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Was Kojimas design the perfect homemade weapon? or whats your opinion about his gun
why the battery and electric cords?
What a hack.
there is no one "perfect" design for homemade weapons because everybody has different skill sets and access to different resources. What's easy for one person to build might be a huge hassle for someone else and vice-versa. There's also the question of what the weapon is for, exactly. Something like that is fine for close-range, but it would be useless if the application required longer range or being discreet.
Ignition. It's a muzzle-loader with electric ignition.
why not use a firing pin and hammer like any other gun made in the last couple centuries?
Electric priming retardo anon
It looks like shit to me, but it worked, so it obviously wasn't completely shit. I wonder if he made multiples and tested them or anything like that.
total guess, but Japan monitors the fuck out of all ammo sales (including reloading materials) and he was being cautious to not raise any flags?
see >>62069376
with what primer you fucking retard
what was the propellant?
Way fucking easier to do the electronic option as there is no mechanical precision required. It's also super reliable.
where are you gonna find primers in japan...? Electric ignition is the choice for flying under the radar, and making use of what you can get
powder scavenged from fireworks
Priming caps are actually quite complex and hard to make. Going electric is easier.
okay and every military in the whole world is using primers why then?
how did they shoot guns before they invented primers???
Either blackpowder or airbag detonator.
>where are you gonna find primers in japan...?
nailgun blanks could be used as primers, and also as sources of powder. primers could also be made from matchheads. However making any of that work would be a lot more work than just sticking a piece of nichrome wire or a model rocket igniter through a touchhole.
>what is a supply chain
>how did they shoot guns before they invented primers???
With unreliable shit.
If you're autistic enough caps are possible but electric is far easier and reliable.
gunpowder from fireworks
> I wonder if he made multiples and tested them or anything like that.
You don't need multiples of something to figure out if a rudimentary weapon works. If anything he just did dry tests to see if the system worked
>okay and every military in the whole world is using primers why then?
Primers are better if you have the industrial capacty to make them and the guns that use them...but it's not like some random dude has the machinery or the know-how to make any of that. Meanwhile the electric option is really fucking easy. Now the electric option has tons of downsides too, but they don't really apply when the gun will never be used more than one time.

>how did they shoot guns before they invented primers???
Mechanical locks like flintlocks, wheellocks, etc, are MUCH more work to build compared to just wiring a battery and a switch together.
>Lives in no-guns country
>Designed and made one anyway, and used it to the full effect.
>Lives in Walmart gun section
>Can only land a grazing shoot on a still target
I support gun banning in the US. You spoiled mutts are nothing but larpers with zero practical shooting skill.
>. I wonder if he made multiples and tested them or anything like that.
Yes, and yes.
He built an earlier, larger, version with more barrels. There are photos of it floating around. The news reports at the time also said that he tested it in advance. Though honestly I'm not sure there is much which needs testing, the ignition circuit is exactly how model rockets are launched, it's not like there is any big secret or unknown to figure out.
it's not only about seeing if it works, but about how well and how consistently it works. What's the spread? Penetration? I know he had another one with like six barrels, which makes me think he had some idea of which he would want depending on how close he thought he could get or how concealing he thought it had to be. Or maybe he just got lucky.
>okay and every military in the whole world is using primers why then?

