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>Evan Wright, the National Magazine Award-winning journalist and longtime Rolling Stone contributor whose reporting on the Iraq War served as the basis for the book and television series Generation Kill, has died at the age of 59. Wright’s wife confirmed his death to Rolling Stone. The cause of death was suicide.

Well that sucks.

(Just archive PH it to read the article)
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Fucking brutal
Sticky when?
Jeez, RIP.
Just kill yourself you stupid nigger and rid us of your stupidity

I really enjoyed GK and his series about anarcho-hippies in the pacific northwest. He had a unique perspective on fringe subcultures that showed a lot of nuances other journos don't pick up on. Rest in peace.
Jeez, what was the cause of the suicide?
He sad :(
shit, i was reading posts from him on twatter just a few days ago
Tempo tempo tempo in heaven my dude.
Two more weeks
Reporter, what the fuck was that?!
Retarded brown immigrants are raiding the board because Trump got shot...


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Can't fool us, that's not Evan Wright that's Lt. Coffey.
stop getting baited retards
It's a whole nexus of shills, anon.
>unironic /leftypol/ troons
>normie leftoids coming in from reddit and twitter
It'll be a mess for a few days.
Who else died?
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Let's not talk about gay ass current shit and just discuss GK
Obvious not weapons related. Let's see if it gets removed
Kill yourself
Corporal, anon, are you a faggot?
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RIP, rolling stone
>son of alcoholic lawyers
Genuinely fucked up, makes invading Iraq seem tame. I'm not being ironic.
I think he spent some time in some kinda cult-shit as a teen, partially because of his drunk father/parents
damn, killing yourself at 59 cause daddy and mommy were failures back when you were a kid?
>You choose board to be like this.
That ESL.
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>ESL newfaggot doesn't understand board culture
Go wander back to /pol/ you pathetic Delta November
I don't care about this fact.
>who will mass report

For posting about the writer of one of the best pieces of /k/media ever made?
>hamdi daba, dabidi Baba
>M-Meesh, please tell the nice man, if he does show me some blown up tanks, the other officers will make fun of me

The very last of its legitimacy died with this author
Man what a fucking blow.
longer here than you nigger
Old era ends when such people go away.
He couldn't get over the fact that we missed out on this century's Sarajevo moment by mere millimeters.

RIP Rolling Stone, I’ll throw the box set in the DVD player for background noise later,
The old era ended over 20 years ago.
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I doubt that, I lurked for porn and gore on /b/ back in the days when that shit was hard to find on the internet.
Go back to whatever cesspit you fags crawled out from, this isn't your designated circle jerk thread
did he actually an hero or was it a Clinton-style suicide cuz he was writing about something too important?
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>brownoid endlessly seething at /k/
Love to see it, maybe if your shithole country had better pussy infrastructure you wouldn't be like this.
*standard 4chan culture
Ohhh it's mad now
No, you stupid fucking faggot. /pol/ was worthwhile back in the day, but today it's the polar opposite of what it used to be. It's an anti-white commie shithole for brown faggots, idiots and conspiracytards who want to destroy the west. /pol/ basically ended up like /b/, and there's nothing left of what it used to be.
>anyone who says "go back to /pol/" is a newfag.
Fuck are you talking about? That's been a thing since 2010 and skyrocketed in use after Sandy Hook and 2016
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>You choose board to be like this.
>noguns ESL faggot trying to fit in when the thread isn't about subhuman slavs or the orange man
Like fucking pottery.
Rip to Evan Wright though, his book is great if anyone hasn't read it after watching the show.
>get a new insult
Alright, here's one. Look at this guy, he's practically russian
anyone who seethes about getting told to get back to that shithole is an instant newnigger
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name the trip of the /k/ommando who drew this
What if I know I was here before 2010, but I do not remember any specifics about board culture, topics or anything else really?

I kid, but in all seriousness, boredom is probably what killed him. He doesn't appear to have published anything of note in the past 12 years. I'm guessing his career pretty much plateaued and he was depressed about it.

Unironically a mega-happening akin to 1914 might have pulled him out of his rut.
>samefags going around the board mention vaccination constantly unprompted today
Just delete /pol/ and /int/ and solve this bullshit.
>There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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you and i both know he'd never be able to.
He was a better journalist than Hunter. At least half his writting isn't just made up.
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I swear to God this motherfucker has got cattle horns on his humvee
Checked and true.
Name of his last book
Yes. If this shit enters you during your formative years, it never leaves.
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Fucking hell man..
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Fellow based oldfags.

Never forget that Squid was just the fucking worst, and that bowtie was a closeted tranny.
Sebas was a literal furry, and a faggot, who fucked McNig.
And BOOF was a pedo.
My parents were alcoholics and it's definitely the cause of a lot of my issues.
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Good times
The world would be a better place if everyone realized just how much how you were raised determines who you are as a person. Genes + your formative experiences = 90% of your core identity. People can't fundamentally change, they're basically locked in by their teens. They'll change their opinions and behaviors but all will come from the same immutable history and hardware.

