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Say your final goodbye to the last MT-LBs before they go the way of the Dodo.

According to Ben and Jompy?
Should be call greenpeace or the Cumbinka museum?
According to satellite images mostly.
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Saiyonara MT-LB-kun, and otsukare deshita.
You were a good duckbilled traktor
they're just being saved for the gigaoffensive at keef, after trump saves russia within two weeks
T-90s show up because they're still being manufactured. You don't see very many T-80s anymore because most of them were gutted.
They still make new T-90s, between 60-80 new ones a year. There is no new production of MT-LBs. Not even assembly lines since they used to be made in Kharkiv.
T-90s are still being made Ramesh. MT -LBs will be extinct soon
You forgot to spell it /k/ope like you usually spell it
People say these vehicles will disappear. But they won't. They'll just get increasingly rationed, making the Russian military more brittle.
Eventually, they'll settle on defensive lines, force the Ukrainians to go through them. Ukraine won't be able to except with the same horrific casualties we saw in the counteroffensive.
The war will eventually become a mostly cold peace, similar to 2014-2022. Ukraine will become stronger, but probably not enough to force Russia out.
there are still hundreds MT-LBu and other "specialized" derivatives they can modify or use to ressurect the MT-LB. but yeah, a shortage of them is already being felt with ziggers mad maxing a turretless bmp-1 into a APC role
Except MT-LBs, just like modt of their other surplus kit, have been out of production for decades now. They literally cannot make new ones so their eventual extinction is inevitable.
That's true of F-22's as well. It's not a big deal.
when's the last time a T-90A was spotted?
Rest in piss. You won't be missed.
They already pulled the MTLBs meant for support roles lol
They still have significant amounts at the front. That's what pulling reserves is for. People keep getting confused about this, as if these vehicles evaporate the second they get called up, that's not how it works. They're on their last rotation so there's little to no replacements, but MTLBs will continue to be used at tapering rates for a long time.
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rip in pepperoni. It will be up to the ukies to preserve this endangered species
F-22s aren't being lost by the hundreds every month to put pressure on their small numbers, and they also have an alternative vehicle, the F-35 to fall back on. Russia can't even manufacture BMP-3s and BRT-82s fast enough to keep up with losses, hence whey they're resorting to MT-LBs in the first place.

Also, aircraft also tend to have much smaller runs than metal boxes on treads.
Speaking of extinct, when was the last time you saw a BMP?
There's nothing irreplaceable about the MT-LB. It's a tin can. It's like thinking that because the M113 is out of production it's noteworthy to destroy them. They can make BTRs, MRAPs, etc. Or they can design a new tracked utility vehicle.
>Russia can't even manufacture BMP-3s and BRT-82s fast enough to keep up with losses
Because they're attacking. If they shift to defense (which they will eventually have to if this doesn't stop) their losses will slow.
Depends on which BMP you're talking about. BMP-2s are pretty much extinct while BMP-1s are well on their way there, with BMP-3s basically being cryptids at this point.
Honestly, the only """BMP""" I saw in months was that BMP-1 turret converted into a field gun
They at least make BMP-3s, but only about 300 a year. They've been losing about 1500 BMPs per year so far so they're genuinely fucked.
>There's nothing irreplaceable about the MT-LB.
On an individual basis, yes. But the fact that Russia doesn't have the industrial capacity to replace their losses with equivalents during wartime and the heavy consumption of their reserve vehicle fleets means Russia has significantly degraded warfighting capability now. At this point, they are at the equivalent of living paycheck to paycheck when it comes to materiel.
A shitton of BMP1s were lost just recently in the south.
I agree Russia is severely diminished, and alot of this "reconstitution" is actually throwing garbage men and material to keep the shambolic invasion going.
I just cringe every time I see people talk about Russia "running out" of vehicles, with the implication Ukraine will then attack facing few/no vehicles. They're never going to run out, and have doubts Russian losses on the defense will outpace their procurement, especially if NK and Iran start selling their fleets.
I doubt their losses will change much on an active defense. We saw that they still suffered disproportionate casualties to Ukrainians during the counteroffensive because they were constantly executing aggressive counterattacks against any areas the Ukrainians penetrated.

