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Alright /k/ Give me the facts or just opinion on the .40 S&W round. History, shit talking whatever I wanna hear it all.
I don't see the point to it really. If you feel that 9mm is inadequate for your application and you're willing to give up capacity to get more power why not skip 40 entirely and go straight to 10mm, which offers more power still while being no worse for capacity. .40 just seems like a dumb half-step: you're paying the price in capacity but you're not getting all the benefits you could in terms of power. It's a dumb tradeoff.

That said it doesn't really matter, all mainstream handgun cartridges (.380, .38 Spl, 9mm, .40, 10mm, .45 acp) perform the same in real-world shootings.
The biggest reason to have something in 40 is that you can always find it, even when 9 is sold out from panic buying. this was evident and obvious during the Kung Fu Flu. Couldn't find a box of 9 anywhere, could find 40 everywhere at pre-pandemic prices.
If that's all there is to it I totally get it. I've just seen so much .40 hate I figured there was something I was missing.
I'll get called a wristlet for this but it genuinely is "snappy" for what it is
Doesn't need to exist.

.40 S&W was created because, what, you could retain 10mm "Lite" in a 9mm-sized frame? What advantage does that offer now?

Shortening the case reduced the versatility. With 10mm, you can have light loads or heavy hard casts. With .40 S&W, you just have .40 S&W.
A 9mm round failed since it had to do the absolute worst case for a hollow point, through the arm, into the chest, and stopped short of the heart. They ignore that it was marksmanship that was the issue with 100 rounds fired and only one hit that could have stopped the shooter.

They go 10mm, too much recoil, they walk it down to 10mm FBI load. At the same time, manufacturers are trying to make 10mm guns, it’s not easy since the OAL of the round makes the grip excessively large for small handed people. Things have to be made for the lowest dominator. People realize the FBI load doesn’t have to be that long, they shorten the case, .40 S&W is born and allows 9mm guns to be rechambered for the more powerful round.

.40 S&W is then too powerful for those 9mm guns, recoiling excessively, shitty cops and women cannot pass qualification -> return to 9mm. People then make up shit about how 9mm hollow points are just as good as .40 S&W through advances in technology. That’s not true. .40 S&W is still objectively more powerful and has better hollow point expansion, as long as you use a long enough barrel.
no better or worse than 9mm and .45
it's personal preference
people say it doesn't need to exist but the same can be said about 99% of cartridges
variety is the spice of life
.40 S&W is roughly as powerful as you’d need a bullet to be for 2 legged targets.
>>no better or worse than 9mm

>lower capacity
>more muzzle flip
>nearly identical effect on target
>more expensive

.40S&W is like 9mm except worse.
This is a killer summary, thanks anon
Okay, but you can get that same power in 10mm, while having the case capacity for more if you wished.
>I don't see the point to it really
10mm projectiles and most of the energy in a compact frame
So do you guys think basically all the same pros and cons of .40 would also apply to .357 sig?
357SIG is kinda pointless.
If you're going to carry a large frame pistol originally built for 10mm, you might as well get the 10mm version.
it's a good round and ideal for full size duty level handguns and rewards the trained shooter with a physically larger and more massive projectile with velocities comparable to standard pressure 9mm and recoil that doesn't really affect the accuracy and speed of followup shots compared to 9mm, and capacity isn't generally significantly affected either (15 rds vs 17 in a g22 vs a g17 mag, for instance)

it's a little too much for micro size carry guns, though
very effective, turns handguns into hand grenades
>Give me the facts or just opinion on the .40 S&W round

Exists because the FBI couldn't handle 10mm

Jeff Cooper did everything right and basically made the best pistol cartridge for OPEN CARRY
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This man is on that early 90s Gen2 Glock model 22/23 grind.
He knows that fully supported chambers are for faggots.
Hahaha, luckily I hate Glocks!
I'd say issues of price and variety are exacerbated with .357 SIG.
Pistols are a secondary weapon.
Retards can't understand that, and argue about them as if they matter:
a. .45 is too scary
b. 9mm is less scary
c. more or less scary pros and cons