because it's profitable for the jews, anon.
The only reason this worked is because Japan is a country where you can just walk up behind a former president with a doohickey
Why should he have in the first place?
>significantly more complicated to design and build
>requires fabrication of complex specialized parts, instead of easily attainable basic electronic components
>requires primers to create the spark (surely very difficult for him to acquire, and even harder to do so without law enforcement noticing)
>homemade mechanical action significantly increases the risk of something going wrong
>but old thing bad, so he should instead be building a clockwork rube goldberg machine that's more likely to malfunction on the day, just to smack an additional (entirely unnecessary) component that he's unable to purchase without significant risk of getting v& before he can actually use it for the purpose he went to all this trouble for
Is this the real reason they took electronic primers from us?
A dude who lives in a country with strict gun laws had to manufacture his own gun and ammunition. Its not like here in the US where we can buy handgun primers.
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Funny how the nation with strict gun control has the firearm death
Japan still MOGS shartland in quality of life
Well duh its an high trust ethno state with no shitskins
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Their suicide rate says otherwise
But speaking specifically to his situation and case, I would say the results speak for themselves.
Some autocannons and naval guns use electronic firing. It's a proven technology.
It's lower than USA's.
As someone who lived there for a few months, its really not that much better. Sure the cheap healthcare is nice and not having to deal with nogs (though browns are still a thing) is primo, Japan is super jank in tons of other ways that wouldnt fly here.
it's a real shame that he deserved what he got
Drumf or Abe?
dude was in bed with insane cult shit and he, and all his buddies, deserve the rope and worse
It worked unlike some other attempt I can mention.
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Far from it, but I loved his work on the MGS series.
>okay and every military in the whole world is using primers why then?
Because they are fucking militaries with access to fucking industry and not some dude in his basement working around the strictest gun restrictions in the world.
>dude was in bed with insane cult shit
God forbid a man has fun
No Saddam Hussein?
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you don't need more
I know it seems weird to Americans but yeah, places that have strict gun control will regulate the sale of ammunition and sometimes all gun related supplies as well. In the US only the guns receiver is regulated and even that law has loopholes, but in Europe barrels and magazines are regulated as well. I don't think auto sears are tough.

Which is always left out of homemade gun discussions : from their experience people feel they could still buy barrels, magazines and ammunition and build their own STEN gun but in practice the guns are easier to find than proper ammo. When a gun is sold on the black market in Europe it comes with the ammo in the mag and good luck on finding more.
Prophetic post
perfect enough to got the job done
The suicide rate that is lower than than of America? Lmao retard.
this, turns out burgers were just larping the last 60 years
Yep, it's ridiculously easy to make a machine gun with electronic ignition, compared to a mechanical one. Just program the controller to pulse continuously at #number pulses per second. As long as the recoil system can keep up with clearing the spent cartridges (respectively feeding fresh ones), any semi-auto electronic gun is a full auto waiting to get out.
Which is why the feds shat themselves when Remington came out with their gun, and did everything to sink it. Remington themselves figured out it was a potentially bad thing, and self-sabotaged it.
how the fuck does one off themselves in Japan, wtf do you have to be depressed about? America is FAR WORSE. OO ROOO ME ROST AT FORTRITE, MUST SEPPUKU.
I don't know if it's as bad as it was in the 80's and 90's, but Japan had a real problem of businessmen jumping out windows (rooftops, whatever), and they have forests that are known and commonly named as suicide spots (typically self hanging/strangulation, but other methods too, iirc). I don't know if the suicide rates were truly higher in the 80's and 90's for that matter, but it was shocking for most western business people to learn of that kind of brain drain problem.
I would replace the big ass battery with a tiny one and use a capacitor to set off the primer.
>how the fuck does one off themselves in Japan, wtf do you have to be depressed about?

I can think of a few reasons, but the major one is how horribly toxic the culture is. You are expected to fit in exactly one spot among millions and not break out of it or do your own thing and go against the grain or you are shunned by everyone, former friends, coworkers, and family all, like you're a 16 year old who's pregnant with twins in the Bible belt.

Speaking of coworkers, their work culture and environment is so toxic that they have invented terms for the worst of the worst companies (Black companies), and have a word in widespread. use that means 'working oneself to death.' Karoshi. Not burnout, literal death. Extremely long working hours, massive projects hoisted onto too-small teams forcing them to overwork to accomplish deadlines, etc. And yes, there is also still the Bushido mindset and the expectation of exteme self sacrifice for the greater whole which didn't just poof and disappear after the Second World War. It just migrated over from the military into businesses. You combine that with a fear of failure and the risks of losing one's job due to that, and... yeah. You get a lot of suicides. A. Lot. Of suicides.
and yet, they have better work conditions than the US...
he was 6 inches from his target with a boomstick in a country that has 1 mass shooting every 50 years.
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The peer pressure is incredible. They have a saying "A nail that sticks out will get hammered in". You have insane cultural and social expectation to conform to other people's expectations, and if you don't, you will essentially get ostracised. I mean "nobody will even talk to you or recognize your presense" and quite a significant amount of backstabbing bullying tactics. Not just like "your lunch meal gets tossed to garbage from the workplace fridge" but also "razorblades put in your shoes". People drop not-so subtle hints that "Perhaps a suicide is an answer for some people's problem".

