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Post precision rifles. Discuss optics, rifles, cartridges, shooting tips, etc.
>some basic resources
>previous thread
Why don’t they just give snipers smart guns that aim for them?
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Astigmatism narrows my target selection down to high-contrast circles, feels bad bros
The battery life is not long enough.
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Thought you guys might get a chuckle out of this.
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I do really love my ctr.
All hail the flat is justice king
>be OP
Speaking of which, I'm slammed with work for the next few whiles. You guys should feel free to put an Orange Incident poster or two on the righteous threadwise path. Gotta be ONE of them who likes long-range shooting more than stroking framed prints of geriatric male earlobes.

They're a fucking great rifle and a fucking great platform to build on
What in the fuck is your muzzle velocity on that cunt of a thing?
Man I'd really hope I'd have something to show by this next /prg/.
>check in on new optic with manufacturer
>yep should be shipping to eurooptic on July 1! they'll send word after that
>2 weeks later...
Trying real hard not to get impatient here and be an asshole customer but man I hope there is something this week.
Anyone know where I could get a Parker hale M82/C3 stock?
Can you just use more mag, or do custom correction? Nice thing about precision long range is that if anything it should be more forgiving to bad eyes, you can take your time and aren't expected to shoot both eyes open at 1000yd. You need an hpvo anyway.
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>use more mag
No can do
>long range
My personal best is 700 yards so far
>You need an hpvo
Would also need 6mm ARC or better to start ventilating targets at 1000, eh
>No can do
Can't afford it right now or something? Totally understand if that's the case, I'm getting a new optic but I saved up for many years for it.
>6mm ARC
Why that, why not just use 308 or 6.5 which are plenty good out to 1000 for fun/challenge?

Also nice to see the pic, looks like you are in a great area for long distance fun.
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>getting a new optic
>use 308 or 6.5
>1000 for fun/challenge
Before entertaining the idea of an optic and caliber transition, I have to put five rounds through this MOA target. If that can't be done with a 4x optic and two-stage trigger, then my marksmanship is fundamentally stunted and higher magnification along with taller ammunition won't make a difference
>area for long distance
The 1000yd range requires gun club hosting (paper targets only).

How's your 1000yd range look, pardner? I take it your venue is an AR500 gong out in the plains (no membership dues nor any RSO's breathing down your neck). It must be real /k/omfy!
Sorry anon if I misinterpreted, I thought you were complaining a bit about the 'ol astigmatism. I've got it too, and it's a legit physical medical issue one has to work through. Corrective lens, corrective surgery, or a different optic and just throwing mag at this problem are all totally reasonable responses imo. I mean, to be clear, it's completely fine if you just don't feel like spending anything right now, are happy enough with targets as-is, and just want to roll with it.

But a 4x optic out that far would be a genuine challenge anyway even with great eyes, even by the old "1x per 100yd" advice which is now generally considered kinda outdated. Sure people have used irons to get that far, and I did when I was 20 years younger. Guess I just don't think it's wrong to compensate for aging or whatever though with tech, though of course everyone has to make their own choices about the right balance. Like, I've very deliberately decided not to use any sort of smart scope or get a personal weather station or something.

Anyway, sorry if I misunderstood, was just curious. And again, it's always cool to see anons pushing their hardware (both gun and man).

>I take it your venue is an AR500 gong out in the plains (no membership dues nor any RSO's breathing down your neck). It must be real /k/omfy!
Private land fields mostly with a couple friends and neighbors vs public land but yeah, no range. And it is great in most respects, but since it's not desert stuff does grow so in fairness there are some "membership dues" in the form of sweat equity in helping trim back growth in here and there. I've got one of the two tractors so I end up doing more work, others kick in some labor and some diesel/beer/ammo money. Though when shooting from one hill to another you can just ignore everything down below which works out pretty well.
127 Grain lrx at around 3450fps
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I just bought a new precision rifle! Did I do good?
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>Sorry anon if I misinterpreted
Nah, I'll be honest and admit I'm not fixing to spend 6000-8000 Yankee dollars on an HPVO, spotting scope, 6mm+ AR and reloading equipment for precision shooting

>4x optic out that far would be a genuine challenge
>1x per 100yd" advice which is now generally considered kinda outdated
Indeed, what I'm attempting is practically insane: 4x32 optic, CHF+CL barrel, 4.5lb two-stage trigger, no bipod. But proving it can be done is my obsession, though it might just be a coping mechanism for my increasing age :)

>I've very deliberately decided not to use any sort of smart scope or get a personal weather station
That seems reasonable to me! Those have terrible battery lives and the last thing we want is for our marksmanship to be dependent on life support!

