to illustrate the same idea that was expressed in the other video, that rapiers are terrifying and it's likely to be very difficult to get close to a rapier user without getting stabbed.
Or you know just parry it then close the distance immediately
this but unironically
>you cannot justify the utility or ownership of swords anymore
sport and culture, if your country doesn't have a martial history then that's your problem
Tranny post
You would be surprised at the shit that chudlords carried around. People do things that are impractical all the damn time. Especially for fashion. I mean that's literally where the name "rapier" comes from.
>reach advantage
I don't think so

>t. 6ft 4in orangutan arms left handed epee GOD
>katana bros will kill us if we fought to the death
>Posting the image of rapier using sensei cornering katana man
Thats not a rapier fool
>I hate fun
> futanari dojo girl
ok im sold ill read it
katana vs rapier fights did happen in history and there is no reason to believe the katana had any major advantage (if there were we'd never hear the end of it from weebs)
It's the closest thing they could find.
>you would get gutted by an edged weapon attacker
Katana is just a meme longsword and a longsword definitely has an advantage over a rapier. Lots of examples of rich fops going off to war with rapiers and coming back with longswords if they survived.
nta, imagine going with a rapier to a battlefield where the enemy infantry might come at you with pikes or warhammers etc Lines do not favour the rapier fancy moves.
sorry, replying to this lad >>62076941
Youre a bit dim arent you
He was supposed to fight him, but Harrison Ford had a stomach flu and improvised drawing his pistol and firing because he felt like shit. Everyone just went with it and that's what went to print.
and why wouldn't he simply attack unguarded hands holding katana? superior speed and reach (amplified by one hand usage) would be massive advantage
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She will. The second you try to cheese the fight she pulls out a SAA and blows your brains out from point-blank range.
But she's French she should love cheese
except the key weapon invention was the spear thrower.
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Nah. The frogs love to make fights harder than they have to be. They just hate cheaters.
throwing a rock with extra steps
Fair, but it was the difference maker. Accurate, longer range, more power. So much so that the Native Americans were using it when the colonists came over. It is that effective.
"The people who were 6,000 years behind the entire rest of humanity were using it!"
wow, that truly must mean it is effective!