If you don't fit int, the other people will make sure you will never be accepted in. unwanted workers will be given bullshit tasks like "just sit in this room and wait for further instructions" and then nobody will EVER come to deliver those instructions. You will just sit there, in that room for 12 hour shifts (yes, the shifts are stupid long) with nothing to do and nobody will ever tell you what you are supposed to do. You are expected to understand that you are undesireable and just quit the job by yourself. Or preferrably just kill yourself, that would make it easier for the others.
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It outperformed conventional ARs and 5.56, so yeah
They don't have basketball people
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But that's the thing... They DON'T have better work conditions than the US. It's quite the opposite: Your job IS YOUR LIFE. You are not expected to have other purpose than your job. Your private life exists only to restore your working ability. Your home is just a room where you sleep between work shifts. You will not have time for family (for many people, they don't even see their families or even really know their kids because they see them only on weekends) or any hobbies. you will not have "You-time".

Sure, your office might be nice and modern and you may have all the fancy equipment, but your life is a ccyberpunk-like dystopia. Your job is expected to be your life. You don't work in order to do stuff on your own time. You have your own time only to restore your work energy. Failure to conform to this expectation will get you ostracized. See >>62074450
>2008 Obama Hope Poster Aesthetic
I really hoped this faggot style was dead.
>You get a lot of suicides. A. Lot. Of suicides.
But their suicides aren't even high any more. Far fewer than their surrounding countries, and lower than the US and many European countries.
you just described work in the US
>And yes, there is also still the Bushido mindset and the expectation of exteme self sacrifice for the greater whole which didn't just poof and disappear after the Second World War.
Bushido is 20th century propaganda, dude. It was never a real thing.
Depending on the jobin the U.S. it can be like that, but normally it isn't, you do your 40 hours a week i hours a day (if you even get that, given how much of the time you just get stuck with part time stuff),and are expected to go home, overtime is a thing that rarely is given lightly. You normally get PTO if you do work 40 hours or more, you get given a mandantory 30 minute lunch break if you work more than 6 hours, etc etc etc. In the U.S. you at least can generally find a solid work-life balance if you go looking and noone will fucking ostracize you for it except for dipshit corporate bootlickers, asskissers and some shithead managers, that isn't the case over there, there you are EXPECTED to work at that 60-70 hour workweek and if you speak out or quit to try and find a better job you will be shunned like you bare a scarlet letter upon your breast.
Could a semi-auto electrically ignited compressed flammable gas system be used effectively instead of gunpowder? Like a mini potato gun with oxy acetilen mix, Or just a pcp airgun with enough power would not be more simple and effective?
>get paid to sit in a room and do nothing
kinda based
>job in the US
40 hours a week, 8 hours a day

That's what I get for typing, in bed, with my glasses off, on my phone, while tired.