Some motherfucker thinks a .40 is sex

A rifle blows your body apart. A handgun puts holes in you. Go fuck yourself if you're a retard who doesn't get it.
357 SIG is a sex round
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You sound like you might be a little angry. Here have this:
it's fine, it works, its functional
but since its introduction hotter 9mm loads have rendered it redndant
sadly I can't carry a rifle everywhere with me, and wouldn't want to even if I could, but carrying a pistol is convenient enough to do even during a quick trip to the grocer. If minmaxing the ideal fat content for ground beef I buy from that grocery store is worth doing, so is minmaxing my carry piece
If you went 357 sig for its benefits over 40s&w, you could just do 9x25 dillon for those same benefits over 10mm, but much greater.
and .45 ACP is like .40 S&W but worse still, by that logic
Right, .45AARP is obsolete
It will pierce soft targets and kill, some handgun rounds can expand or pierce soft armor, that is about all you can ask of a handgun.
Some rifles can pierce hard armor or kill and long distances, between them are intermediate rounds
>or kill at long* distances
handgun rounds are not made for this
yet a pcc or 22 is still deadly
not an argument
45 acp is worse because it's an ancient fossil of a cartridge using an antiquated pressure standard, it's why it generates a comparable power factor to .40 s&w (185 vs 195) in spite of the cartridge being considerably larger

before you get your panties in a knot, power factor isn't a measure of terminal ballistics or performance or whatever, it's a measure of momentum and gives a good point of reference for comparison in terms of how much recoil the shooter will experience and cartridges with similar power factor and form factors should be expected to deal similar amounts of damage but we shouldn't get lost in the weeds about that side of things
Its a legitimately good round that is plagued by the stupidity of many gun manufacturers. Most .40 cal gun are basically 9mm frames chambered in .40 so the rounds which aren't bad end up destroying most of the pistols that fire them fairly quickly. If most .40 cal guns weren't breaking before the 10,000-round mark, then the majority of haters would go away. Yes, 10mm is way better. No, most people don't need a 10mm, they just wanted one because the round is cool as shit.

I wouldn't know if .357 sig guns are breaking rapidly because so few people shoot .357 sig that its hard to find examples of its durability. All I know about .357 sig is that guns chambered in it are harder to find and ammo is more expensive and hard to find, other than that it looks perfectly adequate.
The 10mm was the wrong answer to the 9mm. The 5.7mm is a more correct answer, but the 5.7 is a SMG/carbine round, not a pistol round. The answer to 9mm's need for a flatter trajectory and more stopping power is a necked down casing and higher velocity bullet out of a short barrel.

The .40s&w is a further development of the failed 10mm. It is a boomer round.
5.7mm? you mean 22 WMR wearing fancy pants?
.357 SIG is a barrel swap away from .40 S&W, not 10mm. the 10mm one is 9x25 Dillon
Thanks I was wondering what that guy was talking about.
Also checked
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"What the devil is a Reuben James?"
Sorry, ND'd. Just have to get used to it I guess.
40 S&W is insanely unpleasant to shoot
There's several others. The point is that a bottleneck pistol cartridge designed for a pistol length barrel is what's needed. Ideally to get up to the 2700fps or whatever that magical flesh-ripping velocity.
Since the coof I haven't wasted a primer on 9mm, therefore I've shot thousands of quite rowdy 357 SIG over the last few years. Probably going on 14k, maybe as high as 16. Through a G24 slide on a P80 CL frame, no comp.
Gun is fine. 90gr XTPs at 1900fps are hilarious.
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>45 acp is worse because it's an ancient fossil of a cartridge using an antiquated pressure standard
.40 S&W is insanely comfy to shoot
It's a 10mm minus all the benefits of 10mm. Still better than 45 ACP.
It sucks and I wish my department didn't use it. 1st gen S&W M&P 40s. They're dogshit.
The standard is the problem. You can load ACP brass up to 30k psi (calculated, I grant) with absolutely no problem. Much over that and you probably want super brass, but you're also going to want a heavier spring. May as well go all-in at that point.
>40 S&W is insanely unpleasant to shoot
Bro, I'm full blown twink mode and 40 S&W is just slightly heavier recoiling than 9mm
would you rather have 9mm or something else?
Here's a good article about the history of 10mm and .40 S&W.
In 2024, I don't think it's worth it to get into .40 S&W. At the time when 9mm and .40 cost the same, it was personal preference. But now that .40 is more expensive than 9 and no longer overstocked on shelves, I don't see the point.
It's a little too big for it's britches
9mm would be fine, I think I hate the M&P more than the caliber. .40 is a snappier caliber, but not enough to make a huge difference imo, just enough to be annoying.
Not even the fancy 5.7x28mm rounds are pulling that off.

