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What is the best general purpose rifle to bring innawoods that isn’t a semi auto with a detachable mag? I live in Central WA and now that I’m stable enough financially to be able buy guns everything cool is banned. I just want a rifle to hike and camp with and just go innawoods with. Everything modern is banned (ARs, AKs, even SKSs) but some shops still sell cucked Mini 14s and we can still get Garands. I’m thinking about picking up either:
>a magnum caliber lever action (.357 or .44)
>a rifle caliber lever action (.30-30 or .45-70)
>one of the above mentioned semi autos (Garand will be pretty heavy to hike with and the Mini 14 will have cucked mags)
>generic bolt action like a Tikka
If you couldn’t have something like an AR or AK what would be your choice for a woods rifle? I’m leaning lever action because they’re handy and still have a decent capacity, but I’m unsure if I want a magnum revolver caliber or a full rifle caliber. .357/.38 is by far the cheapest caliber of the bunch but .45-70 will drop anything I could ever encounter innawoods.
you picked the wrong .45-70 rifle my brother, buy Japanese instead
anyway the answer is .45 colt 1873 by Uberti
A stainless 1892 in 44 Mag, basically a Rossi.
It's the lightest, smallest, strongest levergun design. 44 Mag is a lot of pepperoni too. Personally though I'd get a 357 barrel, rechamber to 357 B&D, then mate it to the action.
Better than 30-30 ballistics, equal to 35 Remington, and in a lighter package.
A lever gun in a pistol round will be the most fun and economical to shoot, if you choose to go down this path I highly recommend getting an 1892. If you actually want to hunt and not just walk around with a gun, I would go for the Tikka. If it weren't for their polymer stocks I would have already pulled the trigger on a T3x in .270 Win.
I really like .45-70 (I have an 1895), but realistically it doesn't give you much in brush over 44mag loaded for a lever gun, but you will have a lot fewer bullets in the gun.
>General purpose
What the fuck is "general purpose"? Are you going to be plinking at shit? Are you going to be hunting small game or birds? Do you want it as defense against four-legged predators? Two-legged predators? How intense are your hikes? Is this going to be a dedicated innawoods gun or are you going to shoot with it a lot?