And my captcha fuxking uwu'd at me I'm fucking done for tonight
It's so cute watching weebs spout all this orientalist crap about Japan's working culture and oooo they are so buglike they will HAMMER YOU DOWN if you STICK OUT! Everyone is committing suicide! It's hell on earth! everyone works 90 hours a week and nobody ever sees their family.
I've been in Japan longer than some of you have been alive and there ARE careers like that but trust me, I know almost nobody who is such a 社畜. They exist, but it's such an out of date image. I'm not in the rat race any more but even at its worst it wasn't that bad really.
/k/ - Japanese quality of life and office culture
japan does have a higher suicide rate than most of europe and the usa bye the way
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It's interesting that US suicide rates aren't really related to average incomes, happiness, different religious or political views. The only connection I could make was in maps of post-recession recovery. I can't find a similar map to compare Japan since the asset price bubble.
It could be more primitive than this, this seems to be like an electric derringer, was a successful assassination, RIP Shinzo Abe
When you think about it none of that stuff can be made illegal easily so yeah it’s a pretty good design.
elecricty = heat = ignition of powder
like a detonator on an IED
maybe the gun is more complex than it needs to be
maybe it was designed this way for a reason or because he felt like it
Actually this is a dead simple zip gun or pipe gun but with an electric switch instead of a primer and cartridge
Maybe the goal is to need no pistol/rifle cartridge or primers to use
Don't forget the after hours Mandatory Fun Time with your colleagues!
It wasn't perfect but it was good enough.
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>corporate-enforced mandatory "fun" with all the office drones that mutually hate each other, their bosses, and their jobs
Europe is not a country, turd worlder dumbass
The one silver lining to this cloud is that it *IS* socially acceptable to call your boss a limp-dicked turd, to his face even, so long as you do it during mandatory drinking-with-the-coworkers time.
>but in Europe barrels and magazines are regulated as well
where I live magazines are not regulated tho
idk about barrels but you can buy old ak47 magazines for spare change at flea markets
A lot of military guns use electric primers you moron. They are more reliable than impact primers which is why planes and naval guns use them. They just aren't great for small arms.
Well for starters, everyone is expected to work 10–14 hour days, expected to socialize with coworkers afterwards to maintain good work relations, Asians have some of the most competitive schools in the world, extremely high divorce rates, extremely low birth rates, many corporations have yakuza in their board of directors, if you're arrested, they'll hold you indefinitely and you're almost guaranteed to get a guilty sentence. The peaceful towns in the countryside are disappearing, etc.
>Which is always left out of homemade gun discussions
I see it brought up in home made gun conversations every single week here and elsewhere.
In fact *I* have personally brought it up hundreds of times in the last few years.

It's always euros pretending they have no options going "making a gun is impossible no one could ever be killed with a muzzle loader" getting blown the fuck out when someone points out the shinzo case.
Because they generate a spark and good luck machining a firing pin or finding primers in Japan. I bet the gunpower itself was home made.
What was successful at wat it was made for, is a win in my opinion.
Unlike the AR 15 that shot Trump.
Not saying that either of this should have happened, but I could have done a better headshot at 150 meters with irons.

It's like saying that a shovel that dug a trench is better than a bulldozer with a retard at it's operator seat
I'm an interjector.
Abe was promoting procreation while the new generation didn't have houses suitable for families thanks to the housing bubble that started the generational population decline. This was during the time, the "other world" trend was building up before it became mainstream and mellowed out into homesteading life stories. So whatever Abe said didn't solve any problems.
Ever heard of metal storm the gun ? Remington EtronX ?
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Suicides per 100,000 seems unfair for counties less than 100,000 people. Everyone knows it's the new generation killing themselves because they have nothing and know it's not worth it at the end. It's not about economy recovery when livability is more of a threat to the younger generation than the old.
In Finland you could probably just walk up to any politician and punch them in the nose. They frequently walk amongst normies while campaigning.
I am not burger, is the central green belt of fewer suicides all farmland?
its hard to tell if that color means "no data," or "fewer suicides," but, that is a particularly rural part of the country. The North and South parts don't do much farming but in the center they do.
Shit you're right, I think that center belt is all no data. What a terribly designed map.
Endless cope of nogun non Americans who want excuses for why they "dont do shit" while accusing Americans of failing in their sacred duty to die fixing the whole fucking world for them.