>I've shot thousands of quite rowdy 357 SIG over the last few years. Probably going on 14k
Nice, maybe the police departments should have used .357 SIG rather than .40 cal.

He was talking about the pressure standard. In 9mm I believe its 35k psi while in .45 acp its still 21k psi. The .45 acp is so underpowered that I've seen the 1911 run off of black powder ammo.

Its really not. I guess we'll just have to disagree seeing as how its subjective.
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the only reason for .40 exists anymore is to neck it down to spicy 9
It's nice but man 356TSW or equivalent needs to make a comeback.
The parent case for .357 SIG is 10mm, not 40 cal. If you try to neck down the .40 cal you'll realize its not long enough.
yes but many .40 short&weak chambered guns are just a barrel swap from shooting 357sig, the mags and receivers are compatible
Yes thank you reddit. It's a .40 chamber reaming though.
Necking .40 works just fine for plinking loads btw. There's a shoulder.
>The .45 acp is so underpowered that I've seen the 1911 run off of black powder ammo
If it weren't for the 1911 I'm sure the pressure limits would have been increased a couple of times by now. +P would be the standard commercial load.
>+P would be the standard commercial load.
The thing is that .45 acp +P is also pretty weak. .45 super is running at 28k psi and .450 SMC is running at .32k psi which is better, .460 Rowland is running at around 40k psi but at that point people start complaining about recoil. .38 super is running at 36.5k psi and I believe 10mm is running at 37.5k psi.

All of these make better choices than .45 acp and you can find 1911 that fire all of these calibers so I doubt its the gun's fault.
I like the 185 grains because it allows 10mm Apex Aryans to readily obtain compatible subsonic loadings for their superior choice of caliber.
And now you have a much larger gun for little gain since you are only gaining a couple of hundred ft/sec when velocity is mostly irrelevant under the hydrostatic shock limit of 1800 ft/sec
>The thing is that .45 acp +P is also pretty weak
As is your typical commercial loading of anything. In terms of terminal effect 600ft-lbs from a moderate super load is plenty and easy to shoot. Rowland is well into diminishing returns territory and it's kind of retarded unless you have brown bears around.
The problem is that if you filled the case up with modern powder and loaded it to 35-38k psi you'd end up with a legit full powered magnum cartridge comparable to 41 rem mag, with all that entails - it's no longer an afternoon plinker, in a gun weighing 2 lb or less (like a typical 1911) it's going to have substantial recoil and just isn't suitable for anyone other than extreme hobbyists