If you're not going to be either doing target practice or hunting then just get a glawk 20 and call it a day if you want to be practical. Spicy enough for bears and isn't an 8lb LARP-stick that you'll be cursing three miles in. If you don't want to be practical, get an 1895 or a Savage 99 for that dawn of the 20th century drip. If taking it innawoods is a secondary concern then get any levergun you want in .357 mag; you can plink with cheap .38s and load it with extra-spicy .357 for bears. If you're planning on using it to hunt big game at some point, go with a Tikka in 7mm-08. If you're planning on hunting small game then go with a Savage 24 in .22WMR/20ga. If you're going to be plinking, any .22 is fine.
I’m on the fence between an 1892 (either Miroku or just a beater Rossi) or a Marlin 1894. Why the Winchester design over the Marlin? I’m leaning .357 over .44 simply because I can suppress .38 with a suppressor I’ve already got.
I'd say Winchester. It's hard to describe, but it just feels handier than the Marlin. Slightly slimmer stock and forearm make it point really well and the rounded receiver fits naturally in the hand when carrying it one handed. The downside is, of course, the lack of scope mounting options. Little importance in a fun gun, as you can still put on an RMR with the Turnbull mount or a tang sight, but on a hunting rifle many will want a magnified scope or a bigger dot sight.
I don't like the Miroku's rebounding hammer+Tang safety. The Rossi's safety is far easier to delete and even replace with a peep sight.
The 92 is simply a better, stronger designed gun than a the Marlin, which are fine guns in their own right. You don't need a scope for a pistol cartridge.
The 357 Rossi with a threaded barrel is going to be nearly half the price of a Ruger Marlin.
I carry my 92s by the reciever, they're comfy.
Something like a Tikka t3 in .308 is great for that. Ive had a Ruger scout for years that I've always brought innawoods with me, still my favorite even if it's not the best. Had a 45-70 lever but I wasn't really into taking that with me so it just sat in the safe
>central WA
I'm in the Cascades btw
Are their stocks bad or do you just not like polymer? I'd rather they make at least one option in American walnut or something. That would be dope
A polymer stock can feel good, the Tikka stocks just feel a little cheap and I personally don't care for the pistol grip/forend inserts. They're really fine rifles otherwise and I'm still playing with the idea of picking one up and throwing it in a Bell&Carlson stock.
I was looking at one of those for a custom action I had, really fine stocks. Seems like a lot of drop in stocks are pistol grip these days which I really don't like, much prefer rifle grip. Especially for a woods carry
for pistol caliber you want Uberti, for rifle caliber you want Miroku
woooo 7mm-08 mentioned
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I'll second this one. I wanted a light, compact, and potent rifle that I didn't have to worry about the finish on, and that's exactly what I got. The buckhorn sights aren't the best, but I can still hit a 12" gong at 200 yards with 185 grain 45 Colt, and that's good enough for rock 'n roll. If I had to buy it again, I would go with .357 though.
Damn that's good looking.
Beater .308 bolt gun or a 12ga pump. Levers are cool if you have the cash but they are pricey for what they are
Hey guys retard who didn't read the OP here.
OP, can you explain what you mean by cucked mags for the Mini 14? I might have to move to Washington in a year and haven't looked through all the gun laws. I have a Henry 44 mag I'm quite fond of, though I wish it was 357 for the ammo cost.
WA has the worst assault weapon ban in the country and a ten round mag limit.
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Hell yeah a 357 mag will be the your best general purpose option. You can down load light enough for squirrel and you can easily kill medium and large (on the small side) game inside 100yds. Should be fine for handling any sort of situation you'd run into in the woods, human or otherwise.
12 guage pumps are pretty fuckin sweet if you wanna go the less expensive route.
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Remington Model 8 in .35 Remington.
Should probably look into reloading .44.
Gotcha. Do you feel like 8 rounds of 30-06 is much better than 10 rounds of 556? I was thinking of getting a mini if I do have to go out that way (it's going to be northern Washington or rural California, sadly).
Shit I reload 357 and it's still worth it. You won't see any savings but you will be able to make many fun ass loads.
Big brained patrician with an 8 inch dick and a blonde wife detected
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What about for longer range shooting with optics? Would .30-30 be the ideal round compared to .357 or .44?
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>general purpose
literally any shotgun

if you are going for a rifle, your best bet is probably a levergun in a larger pistol caliber, either 45LC, 357 or 44 mag. in my experience Rossi rifles are good enough, they are also fairly light compared to rifles in rifle calibers. also get the longer barrel one, it has more capacity and sovl.

>posting my Pedersoli because I can
most ammunition manufacturers have tables of velocities at ranges and approximate ballistic curve of their ammunition somewhere in the catalog or on their website.
there is also websites like gundata
You can pick up a Savage 99 in .308 for about $500-700 in pretty much any pawnshop in Washington and most of them have glass included. Brownings run a good bit more when you can even find them. 30-30 works okay, but .308 is cheaper and easier to keep on target IME. The Savage has really good balance. And it's not like the tube mag and gate on a Marlin or a short Remington is going to be much of an advantage over a five-round rotary you can top off through the ejection port, even if the Savage is theoretically more vulnerable to dirt
What's the best ballistics for a rifle plus handgun combo? What would anons choose?
I live in Australia, where everything is exorbitantly overpriced and the government will never tire of fucking the average shooter in the ass. Reloading .30-30, .357, and .44 seems to be reasonably priced with each other, which is why I ask.
12 gauge shotgun of any kind that isn't Turkish
>that's not a rifle
Use those sabot slugs
Did you? Tell us from op what he's planning to shoot.
they're currently OoS, a new batch gets imported a few times per year
30-30 is going to be surprisingly short ranged, and expensive.
After looking into this over the past couple of weeks, comparing pretty much every caliber Winchester currently offers their lever gats in, and I am finding the same conclusion as this anon >>62073761

You don't get much by going to a "medium rifle" caliber; unless you're already geared to handload for that caliber

big pistol rounds are cheaper both on the market and to handload, can be brought to about the same performance within 200 yards, and you get more capacity as well as a lighter rifle