The Russian military doesn't operate on logic, otherwise they would have given up their multi-front spring offensives by now. They absolutely do not want Ukraine to regain the initiative, nor do they want them regain an inch of territory, even if it means throwing away thousands of lives and hundreds of vehicles to do it.
What the fuck are you on about, procurement? Russia is low on reserves which represent decades of production. They cannot simply procure their way out of that. They will run low because there isn't some magical "stop running low the Czar said so" button. We already saw this happen as we went from artillery dominated by SPGs to artillery dominated by D30s.
Self addendum: for the same reasons, they are very unlikely to solve this problem by begging their allies. This is not NK, Iran, or China's equivalent to the West's Ukraine where they face imminent threat if Russia loses. Profiteering is one thing, giving away strategic levels of vehicle reserves is something else entirely.
>BMP-3s basically being cryptids at this point
How long till we see reddit machine voiced cryptid horror stories of BMP-3s being encountered in the woods, I wonder...
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won’t they just build more? it’s a 8mm thick tin can of a vehicle
No machinery, no factories, nothing. They'll need to focus on building MBTs and IFVs, rather than artillery tractors at this point.
how the fuck? that would be like the US running out of M113s, they made ten billion of them, they shouldn't just run out
A metric fuck ton blew up. They eat shit to basic FPV's. But artillery probably got the majority of them.
In a war where losing 1k APCs is considered a successful campaign
>when was the last time you saw a BMP?
are you retarded or joking? Russia loses 5-10 BMP(-1/-2 AND -3) per day, visually confirmed
These amateur satellite guys are making russians seethe so fucking much
I'm surprised that Finland hasn't offered to export these to Ukraine
East Germany had like 800 of these but they all got scrapped or sold after reunification. So much of the old East German stuff would've been decent for Ukraine
Don't give a fuck what anyone says
Being able to shoot at someone while protected made it better than than the m113 even if being able to see them was rare and it was cramped as shit
It's hard to convince people to ignore their lying eyes.
>The war will eventually become a mostly cold peace
That's impossible now thanks to long range Ukrainian drones and increasingly missiles.
best they can do is Chinese ATVs
see you space cowboy
>need to focus on building MBTs and IFVs, rather than artillery tractors at this point.
You say that, but the MT-LB has been their go-to vehicle for every situation in this war by the looks of it
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please understand 1 million year end of history peace was upon us with fuhrer Merkel leading us to the prosperity of common economic interests

btw where is the old hag anyway? She ever given any apology to ukraine and rest of the east euros for dismissing them and fucking up?
>This is a waffentraeger. It traegs Waffen.
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Remember when it was peak comedy to see individual MTLBs being used in place of actual APCs?
Now they've done that for so long that they're literally running out of what is probably the most produced tracked vehicle ever.
It's some sort of new concept vehicle.
Not in production yet, maybe not ever.
Criticizing Merkel in that way shows low IQ imo. And I'm totally indifferent to her. She and her family could die from a dui any second and I couldn't care less.
Where is the lie though?
Poor little guy, all he wanted to do was tow stuff
Any Russian president who is not 100% retarded wouldn't have started this war.
Merkel didn't see the amount of monkey in putin like we all. Nobody expected him to go full retard.
>fuhrer Merkel
are you polish by any chance?
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>Nobody expected him to go full retard.

Except the US and UK intelligence networks after picking up some super-sekret stuff
Problem is that it's literally the most fucking retarded thing that Monke could do that it was a real hard-sell to convince anyone that he could actually be that fucking retarded! Some people in Ukraine I know were pretty sketched out about it prior, other's were much less so and somewhere in the middle most tended to be on the side of 'well they could, but its probably not a good idea at all' and I was more or less on the side of it not happening. Up until the US reports came in that it was probably going to happen.
Weird thing is
Putin could have just done nothing and called it off to make the whole 5-Eyes surveillance network look like chumps and probably done in 2023 after they cry wolf a few times and no one one believes anything they say. Though there is some kind of monke-magic in having the 22-02-22 number which he might need to have the stars lining up so he doesn't die of the Wu-Flu or something, be interesting to see what kind of mystics the Tsar uses
my wargame rd soviet mech motostrelki spam deck by the end of the match
Does wargame have a fun campaign or is it solely a PVP game
theres pve campaigns and even coop pve campaigns, gather your friends and survive the soviet invasion, where first engagemetns you lack air support and heavier equipment and later on you dominate with air
An uncle of my friend who works in russian military commissariat told him few days ago, that it's going to be a new big mobilization in September, with ban on leaving the country for men of age of recruitment. And therefore we shouldn't go back in russia anyway

