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Thank fuck retards bought this and not something actually competent.
Is this it?
WWSD rifle
inb4 deleted thread but that tmp footage soooorrt of shows a traditional 4-pos stock
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This is a fixed stock
Barrel whip saved trumps life
So, voting with the second amendment failed?
Why did he pull his pants down?
Assumed the position for Jesus to inject him with holy spirit for his trip to hell's cleansing fire
That would be pretty funny if true and the guy turns out to be a Karl fan or something.
Anything Ian McCollum actively shills or endorses is bound to suck. He's a black hole of bad luck and poor judgement.
Ian = good.
Karl = bad.
I guess its not implausible, it does kinda resemble it. Karl surrounds himself with antifa-adjacent people like that ollam guy, so it wouldn't surprise me if the WWSD is considered a "safe" choice for antifa members; I do know certain redditor cliques like the john brown faggots are fond of it. Would be funny seeing karl get v& for supplying a domestic terrorist, but I think they'll just bury the whole event; from what I hear all the shooters socials have already been scrubbed.
The fields of Pennsylvania are windy all the time.
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Hail, the Dark Lord
I’d fuck her.
He was recently kicked out of his gay satan church for being too leftist.
More like too obnoxious, which is insane for a Satanist because they exist only to be obnoxious
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>even satan hates commies
It was specifically the anti-cop comments, but yes lots of people there disliked him.

Follow the Karl thread on ar15.com. He posted somewhere that he was leaving the satan church. And then someone linked a statement of the church founder/leader saying that they have a good relationship with leo and statements made by him don’t represent them. Quite a few social media posts by people happy that he is gone.
>being too insufferable for satanist church
kek that's too rich, no wonder everyone dunked on karl and he had to use his discord raids to cry about ian
He'd watch
For a guy who makes a point to be a troll he sure can't take the heat when it comes the other way.
He set that smock he's wearing on fire in a video for being associated with nazis lol.
>the church founder/leader saying that they have a good relationship with leo
there's a joke to be had somewhere in there
feels good man
Shut up tranny
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Its just what I keep thinking of.
One can only imagine an alternate scenario where it grazed his eye and left him wearing an eyepatch. its too cool for this timeline.
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satanist politics is more akin to libertarian, commie doesnt fit into satanism(both the cringey levay or the protest satanic temple kind)
When you gotta goon you gotta goon.
Shit, I should have gone to that to tell him how much I miss Ian in his videos.
When Ian was there to reel him in Karl has legit valuable contributions and discussion points. He is actually very well read on wild west, Soviet, and old German guns. But once he pushed Ian away it was fuckin over because he is so insufferable of he's not kept in check.
Could have worn a FW shirt to the event and ask him to autograph a photo of Ian.
Ian was essentially the tard wrangler assigned to Karl's downie.
The Spencer vs Henry video they did is a certified classic and incredibly interesting.
He would fucking melt down right then and there
I still don't really get what happened to his brain. When we first met Karl he was doing full-on Wehrmacht LARPing, and then a few years later he's going on about trannies, hookers, communists, and devilry.
Karl is so fucking contrarian he fell out of the libertarian to fascist pipeline and went full retard
>Hey Karl, you can repent your satanic ways if you sign this for me
I really don't know. Part of it I think is his punk/hipster attitude and wanting to go against the cultural norm. He dressed like a German when that would get you side-eyed and wasn't socially acceptable, then now he hits on trannies in Q&As when that'll get you clowned on. He just needs constant attention and reinforcement that he's "an individual." Gotta be the same reason he's a Satanist, clearly it's not an actual belief system for him if he'll abandon his church after they make pro-cop statements.
>Can I get a selfie with you? Just lemme put in my coat
I remember his video where he swore up and down his civvie 1970s VW Thing was absolutely 100% a kubelwagen despite the fucking things being barely related to each other.
>he hits on trannies
That just makes him more like /k/
Dude yes lmao
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Wouldn't you just need one of these bad boys for under $500 to get a hitjob done from long range?

lmao, reminder, a ton of russians were killed by a bolt action rifle in winter war.
A ton of Russians and Ukrainians are being killed NOW by a bolt action rifle.

