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I sleep safely at night knowing these hero's are protecting me from assault guns.
Tyrone, give deez niggas a volley!
I sleep safely at night knowing most /pol/troons are browns who don't vote.
This is not a common weapon to be carrying around. The officers were probably right to confiscate it as it is likely harder to track crimes committed with it.

I'm just fucking with you, anons. This whole situation is retarded and the police involved should be fired if they don't have any further (and meaningful) justification to snatch people's shit.
>OP says gun confiscation bad
Post your gun.
I second that other anon. Post gun with timestamp. If your reply is anything other than a timestamped pic of guns you’re a gay nigger who came to this board in February 2022
Do you accept pictures of collapsible batons? I am a collapsible baton collecting anon with 22 different kinds of collapsible batons and like 5 interesting /k/ relevant knives.
What blew up now?
these same people would piss themselves if they had one pointed at them. i wouldn't want to get shot with anything tbqh.
if some wannabe banger was using this to commit crimes then they were right to take it
I'm curious to see the baton collection
post timestamped gun faggot or stop whining about gun controllers.
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I wasn't that anon you were originally complaining to, I just wanted to know if what I had was acceptable.
More like outta the riverbed.
Too late, probably already killed someone with it.
Aren't these not firearms according to American shenanigans?
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Toronto is a goldmine.
Fuckers caught a scallywag.
tally ho lads
Who said anything about /pol/? Seems you don't sleep soundly if you're that obsessed with them to bring them up unprompted
Why would you collect collapsible batons?
They finally got the second gunman from the Lincoln assassination! Justice at last!
>who need they blunderbussy fired
Now see heah, some poah gentleman rivahboat gamblah is now un-armed. More's the pity, and twice the tragedy, upon this happenstance sirrah.
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Photo of the perp btw
Fucking Ukie tourist GIT.
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I am glad these weapons of war are off our streets.
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They did our boy Maverick dirty.
Muzzle loaders are not firearms in the legal definition in America. The legal definition is a cartridge firing breachloader made after 1899. Antiques, muzzle loaders, and other multi-part ammunition weapons aren’t legally firearms in the US.
>ye best start believing in authoritarian dystopias, anon
>yer in one
what's the mouse gun there? looks like a .25 acp baby browning, but but it looks off, is it just customed thr fuck out?
Those look AI-generated lmao
I do declare, that thing us dreadful! Thank heavens they took this assassin's weapon off the streets!
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I guess they paid for the sbr tax stamp, how else would they get the barrel that short?
FIE titan 25acp
what high-end louisianan prostitute did they nick this from
What are the odds that that is an actual firearm? Looks like a repro to me.
post guns
right? it looks more like a novelty lighter than a real gun
That's a nice antique I hope it is where it belongs now in a museum looks late 18th century or early 19th (it has a ring and not a swan necked hammer so probably 1805-1830) stock type is very similar to the US 1816 model or late Georgian English pistols. It is also incapable of firing as the top jaw on the hammer is missing

Its 100% real imo
samefag I'm pushing it here but as the barrel is pinned in that manner I would say an English maker or influenced by them
>D E L L I N G E R
my fucking sides

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