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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>62050659
Is this super cool or am I blinded by my urge to mindlessly consoom guns?
it is indeed, super cool
What is it
I don't get how they can charge Savage Axis money for these things
They're probably cheap as shit in Europe.
these are mostly swedish civilian surplus, given they have a limited number of firearms they can own, so they get rid of their old stuff and buy new ones. intersurplus is paying maybe 50-100 euros each for these on auction, same for much of their british and italian and german shotguns. here in cangen, we found several of the original auction pages of some of the stuff they were selling on intersurplus, and it is often marked up by 400-500% of what they bought it on auction. of course, that doesn't account for taxes and duties and import cost and transportation.
also you're buying a rifle like that for the barrel, or if you want to use the action for something else. This one's barrel is completely shot, it's not even worth $200 if you want a functional rifle and not a parts rifle.
bore is clapped out
What gun is that?
Great guns but Euro calibres are not as popular/available here so account for paying almost $2.00 per round or dump $300+ to get into reloading
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What rifle is this in what caliber and what kind of bullet drop would it have at 100-150 meters?
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probably 300 win mag? it has fuck all drop at that range
Whats the tan unit ontop of his scope. LRF?
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lol no drop. 300wm or 308
Worth enlisting in the Canadian Forces?
Make and Model?
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Please kitter friend, can you please make me a kit? If two rifles are too many, pick anyome you like. Also yes, I love KINO.
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Marlin55 bolt action 12 gauge.
Barrel cut down to just under 22" and the LOP shortened to 12".
Mag capacity 2+1.
I carry it for bear.
Lame, I wanna buy one like I did with the knife the Russia SF guy used to cut off the ear of that one tajik faggot who did the Moscow Concert attack.
Didn't mil/pol start phasing that round out in like the early 2000's?
Blueboard, anon.
You’re to poor for one of those anyway
Imagine having to wear all black, on top of a roof, in this heat.
Also when did they start allowing visible tattoos in SS?
Ya I posted wrong webm
I paid for my 1992 Toyota Tercell CASH bucko.
How much did you pay for it?
A whole 1,488 plus 69 tip brother fuck of a deal
they're like 10k+ and you might not even be able to get one from the states, the high spec ones are export controlled under ITAR
You paid to much
All of them are export controlled under ITAR. Fucking everything fun is ITAR controlled, even shitty ass vortex scopes are ITAR controlled.
How much was it worth?
they removed regular scopes from ITAR a few years back

Pic related is USD.
Great, thanks. You're not a faggot unlike everyone else in here.
HO LEE FUK. Now wonder the (((MIC))) wants constant WAR at those prices.
Some races just can't be trusted.
wtf Chris Kyle survived?
Yes, and he's fuckin yuh muddah.
just get a somogear
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>he's still fiddling with the type 81 dust cover
>he doesn't know the trick to put it back
Good evening niggas.. me wanty a cap and ball colt army or navy to carry innawoods and was wondering what the government classifies as the firearm. Like can i put a new cylinder in a old gun and still be cool? Also where to cop.
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you just hit it
incomprehensibly based, blood type sounds like a trench dream.
also submitting my (limited) kit for kitteranon to add me to the csis dilateabase
whats going to make your day even more is that originally Canada was going to be completely and entirely exempt from ITAR because they already depend on us for uranium and northern defence, but the gov't being 210% CHINKED.COM put an end to that idea pretty quickly
good evening
>Cold steel knife
Extremely based, I miss that company being owned by that fat autist who liked cutting up dead pigs to test his weapon designs
You COULD spend thousands on an antique that'll blow up in your face. OR, you could wait a year for Pierre to reverse the bans.
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my modern sporter burst fired three rounds today
what do?
dress is as an M16A2
Bredda its not happening. And still cant go innafuckingwoods with em. Country sucks
>its not happening
Everything he promised is happening, check the polls dumbass. CPC majority will be unstoppable.
Hey im on your side pal, but hes not gonna let is shoot restricteds on crown land.
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Would be pretty based if they at least gave us the repros of antiques innawoods, it was brought up how stupid it was to ban them in the first place. Having said that, I'd still rather be able to take a 10mm out into bear country.
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Legend has it, that we missed out on cowboy action shooting, as an exemption to the handgun freeze, by just 1 vote.
But yes antique repros should definatly be NR. Niggers don't into black powder.
It actually sucks that they've effectively killed cowboy action shooting as a sport with this, pp better immediately remove the bans.
Pirates gun
>black plate carrier
Ah I see you enjoy sweat and over heating
I don’t think somogear makes LRF’s would be looking at either vortex or newcon for a more “reasonably” priced Canadian version.