120 years of Mosin supremacy!
Doubt, ukrainians can only use drones to kill russians.
Satanism seems to consist entirely of being an insufferable, self-indulgent, contrarian. Which is very on brand, I guess.
>tons of people killed by bolt actions at a time bolt actions were standard issue
ya don't say?
Why fix something that's not broke.
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How long will it take before Karoline announces her transition?
The satanic church Karl belonged (kek) to isn't a religious group at all. It's a bunch of edgelords who do weird shit to make fun of Christians.
Yeah, like drinking cum. Take that Christians!
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Seriously, they are just satanic larpers who are edgelord contrarian atheists who trigger le hecking conservatives by heiling satan, nothing impressive about these guys.
Artillery, frostbite, and illness killed more than some basic bitch service rifle did in that war.
satan is evil and Jesus Christ is Lord, communists also hate Christians
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blaming a polymer lower attempting to move rifle design into the future and not blaming the Zoomer retard who didn't zero his sights? cmon now.
to be fair to this thing, they transitioned waaaaay before it was a meme for social credit score points.
that is fairly accurate
the satanic temple's big thing is they are mainly a lawsuit group, they are big enough that they are legally recognized as a religion and they just abuse it whenever religion is forced into anything
i think its pretty funny
like right here is a city council that started their meetings with a christian prayer so the satanic temple showed up and sued them to be allowed to do their satanic chant, which is just a bunch of nonsense to piss off bookmers

i definitely support them because they are edgy contrarians, i was forced into every single event the church hosted because my family is heavily involved in them, i just wanted to hang out with my friends growing up but i was forced into the church until i could move out and its made me very resentful of it
its childish and stupid but im probably never growing out of it either
levay satanism is the cringey one that actually believes that shit, the satanic temple is the edgy protest one that is just a lawsuit machine
levay satanists are annoying freaks 9 times out 10
You sound like a fag
its just typical anti-social nerd bullshit, nothing special. Same thing as teenage girls going from metal head to goth to weaboo girls.

Also everybody who fetishizes and fixates on Soviet, Russian and German bullshit eventually degenerates and breaks down, its a constant. They should fetishize sucessful countries like Ian with his Francophilia.
>1/4" off at 150ish yards
I think we witnessed a miracle, is all
It's like 4" off unless he was aiming for a cheek.
looks like a 4-pos to me dude
When they obviously go to all that ceremonial effort and dedication, and live lives morally opposite to the commandments, I dont care what they say they believe its a religion to them.
>atheistic satanism
You're the definition of developmentally disabled, and it makes sense that you support an organization that is in your own words effectively a coalition of other developmentally disabled adult children.
You and your ilk are one of many actual root causes for western societal decay.
>t. agnostic godless heathen
Don't blame the gun, blame the lack of gun control: If training were mandatory before purchase, then being unable to hit a stationary day-glo-orange target from >150m would not be an issue.
Levay satanists still have a bunch of rules about not hurting other people.
They're mostly harmless ego-wanking hedonists, overall they're just really fucking annoying and cringe.
They're not like the (rare) full blown devil-worshiping satanists who actually encourage each other to hurt people, who run around sacrificing animals and shit.
Or the elitist cultists like bohemian grove and spirit cookers who actually hurt kids.
lol get the fuck out of here. govt training for gun rights restrictions is never anything more than "don't shoot yourself" and "here's all the ways you'll get arrested"
Church of Satan is the actual legitimate religious satanist organization. The Satanic Temple is the activist organization that doesn't believe that shit and is just around to fight what they believe to be intrusion of religions into public institutions.
They're both atheist satanists you dumb idiot. Which doesn't make them too different from "actual" satanists as satanism is inherently negative. It's a positive belief, it doesn't exist to propose or change anything. Even the cum drinking is just typical satanic rituals because its all based on shit like that, sometimes literally shit.