45 gap loaded just a shade hotter than glock was willing to load it was the future of 45 caliber for the mass market but fudds have their heads shoved too far up their own asses to see it and it ended up DOA
>The problem is that if you filled the case up with modern powder and loaded it to 35-38k psi you'd end up with a legit full powered magnum cartridge
i.e. Rowland, that's why it has the longer brass to stop Grandpa blowing up his 1911. Supers loaded to ~25k are perfectly comfy and are 10mm equivalent. 45 +P is not spicy at all. Standard ACP only exists for antiques.
Very few people were willing to invest in a round that had such few support. Only one gun manufacturer was making guns for that round. Alas, it failed just like .30 super carry, 7.5 FK BRNO, .38 casull, .400 corbon,
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40 is panic buy resistant. It stayed on the shelves during Sandy Hook and COVID when all the other common chamberings were drying up. Given that .40 is still pretty cheap (not as much as 9mm but cheaper than 10mm, forty-five, etc.), I think it's worth having at least one gun and a few boxes for it. Judging by recent events, we might be due for another one.
It's not like .40 doesn't work well, it just falls right in between the "fuddy fie muh stoppin powah" "10mm best mm" and "9mm is enough for gamer shit" stools and even if you resist the minmax mindset you're eventually going to start thinking you could put a 357 SIG barrel in there.
It's hard to get excited about the middle of the road.
There's just barely any difference between standard and +p, it's 21000 psi vs 23000 psi
What I find objectionable about the cartridge is how much of it is just wasted space. We don't really want to make it significantly more powerful or it isn't fun to shoot anymore, so we can make it smaller to fit into smaller magwells, fit into a smaller form factor, etc.
That's the difference between the limits, not the actual loadings. +P effectively means "this load is over 21k". A standard plinking round is going to be nowhere fucking near 21k. It's probably around 15k.
.45 acp +p is an officially recognized saami standard with a limit of 23k
Are you hard of thinking? A +P load under 21k is not a +P load. Ergo, all +P loads are between 21k and 23k.
The real difference between all common pistol rounds is how well you shoot it and most importantly, if you enjoy shooting that particular round. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t shoot it as much. Find a round and a gun you enjoy and train with it.
I've talked to cops in my city and they can choose whatever caliber and pistol they want. Do they really make you carry 1st gen S&W M&P 40s???
I work special teams in corrections, not police. We are the red headed stepchild of the leo world, we get what we get.
if weak faggot fbi agents didn't exist, .40sw wouldn't exist
that's all you need to know about it
it's worse, because of .40sw's existence, it is now diluting the commercial 10mm offerings
Yeah bring it on!! This is the shit I was talking about, people call it short & weak but it's more powerful than 9mm which is pretty good. May the shit talking commence!!
>it's personal preference
ballistics don't give a single fuck about your firearm pronouns you enormous niggerfaggot

how many trannies and cops have you all allowed on this board? i know it's been eternal summer for some time now, but what the fuck is this shit?
I've also got a 1911 in .460 Rowland with his large and dangerous game rounds it's not bad to shoot at all.
I like this type of thinking, makes sense to me.
Damn dude sorry bro, I've shot an M&P .40 and it was kinda painful. I feel ya man.
That's a lot of cope. 10mm Lite existed and was employed long before .40 was developed.
.40 is just FBI'd 10mm with the excess case capacity removed.
Commercial loads are pussified for the same reason as the FBI ones, most people are bad shooters but also blowhards who want 10mm for reasons. The market caters to morons with more money than sense.
.40 is perfectly adequate for humans. It falls down a bit on larger animals, but that's not where the money is.
10MM is expensive and needs larger framed guns.

A Glock 23 fits my hand more than a Glock 29.

If if you are a 10MM fanboy, much like with guys with .357 Magnum Revolvers, you mostly shoot .40 S&W out of your 10MM just like how most shoot .38 spl out of .357

.40S&W is very simple and straight forward, with 180 grain for slow low recoil range ammo and 165 grain for fast duty ammo.

I know this is going to piss Hop off, but every time there is a panic buy of 9MM, there is plenty of .40 S&W on the shelves. I get about 5,000 rounds every panic buy event easy as pie, while 9MM normies fight over 200 rounds of 9MM at marked up scalper prices.
Depends on training, after a few classes, you'll get over it.
.40 is better for reloading, since it's actually a straight wall cartridge and 10MM really is excessive for most humans.

.40 S&W shoots straighter and faster
To be fair .40 prices are jacked up at the best of times. Good if you need a box or two of the good shit because you failed to plan, but I'm not sure I'd be going out and buying cases.
look in the mirror meta-faggot and go jerk off to more ballistic tests
>If if you are a 10MM fanboy, much like with guys with .357 Magnum Revolvers, you mostly shoot .40 S&W out of your 10MM just like how most shoot .38 spl out of .357
The difference is that a 10mm pistol is easier to shoot than a .357 Magnum revolver because a lot of the recoil is absorbed in a pistol