I went into this thinking "hell yeah 1884 in 40-70", but then I realized I don't need to punch buffalos and I like being able to shoot longer ranges without angling my rifle like a mortar
>want to shoot longer ranges without having to angle the rifle like a mortar
.308 is good for that, and cheap
I was thinking about lever actions, but going bolt action 308 is a classic (the 1895 is probably available in 308)
>everything cool is banned
Tacticool is not cool, kiddo. Learn to appreciate classics, first, and second, realise that "cool stuff" is usually heavier than many fudd guns.
>generic bolt action like a Tikka
This. Personally, I think, Ruger Gunsite Scout is a thing for you. Shot enough to be comfortable to carry, Mauser bolt, detachable mags, open sights and ability to mount any kind of sight that you want. Steyr Scout is a great option as well.
>If you couldn’t have something like an AR or AK what would be your choice for a woods rifle
A bolt action chambered for a full power centerfire cartridge. .308, 7x57, .30-06, the classic stuff.
Or a shotgun. Shotguns are wonderful if you don't expect to shoot any wild game on distances over 70 meters and need a gun to defend yourself or the camp. Get yourself a good shotgun (double shotguns are good) some 1 oz slugs for larger game.
Henry has the long ranger but your capacity is miniscule, and they will generally be heavier than comparable bolt guns
I use a Sako 85 Bavarian Carbine in .308 for this purpose. I'm too much of an aesthetics autist to carry an ugly gun, no matter the purpose. It does have detachable inner steel mags, but you can reload from the top like a Mauser and don't need to drop the mag.
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Unironically check out the Henry long range lever actions. They might be the only true spiritual successor of the Savage 99 and you can get them new. Put a nice piece of glass on it and it’s capable from 5 yards to 1,000.
meant to respond to:
Innawoods I would take a Maverick 88 and a Ruger MK5 unironically
>Henry long range lever actions. They might be the only true spiritual successor of the Savage 99 and you can get them new
So, Browning BLR copies.
If I wanted to Cowboy maxing with blackpowder, what would you guys recomend?
Black powder is a massive rabbit hole, don't ask us
Decent pump 12 Guage with improved cylinder would be more versatile. Birdshot for small game, buck for medium game/raping hillbillies and rifled slug for anything else in North America.
Then, to who I ask? I'm legit getting in this crazy world and I would love to get more into electrically ignited stuff for the near future.
People seem to loose all the appreciation for the good old SxS.
Been at the local competition yesterday. Almost everyone were armed with either O/U or with self-loading guns. Only me and two old farts had SxSs. But the worst guy was the one that came to shoot clays with Saiga-12. Shit was booming like an AA gun, deafening even those who wore earpro.
Rifle caliber bolt action with good optic, such ad .308 or larger. That is a universal hunting weapon, even for deer.
>such as* .308 or larger
.300 WIN, .30-30, .338
I'd check your laws. If they've banned everything more modern than television theyve probably also banned carrying anything in public.
I just wish lever gats were a little cheaper
Are you trying to say 30-30 is bigger than .308
No, but those are both fully powered cartridges
30-30 is intermediate
7.62x39 for comparison
And .308
Needle picked bug fucker detected
With the soft point tipped ammo range is no longer the case. Price yes but we are no longer in a world where ammo is cheap.
Love me an sxs, but would want a few more rounds in bear coun
>you HAVE to reload for it to get modern performance
>24” barrel
>almost 8 pounds
>have to pay premium for a winchester anyway
at least get a henry that is reasonably priced and lighter than the winchester. unless you’re shooting elk and moose on the regular, the 44mag rifles are a far better choice
You replied to the wrong post
44mag is the most powerful (flattest shooting) handgun cartridge that isn’t a meme round and something you would actually shoot in a rifle
contact everythingblackpowder on YouTube and find a used 44-40
I should say 45 colt can be pretty powerful if you reload for it and find the right rifle for it, but you are severely limited on handgun selection compared to 44
If you got slugs that deliver a proper punch, you don't really need more than two shots.
The entire point of getting a 92 in 45 Colt is to handload in territories that Marlins/Henrys dare not tread.
you probably should’ve looked to see that the post was a reply to a miroku 1886
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You are correct, I confused it for .30-06. It is an intermediate round, still deadly like the .223 or 5.56.
This or a remington model 14
I want an innawoods gun I can take and shoot. I found out .308 is a little too loud, and long range for my purposes.
I want something lighter and that I can suppress. Thoughts on something in 9mm like a semi auto smg or something?
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PC carbine maybe
why would you handicap yourself from infinite possibilities to a pile of expensive, underperforming garbage
just get an AR-15 in 5.56
if you feel like you need more oomph get a 20" barrel and use the 77 grain HPBT hunting/sniper ammo or .300 AAC or .350 Legend or whatever
Those fuckers are still way heavier than they have any right to be. And the stock triggers are outright fucking awful.
too bulky and too much of a pain to carry through woods
Ya direct blow back anything, even meme blowback like the pc, are going to be heavier and recoil harder than they ought to. I don't know why manufacturers are terrified of making a gas operated like right a la modern m1 carbine. And don't tell me it's cost because those things are dirt fucking cheap to make
get one that weighs 5 pounds then
Ar's make terrible woods guns. Very uncomfortable to carry and get caught on everything
use a shorty 10 or 20 round mag, and a fixed stock
don't use a foregrip or put a light or anything on it
Now you're just describing something further and further away from an AR. Why even suggest it. The worst offender is the pistol grip, though.
you're gay and retarded, "further and further away from an AR" nigger I'm describing the M16A1
all the nufudd bullshit with dangling a bunch of garbage off your rifle that just gets in the way
Old M1 carbine
Old Fudd-brand or department store branded .22Hornet bolt action.
Old .22mag semi-auto or bolt action
Old .38/.357 lever gun
Old Winchester 94 .30-30
Old SKS-45