Basically you're all fags off topic posting, the fucking nerd who shot Trump didn't even use this shit gun.
You don't know his point of aim, he could've been aiming center of mass and missed by literal feet.
lmao what a dork
*it's not a positive belief.
Amazing that I managed to fuck that up.
Do some reading about the early Nazis and you'll find out they were full of crypto communists and "national" communists alongside the typical national socialists.
Looked like Coriolis effect to me.
The dude was a card carrying republican who apparently got turbobullied at school. If anything he was probably radicalised by qanon and the last straw was more Epstein flight records being released. The selection of rifle is pretty whack though.
>donates to leftist group
>claims to be antifa member on instagram
idk man I think maybe it was just a crazy retard
I reckon it was drugs. The dude became an irrational and barely coherent mess. It wasn't a typical contrarian larp gone too far.
>card carrying republican
Faggots in red states will routinely register as republican to fuck with primaries anon. That doesn't mean shit.
Instagram page was created yesterday. Please l2internet.
The shooter was grown in a lab last week.
Maybe he just did that.
Yeah, Boris Johnson is his brother. The third of les infante terribles is Macron.
Snakes genes aren't putrid enough to produce something as disgusting and weak as Macron.>>62079241
Irrelevant since he stole the gun from his dad anyway
Definitely could be, but I'm not sure. If it dies actually turn out to be a WWSD or other reddit-tier KP-15-based build then it's a dead ringer for a leftist.
>claims to be antifa member on instagram
Got a source on this? I don't doubt it, but I'd like to be able to present concrete evidence to leftoids supposing it is true.
The fact that it was in PA also lends credence to this theory and is why I think this was most likely the case.
People in all states do that on both sides. If there's a strong candidate in the other party people will vote on that ballot for someone else to keep the main candidate from winning.

It's also possible the kid changed affiliations. His dad was a registered libertarian.
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What aiming system and suppressor would Stoner use?
Not so much when "your side" is a shoo-in. Then you're going to be more interested in which of your guys is stronger on whichever degeneracy floats your boat.
From what wikipaedo is saying, for what that's worth, he has libertardian/democrat/both social worker parents so he never had a fucking chance of being normal really, even without the mong face.
Wow a thread tangentially related to the recent event hasn't been chucked into the garbage by the jannies yet and several mentions of trump here have yet to be responded to by frothing at the mouth and mad dog tier retardation. Also the catalog is currently more diverse in topics than the last couple years.
Either karl is a unifier in how much of annoying fag he is or the 2016/2020 tier culture war baiters have stopped a hell of a lot sooner than november.
They're just busy elsewhere for now. They'll be back.
Probably sleepy after the big Saturday dinner too.
>tfw you're too retarded to comprehend the metaphysical questions you feel compelled to answer and get stuck in the realm of cheap symbolic acts
The shot hit within 1/3 second of Trump turning his head. It's likely the hammer dropped as he started turning his head. Dude pulled the trigger with a perfectly aimed shot.
I bet the shooter was thinking about that miss for the rest of his life.
Why the fuck do you follow this shit?
Why are you?
>karl is a unifier in how much of annoying fag he is
I think that might be it.
According to his schoolmates he was bullied every day, and didn't have any friends as far as I can tell, so I think that has more bearing than any nominal political affiliation.
I don't believe anyone at 20 has particularly developed political beliefs and people who appear to do so have simply picked a side tribally.
>I don't believe anyone at 20 has particularly developed political beliefs
That's why most assassins are young, in actuality. Everything is very simple and emotional to them.
Do not underestimate how retarded social workers are. He's going to have been fed a whole lot of shit that conflicts with reality from birth, pretty much guaranteed mental illness.
way to over extrapolate and narrativize
he outlined why he individually despises the church
you're being silly, it is his own thing and such conflicts emerge in any society at any time the question is how we deal with it
i posit your out-of-touch jammering and lack of empathy could also be called "" developmentally disabled""
>white knighting for fellow manchild
I don't care, anon.
something something Jeffery MacDonald
I had gotten my 3 month lolcow update a few days before. I don’t check very much after I got filtered from ar15.com due to a lack of Israel worship.
They got Macron from the Snake with FOXDIE sample...
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>Sponsored by OceanGate™
>You have to break some rules to innovate