>I've got one of the two tractors
>others kick in some labor and some diesel/beer/ammo money
It does sound like more of a community/neighborhood exercise than a gun club would ever be. The humidity must be drenching you and the boys this time of year. I guess the grass is simply greener for the anons out in the plains!
>Nah, I'll be honest and admit I'm not fixing to spend 6000-8000 Yankee dollars on an HPVO, spotting scope, 6mm+ AR and reloading equipment for precision shooting
I mean, sure, you can spend a lot. Hell, I am at long last spending a bunch this year on my 5-7 year dream project I've been saving for. But FWIW you're talking pretty gucci there for precision shooting. As an anon said last thread:
>a remington 700 police from arms unlimited for 750 bucks, and a SWFA ss 10x scope for 400 dollars.
Tikka T3X is another similar budget regular prg recommendation (also usually with swfa glass). Both are excellent performers you can go a long, long distance with. And there is plenty of solid off the shelf ammo.
>the southwest firearms super sniper fixed 10 power in your choice of minutes or milliradians, is a scope that was designed by the navy for 50 cal snipers for boat-to-boat shooting. it's very rugged and has good glass and turrets. it's available cheaply because the contract is expired, the R&D was covered by the navy, and the same factory in japan has been making them forever.
Although a lot of anons think Arken optics is the new king for very cheap scopes that are still ok, and ime even stuff like Swampfox is pretty decent value. For sure higher end stuff has somewhat better light transmission, less chromatic aberration, etc, all the stuff that comes with nicer glass, but there are serious diminishing returns too. And the march of tech and manufacturing advancements means that modern cheapshit can sometimes beat the crap out of something nice from awhile ago.

Anyway, you sound like you've got a fun self-set challenge which is really cool. But if you were actually being serious about thinking you need to spend $6k+ for more you definitely, definitely do not.
>Those have terrible battery lives
Nah, not so much about that more just, like, "what is it all for?" I don't need to seek out every possible "tactical advantage" or whatever, and I'm not in professional comp either. It's about my own skills and enjoyment. So basically I agree with you totally on choosing "worse" stuff for the fun/challenge. Just make sure you're balancing what you want to do I guess.
>The humidity must be drenching you and the boys this time of year
Yeah, but if you work hard in the fall and spring to deal with all the serious stuff, maintenance isn't bad in the summer. The worst these days are all the new invasives, tons of which are toxic in one exciting way or another, and worsening bugs and ticks. Holy FUCK were the deerflies bad for the last few weeks, like god damn. What can you do though? At least there's plenty of water and no fire, every place in the country has some tradeoffs I guess though some anons are luckier then others.
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>my 5-7 year dream project I've been saving for
Post us those images when it's complete! Bet it's going to look fancy

>you're talking pretty gucci there for precision
In recent years, I've been convinced that a rest-of-your-life-after-40 rated spotting scope would be 33% of an $8000 budget

>there is plenty of solid off the shelf ammo
Indeed, but part of my extreme MOA challenge is to maximin factory ammo (you take anything you can get during panics like the one due this election season)

>remington 700 police
>SWFA ss 10x
>Tikka T3X
>southwest firearms super sniper fixed 10 power
>Arken optics
Thanks for the recce list, have it saved on my cloud-enabled device for future use. I'll have to checkout the pastebin too

>light transmission
>chromatic aberration
Those are actually some of the reasons I compromised with a prism optic in the first place. As you can see here, the overcast was severe enough for my tritium to glow, but the 21" target still contrasts well with the 0.4 MOA crosshair in spite the meager 4x

>the march of tech and manufacturing advancements
That's for damn sure, the orient has made leaps and bounds the last five years and we know the industry mainstays have taken notice

>new invasives, tons of which are toxic in one exciting way or another
The little bastards seem to have been irradiated after 100 years of pesticide and repellant
>What can you do though?
Take your antibiotics and hunker down until the wiz kids' GM swarms come in, I suppose!