Yet anyone can have kids and raise them (or fail to raise them) however they choose. The world you inhabit is a failure because of generational failure.
every child deserves a parent
not all parents deserve a child
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I did some volunteer social work in my twenties (homeless youths) and couldn't hack it. The people you were trying to help often ended up being as shitty as the people that raised them. Told myself that even if we can't undo what's been done, and even if people can't change, maybe we can still make their day a little better. Get attached to a kid that was raised in a dog kennel until he was ten until he goes and rapes a mentally disabled girl. After a while it gets kicked out of you.
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Why do good men don't last?
RIP to a real one.
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i didn't really ever get too deep into the lore, intentionally. however i don't think ill ever be able to forget that mcnig came on his raifu.
i did enjoy the boof threads whenever they popped up though so im just gonna ignore what you said.
Wait, bowtie is a trannoid and sebas had gay intercourse with mcniggerator?
Mental illness is hereditary. Children of mental defectives struggle because of the genes they've got from their parents.
Must be why you spout retarded room temperature IQ braying like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not.

My sincerest condolences about your parents' decision to procreate. We used to sterilize them, and evidently still should.
pic rel
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Also photographic proof of sebas hanging out at McNigg's house. They lived like 4 states away from eachother, so I doubt they met to just casually hang out and share a beer.
McNig also spent this thread defending furries, like Sebas, who was openly gay.
and /sci/ for that matter, that board has been completely taken over by /pol/tards and is utterly unusable
I fucking hate these faggots so much.
a NAFO pedophile?
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And thus, a fucking election tourist sticks out like a sore thumb.
What a fag.
Absolute fucking newfag again just delete /pol/ and /int/ and their bullshit associates like /his/.
You leave boof alone. He was like Micheal Jackson just trying to live the child hood he never had with other kids.
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Just stop it, you´re digging the hole just deeper and making yourself look even more silly.
You dont belong, you will always be an outsider to this site.
Never been involved to that level, but one thing I've found in life is that the people who need help the most usually don't have personalities that would make anyone want to help them at all. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be helped.
doesn't make it any better
different guy to the one you replied to, and having a distaste for perverts doesn't make any of us outsiders
>all the tripfags turn out to be mentally ill degenerates
more news at 10
huh? i was telling him to see your posts for reference as to why he's wrong
> and having a distaste for perverts doesn't make any of us outsiders
And yet you're saying this on 4chan?
He was entertaining, sure.
Posted some good informative shit too.
Doesn't change the fact that he was a degenerate subhuman who wanted to rape pre-teen kids.
this may surprise you, but there are many of us here who don't want to engage in intercourse with animals or children
4chan is not /b/
Ah, shit. I mistook that as the newfag trying to claim my posts as his own. I'm on vacation, so I've been drinking quite heavily. That's the excuse I'll be going with to explain my temporary retardation.
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you are forgiven my son
No, we want to fuck cartoon, comic and video game characters instead. Again, where do you think you are?
There's a BIG difference between wanting to fuck vidya characters and wanting to fuck foxes. You don't want to fuck foxes, do you anon?
I'm not him but I can buy it on some level. Not all mental illness but some definitely is. Anecdotally I can see a certain mental trait inherent in my grandfather on my mom's side, my mom, and in turn me. And the way he was raised, she was raised, and I was raised all differed greatly. It's delusional to not think our genetics have some major impact on our thinking it's just a question of amount. Certainly it's not 100% predestination, but it's more than just some 5% nothingburger.

The best it can make you do is really appreciate and consider how fragile a good life and upbringing is. Why some people choose to stop the cycle of abuse by either not having kids or making a herculean effort to not abuse their kids in turn. You also have to be willing to turn the empathy off at some point or you burn out and become bitter and hostile.
Fuck you I'm not.
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>The people you were trying to help often ended up being as shitty as the people that raised them.
Generations and generations of regression. Feedback loops of failure. Kids raising kids.

A lot of left/right American politics boil down to the democrats want to help the unhelpable and fix the unfixable and the republicans want to get rid of them somehow. Like, yeah, clearly the long term solution was to not have had a garbage fucking education system for the last several decades thereby failing to intervene and the most critical point of the developmental cycle, the only time you even hope to have a chance, but we don't have a time machine, so what is to be done now?

What do we do with the abased? They're here, they won't just go away, so only focusing on long-term solutions that only take effect next generation is only half of the equation. Easiest thing in the world to invent positive feedback loop systems that on a generational scale produce positive outcomes, not as easy to deal with ones already spat out by the old system.

Our melting pot has poison in it and both sides keep stirring. Whole fuckin' world's run by POGs.
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What the fuck happened in this thread
You can change/repair that shit to some extent, but it takes knowledge of the issues and months of active effort to undo it.