Ian facial hair and hipster military surplus = No problem

Karl facial hair and party issued uniform = Cringe
Pictures of dead communists is so Kino
He was a registered republican.
he also donated to actblue
He also donated to actblue.
bro you can't be out here copying me like this

No he didn't. That was some 70 year old dude who has the same name.
bro you can't be out here copying me like this
I did get the joke anon, i did get the joke.
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It definitely was the kid.

There's the FEC doc directly if you don't believe me.
Typical candidate denial voting strategy means nothing
Ian =fake
Karl = gay
personally I'm looking forwards to Karl's upcoming appearance on Fuddbusters
republicans are communists
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Actual info please.

I wouldn't buy one, but why does it suck?

Also, are you all saying that a WWSD was used to try and cap trump?
Is that really happening?
Lolberts do love degenerate lifestyle, so no too surprising.
>Also, are you all saying that a WWSD was used to try and cap trump?
There is no info about the rifle yet, all we know is it is an AR-15 and it was bought/owned by the shooter's dad but we don't know if it was stolen from his dad's safe or if it was a gift from the dad to the shooter. We don't know anything about the make or other setup of the AR-15.
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He was wearing shorts.
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thanks. I wasn't sure if you all had other information.
Look at the gut on that guy in multicam. Shameful
Rip in rest C'mon Man
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Theres nothing functionally wrong with the rifle, most anons just consider it conceptually irritating to try market your mongrel parts gun as a continuation of Stoners legacy.
>Also, are you all saying that a WWSD was used to try and cap trump?
Yes, but as far as I know that's only because the rifle appears to have a fixed stock and tubular handguard, which isn't unique to WWSD. There are currently no pics clear enough to say for sure.
>my kid is a bullied no-friend male looking like that
>i know what he needs, an AR
>surely nothing bad will come of this
He also registered so he could vote against Trump in the primary.
There was a whole movement around it that leftoids are desperately trying to avoid talking about whenever they try to push this "hE wUz Uh RePuBliKuN" cope.
>"The organization’s rationale is simple...the most effective tactic to stop Trump is for liberal and independents to vote for Haley."
>"“We only care about damaging Donald Trump,” said Schwartz. “For better or for worse, the only thing you can do if you really want to stop Trump is to vote for Haley.”"

I'll keep saying it: leftoids were always the American vatniks and they rely on the firehose of falsehood just as much.
Dad probably didn't know he was bullied. The school counsellor said he wasn't and a lot of other kids said he wasn't, so while he apparently was bullied, it escaped the notice of much of the school. To be fair, he graduated in 2022, so his last two years of HS could have been over zoom; the reality is a lot of the people claiming to know him probably barely remember him.
It's asking what would stoner do when we know he just made the SR16. The wwsd rifle started like 90% of peoples builds who try to justify the purchase of one part by purchasing more parts as opposed to slapping on the first cool looking red anodized strike industries and wish.com shit you see and being satisfied with the rule of cool. What got the ball rolling was a then new poly lower that didn't snap in half the first time the stock encountered light pressure. They then part it out with other light weight parts like a faxon gunner barrel (pencil profile front but normal weight rear and later a carbon fiber wrapped barrel) coupled with a lancer carbon fiber mlok handguard. The thinking being the poly lower isn't weak trash so we can use it to cut weight at the rear. While the original m16 was to use a pencil barrel susceptible to shifting point of impact, the newer barrels would be pencil light but also mostly eliminate the issues of the old design.
The stoner rifle design is meant to fulfil the needs of a military fighting rifle which was done twice with the AR and the later Knights model. The wwsd rifle basically just became a competition type gun that's not all that optimized for competition compared to what's been out there already.
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>google SatanCon
>estimated attendance ~600
Bruh, a failed first attempt gaming convention that didn't even last its full schedule near me managed more than that.
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Is it wrong that I want to go there and try to start schisms within Satanism?
Clearly, they're going for 666
>so while he apparently was bullied
or maybe he just fucking wasn't and the bullied angle is cope to try and draw heat away from the political motivations
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Looks like it was a DPMS AR-15.
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This doesn't fit the narrative
>about the same price
>about the same accuracy
>you've just made a follow up shot much harder

