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>Feds wants new sniper
>Make it bullpup
>Make it straight pull bolt
>Subsonic 12.7x55mm
>Integrated suppressor
Does all the vodka make them go insane?
Did all the cum make you retarded?
>salty homo vatnig can only think of cum
>OP is a cum guzzling faggot as always
>need quite subsonic rifle that pens Level IV plate
>all clicks together
>doubles down on homo projection
It's a seething vatnig alright lol
>asiatic mutt once again can't stop thinking about male cum and faggotry
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Samefagging. Pathetic.
It doesnt seem that bad if you're just giving it to the police I guess
If it's supposed to be a VSS replacement it makes sense
Did your mom’s cig smoke make u retarded
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Tried and failed
Total Vintorez Superiority
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Should have had these mass-produced instead.
Whats wrong with it? Seems niche, but a big quiet projectile could have uses for FSB shit.
This is actually a very good concept.
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ITT noguns OP tries to act like he knows what hes talking about
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If you could design wack ass frankenguns for the Russian Ministry of Interior, why the fuck wouldn't you?

>pens Level IV plate

It doesn't though.
It barely manages Level III at 100yd.
Anyone who tells you it pens IV is a Tarkov tourist baby and probably thinks 9x39 is a magic armor killer as well (it won't even pen III).
It's fucking kino.
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one, 9x39 was designed to be silent first and the armor penetration was just a thing they developed later because the bullet had enough mass they could get it to penetrate soft armor. the fact that the first time most people saw the gun was STALKER really doesn't help because it can fire crazy armor penetrating rounds in that game.

12.7x55 absolutely penetrates level 4 plates but not the ones that the shak-12 fires, which is probably where a good chunk of this "ohhh the ash-12 is great at penetrating armor" comes from because literally all of this stuff is just inferred third-hand from machine translated Russian magazine articles
>12.7x55 absolutely penetrates level 4 plates
I fail to see even a 950gr AP bullet penetrating a level IV rifle plate at subsonic velocities...

Barrier penetration? Oh yeah.
Broken ribcage due to bulging of the plates? Probably.
Spinal cord injury at minimum in case of a headshot? You bet.
A clean hole in your chest ? No.

And that's said by someone that shoots 45-70 505gr subsonic and seen dudes slinging iffy pulled off 50bmg projectiles in 505 jeffery...

Find me an instance of a subsonic projectile shot by an handheld firearm that penetrate level IV and We're talking

Bolt action bullpups are actually fucking good and a goodass idea but the only ones worth a damn are expensive as fuck
Without sounding mad, explain what's the problem with this.
So why exactly did Russia develop loads of these subsonic glownigger guns in the 80s and 90s?
The VSS/VAL was borne out of suppressed AKs being very long and kinda shit. Everything else was downstream of that, the VSS was kinda expensive so they had the VSK, the VSS/VAL were still kinda long so for close quarters they had the SR3, the SR3 was itself quite expensive so they had the 9A91 and Groza (which used a large amount of 74u tooling) and the Tiss (which is 90% 74u), and presumably these silenced .50s are an attempt to squeeze more lethality out of the concept. Russia was broke throughout the 90s so most of the 9x39 derivatives are just cost-cutting attempts.
Why didn't everyone else?
Fuck you it looks cool.
it just works. get rekt by subsonic snipe destruction. lmao
It's meant to cause jorunalists, oligarchs and other enemies of the state commit suicide rather than fight anyone competent.
It makes perfect sense. It is never meant to kill anyone armed or trained in fighting.
Same as the vss but this is less of a piece of shit.
Don't know about OP, but I want this gun purely for the aesthetics.
>950gr AP bullet
Personally if I had this gun I would me more interested in HE or frag projectiles at that bullet weight.
Something like an m48A1 spotter round, but with less pyrotechnic/visibility intent - no tracer, no flash powder to produce max smoke. Maybe something capable of producing a miniaturized jet of molten copper, like an RPG warhead, specifically to punch a 1/8" hole through anything a human could wear, with a 4000F material jet coming out the back and interacting with the meat within.
>Feds wants new sniper
The sniper is the guy with the gun, not the gun itself you noguns zoomer faggot.
>HE or frag projectiles at that bullet weight.
war crime afaik, when designed against primary human targets
>It doesn't though.
It does.
>war crime
Amigo I am not sure they would care.
Or they just say "Da, exploding project is for...removing ice from building facade in winter. Extreme effect."
It's rated to penetrate GOST 5 at 100 meters, NIJ 4 is comparable to GOST 6. Especially since most plates are stronger than the minimum required by the standard for liability reasons, I wouldn't expect this to penetrate NIJ 4 at any range.
>It does.
No it doesn't Tarkov babby.
On the list of shit the soviets did ranked from worse to best, small arms would actually be very close if not the best.
I'd want one for hunting moose if they weren't impossible to get and also likely expensive as hell
Who knows, but I like Chinese and Russian guns for not just being another AR
mosin is trash. sks is trash. ak is trash. vss is trash. makerov is trash. dragennonnovv is trash. russia has a long and storied history of shit guns, shit designs, shit military and shit manufacturing.