The fact is that even 1% of any modern country could overthrow their society inside of a month even if armed with nothing but medieval weapons by waging a campaign of ambush, assassination, and sabotage with them.
Literally just make a slamfire but hey, nice job!
You can't make a slamfire work if you don't have the factory-made shells to slam, anon.
Slamfire would have made sense if he could have easily gotten shotgun shells....but that ain't going to happen in Japan.
No it's not
USA is 14.5 per 100k, Japan is 12.2 per 100k.
Turns out you need positive meaning in your life to survive, not just "less pain"
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>The peer pressure is incredible. They have a saying "A nail that sticks out will get hammered in". You have insane cultural and social expectation to conform to other people's expectations, and if you don't, you will essentially get ostracised. I mean "nobody will even talk to you or recognize your presense" and quite a significant amount of backstabbing bullying tactics. Not just like "your lunch meal gets tossed to garbage from the workplace fridge" but also "razorblades put in your shoes". People drop not-so subtle hints that "Perhaps a suicide is an answer for some people's problem".
A human would respond to this treatment by bashing anyone who offended them with a celt.

>If you don't fit int, the other people will make sure you will never be accepted in. unwanted workers will be given bullshit tasks like "just sit in this room and wait for further instructions" and then nobody will EVER come to deliver those instructions. You will just sit there, in that room for 12 hour shifts (yes, the shifts are stupid long) with nothing to do and nobody will ever tell you what you are supposed to do. You are expected to understand that you are undesireable and just quit the job by yourself. Or preferrably just kill yourself, that would make it easier for the others.
Oh no, the dishonor of someone paying you to sit, what shame.
>Withhold my pay
Lol try it Toshiro see what happens.
He even made his own gunpowder, experimentally from scratch.
Have you ever killed a man for insulting you, anon?
No, he got the powder from fireworks.
what was his motive?
He had a grudge against Abe because his mom got ripped off financially by some crazed religious cult and he considered Abe to be a supporter of said cult.
ah figures, thanks. I was wondering if it was something else because of the drastic cultural shift in Japan the last few years
Decent bait
Doesn't that all just force them to get good grades in school?
I hadn't thought about how much Kojima dabbed on that chud shooter. Baka gaijins btfo.
R.I.P. in piece Abraham Lincoln, inventor of lincoln logs.

>press F to pay respeks
Japan's PM Kishita dodged a homemade bomb attack a year or so ago. No one ever seems to bring that up.
Based spbp
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Yeah, they didn't get tired of being made fun of for being the suicide capital of the universe and start under/miss reporting suicide as other causes of death. They're not lying to save face.
Do you honestly believe for a second that a country that under reports their violent crime isn't similarly sweeping their suicides under the rug to try and save face?
I'm sure he will take it light heartedly and not passive aggressively retaliate
Or you can just stop being a pussy and say it to his face without an excuse.

Nah, common fireworks over there contain enough powder in various forms (including coarse blackpowder) to get it to work. You can get enough for a few shots if you know where to look.
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You missed and you died lol.
I live in a society where anyone who acted the way you're describing would get their jaw shattered.
Yknow, Human society.
A bug wouldn't understand.
>he hoped
They'll appropriate anything for the chance of an upvote on reddit.
I think it was loaded with black powder taken from fireworks. Guy had no primers, and in any case any kind of striker fire mechanism would have been way more complex. At this tech level, it was either electric ignition or a matchlock.
I find it annoying that the word "Fight" is horribly misaligned and is not in the lower center of the picture.
>US Suicide rate of 14 out of 100,000 people
>Japanese suicide rate of 25 out of 100,000 people
Gentlemen and gentlemen, the US education system!
only the japanese would make something like this
even their improvised weapons feels like they were made in a model hobby store
>burgers are too uneducated and dumb to commit suicide
I consider that a win.
>dude was in bed with insane cult shit and he, and all his buddies, deserve the rope and worse
Yeah fuck those christian people, spreading their jew slave religion and shit
you know nothing about the moonies if that's seriously your take
Its based on abrahamic mud people religion, i dont need to know anymore than that
Retard, it is South Korean based on demanding reparations from Japan cause ww2
Yeah. Kojima is tied along with Hideki Anno for being the most overrated hack in Japanese history.
>The Unification Church (Korean: 통일교) is a new religious movement derived from Christianity, whose members are called Unificationists or sometimes informally Moonies.