If you're not planning on getting away there's no reason not to max out your credit and buy the best rifle off the shelf you can.
>He dressed like a German when that would get you side-eyed and wasn't socially acceptable now he hits on trannies in Q&As when that'll get you clowned on
What's the weather like on your planet anon?
But its not conjecture, formers classmates are saying he was bullied. Is the media over-emphasizing it in order to distract from other aspects, like they did with his republican membership? Sure, but its not something they just pulled out of their asses.
NTA, but he had the Hitler youth cut half a decade before it was cool.
The point is, go to work dressed as a woman, then go the next day with a swazi armband. See which one gets you the IRL banhammer.
So I'm hearing rumors that this dude apparently attended Black Rock or WEF conventions? That true? Anyone got proofs?

>pencil barrel
>red dot plus magnifier instead of an LPVO or normal scope
Nothing against dots of course I just don't think people should be trying to make marksmen shots with them ideally.

I'm not a Q-tard but last I checked the Lincoln project was more or less comprised of Nixon esk neocons who want to disarm and censor us in the name of defending OPEC and Aipac.
Being a registered Republican doesn't mean shit.

Side note but I find it funny how they love to accuse their critics and opponents of being Russian shills while also having taken bribes from Russian energy companies like Rosatom. Modern day televangelists (morality) basically, they love accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Sounds more like he needed a better diet and an exercise routine. More steaks, eggs, and salads and less hydrogenated seed oils.

I'll admit I enjoy both of their content BUT that said Karl is indeed an insufferable faggot and his Discord meta drama is cringe, clearly he learned nothing from the other cord spergs like Trout and pee.
As far as I can tell, the only BlackRock connection is that he appeared in an ad they filmed at his school.
Got sauce on that commercial before it gets purged? I wanna archive it idealy.
No. You could probably find it if you look. CNN had it at one point.
>Go for the meme 1337h@XX0r headshot instead of classic center mass shot
>Miss because people tend to move their heads around much more than they do their torsos
So this is the power of zoomzooms raised on CoD.
Oh never mind, if it's even allowed on the mainstream then I'm not worried about it getting scrubbed
He's not going to fucking bleed out my dude. He's not some fucking random guy on a battlefield. If you need a guaranteed kill, the head is the only off switch area you can realistically aim at.
Naaaah. An upper chest shot with a rifle is the same as a head shot in terms of lethality.
Yeah, he wasn’t the focus or anything. He just popped up in the background.
But on the other hand, it wouldn’t be a terrible assumption to think he was wearing body armor under his jacket. He wasn’t. Probably. But it would be extremely difficult to tell that from a hundred and fifty yards under stress.
So the decision to aim for the head wasn’5 necessarily a bad one given the information he had.
He was aiming from his side. With 5.56, there's a very real possibility that the projectile fragments in his arm and the fragments get caught by his vest. Headshot was the only guaranteed kill from that angle.
It was a side shot, regardless. Body armor wouldn't stop a bullet entering through the shoulder
Okay, but now you have to visualise his vitals (which are about the same size as a head). You can just see a head, it's right there. Dinging him in the shoulder or even a lung isn't a kill, everyone around has first aid and that nigger is going directly to a world class surgical facility.
Naaah. A double lung shot would put him down before anyone could save him. Throw in some follow ups and he's staying down for sure.
>A double lung shot
You're not getting that, because you missed. A head shot would have been a kill too.
"you"? What, you think I'm Crookes or something? Stop being a retard and keep your shirt on. The headshot missed because it's a smaller target that moved around too much for the shooter's ability to compensate. Trumps torso was meanwhile glued to the podium and not moving, therefore it would have been a higher probability shot.
>Seriously, they are just satanic larpers who are edgelord contrarian atheists who trigger le hecking conservatives by heiling satan, nothing impressive about these guys.
>Church of Satan is the actual legitimate religious satanist organization. The Satanic Temple is the activist organization that doesn't believe that shit and is just around to fight what they believe to be intrusion of religions into public institutions.
I made the mistake to try and explain this to christian schizos on /pol/ a couple of times.
Now I don't even bother anymore.