That is a factor, but children also inherit memes, and not just in the "wacky internet humor" sense.

Nah, it'd be like stomping out a nest of cockroaches, most would scurry out and shit up other boards way worse than they already do. Better to keep them as containment ghettoes.
Shut the fuck up, Ray.

I don't know either. Talking about generational trauma and then scroll past some lolcow drama...?
the show sucked and was boring
Should I read the book or watch the show first?
>One Bullet Away
In that order
Oh damn that sucks, RIP
What ever happened to Donut?
Read Callsign Choas too, if you really want some high level shit. One Bullet Away is great though because it gives even more context to the show.
>longtime Rolling Stone contributor
Rolling Stone, and basically all media publications, are controlled and staffed by spooks so I wonder how Evan got connected with them and if his suicide had anything to do with it.
Yes, twenty years after his critique and exposure of one of the most unjust invasions in American history. You fucking retarded nigger.
They wouldn't have published his work and made the series in the first place if they weren't spinning the story for some reason. And once you are in with them you are never really out. So suck on that Eglin tranny.
Your narrative doesn't even hold up in a single sentence schizo /pol/ nigger.
Holy shit you are a fed. I was merely asking a question and you got triggered. Why don't you want anons to know journalists are part of the perception management intelligence apparatus?
Not the other retard you're replying to but I used to lurk /b/ for the lulz and TheHun for pr0n. Different times lmao
porn and gore were easy to find on the internet before 4chan existed
Fuck me I'd forgotten about that goddamned pole lol
Not the same as today - I had to fap in my teens to images coming down line by line on dial up speeds - the reason trap photos were a trap was that if you weren't skilled at telling them apart you could potentially have been jacking for a good 20-30 seconds to face and tits before the photo loaded downrange and showed a cock instead of pussy
No the fuck they weren't. Outside of Rotten and still images, porn and gore were tough to find online before 2005.

>i-i was merely asking a question
Why let him live and publish his story when it paints the invasion in a negative light? Who gains from killing him in 2024? You are a fucking pathetic retarded nigger piece of shit imbecile who can't maintain a cohesive thought within a single sentence.
Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead-end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall
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Rest in power king.
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>You don't want to fuck foxes, do you anon?
Red furred paws typed this post.
Take your meds.
NTA but Richard Simmons is the only one I can think of other than what OP mentioned but I only learned about EW through OP so...
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Man, it's actually worse than that. Traumatic experiences are correlated with new methylation in a bloodline's epigenetic code. If your grandma experiences something shitty, that epigentic code gets passed down the generations to you. Usually this means more neurotic and/or risk taking behaviour, shit's basically generational PTSD and most people don't think twice about it.
gen kill is NOTHING compared to the shit stirring the Jon Roberts books were. Jon was spilling shit he should have shut the fuck up about.
I grew up in nightmare conditions for normies like you. 99% of people i grew up around were unfixable monsters.
>Why kill him when they can make him do it himself?
20 years after everything happened?
This is one big ass fucking timeframe
I started reading Generation Kill three days ago after a miniseries clip bender, and I haven't been in /k/ for over a year.
This is ass.
the CIA whacked him for the 2nd Jon Roberts book.
Bowtie is based and wholesome and definitely not a tranny
I was skimming twitter and found this. Guy asked Evan a few weeks ago what the rates of PTSD look like in war journalists and this was the reply.
>it never leaves.
This is the key part, btw. The realization that "this is never going to go away," and the belief that it's never going to get better.
man, this is sad. you can see how isolated the guy was. imagine going to a doctor and sharing you wrote Generation Kill and having them dismiss that?

I find it disgusting how medicine has become a collection of smart people who feel they "deserve," their job and status and their care falls to the side. No doctor wanted to listen to this guy, just follow a checklist. Unfortunately there wasn't a checklist that would help treat this dude.
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GK made me want to join the Marines because I was retarded and wanted to do moto shit, I got rejected from MEPS due to 'The most fucking retarded thing I've ever seen' according to my ex-MEPS recruiter, but I gained life experience. I wanted to be 0321 and ended up meeting and spending time with an ex-recon guy who made me realize my short comings were not the fault of anyone other than myself. By proxy, Wright taught me the value of personal responsibility and to discard the excuses others/society had burdened me with.
One of the hardest things to do sometimes is convince people to actually listen to you. Especially when its a complicated and technical problem because even if you start going over their head and education a lot of them don't tend to want to admit they're wrong, or go back over a subject when it's something they need to know about. At least that was my experience in terms of getting treatment for PTSD due to war experiences, otherwise they just write you up some stuff for anxiety, tell you to think happy thoughts and just try to be normal, have a nice day.
Plus there's degrees of issue
There's rarely a scale on a wall were you can point to a single problem and go 'I'm about there' on the 1-10 degrees of fucked up, often there's another 3-4 problems on top of that which come in to compound a larger, more obvious one and if you don't untangle them first, then the problem still remains. When my long suffering psychologist retired I was asked if I wanted a reference to another one and basically I had a think about it and said no. Why? Well I'd have to spend another 3-4 years explaining to another person why I'm a bit fucked up before we even get back to ground zero of were we are at this point and I just don't want to go through another 3-4 years over the same path.
It does help, but fuck me its a struggle