What kinda drugs are you on son?
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>founder claims to be the brother and/or reincarnation of Jesus Christ
kill yourself
just because they call themselves Christian doesn't make it so
disingenuous faggot
Okay, how do i know which christians are real? My point was anyway that christianity like judaism and islam are based on same abrahamic trilogy of some fantasy story
americans are terribly incompetent when it comes to weapons
>Okay, how do i know which christians are real?
The same way you separate bullshit from facts in any other field: by educating yourself on the topic. Moonies might claim to be Christian but if you've ever read any of their writings it's filled with mystical animist nonsense.

>My point was anyway that christianity like judaism and islam are based on same abrahamic trilogy of some fantasy story
Yes. I agree. But that's kinda missing the point here. Moonies aren't really Abrahamic in their beliefs, they're a lot more strange. In other words, the fantasy stories they're going around spreading are a lot weirder than the Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

The South Koreans already got reparations from Japan after WWII. Many millions of dollars worth. The problem is that the South Korean government spent the money on infrastructure instead of passing it on to the victims like they said they would. That is a big thing in South Korea but it doesn't have much to do with the Moonies.
>the fantasy stories they're going around spreading are a lot weirder than the Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

>The same way you separate bullshit from facts
so flooding world with two of each animal on boat is not weird shit to you? or dude splitting moon? or dude splitting sea?
finland is also pretty high up

i believe suicide is primarily caused by otaku realizing anime is not real
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Apparently it worked, the cult was exposed for its shitty practices and has since been barred from having a part in politics
It's the difference between the actual Nordic myths of Thor and worship of him and Thor from comic books. You can argue till you're blue in the face that they're both fake but the important thing is that they're two very separate fictions which should not be confused for each other
>Piss for ye lives!!
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Et in Arcadia, Ego.
>It's the difference between the actual Nordic myths of Thor and worship of him and Thor from comic books
this was my point all along, is that both groups are equally retarded, like old edda stories are base for thor comics, moonies are based on christianity, its just christianity with korean twist, its like saying snickers is not real chocolate bar because it has nuts in it
>firearm death
a guy died tho
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>Japanese companies will literally just pay you to sit in a broom closet all day.
How is that a problem? I'd just be shitposting all day. I bet you could slip out and nobody would notice.
Japanese people are so silly.
If you can bear being surrounded by japs you can make a decent living in that shithole, or live like a king after a decade of minimum wage flipping burgers in America
>firing pin
it's literally a cylindrical piece of metal with a round tip, a nail could fill the job.
>send one video saying "Hey I also think people should fucking have sex and make babies"
>get shot because a neet thinks you support the cult his mom got fleeced by
>retards think the neet was fighting against a corrupt religious shadow government
>they think you ran it because you disliked their escapist tranime
No he wasn't though, he sent a video congratulating them for family values you'd think if there was anything at all there the moonies would have claimed him for sympathy/persecution points instead of just getting banned for being creeps
Have you ever shattered someone’s jaw?
>false equivalence
>food analogy
Lol retard
The problem is primers, as always. The electric musket is a brilliant solution to nogun faggoids claiming that primers are what stops them from making a gun.
No gun no opinion, post gun with timestamp loser.
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the cult needed the boot one way or the other
I can do 20 in my sleep, and to hell with crom
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then do em pussy
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Already did
>kill abe
>new pm imports mud people
Good job destroying your country singlehandedly
where are the mud people?
n-no but if I lived in that society there would be a lot more jaws getting shattered believe me
>post retarded counter arguments without explaining them
lol retard
Wonder how many annual school shootings japan has
The fact that people consider ~20 anonymous children's lives to be worth giving up society's basic personal rights is what is wrong with society.
>In an alternate universe autoclicker macro is considered a machine gun by atf
Bouncer for three years. Have you ever even fired a gun, bugman?
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