Meanwhile, the conquistadors did in no uncertain terms state that slings were effective against them and were one of the few weapons the natives had that warranted caution. Rockchads literally cannot stop winning.
>Lots of examples of rich fops going off to war with rapiers and coming back with longswords if they survived.
Name 5
I mean yes?
No anon, the answer is no.
The samurai loved guns more than any other weapon.
They were mounted archers first, gunmen second and swordsmen third.
The two men in the fight make far more difference than the steel they wield.
Like a lot of /k/ threads this is all predicated on the desire to make the right "purchase" (real or imagined) to alleviate the fear of defeat. A wiser man will know that the only way to relieve this fear is training, hard and often. The wisest men know that the fear is meaningless, for they will fight every day and some day they must be conquered. Why fear what is certain?
>Like a lot of /k/ threads this is all predicated on the desire to make the right "purchase" (real or imagined) to alleviate the fear of defeat
no anon, that's fucking stupid as shit. If you pull a katana on someone I don't think you have to worry even slightly that they will draw a rapier in response. You have a pretty much zero percent chance of that.
>Lines do not favour the rapier fancy moves.
Capo Ferro can't stop winning.
More seriously, the Spanish did do that. They were called Rodeleros, and they served as linebreakers when the pike push got too stalemated.
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Though they were rapier and shield.
bruh if your so skilled why even carry a weapon
Plains indians were BTFO'ing the Texas rangers until they got revolvers and repeating rifles. Turns out a skilled horseback archer is still pretty good when your enemy only has a few shots.
>were BTFO'ing
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>Katana or rapier
Simply kilij
>Literally named kill thing
>Nomads learned iron smithing only to make more, perfected the technique to make them
>Curved T shaped blade, impossible to break
>Bulk of the weight is in the back, will allign itself to cut perfectly no matter how monkey of a swing you threw
>Could be used on horseback
>Inspired all the other curved swords used in europe, perhaps the longest surviving type of melee weapon
>sport and culture
Then by your logic this post belongs on >>>/sp/
I disagree with you, sir.
he stole that technique from franz rayner
Longswords literally WERE worn on the waist, what the fuck are you going on about?
Those arent real samurai. Real samurais existed before the invention of gun powder(pussy powder)
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One 14 years old French girl held off an entire village raid with a few muskets, after fighting back 2 would be rapists that ambushed her while she was hunting.
Indians got wrecked way more often than they managed to wreck anyone.
Not often while on foot. Not the war-swords in the page he posted.
Most of the time those would be carried in a wagon or on the back, and then taken out/off before going into battle. Though Longswords weren't used in war for very long while they were actually a thing. They existed for ~150 years and were only used for sports and duels for the last 100 years of that.
This thread shouldn't have gotten more than 22 posts. Rapiers vs katanas is so niche and irrelevant it's almost not worth comparing the two (nearly) completely different weapons.
>excessive curve only facilitates draw cutting, has the actual range of a long dagger
>the whole reason for the draw cuts are flimsy construction and shit-tier steel that you can't hit people hard with so you cope by doing long slices
>fat and useless compared to a basic Seax, let alone a Hanger or a Messer
Literal failed abortion: the sword.
don't forget the rapier was forged with over 10,000 hammer blows by Mjolner itself
Longswords were a thing on foot even if they were most often used on horseback. A longsword is a cavalry sword with a longer handle that can be used two handed on the ground to begin with.
>Not the war-swords in the page he posted.
There's really very little distinction between early great swords of war and later longswords except for the time period and their relative popularity. And longswords were definitely carried in scabbards on foot, we've got plenty of depictions of them. Sure, they're long and the handle is big but they're not really any more hindering to wear than a later rapier which was even longer and had a fat swept hilt to boot, with slightly less weight.
>Though Longswords weren't used in war for very long while they were actually a thing. They existed for ~150 years and were only used for sports and duels for the last 100 years of that.
That's utter bullshit, from the 14th century thrugh the 15th and 16th century they were widely popular and saw very common use, with numerous examples both fancy and utilitarian.
This was either a bait thread or some dipshit posting a still from a video he didn't watch.

The video is actually really great and the jap dude is legit, even with a pretty distant smallsword replica he pinpointed main dangers and advantages of the thrust-focused fencing and devised ways to deal with it and the limitations it imposes. He was also pretty open and honest about this whole thing and quite chill despite all that.

It's really a good video and i suggest you watching it if you're interested in swords overall. 9/10.
>Longswords were a thing on foot even if they were most often used on horseback
He never said it wasn't. He specifically said it wasn't usually worn on the hip while on-foot. You're retarded.

>There's really very little distinction...
The distinction is if it's the same height or taller than the user. You're fucking retarded.

>That's utter bullshit...
Jesus fucking christ. Kill yourself so your ignorant, illiterate, retarded ass doesn't accidentally add to the gene pool.
You're confusing longswords with things like montantes, and it's hilarious.
Nah not warching a fucking yt grifter. Get fuckt
I'm sorry you don't know what the distinction between a warsword, a greatsword, and a longsword is. Your parent clearly dropped you on your soft spot too many times.
Is this Shigurui?
Well then go fuck yourself you little shitter. Go away instead of actively making the dogshit thread worse.
>He specifically said it wasn't usually worn on the hip while on-foot. You're retarded.
No, you're wrong and retarded here.
>The distinction is if it's the same height or taller than the user.
Great sword of war of the 12-13th century isn't the greatsword or zweihander of the 15h century, dipshit.
>Jesus fucking christ. Kill yourself so your ignorant, illiterate, retarded ass doesn't accidentally add to the gene pool.
Apply this to yourself and go ask your dad to finish smashing your head into concrete so you don't waste out time shitting in this thread here with your stupidity.
Lmao, literal dunning krueger incaranate.

