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ID this.
Looks like my latest kerbal space program device
T-55 Krab Obr 2024
T-14 Armata Obr 2024
Roadwheels and general features say T-55MV
T-54-3 obr 2024
not a T-55. no fume extractor.
A t62 sporting a turbo cope cage with an Utyos on top of it?
Look at the wheels. The fume extractor is removable
>no knot

Its t 54 with some kontakt-1 slapped on, and you are an idio AHAHAHAHAHA
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You're right I was too hasty. I dismissed the ERA arrangement as being some expedient restoration attempt but the gun + the dome make this a T-54 and not even a modernized variant but some shitbox they slapped a bunch of kontakt on. The kontakt isn't even slapped on right, the angle is insufficient to be effective.
they have the same wheel arrangement, dingus.
look at the end of the barrel. there is a counterweight. that is a T-54-3. not a T-55.
if you look close you can see the little mushroom dome fan vent on the turret. Again, T-54. NOT a T-55.
Damn, I love how you autists can tell a relic soviet shitbox at a glance. They all look the same to me.
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it's not hard. it's basically just memorizing a simple flow chart based on easily recognizable features. if you know how to spot 3-4 things you can tell them all from each other.
part of another vehicle welded to a tank
>vatniks decided to turn cope cage into cope machine gun bunker nest on wheels
Concept seems interesting, if only Russia was advanced enough to make/programme turrets on T-90 to target drones.
That cage has an entire troop compartment and gunner station built into it. Not just a shed but a slap chop APC mounted on top of the turret.
holy shit you may be right. Is the APC/AFV situation in Russia really that bad?
>if you only knew how bad things really are
>opening in the cage for the mg
I think this cage might need a smaller second cage
We're Winning Obr.2 weeks
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Discount battle bunker from CnC Generals
the blyatfuck 5000
>turret completely missing by design
Damn I guess we have to count those 3000 literal garbage tanks russia has in storage still, not as tanks but as "other vehicles"
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>Soviet cold war doctrine emphasizes that building tanks low is absolutely vital to ensure suitability
>soviet engineers make severe design compromises on their tanks to make sure that they're as low as possible
>ziggers proceed to modify a T-54 with scrap metal to make it 14' tall
What the fuck is even...WHAT!?
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>Most modern piece of technology on the "tank" is likely the ratchet strap holding it together.
Motherfuckers are turning their AFVs into favela huts...
cope kangaroo
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Cant turret toss, if there is nothing to toss.
>I think this cage might need a smaller second cage
ah, the russian buddhist cope cage pagoda
>you see ivan, when serene cage pagoda is of reaching the sky, the turret stay on ground
>tank with the turret removed
>shoddy scrap metal and ratchet strap sandbags to make it an APC
>number 300
Is this a euphenism for “axe wound” surgery?
It's Oryx I feel sorry for. That is completely unclassifiable.
The fuck is a muzzle counter weight?
Is the fucking barrel not heavy enough?
Welcome back FV4005
>"other vehicles"
That's an APC you fucking russophobe.
>Is the fucking barrel not heavy enough?
yes, sometimes it is not heavy enough to keep the gun level
I thought T55/54 were only used as rear line arty, wtf russians lied to me :(
300 probably means it is their medevac vehicle
early T-54s just had an in-production gun shoved in there and the weight balance was off in the mount. they didn't get it fixed until somewhere in the T-54A production run after 1955 when it got the the bore evacuator and single-plane stabilizer.
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This t54 isn't rear line, or arty. Someone made a mistake.
>Damn, I love how you autists can tell a relic soviet shitbox at a glance. They all look the same to me.
You can't just say they all look the same! That's racist.
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>Dat bore evacuator

Holy fuck, he's right...
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>Tfw will get a chance to see the most unicorn variants of the T-54 in combat in my lifetime.