>Church of Satan is the actual legitimate religious satanist organization
NTA. Interesting read I just had. Looked up their ideology and philosophy.
LaVey Satinism is real satanism but it's pretty mild compare to what I consider to be "true" satanism.
I don't know if I can find it, but there was a nordic dude who was a real life almost carricature of what you expect a satanist to be. Not dressed up in full goth shit type LARP. Looked more far right or even nazi, and promoted a primitivist-like ideology, of Might makes Right. Like actually thought the weak should fear the strong.
No philosophical nonsense, just fucking Warhammer Orc energy. It was refreshing and funny, not gonna lie.
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>Stop being a retard
>can't follow a hypothetical
I said stop, not continue, bro.
Let me put this in small-words terms you can understand. Lung not big as you think are. Trump big man big chest but big chest mostly lard. Can pull off double lung, can pull off head. Head easier because can see head, can not see lung.
You wrong. Chest area big and vulnerable. Many arteries above heart to sever with fragments of bullet and bone. Just aim for upper torso. As a bonus, if miss vertically, hit the head. It be best target zone.
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first thing i noticed too, the state of our society is embarrassing
It wasn't a WWSD. It was an old DPMS his dad bought over 10 years ago that was collecting dust in the safe.
Satanism isn't atheist.
Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know what I'm talking about.
He probably didn’t have any political motivations. He could easily have just been an incel school shooter type who decided to try to kill a famous person instead of shoot up a public place in his last ditch suicidal bid for attention. The psychology of these antisocial murderers doesn’t require political motive at all. He seems like a repeat of the Reagan shooter, a Taxi Driver wannabe.
But then you miss the spectacle of making Trumps head explode on live TV, which is what all of these insane fuckers have been told they want
Did he buy a coffee mug or something?
>shooting the New York city-slicker president with a What Would Sneed Do rifle
based and kino
You've never used your erection as a monopod for better stability when precision shooting in the prone position?
The thing about the "Registered Republican" argument and the refusals against it all assume the shooter was a sane individual who did it out of hatred towards the man. Have you considered that perhaps the shooter simply was insane and did it because he felt like it, not driven by any real politival motivation? He never left a manifesto after all. Testimony from his former classmates seem to agree with him being a conservative. The ActBlue donation still doesn't make sense, but maybe he had a Discord friend group where nobody ever saw what each other's faces looked like and he had to do it from a dare or something.
You're forgetting that he was literally an ANTIFA member who worked for BlackRock.
actblue did an Easy Donations To Fight Evil Orange Man ad campaign where you just click one button and charge $15 to your paypal or apple wallet. They have been running this kind of thing for years. Later you have to file a tax doc on the political donation.
I'm still not wrong, most antifa members are in fact in a profound state of psychosis mixed with mental retardation.
PS I fell for the WWSD meme. The lower is fine but the rifle being front heavy instead of the point of balance being your shooting hand sucks and is objectively worse than the rifle just weighing an ounce more.
I think they're more interested in him as a lolcow but yeah, they have some commonality as they both claim to have principles
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you got a bunch of parts wrong
the barrel is any pencil barrel, they started by recommending Faxon pencil but when KE-Arms started making them they used Green Mountain
the carbon fiber handguard is from either Faxon or KE-Arms, the Lancers suck
also you need to put a fancy cassette trigger in it and ambidextrous controls, as well as a fancy contained recoil spring assembly
You can put weights in the stock to balance the gun, but this kind of negates the whole purpose of having a super-light lower.