I wonder what's they are going to arm all these hundreds of thousands mobiks with if they're already run out of a lot of pretty basic stuff like mt-lb
Which one do I play? European Escalation?
Again, I have 0 interest in PVP whatsoever
>Any Russian president
There's only really been one, and he has always been retarded
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>There's nothing irreplaceable about the MT-LB
But can they replace them? That's the point. They could design a new vehicle to take that role, but that doesn't happen in a month - you gotta set up a production line, tool up, find workers, create a supply chain , start the manufactureing process, have a limited run, do testing, apply changes, do another limited run to test all the changes, iron out all the kincks in the manufactoring process, finally get a full scale production. And in the meantime your army is 5-6 hundred units short for the month and is riding in chinese golf-carts. Doesn't matter how many new super-duper-нeтaнaлoгивмиpe-APCs you can make 5 years from now, when you need them today.

Germany was pumping out Panzer 4 to the end of the war, while they had a massive glut for Panters and Tigers - the reason - cause they were short on tanks and couldn't afford the time it would take to refit the production line.
Arguably Germany might even have done better if they canned Tiger and just made more Pz 4s instead
the singleplayer sucks, its just ai move fasting their shit into you
Ah I see so it's basically just like RTSes where the enemy send a stream of units at you and you win by hunkering down?
Guess I'll invest in a real wargame then, thanks
yep, the way the campaign actually works is cool but its just ruined by retarded ai
On the Russian side maybe, Ukes are still making/modifying them.

Weird to see RF run out of them though. Haunting, even.
Wargame singleplayer and AI in general sucks
Eugen really peaked with AI and singleplayer in Steel Division 2, give it a try and cream.api the DLC. Shame that WARNOs army general isnt hitting as good due to the AI
sounds realistic though
>T90s being made
You mean t72s hulls being fitted with pseudo t90 turrets (welded as opposed to cast, downgraded fcs and thermals, the steel is of lower quality too).
Real t90s are extinct.
You're making an artillery tractor press-ganged into an IFV sound vital to the Russian military efforts.
I think the bigger question is what are they going to replace these with?
Do they even have anything that can do the job that it's meant to be doing in towing their artillery through rough terrain and mud?
I was in one of those shitcans once during my conscription and we went in a ditch because the steering broke down
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Why wait, when we can start today.