Even a wimp like me can shoot a Glock 20 with hard cast loads and not experience discomfort
I am a 357 mag fag who shoots nothing but 357 mag because I own a reloading press and can shoot it for the same price as it would cost to reload 38 spl
It's been a long time since I've even looked at commercial ammo prices but I'm pretty sure the price difference between factory 38 spl and 357 mag is pretty small anyway
fake and gay, when you shoot with a 2.5 lb gun, which is typical for a full size revolver, the recoil of 357 mag is quite moderate
>fake and gay, when you shoot with a 2.5 lb gun, which is typical for a full size revolver, the recoil of 357 mag is quite moderate
Not for me it isn't, .357 Magnum in anything smaller than an N-Frame is uncomfortable to me, I told you I'm a wimp
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>As is your typical commercial loading of anything.
Unless you happen to find a few boxes of 10mm from the 1980s when they were still loading that shit to the original specs.
I say typical because Underwood, BB, Cor--Bon etc. exist. You can pay $2/rd for performance if you're a fucken idiot.
I don't shoot .38 out of my .357 because it leaves a weird ring in the chambers that's hard to clean out
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Boy do I have the round for you
I love this round. Need nothing more for urban carry.
USP was designed from the ground up to shoot this caliber
as much as you wanna shit on 40 its the most successful pistol round created in the past century.
nothing else has gotten as much adoption as it. even if it was forced.
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>2400 FPS

Would I glocknade myself if I loaded this into a glock 20/40?
They're using projectiles less than half the normal weight for the caliber you fucking retards
>less than half
1/3 on the nose.
You mean aside from 9x19.
I'm not a 10mm shooter but I'm pretty sure 165 grain is about as common as 180 for the caliber so I traded precision for being correct
>you fucking retards
Why does it piss you off to see them happy with their boutique ammo? All civil defense did was prove that a 5.7 traveling at 1900 fps out of the 5" barrel handguns kinda suck.
Luv me glock 22 gen 3 simple as.
The conversation is implying that this is some hotshot shit loaded to bubba's hot pressure standards and it'll fucking blow your gun up or some shit
That is not the case, and in fact with some firearms the gun will not cycle properly due to the round not providing enough recoil impulse to cycle the action. The round is otherwise loaded to within industry specifications
I don't care if they think it's cool or whatever I'm just clearing up a misunderstanding
165 is a light load. Light loads are "normal" for the same reason .40 exists.
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I can't let gang know I fw this
I don't mind it but honestly I do believe that .357 Sig does anything it - and 10mm for that matter - is meant to better. I'd rather see a resurgence of that over any other purely meme shit like 5.7 or 10mm
10mm has the edge if large animals are involved.
If not 357 SIG is the best you can get off the shelf, but 356TSW coming back (with a big finger to the gamers) would make everyone very happy.
10mm has more wounding capability and penetrative capability than .357 Sig. Much better woods gun, and will fuck up a person more than .357 Sig if you can can control the recoil satisfactorily.
and? they work tremendously well with the bonus of revealing 5.7 shooters to be the absolute drooling retards they are
>if you can can control the recoil satisfactorily
Which you almost certainly can't if you're carrying a gun you can conceal with loads that really do outperform 357SIG. There's some big niggers out there but not so big you realistically need 10mm.
9x19 and 45 are both over a century old
>in the past century
>the 20th century
If you mean "in the last hundred years", say so.
.40 is simply more effective on target than 9mm. Expansion and penetration are universally better. All of 1-2 rounds less capacity isn't exactly a glaring deficit, and recoil isn't substantial enough to make a real-world difference.

At the end of the day, the best cartridge is the one you feel most confident with. If you think .22lr is good enough, go for it. If you think .50AE is the ultimate manstopper, you can put in the work to CC a Deagle. For me, .40 is a slight step up from 9mm, so I'd be more likely to carry it if I went with duty cartridges.
5.7 just doesn't make sense for CC. You don't need 20+ rounds. A better version would just need to be slightly wider in case and projectile, like scaled up to .27 cal. Get a 50gr bullet moving the same speed and most of the problems with the terminal ballistics go away. It's a fucky little cartridge that only does good work when it's moving way faster than what a pistol can push it to.
180gr is the heaviest projectile weight commonly loaded for it. .40 goes from 135gr to 180gr. That's like saying 124gr is a light 9mm load. 155gr is where you even start getting into "light" territory with .40.
>.40 goes from 135gr to 180g
We were talking about 10mm, not .40.
10mm is the same. You CAN get super heavy 10mm hardcast loads in the 220gr range, but that's the absolute max and still puts the 165gr firmly in the middle weight category.
Go to ammoseek, put in 10mm. You'll get a page full of 180gr and 200gr loads.
Put in .40. You'll get a page of 180gr and 165gr.
10mm is not the same.
>the one you feel most comfortable with