Any of these can be had for a more or less reasonable price.

The auto-loaders may cause issues if you insist on running a can.
As for the repeaters, a gunsmith shouldn't charge too much to just thread the bitch up for a can.
>carry handle and still a pistol grip
You're not making a case for yourself here
yeah, if the pistol grip is a deal breaker you need to look elsewhere, but everybody and their mother uses flat tops with scopes these days
30-30 model 94
I don’t want a foot long mag and charging handle and forward assist getting caught on everything. it’s just not a good woods gun
>foot long mag
>charging handle
use the standard charging handle instead of the obnoxious ambi go-fast ones, it's fine
>forward assist
I would still get the 1886 over a Marlin 1895/henry. In fact I did, but my handloads allow me go push it further than those two could which influenced my decision.
If for some reason power was a concern, the Rossi 92 in 454 Casull is dimensionally the exact same gun.
It's impressive how long of a cartridge it will feed and still tolerate the shorter 45 Colts.
I would not rate it among the most fun guns to shoot though.
>lower capacity than 44mag lever action
>still has a charging handle
>have to spend an extra $80 to delete something off the receiver
I get that their modular but if you have to spend extra to not make it an ar might as well just get something else instead
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if you have the ability to swap an upper receiver you should be building your AR-15s from parts anyway my dude, and that's about $60 less than most other upper receivers, and $10 less than wait no it's half the price of the equivalent forward assist upper from the same manufacturer
even PSA has them retailing at $100
I have one of these in .45 LC with the 16 in barrel and it is extremely light and handy. Good zero from the factory. No sling attachments though, need to come up with your own.
I don’t and will never own an ar. shot them enough in the military
Unironically a Tikka in 308 or whatever you amerifats use. It's fine for big game, it's fine for fowls. Small bore can't hunt moose but big bore is fine for geese. If you only want one gun that's your best bet
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are you uninformed or just actually stupid as fuck? The charging handle doesn't get caught on shit neither does the FA, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about please kill yourself.
>I'm a massive fag, please fuck my face
why didn't you say so earlier
>308 is fine for fowls.
mien euronigger you have crippling aids stop posting.
>thinking your clapped out m4 is anything close to a purpose built AR that doesn't have to buy based on the lowest bidder
only thing that's cool about the m4 is giggle mode. you probably were in admin anyway
Lol it will literally just make a clean hole, stop watching movies
Full power FMJ rifle rounds unironically works great on sitting birds. Grouse, geese, etc.
It doesn't explode the birds or something, if that's what you think.
nigger i shoot 308.
please show me some pics of your hunts then >>62077427
same with you. show me them bird bodies.
>semiauto fags settling uncontrollably
is this a precursor to mass shootings?
order everything to build an AR-15 to a PO Box or relative out of state
build an AR-15 from an 80% or 3d print one of the lower designs
>faggots who cant hit follow up shots seethe about having a shit weapon system
is this the precursor to you killing yourself?
>the answer may surprise you
Posting about the ar tranny like that will get you banned, too soon
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Look at this wood grouse!
Blown into pink mist by the awesome power of FMJ 6.5x55!
show me the fucking wound you jack off. pretty decent sized bird tho I will say
>nobody ever said it would turn the bird into mist (maybe if you shot a pigeon) its just incredibly stupid and expensive for what you are shooting you retard.
your using 50bmg essentially to kill a fucking bird.
>paying a premium to get a loading gate
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Savage 99