It's literally called the JAR which stands for "Just Another Rifle". It's a Remington 700 in an Accuracy International stock and chambered in 300 Win Mag.
You can't bring modern peestol innawoods anyways.
Bro I wanna bring a modern repro of a webley mk 6 innawoods so badly, idk why
What's a reason for leaving the CAF that doesn't look bad on a resume? I left because I didn't want to inject myself with the vaxx, and obviously employers won't see that as a valid reason
Is that sling mounted between the stock and barrel?
You should check out that scope first I have a CZ model 21 with one of those claw mounts and there's no way to zero the scope for windage.
I put "Contractual Disagreement" for the same.
Just say there's too many trannies and women in the CAF
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Tied to paracord wrapped around the barrel and secured with electrical tape.
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Just signed up for the cfsc and cfrsc courses $450 total. What am I in for??

Because it’s in 8mm Mauser. Good luck finding that inexpensively in any consistent quantity, Anon. And that’s during good times. During bad times that shit will be unobtanium
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Not even slightly Anon.
Some boomer spouting obvious gun safety regs you can study for free and 450 bucks chucked out of a window.

good job retard
Isn't a course mandatory?
What else is he to do
just got a henry h006 brass .44, i hear some folks say that brasso is good to polish it and others say that it’s too abrasive, any suggestions? fucker is mint and i would like to keep it that way for as long as feasibly possible
I read the manual and challenged the test
Forgot you could do that
What’s the process like
Send the instructor an email, ask about challenging the test, I think theres a small amount of mandatory class time but it's a lot cheaper. Been a while for me, details are fuzzy.
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yeah a little expensive but i wouldnt call it unobtainium
I like Kriss guns.
that's double what I paid
what province?
Ontario ofc.
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Amen, they don't call em Perfidious Albinos for nothing
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they removed the test challenge years ago.
just go have coffee, don't talk about self defense or unpinning mags.

the real test is seeing if you are a unsafe person socially and keeping blacks, incels, autists from owning guns.
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Tried to get the shirt in there but its limited space, if theres anything else or any variations, you got a hour
Isn't he a zoomer?
>During bad times that shit will be unobtanium
It's the other way around, panic buying is mainly an issue with common calibers. Unless you mean post-WW3 wasteland bad times, in which case you aren't gonna be shooting a fancy bolt action much anyways.
Kill yourself
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I gave him angry eyes
same thing as >>62083599
any changes lmk
also i just needed a list of ur kit and just a picture of at least one of the peices of kit. But i made it work. Enjoy
Can you make an ausfag kitter?
idk who that is
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BRS99 anon kitter
Moleman kitter
airplane/mg42 anon kitter
big siege kitter
gunpilled greens kitter
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ive already done moleman and big siege kitters, the BS one was OP in a few threads
nta but I believe they changed it so you must now take the course, you can't just challenge the exam like you could years ago