also when choosing a .40 pistol be sure to get one that was originally or inherently designed to handle it.
at the time of its release only a few pistols designed in the 1990s and later were given the structural, material and engineering characteristics to handle the high pressure cartridge. A lot of the older 9mm pistol designs that were _adapted_ for .40, weren't really suited to its long term continuous use, without extensive beefing up or other modifications.
a few of the pistols inherently capable of and designed for .40:
>HK USP and P2000
>SIG SP 2022 aka SIG Pro
>Beretta Px4
Is the SIG P229 good?
Never shot or owned one (want to).
yes the SIG 226 series guns, including the 229 which iirc was introduced in 1990s with more robust slide and designed for .357 SIG, are good to go in .40.
If it's German-made, kinda.
If it's US-made, no.
>.40lets coping and seething itt
Seems like the Leigh Penetrators can break the 2k threshold which is actual SBR ballistics
Paul Harrell's test concluded the increase in velocity was barely (if at all) worth the added cost and lower availability of boutique 10mm.
if you handload, the increased recoil and blast is worth it from a fun perspective
Most people don't though
most people are retard faggots
Good enough for Jack Wilson
There is a bubba 10mm conversion but haven't tried it yet myself
Yeah they can but they're not as good at sending milk bottles to the shadow realm.
I've clocked them at 2150 with a crunchy load of BE86.

>added cost and lower availability
oohhh noooo I have to throw another 3c worth of powder. I will never financially recover from this.
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Still my fav caliber but I carry 9mm because I have a hipster Steyr M9. During peak panic buying 50 round boxes of Gold Dots and Ranger-T were like 20-22 bucks. Pic rel is 40 compared to 9mm
Nice, my only pistol in .40 is a p226. Thanks for the info anon
>bubba 10mm conversion
Doesn't seem like a Jewish grandma job. Nip the lips on a 45 mag, ream the chamber, maybe hog out the port a bit. Or just get a conversion barrel and extractor made.
>.40 caliber, because they don't make a .41
>Oh, really?
>The fuck am I doing with this piece of shit then
They make all the way up to a .50 so post your deagle faggot
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>up to a .50
There are indeed handguns with a caliber larger than .50 but there are various legal and/or availability hurdles to possessing one so one can be forgiven for lacking the means to own one
All these faggots talking about their little "bear guns" are going to just get wrecked by the first tiger that sees them.
Post .42
So I propose that we pump up .40 to OG 1centimeme. Norma power in a 9 size frame, just beef up the frame.
Frame is fine, the problem is the brass in unsupported chambers and its lack of capacity.
On a good day, with a light lead bullet and enough barrel you can just about get 600 ft.lbs out of short n' weak.
in my state 500 ft lb is the magic number to hunt deer and it's pretty easy to load to 500 ft lb
I've never tried shooting a durr with my glock 22 but I want to try it if the chance ever presents itself
Is the XDM in .40 a good gun? I inherited one recently and it is the the first gun in that caliber I've ever had.
What is that shit on the left, like 350 legend?
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I’ve seen too many videos of nigs getting filled with 9mm mags and still running away. This doesn’t happen with hollow .40. People talk about capacity but my compact carries 12+1. That is more than enough and I also carry an extra mag. 10mm would be nice but it’s too large for me to conceal. Long story short: 9mm is a pussy round for low hanging fruit morons who just so what everyone else does.
I love your enthusiasm!!
More than doable with a 175gr SWC. It's up there but there's plenty of overhead.
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50 Beowulf. I just like it.

Far from scientific, but when I was a cop there two officer involved shooting when we carried 124 gr. 9mm. One guy was on PCP and was well ventilated but was still fighting, another guy took a couple hits and lived. When we switched to .40 (180 gr. Gold Dots) there were two back to back shootings. In each case the suspect was hit once center mass and immediately dropped and was declared DOA. The FBI would issue poor shooters a G17 before they left Quantico so the cost of more training, more wear on Glinks and MOAR equalllt capable women being unable to qualify is why they all switched.
Damn 50 Beowulf is big, I'm lazy, can you get it subsonic?
I kinda thought it was 50 ae because I know they have a rebated rim too but it looked too long
I've never seen either one in person
Fucken right. I'm pretty certain that if 10 rounds of 357SIG isn't solving my problem, no amount of pistol is.
I would dearly love to see some nigger get clapped by 356TSW though. 357 performance in a x19 mag and barrel is tempting, one of these days I'll get one reamed.