Available Calibers
>.303 Savage
>.32-40 Winchester
>.300 Savage
>.30-30 Winchester
>25-35 Winchester
>.250 Savage
>.22 Savage Hi Power
>.22-250 Remington
>.243 Winchester
>.308 Winchester
>.358 Winchester
>7mm-08 Remington
>.284 Winchester
>.38-55 Winchester
>.375 Winchester
>.410 bore
>needing follow up shots
they’re the cheapest USA-branded lever action rifle and the side gate models have replaced the previous designs. if you see a non-side gate henry it’s like 3 years old and is used or a shit store that doesn’t sell anything, so I’m not sure what your point was. we can agree that miroku winchesters are better rifles but I invite you to find one that’s not being scalped on an auction site
just wait for the import wave, they come in batches and go on the market all at once, you can buy one for ~1600 or so
>understanding you will never hit 100% of the shots you take
shits a hard concept huh buddy.
A straight walled lever or pump shotgun will serve you well. Both can be loaded for more than one application. levers can share ammo with a revolver.

That said, for bears and junkies alike, you'd probably be better served with an easy to access full sized handgun. When it comes to needing immediate protection, you'll draw and shoot an M9 (for example) faster than you will shoulder any shotgun or rifle, while also being less conspicuous.
How dare you suggest guns based on actual utility instead of some vague, emotionally-based concept of "being outside"
utility? they all shoot bullets
yes, I too take a .45-70 pheasant hunting
you could if you were good enough. people kill birds with bows
Yeah and you don't actually do things outside yet so why pretend? Figure out what you want to do and then get the equipment for that.
did I strike a nerve? you seem a little sensitive
I am very sensitive, I hope people discover all of the wonderful sporting opportunities out there and break out of doomlarping ;_;
It’s ok. We all know shotguns are the ultimate utility weapon
This is true
A 16" Rossi .44 maybe. Knock-around tier lever gun that you can shoot a lot and has enough juice for wilderness protection.
As pretty and as smooth as the 1886's are they're pretty retarded as mordern "working" rifles.
>So, Browning BLR copies.
Last BLR video I watched was a couple weeks ago and it had to be sent back to the factory.
>shoot clays with a Saiga-12
And it actually cycled? Not sure if I believe that.
While .44 magnum may be more powerful than the .357 magnum, the .44 falls off much faster than the .357. If you're going to be shooting within 100 yards, the .44 is a better pick. Beyond that and the .357 takes the lead.
Yeh, if you're Annie Oakley. I ain't.
It's like crowning the champion of retards.
None of these cartridges possess the trajectory such that a responsible person should be taking shots much longer than 100 yards.
Within the normal ranges you'll shoot, a 2" difference at 150 yards(100y zero) is meaningless.
Nah, they're trying their damnedest to ban it without a "ban" per se, but WA is still open-carry outside of protests and a few other things.
Of course, anything smaller than 30-caliber is banned for most game and culls, and there's a whole raft of other weird shit hidden in the game laws.
>if you're Annie Oakley
Back in the days people used to shoot brown bear with 28 gauge single shot guns (because that's what they could afford and because their main game would be reindeer and various fur animals). Anyway, a double shotgun is fine, a couple of notable bear hunters preferred those
I'll look into this, cheers.

Sounds like a .357 might suit me better then, especially given you can squeeze a lot more of them into a given lever action than .30-30, and .44 magnum is kinda pricey here too.