Welp I'm sorry for being a dick >>62083069 I'm the one who fucked up.
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the course isn't a big deal but i guess it's way more expensive now. i did mine +10 years ago and each course was only about $130 including the exam and book for each. while i'm not usually in favour of the government implementing financial hurdles to gun ownership, i was shocked to see how many literal retards were in the courses i took.
one girl failed miserably by pointing the gun at herself during the exam, another guy couldn't remember what a flintlock was, and many of them failed at basic stuff like cartridge identification. the course and exam do tend to filter out the extremely stupid people, so i'm actually not opposed to it. i just think people should be able to challenge the exam without taking the course, they'd pass or fail on their own merits regardless.

but the government doesn't want you to own guns so they'll keep finding more ways to make it expensive and cost-prohibitive for many.
boomers don't know the difference between a millennial and a zoomer
No tards in my course, but one girl dropped out halfway through, had something of a mental breakdown i guess. to my understanding, she was taking the course because her brother recently shot/killed himself, not sure if accident or intentional.
the instructor for my wife's course asked everyone their level of knowledge. since she's gun-pilled she rattled off some gun names that she'd handled and then he basically rubber-stamped her exam and focused on the black guy who flagged the entire classroom with a training pistol
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I guess the subject matter must've really triggered her.
No niggers, but one ex crimm who went into some detail while asking if he could even get a license after being arrested for getting into fights n shiet.
I believe she was there with her mother, and they were both being forced (encouraged?) to take the course just for saftey reasons, because he had guns. I dont think either of them were interested in the subject matter.
>because he had guns
The father had guns* i should say, and got the girls to take the course. making me think the brother/sons death was an accident.
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well then they really shouldn't own guns at all. it's still surprising to know how many police officers carry guns every day yet a good number of them don't have a firearms license or have any real interest in firearms. no wonder they're always dropping or losing their guns and can't hit shit when they actually need to use them.
Common knowledge is that its a good idea to get everyone in your household to get a licence, even if you are the only one who owns guns. For both saftey and legal reasons.
i keep encouraging my sister and brother in law to get their licenses but my sister is a neolib and my bro in law kinda goes along with her mentality on that stuff. they're of the mindset that basically "nothing bad has happened to us so far, no sense in getting a gun". it's like some unbreakable crust of retardation they have surrounding them.
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Thinking of getting a precision rifle without trying to break the bank. Something in .300 win fag. Anyone have experience with a CZ 600?
Took me a bergillion years to convince even my brother to get his license, and he was actually interested in guns..
>.300 win fag.
Heckin baste
>CZ 600?
Are those turkshit? i never know with cz..
They are Czech retard.
Some cz's are made in turkey, looking it up that may just be some of their shotguns though.
yeah and winchester is american
some of their shotguns are turkshit but I don't believe the hunting rifles are
Get a tikka. Some may say that they kick a bit hard as a 300, because they are so light. But if you were to say maybe plan on climbing ontop of any rooftops or something, you would likely be grateful for the weight savings.
go .308 instead
Everybody already owns a .308, and they arent the same thing.
Get a .777 instead
We can't get those anymore :(
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I hear the Ruger Precision Rifle is breddy gud.
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Yeah, no, that's not happening unless he gets like three majorities in a row and needs more pro-gun stuff to do at some indeterminate point in the future
Well, w/e honestly, it's not like the freeze is going to last long.
Hot take and you guys will probably call me a turbofag for this, but if PP is playing 4d chess, he'll give provinces the power to opt out of the freeze, rather than repeal it completely. If he repeals it, then the next eventual Liberal government will be able to play to their Toronto/Montreal base to potentially reinstate it in the future, but they'll have a much harder time if it becomes a province vs. the feds issue. Actually all gun control should be provincial for this reason desu
>he'll give provinces the power to opt out of the freeze
plz no, i'm bc and have no faith in the honcouverites that run this province.
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Hasn't the freeze become law with C-21?
I'm an Ontariofag, this approach wouldn't help me either. I think there's a strong case to be made that it's the right move though, because the more power goes to the provinces, the less free reign the feds have to fuck things up for everyone. OTOH, if he repeals it nation-wide and there's an explosion of handgun sales that significantly increases the number of handgun owners, then that could have a similar effect. I think it would be less likely to be a successful deterrent though