No wonder I got plenty of sgt sixta video being recommend by jewtube currently
What a shame. Poor man had issues he didn't deserve. Let this be a reminder to any anons out there that a lot of us have deep rooted problems, just a lot of people don't listen.
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>they were nearly killing me with incorrect medications
didn't imagine I'd be fuming at pillbrained doctors ITT
>Why kill him when they can make him do it himself? The people you work for specialize in this sort of thing. One day they will do it to you.
You are now aware of your irresistible desire to go outside and touch grass immediately. Failure to do so will be conclusive proof that glowie spooks cannot make you do things through the internet.
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Rip Evan Wright.
>due to 'The most fucking retarded thing I've ever seen' according to my ex-MEPS recruiter
Now I have to ask: what was that most retarded thing?
Anon was. Anon was too retarded to become a marine.
You never know, he might not have been retarded enough to be a marine
dis the other guy reply with

>Lmao did you really expect me to read all that?


I would have.
>grandpa did some shit in WWII nobody likes to talk about
Chat is this real?
Ehhh... from what I know, which is not very much. Sources point to 'maybe'
I've had health issues for the past two years which are supposed to be of "psychosomatic" origin and they may very well be, who knows, but I am in Germany and as far as I know mental health is being treated slightly differently in Europe than in the US. The point is that even here I can absolutely subscribe to the part of medical personnel simply acting as if you're just a lunatic or not taking you seriously, same for a lot of people around you.
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>what the rates of PTSD look like in war journalists
My fav polish photojournalist also end himself few years back. He was 54.
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damn, F
Headshrinkers are mostly chaff, very little wheat.
It's conclusive in rats and other mammals, and there's been a few studies on demethylation treatments for people with various kinds of neuroticism with positive results. It's not an end-all-be-all thing but it exists.
Tempo Tempo Tempo
I liked the guy but this is absolute cringe.
weak soul. Rip
Can confirm.
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Same with all medical professionals.
Doesn't help that the system's built from the ground up to ignore trauma. Makes it easier to push pills and enrich pharma corporations when you ignore the core cause and medicate instead.
Didn't know he was that big a fan of the $uicideboy$
How fucked do you have to be to be too retarded for the marines?
>Rotten started in 96
>Ogrish started in 00
>Cruel Site of the Day started in the mid 90s
>tons of porn sites in the 90s
And if you weren't on BBSes before that, you are a newfag
You guys were just too young or too tech illiterate
>you were too young in the early 00s
Yeah nigga I was in high school, /b/ was sadly one of the safest place to download porn and gore without loading the family pc with a hundred viruses. And the fact you can only name three sites proves my point how limited that shit was back in 2000.
That's the order I did and it seems like a good order.
It was made up by jews to justify eternal holocaust gibs.
because you have poos and other asians forcing their kids to become doctors just for the status and title, so they end up not giving a flying fuck about the patients as long as they keep their job and pay
my state is actually pretty good about working on long term improvements / childhood interventions to stop criminality, childhood nutrition etc. shit just makes sense, cheaper that way since it pays dividends down the line in terms of reduced prison costs or whatever.

problem is that the second you start to improve things, you get people coming from all over the country for welfare. Like what does it matter if you make sure the local minorities are fed and get scholarships if other states just dump their degens on you. Can't close the borders since that's cruel, but keeping them open is just as cruel for the local downtrodden. idk.

used to be a lot more empathetic when I was younger, realize a lot of people are just unfixable and need to be permanently removed from society. have open air drug markets just down the street now. place is turning into another Portland and it's depressing, as this city would be a green paradise without all these degens
crazy to think that my family's addiction problems may be due to being Potato Famine survivors. Jesus fucking Christ Irish Americans are mentally ill. incredibly depressing
as a medfag myself, what do you recommend to treat this then?
keeping the borders closed isn't cruel, just like only letting family and friends into your house is not cruel
there are people out there suffering today that you could help with your resources, effectively, but it's just not your problem and if you did, you'd find yourself exhausted on strangers
I would prefer if we could keep them closed, it's just not politically tenable given the ideology people have here. too many sheltered do-gooders in positions of power. they are constantly trying to get refugees from whatever bad current thing happening here. Lots of Ukes and Venezuelans in town in the last year now.

So many third worlders around. they just don't know how to exist in a developed nation. Always a new cohort every decade. Congolese, Hmong, Karen, Ukrainian, Somalian, Oromo, Ethiopian, Khmer, Burmese, Thai, Kurd, Palestinian, etc. just an endless torrent of more desperate people.