>In the forests of Eastern Europe...there are stories of a strange creature....that has a skin like metal and a scream like a dying Dodge charger...join us as we discuss the existence of the beempee.
They just quietly stare at you from bogs and lakes. Always at the edge of your field of vision and if you were to slowly approach it walking backwards you'd hear it's reverse gear working as it also slowly moves back.
The pictures of said cryptic are always bad quality as if taken by russian drones despite using the best Hasselblad has to offer.
Anon, the armour of an MTLB can't stop 5.56 within 100m. You can joust the fucking thing with a lance and have a good chance at winning.
Good old communist zeal and a slightly pointy stick.
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>roll up roll up
>come see the freak of nature
>the one
>the only
>sole survivor of the 331st!
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Are you telling me the klinefella who failed to kill Orange Man could have taken out one of these things?
You can find the new production BMP-3s mostly in kill reports from around Vuhledar. They seem to have a direct pipeline from the factory to the most one-sided killing field of the entire war
>If they shift to defense (which they will eventually have to if this doesn't stop) their losses will slow.
I'm sure Ukraine (and everyone else bordering ziggerstan) who have now seen how 100% hitler-tier nuts monke is) will definitely allow them to be left in peace so they can calmly re-arm and re-supply for the next attempt.
I hope they keep bombing substations and we get more ziggers freezing to death. Same with oil depots.
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The factory was in Kharkiv.
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Same deal with T-80s and -64s.
he was just outside of 100 meters, so no
There should never be peace while one zigger draws breath. The United States Senate should declare war on Russia immediately with first action being a counterforce nuclear first strike.
Many such cases.
Like >>62074091 said. They have 8mm of armour and 5.56 penetrates 12mm within 100m. You could probably kill someone leaning up against the side of it with a crossbow, the armour's that bad.
>The war will eventually become a mostly cold peace
can russia survive without refineries and oil storage?
12mm of mild steel maybe, definitely not RHA, assuming we're talking about standard issue ball.
M995 is the only thing that I can see going through 12mm RHA.
I think the answer there is 'not very well' and the best we can hope for is they revert back to an agrarian subsistence population of old, crippled and insane remnants after the post-putin civil wars
>not-veiled-in-any-way-neutrooler post
Just wait until the wind blows east.
And Covert Cabal recent videos shows a grim picture for their SMO.
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>I wonder what's they are going to arm all these hundreds of thousands mobiks with if they're already run out of a lot of pretty basic stuff like mt-lb
same as the last batch: whatever can be salvaged from the corpses of those before them. But stay away from vatnikstan is solid advice. Not so long ago they stealthed some new rules which allow embassies to revoke passport visas to force the meat and go back into glorious monkedom. First batch, which was a huge clusterfuck, lead the way for reforms where now there is a unified digital database governed by the KGB (FSB). When they mark you for cubing next time you use you credit card or do anything anywhere requiring a digital footprint flags you to be picked up by the local enforcers
>the same horrific casualties we saw in the counteroffensive
10’s of vehicles damaged, handfuls of vehicles destroyed, dozens of KIA, hundreds of wounded… to take more land back than Russia managed to capture within the same time period? Yeah, I think that Ukraine, now equipped with better weapons, aviation equipment, and longer range ISR/strike capes, will be able to do a bit better against the depleted Russian defensive lines
F-22s will eventually go extinct, given another two or three decades. The MT-LB has been around far longer, so it’s not like it’s been a bad run
Nobody except Eastern Europeans and Mitt Romney I guess.

But "History had ended" right?
Who are they going to mobilize after general reservists? Thats already anybody who did military service in the last 40 or so years.
Anon, the substations also have oil reserves to cool the substation itself. That's why the explosions are so spectacular. Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Weak b8, zigzog
Its funny this newfag thinks shitting on Merkel for being weak on a KGB Mafia fuck like Putin is a zigger posting bait. You from /int/, reddit or xhitter?
From the Squid days. But you post like a belligerent tard. Ergo, I can tell you're a zigger pedo like Kahn.
jerry has transitioned.
That would be true if the same situation that happened to IFVs and Tanks didn’t happen to artillery. If you lack not just armor but also artillery, your men are only protected by mines, which will be removed because there is no artillery to stop the sappers from doing that.
Russian aircraft won’t be able to provide protection due to Ukrainian AD, F16s, and Ka-52s being an endangered species. Russia knows this, hence the increasing pleas for a ceasefire/ peace deal.
>Russia knows this, hence the increasing pleas for a ceasefire/ peace deal.
They're ramping up the production of FPVs like 1 year later than Ukranians. EW could decide the next months.
Nobody's caving before the US elections. Monke wants to see if they swing things for him.
Which explains why they were in such hurry to capture it recently.kek
2 things ziggers fear most, evidence and analysis
They've been welded for a hot minute. T90M is still vastly superior to the original T90 in everything but cost. Cast armor isn't really all that great outside of getting complex shapes and reducing cost/man hours. That being said T90M is still one of the most below average modern MBTs out there
They're still too occupied with Lancet production, since they lack enough 3D printers, drone parts, chips, and radio receivers to make Ukrainian style DIY drones.
Late movers can't outpace the early movers production.
Need to find the link but I remember seeing that the Ukrainians didn't think the invasion would happen do to the utterly poor condition of russian troops on the boarder. Selling diesel and drinking mostly
Had piles of vehicles no good crew or fuel to train. Don't forget the Jadgtiger crewd by kids story.
That's not the same kind of oil but your heart's in the right place
Of all the vehicles Ukie farmers captured early war MT-LBs would be the best for farming by a mile.
>Ukraine won't be able to except with the same horrific casualties we saw in the counteroffensive.
So, barely any? Ukraine launched probing attacks and halted the counteroffensive as soon as they determined it would be costly in men and materiel. "Horrific casualties" is pure zigger copium, they were desperate for it to be a catastrophe and it simply wasn't. Ukraine aborted with minimal casualties.
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Any of the smaller, tracked stuff is pretty good for farmers. BMP's, PTS and so on because once you throw all the really useless stuff off it, throw in some serious hydraulics it can be anything from a crane, digger, tractor or dozer. That's sort of were a lot of old tanks ended up post WW2 and through the cold war in a lot of countries, if you had some cash and got lucky at an auction you could get a couple of old decommissioned tanks and turn them into land clearing dozers. Most would just lift the turret off and throw out the miscellaneous junk and weld up some scrapyard terrors