I bet you've watched like two youtube videos total about swords and read one wikipedia article.
>>futanari dojo girl
Fine, FINE, will read it holy shit man
the weapon is only as good as its wielder. anyone who thinks sword X will beats sword Y 90% of the time is clearly not a very good swordsman.

t. HEMA fag
>fallacy fallacy
Larping nigger
Why? Because im exposing you shills? Fuck off grifter dick rider
Because you're a shitter that makes a retarded bait thread worse. You fuck off.
Stfu autist
What generally has a more eloquent and sophisticated design? The rapier's guard section? Or the katana's tsubasa?
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tsuba tsuthpaste
>suba suthpaste
Retarded and not Carlos-worthy
You're all gay, Master Steven Seagal taught me to slap my opponents gently on the neck and now I can win every fight.
>Steven Seagal
Where is that faggot right now? All I remember about his movies is that he fights people in places surrounded by tons of fragile things to look more interesting than he actually is.
That fat fucking retarded faggot is a special representative of Russia-US cultural relations and you will put some respect on his name.
I see. I will show the due respect that the cum guzzling, cock gargling, fat fucking retarded faggot with zero awareness of self nor environment that is Steven Segal deserves.
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They could both look nice. I'm not sure what you mean by sophisticated, but the rapier's hand guard is essential for the weapon to function as it does. The weight is distributed such that the center of balance is close to the user's hand, which is why point control is so fine compared to other one-hand swords of similar weight.
Pic unrelated
>what you mean by sophisticated
Forgive me for articulating poorly. Which one has better design aesthetics?
I love rapiers because they're literally just swords that identify as a modern repeating firearm.
Depends on the smith who makes the weapon, and depends on your taste. You can have really beautiful hand guards, or it can be a dented metal dish. Same goes for tsubas.
tshut up
Yeah but she was french so it make sense. Born-americans were useless until guns advancements made it possible to waste a lot of ammo to compensate their lack of aiming skill.
yeah and if you are unlucky and some vitals are punctured just hit the reload button.
here is a 50'' rapier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn2XkN3BK3Q
>late 1600’s iroquois = mid 1800’s Comanche

Learn Texan history. Or at least watch some westerns man.
god that Blood Meridian wojak gets me every time.
Why can ye no just link the fuckin video ya fuckin waste of yer das cum?
>le wholesome reddit iado master guy totally said...
akkktually he was blown away by what a nylon rod could do and immediately inferred how assfucked someone would be fighting a rapier with a katana, then started work shopping what he could do in response to attempt to mitigate the strengths. To his credit mostly correctly for how you fight rapier mixed weapon European swordsmanship.

only bad thing about those videos is the plastic toys Japs are forced to play with, even as a recognized cultural figure. It makes you want Japan to be less fucked because this guy would love the shit out of some feders and rapiers to play with.
Well yeah. Those guys were horse archers.
cool as fuck honestly
You need a lot of poise to be able to trade with a katana, it has very little hyperarmor
vaxx status?
this larping nigger will kick the ass of any of these keyboard warriors in a sword fight.

t. the same HEMA fag
Hema fags suck cocks as a ritual. True story
Is a scope on a sword too much?
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Depends on the sword
>anyone who thinks a Zweihänder will beats(sic) a xiphos 90% of the time is clearly not a very good swordsman
You got a katana with a laser sight on it, too?
We all know the real king of the battlefield before the musket.
The real king of the battlefield is a mans wit
this you nigga

That would be SCA fags. similar hobby, but different crowd.
>hurr durr greatsword vs shortsword
no dumbass would compare swords from entirely different classes.
What a fucking OG. That unique slice of history where cowboys and samurai existed simultaneously is great.
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It keeps happening!
There’s no need to be mean. Someday your inbred, backwoods, failed state just might have history that people will enjoy learning about. Until then keep the seethe to yourself
Struck a nerve, huh?
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>futanari dojo girl
say no more.
Why does media (especially anime and vidya, including western) never get rapier grips right? It's not just a matter of muh historical correctness, the manners in which rapiers are held properly is aesthetically pleasing
This on the other hand looks stupid and lazy
They used sideswords, not rapiers. Even your own pic clearly depicts a sidesword.
Rapiers are a type of sidesword
fuck katanas. I hate weebs so god damn much
(You) might.
Should have practised more it seems.

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