Drove to my therapist today and saw multiple native Americans by the side of the road begging. Things are going to reach their limit here soon. Cannot wait until I'm done with school and can get out of this shit hole
>Never forget that...
Tell them about fucking snacks
>You guys were just too young or too tech illiterate
or poor.
Blessing guns seems heretical ngl.
I have PTSD anon... thats what this thread is about
>old anon can't name porn sites from the 90s
>this must mean that there weren't any
I'm sorry that you missed the golden age of the internet, gen Yner
>You don't want to fuck foxes, do you anon?
no, but I do want one as a pet
Well there’s the PTSD to
Quit your job and go work at a fast food place, something more suitable for your capabilities.
>his soul: withered
>his humanity: gone
Is it still passing away when you kill yourself? Like, you wouldn't say a soldier shot on the battlefield "passed away".
Yeah its sad when they go young like that
low IQ post
Damn it. This guy killed himself, Sixta is a child diddler, GK is ruined.
Explains Russians' learned serfdom among other shit.
integrative/functional medicine would be a good start
Did a report in HS for his book, was a good read.
"killed himself"
Bertcha it was Trombley
Those boards don't contain shit. Have bad parts of a website as containment is a bullshit meme that never works.

Also whats the upper pouches?
You the retarded schizo who pretends he's from Indiana and posted your nudes during a meltdown months back?
Unironic Nation of Islam "Blacks are violent because of Slave genetic code" bullshit. Take your meds.
Do you have any refutation beyond NOI agreement?
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mcniggerator lives
also the "lore" was super gey
fuck squid
>Nah, it'd be like stomping out a nest of cockroaches, most would scurry out and shit up other boards way worse than they already do. Better to keep them as containment ghettoes.
Yeah, they're doing such a good job of containing the retards that /his/, /sci/, and /int/ have been completely overrun by thirdies spewing their completely inane talking points that make Alex Jones look respectable and intelligent. What board do you think the brownoids experiencing the internet for the first time are going to render unusable next?
Hiroshimoot please delete /pol/ and permaban anybody that posts on that nest of mental illness.
>Can't close the borders since that's cruel
Looking after Americans first and foremost isn't cruel. The job of a nation state is to ensure the wellbeing and security of its citizens, not act as the dumping ground/welfare office for the "unfortunate of the world".

Militarize border security, shoot on sight.

Was he depressed? Seems like his life kinda dropped off after Generation Kill.
You could load prom from BTX sites, my child.
>Hiroshimoot please delete /pol/ and permaban anybody that posts on that nest of mental illness.
I'd prefer that /pol/ posts caused a 24h cooldown before you could post elsewhere.
Also that "/pol/ outside of /pol/" was a report category.
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There's a lot of good military shows, even on HBO. What makes Gen Kill THE show every knows and references all the time? I see way more threads about it than Band of Brothers, despite BoB being way higher rated/acclaimed
BoB is a veneration of the heroes of the last great war. GK is a realist, ugly depicition of an invasion from the ground level, featuring soldiers of whom many were cynical about the conflict they were thrown into and their leaders' motives in doing so.
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>The cause of death
>Morris Raphael Cohen
As if I'd trust any theory written by a jew
testimonies say he was a nice guy who spent a lot of time digging up shit
i had 2 classmates who had a divorced schizo attorney mom, i remember one story the brother told the class about his mom dunking his head in a fish tank and then beating him with hairbrush
he seemed pretty rattled, i didn't react because it seemed like child's play compared to my home
im not 59 yet, but im already over it, people suck a lot of the time, welcome to earth
Damn. What a shame.
He did good work with his book.

The saying about staring in the Abyss is true.
If there is nothing you can do, you do what you can but after some time I guess you've done enough.
HBO used to do those hard hitting shows. The scenario you described also was teased in the Wire with the Dukie situation.
>realist, ugly depicition
Kind of a contradiction in terms I think.

I know what you really meant but it's a wrong term because the realism (and the writer's craft in evoking empathy) makes it relatable which makes the ugliness endearing like ol' Janet who's good for a roll in the hay at the end of the night if you haven't gone home with anyone better.

>how much cb9 choco have you ingested anon?
>on it like a mofo Brad
>nice guy who spent a lot of time digging up shit
90% of good journos desu
The book just makes him a writer.
Looking for gov/establishment dirt makes a journo
I am assured he is buying dip and skittles at the big PX in the sky. I am assured of this.
Qrd on sixta being a diddler?
He had to enforce those grooming standards.
I can't wait for the article about the pussy infrastructure (or lack thereof) in the sky.
All your beliefs are determined by who you disagree with. You are unable to think for yourself or apply basic universal logical reasoning.
Actor was a groomer and got caught, IIRC.
Sixta was not the actor
The real-life SgtMaj Sixta went to prison for molesting kids.
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In 2014, he pled guilty in an Arizona court to molesting the daughter of one of his friends who around 12 years old at the time. Two years later, a California court found him guilty of molesting two of his stepdaughters when they were children and was sentenced to 45 years (later downgraded to 30).