Interestingly, the M16 had weights to be placed in the stock for competitions.
>with the passage of time, the butt-trap was put to an entirely different use.
>As M16 (and semi-automatic-only AR-15) rifles were accepted into official use in U.S. National Rifle Matches, competitors modified their rifles with the addition of weighted fore-ends and, later, heavy ‘match-profile’ barrels.
>In order to restore balance to the rifle for long-range off-hand (standing) shots, competitors sometimes filled the butt compartment of the rifle with cast-lead weights

Makes you realise just how perfect an ideal bullpup would be, doesn't it?
use the 12" instead of the 15" handguard and glue some small weights to the inside of the buttstock underneath the buttplate if you care that much, it balances at the magazine well for me which is fine
it would balance even farther forward if you used a government profile barrel, so be glad you're using the pencil profile
If only we could run 14inch barrels without paying the cuck tax... I mean, you can but going to jail sucks more.
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The concept is sound but the execution on the WWSD is terrible. Polymer AR lowers are a bad idea. Not because muh polymer but because you have to sacrifice too much and don't save much weight for it. I built a non-onions rifle along a similar ultralight concept and it weighs less than the WWSD while using an LMT MARS. I used the same Faxon barrel and CF handguard they did. Its very well gassed and plenty accurate enough for a GPR. The low weight makes it very handy but you still get the benefit of a 16inch barrel. The only downside is the barrel does heat up faster. But mag dumping is a retarded activity anyways.
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tee hee hee hee
>I wouldn't buy one,
>but why does it suck?
It's made of plastic. It breaks.
It's made by redditors without engineering backgrounds that's all you need to know
KE Arms aren't redditors my dude, they did their engineering on the KP-15
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That Anon is a retard. The problem is its just not a very good idea. The bad QC on the first run didn't help their case either. Russel Fagen is probably the foremost expert on polymer AR lowers but he should stop wasting his time on it and take some ozempic.
he won't make the weight limit into lunar brutality if he doesn't cut it down a little bit yeah
I think you supine.
Take your own advise
>the rifle being front heavy
sounds like you need to start lifting
optimally there should be zero muscle involvement in the act of aiming and shooting for accuracy
My heavy pig of an MDR is easier to shoot one handed than my lightest conventional rifle. Mixed feelings about bullpups overall, but balance is a very strong suit.
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Fuck you... messing up my meme
That's the Order of 9 Angles-type motherfuckers. There's a whole extra-obscure neo-nazi satanic sub culture that sometimes gets involved in crime and terrorism like AtomWaffen.
should have used a lithgow arms rifle instead
Templeof Set is interesting
>You and your ilk are one of many actual root causes for western societal decay.
That would be the religious bullshit that delayed his development.
Fight the root cause.
>He just popped up in the background
Staged shooting confirmed, they even used a globohomo crisis actor.

Is this really a BlackRock v Zillo shadow war?
Where did the antifa angle coming from? People even tried claiming that a completely random Antifa member did the shooting even though we had pictures of the actual shooter the first day. I'm sick and tired of you schizo faggots and your retarded theories.
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Couple of reasons:
The face of the guy in the kill photo looks a little more like some random old antifa mugshot than like the CCTV footage of the shooter getting on the roof in the clothes he was wearing when he was shot. This is probably due to his skull being softened by 300 Norma Mag traveling through it. The guy in the mugshot was arrested in 2015 or so, he would be almost 40 and probably look different.
Guy in the death pic also has weird deformed earlobes that look a lot like gauge-closing surgery. Mugshot guy had gauges in his mugshot. Simplest explanation is that the shooter is just a weird little inbred gollum-looking guy. He had goofy ears.
Anyway, anons found the antifa guy's mugshot hours before the shooter's identity was released and it is hard for a lot of people to give up on and assumption like that when they think they found something.
I remember the pic that some idiots were passing around. I could tell from the beards that they weren't the same. Nobody's beard gets less filled in with age.
Who else would try to kill the President?

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