Best timeline.
This would be a T54 obr. 2024 I suppose
Lel, if only the tsar knew about this...
Why do Russians still make these old pattern tanks? Aren’t they useless by modern standards?
tactical pressure relief hole.
The image says “newly produced”
Based trips.
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Somewhere out there is a T-44, waiting to be taken out from "storage"
A T-54-I is far greater a unicorn than the 44.
We'll know Putin is about to be hanged when we see these vehicles in Ukraine 3 weeks prior.
It only says that it could be either a modernized T-55A (gun/turret) or new hull and turret.
The T-10 apperance was a nothingburger so I'm eagerly awaiting it's real apperance
>T-10 apperance
There was news about it being sighted a while back, but I don't think anything came of it
Consider how much leverage that small weight has over the barrel then consider why damping muzzle whip is desirable.
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Made this.
>No turret
>We didn't need it anyway
kek very good
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>literal January 1945 WW2 tech
Jesus Christ, Hitler was still alive and lobbing missiles at London at the time, will we see Puccia press the T-54-1 and T-54-2 back into service?
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Kekd and saved
>no turret
>Puccia was close to doing something somewhat smart but fucked it all up by keeping it open top.
Are they fucking retarded? Why won't they make their own Achzarit equivalent?
>remove turret because it's borked
>stick cheap sheet metal on the side
>cover turret hole with sandbags atop sheet metal
I mean, the thought process is there, but god damn that's abysmal.
There's one confirmed in video...
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Lend-Lease Shermans when?
Is it? Looks like a T-54-3.
I mean a 2023 video with FPV destroying a T-54-2 with copecage, the back of the turret was "lentil" shaped.
the wording was to distinguish a T-54B built from scratch as such in 1950-whatever from an earlier A that was upgraded to B standard.
I collect vises. I have seen 10 of 1000 of thumbnails and sales photos on the classifieds. I trained part of my brain like you'd train an AI. I can scroll through the thumbnail list by now and I know exactly which vise I am seeing, no matter if cut of, weird angle, etc.
Anon, you can become a tank expert, too. It just takes some daily mental work.
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A fixed position made from a shipping container. Landed on top of the tank when a really big artillery shell--maybe rocket--landed nearby.

I think both sides have figured out cope cages are a waste of material and manpower at this point.
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>T-54-3 Obr 2024
We're past "the risk I took was calculated but man, am I bad at math" and well into "most gamblers quit right before they salvage a victory from this unwinnable war"
god a boso'd out surplus armored vehicle would be unbearably based
kek. Underrated post.
No webms?
No catbox?
No telegram or leddit links?
Fucking retards post SOMETHING!?
wait, so they're taking the massive allotment of old af tanks and nigger rigging sheetmetal sheds on top of them to act as "armored" personnel carriers? did i get right?
unironically most of the macguyvered stuff i've seen out of syria has more quality and effort than whatever this is.
there's a video of a T-10 floating around where it was dumped into some sort of concrete parking lot. It's tracks produced a cloud of rust as it was dumped off of the trailer
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This has been on my mind for a few days now, with more and more T-54s showing up on the battlefield, would the M48 Patton with the original 90mm gun be a match for them?
You're supposed to develop a set of vices as you age anon, not vises.
That shit is from Russia years ago. It's twitter retards being retards.
Good lord. These abominations are sure interesting though, an entire BOX on top to put an MG position...even though the tank likely already had the ring mount around the hatch already.
>wait, so they're taking the massive allotment of old af tanks and nigger rigging sheetmetal sheds on top of them to act as "armored" personnel carriers? did i get right?
As it turns out, soviet IFV stockpiles are very finite!
>unironically most of the macguyvered stuff i've seen out of syria has more quality and effort than whatever this is.
Arabs are a step function above bleached niggers from the north.
No, the 90mm had no APDS shell formally accepted in service much less a APFSDS shell in service. The low caliber HEAT shells would be more than adequately countered by Kontakt while a T-54 would (presuming they are given the right ammo) be able to penetrate a M48. The M48 has a visibility advantage though this is somewhat mitigated by drones.
>Tank desant
Do soldiers still do this in the US military?
Shit like this makes me think Ukraine really does have a chance of military victory.
Kinda. If they can solve the glide bomb problem they'll be golden. Demining is going to be it's own separate piece of ass however, but at least by the time you're worrying about demining you've solved every other more pressing problem.
I don't think the guild bombs will be a problem once the F-16s are operational, Russia has been unwilling to risk aircraft the whole war and they will be pushed back by CAP.
That's the big if. No one here actually has any idea how effective the Russian AA network still is. Flying slow, low flying cessna-sized drones into refineries is one thing, doing SEAD and then striking an airfield is another.
Looks like a weird AI hallucination. Post the original video.
I can't wait to see it.
Maybe they'll find some oolder equipment, too.

Just look at the writing on that barrel.
I'm not talking about hitting Russia I mean running combat air patrol over Ukraine so any Russian jet that gets close enough for glide bombs is in danger.
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>APDS shell formally accepted in service much less a APFSDS