Sixta is 64-65 now so he's going to be spending the rest of his natural lifespan in prison.



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Damn, RIP
jesus, the first dead bodies I ever saw. that takes me back
was boof the one who ordered 400 glocks instead of 40 for the gunstore he worked at?
by the way, search on youtube for a video of the real Godfather speaking, the actor did an incredible job copying him to a T.
Tempo tempo tempo in pieces
BoB has a LOT of made up shit in order to lionize Winters. Hell, some of the characters are straight up wrong and Easy Company participates in events it didn't participate in.
ether addiction was rampant too in them days

Band of Brothers and Generation Kill aren't really comparable.

One is based on a book that a proto-Boomer (actually he's from the Silent Generation, but I digress) historian, who already has a sketchy record for accuracy and plagiarism, wrote, lionizing his childhood heroes. The other was based on a book written by an investigative journalist who was actually there, reflecting on events that had taken place less than five years earlier when the show was made, with input from the actual veterans, nearly all of whom were still alive, one of whom (Rudy Reyes) actually played himself.

Don't get me wrong, Band of Brothers is a good book, but it's very much slanted by the fact that well over half of the men of Easy Company who survived the war were dead by the time the book was being written in the 1980s. Albert Blithe was no longer alive to clarify that he did in fact survive the war. Joseph Liebgott was no longer alive to clarify that he wasn't actually Jewish. Herbert Sobel and Norman Dike were no longer alive to defend their reputations.

In short, Band of Brothers presents a sanitized and to an extent, romanticized, perspective of World War II, whereas Generation Kill presents a far more complete picture of the Iraq War.
There is lots can go wrong hear.
Lack of batt'ry
Cold chow
Lack of poos-e
The VA is undefeated
Good post even it it has a slightly GPT tone to it. If you want to extend the comparison, contrast Band of Brothers versus the Pacific War series.
Having been in during the Gen Kill era, and doing my own bit in 04-05, can confirm it is the single most accurate depiction of the military at the time every penned. Everything you'd think "must be satirical" is dead on accurate.

And desu I'd bet the boys from E.co 501PIR were far more like the boys from Gen Kill than BoB illustrated. BoB is top tier, and I love it, but it was defintiely written with "dignity" in mind, as opposed to the raw reality of being a teenager/20 something in combat. It's goofy, irreverent, terrifying, hilarious, and generally full of insane shenanigans just like any group of young men away from adult supervision. That's been true since Homer.
Bad childhood trauma cascades throughout life, so even if you could somehow get over the original event, the damage it has caused has already caused later issues that cause problems of their own.
If you enjoyed his other investigative works, you might want to also have a look at Ian Urbina's Outlaw Ocean. The bits about overt modern day slavery in the pacific fishing industry hit particularly hard.
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>as opposed to the raw reality of being a teenager/20 something in combat
Yep, actors in war films/shows are consistently much older than the real young men they're portraying, especially putting older actors in leadership roles. Damian Lewis for example was 30 during the filming of BoB while the real Winters was 24/25 for the bulk of the depicted time. I liked the Jessie Eisenberg-looking motherfucker who played Fick, he definitely captured the look and demeanor of a young officer, but even he was actually born only one year after the real Nate Fick, so 4 years older during filming.
The longer you live, the more it stole from you. When you're facing 60, you ruminate over where it all went wrong, how the damage was never repaired and only left to fester and infect other parts of your life. Shit sucks.
Pretty much everything you do to a kid will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

What's really fucked up is generational trauma where shit happened decades or centuries ago, but people keep passing it on to their kids. I remember it affecting orphans who never met their parents too.
Trauma in childhood is like a house built on a shitty foundation. I don't care how nice the rest of it is, over time that flaw takes its toll on everything else. This is easily the gayest thing I posted in the last month.
>In short, Band of Brothers presents a sanitized and to an extent, romanticized, perspective of World War II
true, but BoB more than that imo. the second half has an introspective, melancholic tone that shows in
>the church scene in ep 7
>webster's rant in ep 9
>all the scenes of comrades turning up dead during R&R in ep 10
and there's a bunch of examples like that. the first half is awesome, but the atmosphere of the second half is what elevates BoB to being one of the best TV shows ive seen.
after reading With The Old Breed i dont think any amount of acting, special effects or makeup can capture the horrors of war. might as well use war as a platform for depicting interesting themes and atmosphere.
Generation Kill holds up because of the comedy.
>No doctor wanted to listen to this guy, just follow a checklist.
Because actual addicts come in all the time and say the same shit. Doctors play the numbers because on average you help more people than you hurt.