Even the wheeled stuff isn't useless either. A big diesel engine has plenty of uses
>Eventually, they'll settle on defensive lines
nigger do you even know what the MT-LB is?
Of course he doesn't, he's a poojeet.
>The war will eventually become a mostly cold peace, similar to 2014-2022.
So often people fail to comprehend just the sheer fucking intensity of this war.
It's like looking into 1917 and saying
>well isn't it quiet on the western front
>it will probably turn into a cold stalemate for the next decade
Korea and Iran won't sell their tank fleets to Russia, Korea has a limit on what they can give since they are a belligerent nation and need to keep some stuff back for themselves, same for Iran and Iran doesn't have easy ways of shipping so much military equipment to Russia.
>So, barely any?
Ukrainians did miraculously manage to retain a positive K/D even advancing through heavily fortified lines, making it highly successful statistically, that's true. But even so, just a week of such action caused a horrific outcry amongst Ukrainians, to the point where repeating that without something dramatically changing first is simply out of question.
Funnily enough, russians keep sustaining casualties whole magnitude bigger for years non-stop and it doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest. They keep dying in industrial quantities and still have the nerve to claim shit like "no worry tovarisch, Odessa in 3 more months"
Theres footage of M113s being used for assaults, taking hits from drones but off loading its assault team and then going back while giving cover fire.
The same footage of MLBTs usually has them being destroyed or disabled.
that's why ukraine should hunker down and keep killing russians until there's no more. tzd.
Still oil that needs refining and producing. Cant be substituted with anything else either.
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Not really, being forced into a continuous defensive war is fairly difficult to fight in its own way as you're always reactive and having to respond to whatever probing and attacks are launched against you. There's also a morale which goes along with being on offensive actions that generally makes people more positive in terms of actually achieving something rather than just sitting somewhere and being shot at all the time, which isn't fun and most people can appreciate that.
What they want to do is of course hold lines, but if they have to give up a treeline here and there or some kind of small village its hardly the end of the world either if it means you don't get an entire brigade mauled to fuck and back just holding something tactically irrelevant. Making Russia bleed white for tactically irrelevant shit is sort of a hallmark of this war so far and its severely degraded Russia past the point of easy repair and refurbishment. This is leaving permanent damage to everything from depleted stocks to destroyed international standing.