i'll never understand the ak fags or sks fags. heavy, shity ergos, shit trigger, shit accuracy from a shit cartridge, shit sights, shit recoil impulse, absolute fucking dogwater
it does faggot, even sp6 puts in work on plates
obviously sp6 doesnt get through but if this is carrying 3 to 4 times the momentum then yes it can
510 whisper? personally i wanna try a 338 subsonic loading with the makr 300 grain bullets they have
momentum is v*m
shit like tungsten or steel is also heavy as fuck so if brought up to the same speed it will have more energy and density to get through
seems to me like a modern iteration of the suppressed nagant revolver, eg for spooky murders and kidnapping.
They need to base their doctrine off of what-if scenarios where their cheap vodka brains envision being in a firefight with American soldiers where they imagine having a huge suppressor on an anti-materiel rifle is going to give them the advantage in a DMR role.
If Russians put a suppressor on something you can bet it was made for the Spetznaz and KGB to LARP and murder civilians with greater efficiency.
Ugh I saw this yesterday nd now my PP is hard. Make these and sell these.
The 12.7x55 performs better than the 9x39 meme. Why be mad?
>.50 BMG > .300BO

Fucking retard.
Also no it doesn't, post proof or GTFO.
>war crime
Only if you're using it in war. And get caught doing it.
Don't care a thing in the world about the gun, but I love the idea of the cartridge. Bring it over here and let handloaders play with it for a few years and I bet it would be an absolutely wicked thumper cartridge. I'd love it in an AR10.
It's nowhere close to .50 BMG you fucking retard. You used to have to know a little bit about guns before posting here.
How do you design a gun that can fling people out of windows?
I don't know but if anyone cracks it we have a whole load of journos and """oligarchs""" who need to learn to fly over here too.
They didn't want to close the development centers that designed guns in the 90s so they fed them money for vanity projects with no real value.

They then made a few dozen of those guns, those got paraded around, sent to some glownigger warehouse and nobody cared about that again.
>510 whisper
interesting. that meets the Swedish legal requirement for moose (2000 J, 10 g projectile)
The Finnish reqs are not dissimilar and you see the occasional .510 here
Very occasional though
i think its very cool but what is actually its main intended use?
for what kind of operation?
seems like a perfect weapon for real life battle royale in a terrain where you can hide
No one cares nerd
suppressors are increasingly popular, especially now that you don't need a loicense for them and you can even manufacture your own. so me and a friend speculate a retvrn to something like black powder: large bore, low pressure, subsonic. of course these days we can have semiautomatics rather than muzzleloaders. but hunters tend to be conservative so I wouldn't be surprised of something like double-barrel muzzleloaders could become a thing. or maybe break-action .510 or something
Putting a suppressor on a black powder gun sound fucking retarded.
>fucking retarded
>doesnt know the difference between p=mv vs f=ma
tf did i just read
i saw a youtube video where a guy made a 510 whisper desert tech srs. I have a covert with a 300 win mag, it makes me want to upgrade to 338 lapua barrel so i can use the 300 grain makr bullets

Features relevant to law enforcement and a big projectile for larger wound channels (stopping power) and increased anti material potential
Probably necessary for the COIN Russia takes on
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I don't care if it's retarded, I just like it
A muzzle loader doesn't need to be BP, and if it's one or two shots even that's no big deal. Hunters aren't mag dumping.
How the fuck are bans on explosive bullets and hollow points even taken seriously anymore when grenades, artillery, mortar shells, drones can all cause absolutely horrific wounds.
>one, 9x39 was designed to be silent first and the armor penetration was just a thing they developed later
There is Russian ponderous book patronschik.ru that describes Soviet small arms ammo in details.
For 9x39 mm penetration of 6B2 vest (also known as CRISAT armor) at 400 meters was requirement from the start. Soviet developers first tried to achieve that with 7.62x39 (that already had subsonic ammo and suppressed gun) but failed, and there was decision to increase caliber to 9mm to achieve that requirement.
Germans in WW1:
>hey whoa those flying ashtrays are unnecessarily cruel, you need a jacket on your fucking revolver rounds
Also Germans in WW1:
>so here's this neat thing called a flamethrower
>even sp6 puts in work on plates
least delusional vatnigger
That guy in Wind River has one
It's because full metal jacket is just as good in a war. There's no incentive for anyone to break off from the treaty.
something-somethingit's not gay if its rape or whatever

tactical purpose of rape and gang structure in most of military, pidoraha?
I think it’s neat. It also makes sense for the use case of cqb because it’s quiet and the low muzzle velocity isn’t a deal breaker
Idk but russian 5th graders aren’t 80% self-declared gay and pansexual like in the states
Its not.

Its a decent sniper for its role - to take 1 price shot and blow a hole in what is supposed to be a terrorist. It's not a weapon for the battle field
I want an as val so bad you guys
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Still samefagging?
Cause it look cool.
Don't care it's cool. I mean it's ostensibly subsonic 50 Beo (which I'm not too sure if that is usually subsonic or not) bullpup straight pull, which is like all the best gun features brewed into one neat package. Really what's there to hate? It's not retardedly overcomplicated or really has no practical place (like the RsH or the AsH if you ask me), seems perfectly cromulent and quite neat
I like this word. Ty anon.
no proofs just insults
god i fucking hate this board
heres /k/ favorite zog nigger next to civ div
skip to 9:13
or around 9:13 whatever the fuck
point is its fucking insane that a subsonic round can do as much as it does
your fat retarded gorilla nigger if you think a 750 grain tungsten round wont fuck a level 4 plate
It was a made up word on the Simpsons and then got added to the dictionary for real.
*A* dictionary. It's not in real dictionaries.
It's in Websters, Oxford English Dictionary....
>it’s bad cuz…. *1 hour pause* it’s Russian

Why is /k/ like this?
That's what I said.
>Russian Guns.
That's understandable, the Kalashnikov and it's derivatives are pretty good, I really like them myself, I think I'll get an AK-103 soon.
>Chinese guns.
Those are the top dictionaries, anon.
>R'minds me of when I wus snatchin birfdays as a CIA UDT in deep cover with a bluues quartet back in Saigon...

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