That's just how it is. He also probably should have told his physician that so ERs are more likely to believe him.
Not to infringe on the thread's mood, but I might just enjoy seeing you slowly die of cancer while ingesting amber powder and syrup of ipecac daily as prescribed by your evangelical/crystal occultist witch doctor.
Exactly, and that makes it so infinitely sad
>could I have done better at school if my childhood wasn’t shit
>could I have had more childhood friends if my home wasn’t such a mess and embarrasment
>could I have had a more satisfying relationship life if my emotions weren’t so fucked up
>could I have had some lifelong passions to achieve if my life wasn’t spent surviving and ruminating about survival
>could I have had an happy family if I didn’t fuck it up by repeating the fuckups of my parents

Not personal examples here thankfully, but having seem some bad examples, jesus, that kind of shit really screws up with normal social development and the feelings of internal safety. So easy to either become a shut-in, bitter as fuck, full on sociopath, or end up on alcohol or drugs with that kind of baggage.
Well posted. Childhood trauma is no fucking joke. "Cascades throughout life" resonates big time, feels like one is always playing catch up. Statistics prove it, I am assured of this.
addicts come into doctors all of the time claiming to be a war journalist who wrote a popular book which was the inspiration for a popular TV show?
Yes. If you rolled up to the average city doctor and told them all about your escapades in Iraq and your awesome book, they'll think you're a nut. If he'd mentioned a specific drug (or even worse, pronounced its name wrong), they'll think he's an addict too. And the doctor will be right 95% of the time.
so the conclusion we can draw from your statement is largely the same as mine (doctor's are ineffective at treating this type of PTSD/other more nuanced mental issues) but you just stated yours in a way that justifies it for the doctors?

ultimately, if doctors didn't want to deal with so many addicts perhaps they should not have prescribed oxycontin for backaches and xanax for coping with life back in the 90s and 00s?

yeah, doctors do help people when the person's problem is on the checklist. yeah, they belong to some sort of fraternal brotherhood that does actually respect "first do no harm." At the end of the day though, their ultimate motivation is money and sating their gigantic overinflated egos. In order to get them to stop over-prescribing addictive medication, legislation, procedures, and, observational organizations have had to be created. How big was that Purdue lawsuit again?
>not act as the dumping ground/welfare office for the "unfortunate of the world".

something something huddled masses
RIP to one of very few journalists I would ever respect. I just wish my lazy ass has read the book or watched the whole show before this happened.
It was a different time, unironically. Although I'm opposed to mass integration from anywhere no matter what and it has to be controlled somehow someway, I'm too much of a bleeding heart to do that job personally.
Stop being stupid on purpose.
>(doctor's are ineffective at treating this type of PTSD/other more nuanced mental issues)
Specialties exist for a reason. Doctors aren't medieval sawbones. Modern sawbones and quacks won't treat you any better either.
>ultimately, if doctors didn't want to deal with so many addicts perhaps they should not have prescribed oxycontin for backaches and xanax for coping with life back in the 90s and 00s?
These were massive mistakes with huge consequences that affected and continue to affect everyone in the US, and you'll find no disagreement from most people, doctors included. (Involved) suits and labcoats probably think their only mistake was not getting away with it.
>their ultimate motivation is money and sating their gigantic overinflated egos
Nobody hates money, and some doctors overprescribing opiates (now, often because they're afraid the patient will file a formal complaint because they didn't get them their dilaudid - a sometimes futile request to deny because the next exhausted retard will prescribe them their hit anyway) does not in anyway inflate anyone's ego unless they had a fetish for getting people hooked on drugs or something like that.
>In order to get them to stop over-prescribing addictive medication, legislation, procedures, and, observational organizations have had to be created.
And all builders and property owners follow the fire code out of their own prudence and good faith?
I'm not American, so I won't pretend to know anything about your legislation, but the US has had a long track record of grifters, lunatics, and profiteers infiltrating the highest echelons of legislation. You even have a name for the practice. The fact that you're going through an actual opioid/benzodiazepine crisis muddies the water too much for anyone to appear clearly culpable, but it probably isn't the intentional joint effort of one million totally independent MDs and DOs seeking to inflate their egos Dragonball style.
>but it probably isn't the intentional joint effort of one million totally independent MDs and DOs seeking to inflate their egos Dragonball style
…but how would Goku deal with the opioid crisis?
Strategically blowing up a few buildings in the middle of a work day, senzu beans, and particularly intense rehab
Die of heart disease
Can anyone upload sound webms of some of the scenes of Ray singing in the humvee?
>one of whom (Rudy Reyes) actually played himself.
Not exactly playing himself, but we also had Eric Kocher playing Gunny Barrett
I will ask for one concession, in my original post I was simply commenting on a screenshot of a text message this guy had sent where he expressed frustration at finding a doctor that would listen to him. That is about as much information that I have about this guy, other than what any other American would know about him.

I can relate to that personally and I find it sad so that is what I said.