Both ukies and ziggers use tanks mainly as HE lobbers. Darts are mostly unused. Ironically but unironically they really love Bong HESH rounds since they shoot at everything that is not a tank - drones are better for those.
They don't need to enter Ukraine to fling glide bombs at Kharkiv. That's the entire problem. This is why Ukraine has been getting permission to use NATO weapons to target Russians in Russia. You cannot simply do CAP to end the the glide bomb threat, nor are they ever going to run out of glide bombs. You need to hit the airbases, or Bibi needs to send Iron Dome.
Hey John Boyd, BVR A2A missiles are a thing. You don't have to get in there and dogfight like the Red Baron anymore.
The whole idea is to push them back out of standoff range for the glide bombs.
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The JSOW has a range of ~100km when launched high and fast, based on how aerodynamic it is vs the FAB-3000 glide bombs we have been seeing I would be amazed if they did 70km.
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this timeline man
Based on the the roadwheel and the gun - early model T-54
That's why we expect lots a booms in either belgarod region or have a romeing patriot agian in the future and start seeing a lot of su-34 crashing
Why does she turn into a Mii
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more like Bakazoku
Is this high or low on the smekalka meter? I can't tell if there's a lot of effort or if it's none.
Very high. What differentiates Smekalka from regular jury rigging or MacGyvering is the undercurrent "we have to improvise because our boss fucking stole the money for proper maintenance"
>They don't need to enter Ukraine to fling glide bombs at Kharkiv
Neither do Amraam equiped planes need to enter Russia, to be able to paint zigger planes with their radar and force the zigger to duck and run.
This is not what smekalka really is. The essence of smekalka is that it is mildly offensive to the outside observer (especially when he is a rule-based level headed reasonable Gayrapean), and it is not limited to engineering. For example, you might borrow a tool from a friend and then just casually throw it away to trash when you no longer need it because it would take your time to return it back. This is also can be considered a smekalka.
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>For example, you might borrow a tool from a friend and then just casually throw it away to trash when you no longer need it because it would take your time to return it back. This is also can be considered a smekalka.
The absolute state of Russian society.
It is the shortest path from the current state of the world to the intended one. Just not giving it back would be easier, but it would be even theft and thus not the intended state of "not having the tool after an agreed period of time".
I was reading about the Ferdinand yesterday and apparently the Krauts tried something similar. Totally ineffective since the troopers would get chewed by arty real quick.
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>Why did they do this instead of making their own Achzarit equivalent?
For everything I learn about Russia I get more and more thankful I wasn't born there.
>If they can solve the glide bomb problem they'll be golden.
Bilhorod patriots are sacrificing themselves to intercept those, buying time for F-16s to arrive and attempt to shut the bombing runs down
>No one here actually has any idea how effective the Russian AA network still is
Not sure Moscow really knows either
Russian smekalka is best described by now dead Zadornov
>stupid fat lazy Amerikan soldiers wipes his butt with toilet paper brought all the way from Amerikkka to Afghanistan, wasting money
>smart, resourceful Soviet soldier has no toilet paper so he uses leaves of nearest tree to wipe his butt
>shovel panxakes
That's fine. Everywhere has food festivals, often with semi-improvised or crude utensils and facilities to produce and serve large volumes of food.
It's clearly not gone directly from snow to blini. I don't care for pancakes (empty carbs) but I wouldn't be squicked by eating those.

There's much more credible criticisms of Russian society.
It's like feeding pigs
>It's like feeding pigs
I've had less civilised receptions putting doritos and guac on the table at gaming nights
>barrel captured fromo the Germans in WW2
I thoought I had seen it all.
At thhis rate we will see T-10s and ISU-152s.
nah bro, impossible.
nah, it is too materialistic point of view
It transitioned, chud
US establishment doesn't want ukies to win, because of retarded inner beliefs, such as:
- being scared that russia would collapse and now 10 shitty countries in their place would have nukes;
- thinking that after putin they can get russia to be an ally, even if a passive one, against china;

This is why all of the aid is drip-fed, this is why US not only imposes limits on how US weapons are used (no deep strikes into obvious frontline targets), but also stops others with that (pressuring UK to not allow deep strikes with UK missiles, stopping Swedes from giving Gripens, stopping Polacks from giving Migs, etc), even ukies themselves (hurr-durr no strike on refinery, hurr-durr no political killings of russians).
If I lend someone a tool a d they break or lose it, my expectation is they buy me a new one.
But I don't lend tools, for exactly this reason.
>some day you go through ass rape
>some day you feast on some piss snow
>being droned, the trial to survive
>for the day we see shit life
>i give my lada, not for honor, but for you
>snow eater
the current administration literally forbids AFU from striking air bases close to the border, from which those glide bombs are launched
There's a literal ban on striking from F-16 into russian territory, this is peak cuck warfare
The Marines and Army did it frequently in the early stages of the Iraq insurgency.
>The Marines and Army did it frequently in the early stages of the Iraq insurgency.
Did what? have sex with each other for disciplinary purposes? It's not gay if it's for discipline.
>homosexual fantasies
>zero reading comprehension
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Clicked on this thread thinking that was a bkan from the thumbnail.
What the fuck are they doing over there?
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oh shit russians stole the horn antenna?
I'd rather die then be transported to "safety" in that piece of shit
They just really love the 300 movie.
the eggs have been counted in the ass, the eyebrows have been raised, and everyone understands
How long until they start doing bayonet charges?
Is that true?
I've heard a lot about new red tapes but most of it seems to be more rumours than anything.
Is that like part of a conex?
Talk about reaching the bottom of the barrel....
>Is that true?
It is.
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Zogger moemnt
So it's bullshit. Thanks for clearing that up anon.
Just recently US pressured UK to rollback the green light for ukies to strike deep into russia using UK missiles. I'm not sure how you can deny obvious things.
You can, of course, provide a source for that, right anon?
>turn a MBT into an ATC that can only protect against non shaped shrapnel
at that point just use fucking cars
Israelis have something similar but cleaner so this may be worth.
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nta but they rolled it back the same day, it had nothing to do with the USA, it was the PM saying dumb shit. The British MoD said 'no we haven't changed, stop listening to the retard'.
You're looking a bit sus.