But that can change fairly quickly in the sense that airpower is coming, they're moving back into some kind of artillery parity and they're causing immense damage to Russian infrastructure
If at some point they can dislodge Russia from an area or weaken them enough, come in with the counter attack and start driving them back. That was one thing we saw in 2022, they respond extremely slowly to fast moving warfare and tactical positioning on the battlefield to get the sheer bulk of numbers and vehicles to tie up Ukraine long enough to properly reinforce an area.
A lot of that doesn't respond well to JDAMS
Infantry, Artillery and Vehicles all get the big dick of justice when 500-1000lb precision munitions start landing on them- if there's one thing we've also seen which is the Achilles Scrotum of the Russian military is that their Navy is a burning trash pile of retardation, but their Airforce is also not so hot either
>without something dramatically changing
Things ARE changing dramatically though. What blunted the offensive was not mobik waves, it was minefields supported by arty and CAS (enabled by lack of Ukrainian AA).
And in an amazing coincidence, Russian arty, AA, and aircraft have all been preferentially hunted since mid-2023, and their role on the battlefield is rapidly diminishing. In the meantime, Ukraine is getting a lot more AA assets.
Russia is a few big cities and the rest is endless hinterlands with small villages and towns. Manpower can be pulled from this area for a long time and no one really notices. And when one area does have a large chunk of its male population drafted and killed, the appeals to the Tsar go unanswered.
Same zoom in middle of Europe foe reference.
Vehicles like the MT-LB were showing their weaknesses during WWII. The fact it is being used on the modern battlefield and not as a museum exhibit is a farce.
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wtf is going on here tho
The only good thing about MT-LB is its off-road performance in the mud, nothing more. It wasn't designed to be used as an APC, let alone IFV. The fact that it was used as such should tell you everything you need to know.
Of course it was.
It will be enough given that this war will last only a couple more months.
>But even so, just a week of such action caused a horrific outcry amongst Ukrainians
No it didn't, that was just ziggers screeching one of 3 of their usual metodichkas
>hohols are advancing but they're taking 6 gorillion casualties xaxaxa
>the lines aren't moving because Russians chads just sit back and blast hohols with artillery xaxaxa
>russia is advancing and killing 6 gorillion hohols xaxaxa
>Any Russian president who is not 100% retarded wouldn't have started this war.
Dimwit take.
This war was predestined by russian existence itself. It doesn't matter who would have been in the position of president.
Russian mentality, especially that of its deep state ruling class (most of which are ex-KGB), can't fathom broken off pieces of the empire being independent, especially "culturally close" (read as "almost assimilated") neighbors like Ukraine and Belarus.
There are both practical, ideological and emotional reasons for this. And no, it's not some "NATO expansion" bullshit. Instead NATO expansion is actually the only thing which could've have prevented it. Just like it prevented things for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, because they got into NATO in early 2000s, when russia wasn't in position to do anything. Even with that, they instantly tried using hybrid warfare with propaganda, riots and shit to coup the country just a few years later, once they got back on their feet.
Cocksuckers and traitors like Obama and Merkel were enablers of russian shit for decades.
>Nobody expected him to go full retard.
Poland and Baltic states told you about this for decades, word for word, you faggot retards.
>opinions of former commies
Into the trash it goes.
Huh, guess their opinion was right all along, you retard.
>Any Russian president who is not 100% retarded wouldn't have started this war.
Except Putin was in power for whole time and he did start multiple wars before and during her time.
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At the end of the day, its just an artillery tractor and all it was really intended to do was drag around an anti-tank gun or howitzer, maybe some mortars + the crew off in the bush for some shooty shoots.
The fact people press it into service to do 'things other than traktoring' isn't really a design fault!
They do it because they don't have anything else suitable to do the job that isn't a ten ton truck with even less armour or some muppets in civilian cars, any armour or armament on an MT-LB is mostly there for emotional support
The steel actually had worse performance characteristics because of bad quality, so its even more penetration. A 5.45 AK often easily shoots through that tin can from 300m.
>with ban on leaving the country for men of age of recruitment
There are new laws coming in effect in November, which basically fuck anyone.
It's those infamous "small victorious wars" that dictators like to start to boost their own ratings. 2nd Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea 2014 - all these events saw massive boosts in Monke's ratings. He thought he'd get away with it once more in 2022. He didn't.
Broken clock
>opinions of people having experience with the thing don't count, our magical thinking retardedness does count though
Unironically this. If you guys weren't such losers and suckers the commies wouldn't have taken you over. If you had opinions worth listening to Russia wouldn't have conquered you.
Subhumans like you will be found and gutted
Cry me river
A random 30ish mile of dual carriageway that goes back to single carriageway until the outskirts of Moscow 140 miles away.
You can understand why Rail is vital in Russia due to the vast vast distances involved, but even western Russia which is where all the people and industry is is laughable
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Nah ukraine invasion did in fact boosted his ratings, though that was not the point. My point was it perfectly possible and likely and thus possible to predict he would invade ukraine based on his past behaviour.
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>hand over victory to Russia in the last minute just so you can piss off Democrats and Europeans
Real life writes the best stories.
History has ended though. The second largest military on earth couldn't move their border more than 50km against the poorest country in Europe in a war of aggression. The international response seems to be tepid for fear that a stronger response might collapse Russia and cause destabilising change.
>Gee MT LB you get two sticks?
I really don't think asking russians the simple question of whether or not they support the tzar will get you straight, honest answers. We've seen many video interviews where people refuse to answer the questions in fear of reprisal.
>people refuse to answer the questions in fear of reprisal
Then you know what their answer is.
>Cry me
it's called Crimea, troon
There's no reprisal for saying that you don't support the president. The only real repressions are for a new thing about "discrediting the army", i.e. supporting Ukraine in the war, seeing the war as bad, calling it a war, etc.
They literally got out-skilled by Putin in the game of diplomacy. Poland got into diplomatic spats with western nations all the time and generally acted like a pompous dick. Meanwhile Putin was doing his cute tours, smiling, taking pics with all the world leaders and acting as innocent as a Catholic schoolgirl.
Classic case of if you act and look like a lunatic nobody will believe you even if you're right.
Nice whitewashing of corruption
Personally I’m just flabbergasted the right isn’t going all in on total russkie death as it did back in Reagans day. I know its a meaningless term and either side is mostly just grifting at this point, but its still kind of baffling all the same. IIRC Nixon himself knew it was almost guaranteed that should the Russian presidency of the 90’s fail that they will eventually start shit again, and lord knows Yeltsin practically handed the entire country back to vatnik brainrot on a silver platter reeking of booze.
It's not about common population really. There's this... kind of a subculture I would say, of people somehow invested in very special needs operation. Either officers and soldiers going public, milblogers, hyper patriotic artists, or just stupid radicalized teenagers, basically what you could call a "siloviki intelligencia". I was talking more about them, people who, in theory, should understand how war really looks like, have friends murdered and self-removed, personally know guys who do all these madmax conversions in a donbass garages, this kind of people. If you look at them, at one moment they can write how some retarded general just killed whole company of their friends through a sheer stupidity and that they are about to kill themselves because of it, and the next one he claims that Lukashenko is about to pull a Steiner maneuver and hohols are "just thiiiiiiiiiis close to collapse, together to Warsaw comrades". Very bizarre, mentally deranged people.