They're alright. Basically a Glock with a few fudd-soothing features that don't get in your way. IIRC you're looking at Bar-Sto if you fancy shooting 357SIG.
So I get this is anecdotal but sounds like .40 has maybe some significant punch vs 9mm. I'm no expert, were the 9mm and .40 rounds both hollowpoints? I don't know what cops shoot.
If it's cops, it's JHP.
It's more about deceleration than bigger holes.
I know and have spoken at length with a retired police officer. This is what his armorer made them do
>glock 22s
>.40 s&w barrels most of the year
>switch to 357 sig barrels during the winter to help punch through heavier winter clothing
I think it's dumb, personally, and I argued with him about it. I'm actually pretty sure that 357 sig is more energetic and dumps its energy more quickly which causes more initial damage but is less barrier blind than .40 s&w which has heavier but less energetic projectiles
anyway, it's just one story from an old cop fudd, make of it what you will
Various highway patrol guys held onto 357 for longer than most for a reason.
The name stands for ".40 Small & Weak"
I'm not disputing the efficacy of either round, I just get the feeling that both rounds would probably have plenty of energy and mass to deal with most winter clothing or common barriers like windshields and car doors either way
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>people start complaining about recoil
I wouldn't call them "people" I would call them "bitch wrists".
The conversion comes with a comp that works quite well. My 10mm kicks more.
unless that comp also weighs 2 lbs I think you're being delusional
To be fair my 10mm is an xdm elite so my 460 has a half pound on it before the compensator.
Regardless I shot them both side by side (180gn ammo inc jhp for the 10 and underwood 185gn jhp for the 460) and the 460 was softer shooting to my hands.
Back on topic, they were both more fun to shoot and more effective than my .40.
>.40 has maybe some significant punch
it does period. (9mm, .45 ACP and others included)
nta with the bestMM bros but .40 has a lot of practical deployement in the correct suited platform >>62087438
If it works and you select the right pistol for you there's nothing at all wrong with .40
it's probably not as suited a caliber in many compacts and most subcompacts, for example
I wouldn't be expecting good or worthwhile overall performance from it in less than, say, 3.5" barrels
Youtube it
Yet it's obviously more powerful than 9mm, hmmmmmmmmmmm
.350 Legend looks like a normal 5.56 if it decided it was straight, not that blown out weird thing on the left there
Little smaller frame than 10mm, hair more barrel length than 10mm, less recoil than 10mm, and a discernable increase in power from 9mm. It's optimized in cartridge COAL and gun for the power&recoil it puts out (a lesser 10mm).
>That said it doesn't really matter, all mainstream handgun cartridges (.380, .38 Spl, 9mm, .40, 10mm, .45 acp) perform the same in real-world shootings.
I think that mantra gets shouted too much. There may be too many variables in the shootings we see to declare an absolute difference but shot for shot 40sw is superior to 9mm and roughly equal in power to most commercial 357 magnum (155gr or 165gr 40sw vs 158gr 357mag specifically). In the varmints I've shot it does make bigger holes over 9mm generally even at the same or often less theoretical maximum expansion and it has proven better for defeating light barriers and remaining lethal on the other side due to the momentum. Inb4 I'm lying and couldn't possibly have witnessed consistently bigger holes in worse expanding projectiles (presumably due to energy). Shoot varmints with your guys' favorite loads and note what you see.
I still carry either a 9mm +p+ gun or 9mm Major gun over the 40sw. Not sure if I'd change my mind if I could shoot either at the same cost though because of the recoil (translating to speed/accuracy for me) and capacity difference. If handloading, 40sw can't be improved as much as 9mm but it can get pretty mean with not a very large duty sized gun.
Definitely doable with lighter bullets if handloading. 155gr@1250fps with 4"was easy. I don't have factory load specifications memorized.
I think you're right. If they did pick up any pattern it might have been the specific projectiles in the 40sw weren't expanding well on clothing.
You're right.
Good point on 40 not being ideal in compacts.

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