The real reason for the turretless turtles is that the guns don't work so they get removed and used for parts, and the tank hulls are used in a mine clearing role at the front of a short column. Many are fitted with mine rollers ahead of the tracks, but sometimes they're just expected to used the tracks to detonate mines.
The Achzarit has real armor, not stolen scrap metal.
>it had nothing to do with the USA
Bitch please. It's an open secret that US doesn't really want russia to lose. Hence drip fed support, hence limitations, hence BS bottlenecks, hence forcing limitations on support from allies, not wanting Ukraine in NATO (literally was publicly told by Macron), or even vetoing Ben Wallace from the leading NATO because he was supporting Ukraine too much without independently.
Do you believe in coincidences? How polish Migs stopped being supplied in 2022. How suddenly the UK green light with missiles got rolled back. How Sweden's Gripens got stopped right in tracks because "hurr-durr first need to handle F-16s" (not an ukie position).
This looks like something a 14-yo would make after booting up GMod for the first time
Inflation art
*guided bomb
It's a fucking third rate JDAM guidance kit. And they're not that special on the frontline, the issue is still artillery. It's a propaganda weapon.
>It's an open secret that US doesn't really want russia to lose
they don't want them becoming a collapsed state
Which is a gay and sissy position
a weapon to surpass Metal Gear TM
Correct opinion haver.

Every Nation on earth from the USA, Brazil, China, the DPRK, India to North Sentinal Island would see benifits to their military, economy and general national level of happiness from TZD.

That is called the P'okp'ung-ho 215/216, a rookie mistake but a common one so it's cool.
The US is fine with Russia becoming a collapsed state, the US is not fine with Russia becoming a collapsed state while it has anything that can be considered capable in a fight left in its reserves.
>survive the fight
>die from tetanus
Glide bombs have given Russia a standoff weapon with ~3x the range of arty, it could become a real threat to ammo dumps and supply lines but thankfully Russia can't into intel to find them.
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Oh i think we are OK with Russia becoming a collapsed state, the PRC is the real enemy and we already have a new ally lined up for that. Nixion went to China, Trump is going to Pyonyang.

A North Korean/US alliance (with Iran being tolerated and Ethiopia/UAE/Sudan being given a free hand in Africa) will be the the last brick in total American dominance of global affairs with the DPRK and it's friends (that can afford it) having a seat at the table. A table where China doesn't get a seat.
>A North Korean/US alliance (with Iran being tolerated
That is so schizo that I want to believe it but the reality is that he just likes "big deals" and wants his name on stuff
What happened to the middle-east peace plan again?
How's that holding up?
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I actually found that kind of WW2 cover in the junkyard. Put it on my home brew beer storage barrel
>200 liters
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I don't believe it
How do I cope with the world being this shitty?
I suspect the dorito will be the terminal shart in the mart on this matter.

blackpilled gayreetings from germoney
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What the fuck is this fucking piece of shit, even ISIS was more sophisticated than this
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Wanna make a vatnik edit of this?
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T-Series Tank (Female) Obr. 2024
Part of me is happy to see female tanks return. Maybe we'll finally do away with these silly turrets and finally do tank warfare as intended (breaking down 500 feet from your trench and dying horribly as the enemy artillery tries to hit your position)
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To be fair in whole of its existence combined ISIS haven't operated as many military vehicles as russia losses weekly
Haha is it diglet?
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Either Donald Duck with an I-must-fuck-the-heavens-hard-on or Hungary.
>The US is fine with Russia becoming a collapsed state
Nope, the retards in US:
a) fear of nukes getting in the wrong happens should russia break apart into multiple smaller russias;
b) delusionally think it's possible to get russia on their side against china;
*guided bombs.

Explain to me how its different from a guided bomb.
A "guided bomb" just has guidance while a glide bomb is a type of guided bomb designed for longer standoff ranges.
They are NEVER gonna beat the ork moniker

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