Yes it did. Believe me, average hohol is about 24% smarter than a dog. Your average babusya is a "5G towers emits torsion fields that give you canser and turn to Satan side" type of people, photos of few leos shank'd that she saw over russian publics (and ofc she was looking up russian propaganda, because government always lies duh! you have to find all information yourself!(particularly at the places that specifically exist solely to lie to you)) was enough to push them into overdrive "it's so over" posting on their Facebook and Viber, and from there it just flooded everywhere. To this day there's still huge "distrust aftershock" in Ukraine's public sphere after those events.
Perusal was critical of Russian losses and then threw himself out a window.
They have to toe a line or face Physical consequences
>how can they complain and not connect the dots, that the thing they support is also the one thing that is going to kill them?
The "siloviki intelligencia" as you call them, may simply be tribal devotees.
Rossiya and the Imperial State is their tribe, and their tribe is their religion. Like Röhm's streetfighters or Straßer's streetfighters, scratching "Heil Hitler" into their Purge-dungeon walls. They will complain, but nothing will actually break their devotion. They are tools, instruments, truly. They were born to be used and used-up until disposal. And they are proud of it. A place for every man; and every man in his place.

This is also an option.
No one was shocked or impressed by Ukraine losing 2 leos and a few armored vehicles aside from ziggers desperate for something to shill (despite Russia having dozens of much worse armor pile ups throughout the war)
Murz and Perun my bad
Let me guess, you think there's no reprisal because its not written in law? Lmao
It's got a million and a half men on both sides, it's basically a quarter of WW2, it's absolutely huge, especially when you consider the far more effective weaponry and automated systems.
the bigger transformers are filled with oil that carries the heat from the coils to the cooling fins in the case
this is so fucking bad if this is the result
They are going to give them AKs and will send them west on scooters
>there's no reprisal for not supporting the president
>you just have to support everything he does
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lol no

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