>Specialties exist for a reason. Doctors aren't medieval sawbones. Modern sawbones and quacks won't treat you any better either.

No argument here. Although, I am under the impression that this guy was seeking treatment from doctors trained to treat PTSD and his frustration arose because they were not effectively treating his unique type of PTSD. Its not like he was just showing up to walk in clinics expecting the attending to know how to handle things.

>These were massive mistakes with huge consequences that affected and continue to affect everyone in the US, and you'll find no disagreement from most people, doctors included. (Involved) suits and labcoats probably think their only mistake was not getting away with it.

Although I think there is some merit to this statement, to assign all of the blame to the business part of medicine is extreme. The reason "Doctor," is an elevated position in society is because of the responsibility they bear within their profession. To think that the majority of doctors made an honest mistake at the behest of the evil suits in over prescribing medication is asinine.
I literally control my autoimmunity using an AIP type diet, you useless fuck
when the alternative is taking chemotherapy drugs and biologics for the rest of my life
your ignorant slave nigger mentality is exactly part of whats wrong with "medicine" and society
kill yourself
>Nobody hates money, and some doctors overprescribing opiates (now, often because they're afraid the patient will file a formal complaint because they didn't get them their dilaudid - a sometimes futile request to deny because the next exhausted retard will prescribe them their hit anyway) does not in anyway inflate anyone's ego unless they had a fetish for getting people hooked on drugs or something like that.

Everybody covets success, nothing really wrong with that. The problem arises when someone is dishonest about their intentions. I feel doctors often are. Honestly, not sure how we ended up on the subject of drug-seeking behavior. Was this guy a perchead or something? Either way, in the US at least, all of the doctors working in the pill mills were not doing it for ego, just pure money. Each doctor is an individual and there are plenty with ethics as straight as an arrow.

>And all builders and property owners follow the fire code out of their own prudence and good faith?
I'm not American, so I won't pretend to know anything about your legislation, but the US has had a long track record of grifters, lunatics, and profiteers infiltrating the highest echelons of legislation. You even have a name for the practice. The fact that you're going through an actual opioid/benzodiazepine crisis muddies the water too much for anyone to appear clearly culpable, but it probably isn't the intentional joint effort of one million totally independent MDs and DOs seeking to inflate their egos Dragonball style.

The opioid/benzo epidemic can causally be linked to MDs over-prescribing medication in conjunction with large pharmaceutical companies encouraging the practice. At the time, there were plenty of doctors who did not do this because throughout the course of medical training to become a doctor all of them learn why this is wrong and some of them put that into practice.
then there were Doctors who were only doing this a little, because they rationalized it as a harmless way to pad their pockets. at the very bottom of the barrel is an MD who runs a pain clinic in florida and all of his patients have a script for 120xOC80/mo.
ain't nothing gay about reflecting on what can ruin a person right out from the gate, unless that thing was a pedophile faggot, then it's extremely gay
late to the thread and prolly a bit too sensitive of a thing thing to ask but what was your psychologist's reply to you explaining why you wouldnt go to another one?
BoB has that soft and fuzzy tone to it that takes off a lot of the rough edges of war with a bit of hindsight and people being either kinder due to emotions having subsided or some degree of correction to make things be a little less shitty so no ones going to think poorly of someone for what they did. Its a bit romanticised to some extent that some of your buddies were not homicidal maniacs, the officers were not all retarded and we survived being deep in the suck with steely eyed determination without anyone going completely fucking bonkers.
GK doesn't have that
So for those of us in that age group its a degree of pride that when Iraq kicked off, we saddled up, didn't necessarily agree about being there but for a lot of us it wasn't our first deployment. Even a comparatively young shitbag like myself at the time had done two peacekeeping tours in Timor and been in the Afghan invasion by then so I knew what I was doing. Often we didn't do things well, we made do and complained a lot but we were not some straight out of basic scrubs that had been driving tractors one day and decided to fight Germans, Japanese, Koreans or Vietnamese the next.
As funny as it will sound- we were professional military.
We didn't give a fuck about the enemy, his religion, politics or what he thought about us, it was all business in that we'd been given a job and just went and did it better than anyone else before us had done.

I got really lucky in that she was very qualified and experienced enough to approach problems from multiple angles. Like everything from career, hobbies, family relationships and actively working to eliminate those problems I had adapting to 'what normal people do' when their life changes. So I have my checklist of things to do and work through when I start struggling trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.
>I don't want to train another psych about me
>Ok, then I'm going to write you up a list of things to train yourself
>Although I'm opposed to mass integration from anywhere no matter what and it has to be controlled somehow someway
Make everywhere as good as everywhere else.
It's literally the long-term solution.

Stamping out serbian-style ethnic conlicts, putting ziggerish proxy shit-stirring out of business and peacekeeper patrols to maintain order and quality of life in disaster zones the rest of it

No easy solutions of course but it's not an easy problem

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