Yeah, but it's still referred to as a freeze, officially because it only bans new sales and doesn't impact the ownership or use of existing handguns that are already in circulation. It's the first gun ban in our history to be that permissive, so they call it a "freeze" to make that distinction.
There's also the fact (or my speculation) that they know that it's going to be repealed by a future Con government, so they'd rather call it something other than a ban, so that they don't have to say one of their bans failed
>first gun ban in our history to be that permissive
Wasnt grandfathering better? You could get a licence that allowed you to continue to buy/sell from the same category of banned firearms you already owned.
Grandfathering is more insidious because you end up splitting gun owners into two groups, with the grandfathered group not having as much motivation to overturn the law because they've "got theirs".
I ?think? grandfathering also allowed you to pass your guns down one generation, to your non-exempt children. though they themselves couldnt then pass them down.
True, yes, I forgot that (12.6) handgun users were allowed to keep shooting them
Fair enough, if i could still 'got mine' with handguns i wouldn't be so upset about it.
Gibme beretta and some cowboy revolvers plz
>if i could still 'got mine' with handguns i wouldn't be so upset about it
Not me. I'm not even that interested in handguns, I only ever had a Glock 17 for years. Then the freeze was announced and I picked up a Sig and a Beretta, so I have more handguns than I personally even care for at this point. But not being able to buy a handgun in this country is completely unacceptable to me and I am very upset about it on principle. I want the freeze repealed more than the OIC, to be honest, just because it affects so many more guns
I’m a zoomer, I only had one year from getting my RPAL to the handgun freeze coming into force. Managed to get 5 handguns, only one of them isn’t a piece of shit. If I waited to get my RPAL I would’ve been fucked. All my buddies are pissed they can’t buy any handguns.
Just make sure they know who to vote for to get their rights back. Though at this point I think the election outcome is a forgone conclusion anyway
>I want the freeze repealed more than the OIC
I'm happy with my kikevors and it would take a loosening of barrel length restrictions to get me to buy somthing else in that category.
But i am not happy being stuck with my one and only handgun.
>All my buddies are pissed they can’t buy any handguns.
Ypu, even though i didnt get exactly what i want, they are still mad and jelous to have nothing atall.
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what the fuck is this ad?
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it's a wanted ad, the poster is seeking what is described in the ad details. stop being so retarded.
Probably a hindu dog
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Are all the T81 underfolders still coming in bent?
oof my condolences
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what leaf companies are you all investing in?
just put 50k into snc lavalin/AtkinsRéalis
I am interested in short-selling.
I want to encourage the collapse and profit off of people failures.
Its garbage compaired to whats out there now. If you have one or can get one for dirt dirt cheap then whatever but it doesnt hold a candle to current designs.
I am an incel and autist and passed with flying colors
my instructor said he's only ever red flagged one person in his life
you have to be a special kind of retarded to fail the test
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>one chance in life
>not born as nobility
Its so fucking over....
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reported to my coworker tomorrow we don't need any attempts at trudeau like your kind did to trump
>one chance at life
>not born FloridaMan
It really is over
>once chance at life
>born into merchant class
not gonna complain really
sucks to be poor
missing the obvious signs of crippling alcoholism that came free with my patch money but otherwise 10/10, massively based, thank you csis for finally doing something remotely useful with my tax dollars
>cardboard boxes for monitor stand
Average gunsoomer everyone
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those boxes aren't there because I'm broke, they are there specifically because my company knowingly ordered and nearly half a grande for two boxes of empty fucking air, PO and everything. it was so fucking retarded I asked the boss if I could take them home as souvenirs and I did. Some fucking genius even packing taped them neatly and properly and then labeled them "empty". I felt like a government employee when I went to pick 'em up. Later, I couldn't find any good tall stand for my second monitor so I said fuck it and now my $120 screen is supported by $446.63 worth of factory sealed fucking nothing lol
>inb4 "thats limited edition premium cardboard stands, tasteless poorfag"
also a real monitor stand costs at least two boxes of 5.56 tracers + tip so fuck that
Newfag here looking for first gun recs, I know nothing about the cost of ammo and want something I can shoot pop cans with in the forest. Budget unlimited (but easyish to find and moderately priced ammo would be nice). My two thoughts:
-CZ 527 (I'm not a huge guy and like the look)
-marlin 1895 cowboy lever action or some variant thereof