What kind of optic would work well with spicy .357 loads, then?
Up your way with Grizzlies? A .44 magnum carbine and revolver.
I’m not sure a .44 Mag would be enough for a Grizzly, but I’m pretty certain everything smaller would be insufficient.
A lever gun or if you can find one, the old Ruger Deerslayer semi-auto.
I used to have a Deerslayer back in the 1980s…sweet little piece,
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Just go to a gun show out of state and buy a rifle from an outside dealer. Find a smaller one in the boonies that has bi-monthly or monthly gatherings.

Idaho, Utah, or Montana are all good places to do this. Hell, everyone goes to Oregon to buy mags now and there isn't fuck all Turd Ferg or Emperor Inslee can do about it.

That said, there is an option here that is still legal.

Kel-Tec KSG-25. Pump shotgun. You can carry your rounds strapped to you on various points and load it with just about anything you'll need. Carries like 20-24 rounds and versatile in that you can vary what you're carrying; like slug on one side and 00 buck in the other.

As far as rifles go, it's a decent option for ban states like this, as there is literally no other gun in this neutered market with that ammo capacity that will work for innawoods.

Also, don't lose hope. These laws will get struck down eventually, it's just going to take forever. Once the first domino falls, the others will.
44 Mag is enough for the vast majority of animals on earth using 300gr Hardcast WFN boolits.
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>What if you need to make a 1500 yard shot!?
>How am I gonna mount my LPVO and offset dot and then not have full length MLOK all the way to the muzzle!
>Shorguns aren’t even trending on Instagram!

I know it’s 2024 I’m in violation of not having an optic but I just like my ghost rings.
ammo is a pain in the ass, stick with 357 or 44

>"What the fuck is "general purpose"? Are you going to be plinking at shit? Are you going to be hunting small game or birds? Do you want it as defense against four-legged predators? Two-legged predators?"
>Describes general purpose

Can someone unironically be this dumb and lacking in basic human self awareness? Is this just all redditors?

If you set up your blowback PCC properly you can get it to recoil like a standard AR-15 does. Really to me they feel like they recoil less because they also have less concussive blast and sound
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45-70 every single time.
goddamn that's a beautiful gun
damn dude, you are insanely desperate for attention.
I love the 1892 and think i'll get that BUT
I'm a bit stuck deciding between going 357 magnum, or 45 colt
45 is god's caliber, it goes with my revolvers and my trad wife, but 357/38sp is fun and I'll put more bullets in my magazine

Alright, the crazy thought just crossed my mind to go with the smaller caliber there, and get another rifle that shoots big bullets later
1886 if I want
Or go balls to the wall big boy bullets with a 1885
aren't 45 and .357 the same overall length? So they'll have the same capacity. The big thing is that .45 will have a lighter barrel because more of it is cut out for the bore (they typically have the same thickness barrel, so the larger bore will weigh less)
>If I wanted to Cowboy maxing with blackpowder, what would you guys recomend?
Not starting with a levergat or a revolver. They are an absolute MOTHERFUCKER to clean, and if you don't clean them properly in this climate the guns can rust out in a matter of days. Get a single shot gun and learn to take care of it first.
>electrical ignition
Buy one of those cheap Indian-made muskets, wire a battery pack into the patchbox, drill your own touch hole, line it with an electrical insulator, and snag a bunch of packs of Estes rocket igniters to experiment with.
Fair warning. If you start playing with making your own proper nichrome stuff, the powder fouling will absolutely destroy them after a couple of shots if the detonation doesn't. The actual model rocket starters are disposable for a reason. They're basically priming powder shellacked onto very thin resistor wire and taped out into an appropriate gap, you can make your own for cheap but they don't function as reliably.
>t. former model rocketeer
build one into a percussion cap nipple, some sort of piezoelectric spark generator that you need to take out and clean every couple shots
I'd worry about the concussion fucking up your spark gap, but that could be workable as long as you stay on top of corrosion.
you're right, it's the same length

Larger bore for lighter barrel is interesting
it's also easier to reload because the gate is easier to shove your thumb into, it really hurts my thumb to jam cartridges into my 1873 in .357
A Tikka T3x in .308 with a scope.
Kill anything and everything, razor sharp, see everything, no fuzz.

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