dont want: shotgun (yet), high capacity with mag neutered, sks or some chinese shit, polymer
>I know nothing about the cost of ammo and want something I can shoot pop cans with in the forest
.22lr is the cheapest at like 10-20cents/boolit.
Next up is 9mm and 7.62x39, which can be found under 50cents/boolit
almost anything else that is either pistol or intermediate will be in the 50c-$1 range
Full size rifle rounds start over $1
Cooey bolt action repeater. Great guns, cheap, simple.
Become leverchad
Henry in .22lr for cheap plinking, or a Winchester 92 in .357mag if you want a real gun.
Stop suggesting the old worn out shit. You fucking poor ass faggots always suggest either a cooey (who makes parts anymore) a lee enfield (again, who makes parts) an sks (broad side of the barn accuracy) or some weird ass break action sears shotgun.

If you dont want to waste money here you go:
Tikka, cz, ruger 10/22
>12 ga.
Mossberg, remington, beretta, benelli, browning, winchester
Pick something non canadian
>bigger than 223
Leave 4chan and go to rokslide, longrangeonly, or /r/longrange

And dont even bother with that pcc shit. Its just a moneytrap.
you have to go back
a) you can still get parts for old guns, especially when there were millions built as with the Cooey, b) they're dead simple and reliable so they rarely need parts, c) even if it broke you could buy several more and still spend less than a new Tikka costs.
Shit, I got baited. Screw you nigger I'm going to bed
Nigga u gay
>(who makes parts anymore)
What the fuck is this retard babbling about
Just reading around and unfortunately seeing plebbit posts, but you're literally not allowed to post guns with the mag in or without a trigger lock. Is this true
Provided you're in a home* not a range of course.
Based as fuck tbqh
No it’s not true lmfao
That’s your problem. Nobody has ever (and I mean ever) been arrested or charged for taking a picture of a gun without a trigger guard. If that were the case every single post on gunpost would lead to an arrest. don’t use gunpost because its a fucking honeypot, but still its not like every mofo on there is getting arrested
It was all one big shipment and the last shipment ever sooooooo yes. Fixed stock ones are fine
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youre welcome anon
i always like putting hat or masks on these guys because i just think they make the kitter look so much cooler. But im glad you enjoyed. Nice gun btw, i always wanted a G36
G36Cs have been gorgeous since i first saw it on call of duty
They’re cool but not for that price
Maybe for Bren 2 prices I’d buy one
Hey, can you post the hooded cat pepe with the radio, please?
Also the G36 is a nice gun, very easy to use.
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im not sure which one youre talking about, this is the only one i got with a radio i think
I meant 1637335649[...]
but this is one is cool as well. Thank you anon, have a nice day.
Thats gay. Put the handle back!!!!!
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Not a quality reply.


What new shooter wants to buy old junk and figure out how to fix it? They don't. They also don't want to find websites that have the part they need and wait for it to come in, and then they have to figure out how to take the gun apart, replace the broken worn out part with another worn out part and hope they know how to put it back together. They just want it to work when they go shooting with their friends.

Eventually when they intimately know their way around a gun, can troubleshoot, they have tools, they have half decent mechanical aptittude, and they want a project gun to restore then by all means buy grandpas old shitrod and polish that turd.

It's time for breakfast. Fuck this.
cooeys are good though
just bought an sks jungle stock version
4 clips of 762
rifle is fine?
> buy old junk and figure out how to fix it?
Nobody said to buy one that is already broken.
And just because its old doesnt mean its going to fail you sooner than a new gun would. They don't make'em like they used to, sonny.
i like how sks stripper clips skyrocketed in price.
in the olden days you would get 150 clips in a crate of cheap czech ammo and people would just throw the clips in the trash after using them
then czech ammo dried up, chinese ammo flooded in but chinese ammo doesnt come with clips so now that shits gold
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So real
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cr123 batteries are so expensive
Looking for recommendations for Benelli M4 mods. So far I have a sling and 6 round mag tube. Looking to get a flashlight and optics.

Don't really know much about optics but I am looking for a very low profile red dot and Vortex Venom at Cabela's for 400 is the only thing sticking out for me right now.

For flashlights I am quite lost right now. I tried the S&J Hardware mount but I did not like the position of the rail mount and the sling so I returned it. I don't want to mount to the mag tube because that requires de-mounting it every time you take the gun apart for cleaning. Are pressure switches possible with the stock handguard? Would I need to drill holes or something? Should I just bite the bullet and buy a rail handguard?
yeh its gay, and i hate having to stock a bergillion different types of batteries.
If its something that isnt so small as to warrant button batts, then it should be using AA, AAA, or 18650, imo.
Stripper clips are like $2 each dude
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the crate of 1160 rounds that came with the clips was $200...
Sorry I was just talking about the empty clip itself, not the ammo.
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Form factor thing i guess.
I only own one cr123 device, a rangefinder, the battery fits in behind the laser, above them is the optic, AA etc would require lengthening the device. A stack of small buttons could fit in its place but that would likley be more expensive and have less capacity.
CR123 is most commonly a camera battery, and i would prefer it over the common alternative; proprietary LiPo batteries, which would be both more expensive and harder to find.

The cost/rarity aspect though really does make me consider optics like the 500 series eotechs though, which take AA's, but are kind goofy looking and bulky.
just passed mine bro, its ez pz, course was pretty fun in all honesty
Based ty anon much better
>complete aprocrypha
If you want real Apocrypha, look to Catholic and Orthodox translations. The Douay Rheims predates the King James and is the actual translated Vulgate as written by Saint Jerome.
>chinese ammo doesn’t have stripper clips
the crates of 1100 rounds have them, the crates of 1400 dont.
>Posts gun with a sissy pad on the stock
Or he just doesnt have manlet arms, anon. I have a crazy long wingspan so i’m always finding ways to increase my LOP
If he had he would have shot first
Just say you could no longer be under the command of Turdeau
ain't it just part of his nigger rigged sling set up?

You can't challenge anymore, haven't been able to for several years now
It's still basedboy pussy shit
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Yeah, i think kjv apocrypha is possibly a bit of a misnomer, maybe part of the reason that book was discontinued.
Douay Rheims is on my shopping list somewhere. but i spent nearly $300 on a goatskin Cambridge KJV before even learning it existed, so it can wait a bit longer.

Also, put your zip hoodies up you wiener.
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Thanks a lot for the kitter, I might post another kit with a KSZ suit and my "Smersh rig at home".
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Divine Intervention
Nice man looking forward to it. Hopefully it's not full of pretentious arrogant faggots
not so much for the guy in the crowd huh?
>They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
biden couldn't order a better hitman
Skill issue
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This is what conservatives actually believe.
if its going to be a custom rig, thats going to be hard because i find the things i put on the kitters on google. But id try if u wear it and take a picture like this, but maybe slightly more of an angle
Yeah I saved some money and bought shit ton in bulk a few years back. I have only cracked open the one box.
I emailed a company about a red dot last year and they told me it was ITAR and they couldn't ship to canada
lol what
So basically, he was useless.. no longer valuable to mankind.
That's a whole cartridge

Once again proving this belief is only held by ignorant leftist retards
Night frens
I'm going to be up for another 10hrs maybe, but, night, fren.
gn fren
Good job brev

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