>some anons are luckier then others
I consider myself fortunate enough to have caught one of these vanishing /prg/'s and in time for the sage advice!
>>my 5-7 year dream project I've been saving for
>Post us those images when it's complete! Bet it's going to look fancy
Will do, have been hoping to (and groups of course) on /prg/ for months now. Been a wait, estimates when I ordered a barrel were "4-16 weeks" and I'd sorta hoped it'd be towards the earlier part of that estimate but it's gonna be the end. But hopefully sometime this month. Safely before hunting season though at least? Knock on wood.
>As you can see here, the overcast was severe enough for my tritium to glow, but the 21" target still contrasts well with the 0.4 MOA crosshair in spite the meager 4x
btw nice scope shots, it's hard to get even somewhat decent views through an optic with a camera.
while i havent been able to take it pass 200 yards i can vouch for arken scopes. the sh4j looks goofy as hell sitting on my 18in ar but its held up just fine and is clear as day even with my astigmatism
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>Knock on wood
For you, me and everyone else this summer, because it's gonna be one helluva an autumn
>nice scope shots
Thanks, the miniscule eye relief sure does make it tricky, but worth it if I can keep this thread bumped with the dozens I've taken over the year

>clear as day even with my astigmatism
Another endorsement for the recce list, cheers
Certainly has a classic look. Also I kinda remember having a scope looking a lot like that back in the 90s. Any group pics? How's it shoot?
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That is pretty funny

Actually just arrived and was waiting for the ammo which arrived an hour ago. Going to try the Federal Premium 178gr ELD-X and Sig 175gr Elite Match. I'm going with the Federal ELD-X over the Hornady because Hornday is having a hell of a time getting ammo pressures the same from one lot to the other, Federal is way more precise than Hornady. As for the Sig, the price was cheap and I heard good things about it.
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Hope this thread makes it, have a good night everybody
Is there any particular reason why all of the scopes I'm looking at (Vortex Razor HD Gen II line in particular) roughly doubled in price in the past year or so?
Inflation, greed, demand, etc. Pick an excuse and go with it.
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Yup, good night. Bump from the BC south coast.
For Vortex specifically I think it's them feeling more premium. They were more of a challenger and upstart at one point and were pretty aggressive on pricing even at the high end. Now they're a popular heavily marketed incumbent. You'll have to suck that up, buy something else (there are new value brands), or do normal deal hunting and look for used stuff etc. Optics last very well.
OP here. I'll try to keep it up for a while. I'll stop if no one is posting.
6.5 prc? and lapua brass?
whats the load
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Yup, amd yup

>156 berger eol
>fed 210m
>new lapua brass
>N565 at 58.2gr
>2.3070 CBTO (or 2.955ish)

Zips along at 292x with single digit ES.
Anyone have opinions dealing with glare in bigger scopes, particularly during winter with lots of snow and ice or when shooting around/over water? Shades or ARDs vs polarizer filters or what?
I’ve had luck with sunshades ARD’s and having a towel or something to put over my head/scope. Cat eyes can help also, like the anti snow blindness goggles.
I would imagine that a shade would work good?
Plain shades only help much with sun from above and glass glare, they're not great when what you're looking at is itself bright/glare (water/ice/snow being the big ones).
Thanks anon, pretty cheap so will try that as a first step.
Anybody have any experience with White Oak Armament? Their 18/20 spr uppers caught my eye, curious if anyone here has fucked with them.

Looks like Ben Avery. I haven't been there in a minute.
How did you guys even get started on this hobby? I've been following it a bit on jewtube and it seems to require quite a bit more investment and I don't just mean financially. I've taken an interest in it recently but I fear I'll just waste money and rarely shoot since it's so fucking hot outside where I live.
unrelated question since i don't know where to ask but does anybody have a breakdown on the secret service sniper guys rifle?
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I started by trying to troubleshoot an inaccurate 300wm model 70....that got me into reloading, long range precision, equiptment needed for LRP, why that stuff is too heavy for mountain hunting, which lead me to body mechanics on shooting lightweight magnum rifles and eliminating a flinch with said magnums.

It takes a while and can be expensive if you let it get expensive.

Pic rel. I'm >>62085901
What the fuck is that psycho shit, anon
Just put a peel-n-stick on the damn thing and hit it with some black spraypaint, jesus
Makes sense, just pretty frustrating that I missed the boat by so little.
I'm down to the usual leupold/nightforce/vortex choose-between, but with them all having been so cheap recently I feel like I should hold out for a sale.
When I was young we just blasted trash and shot skeet and shit, started hunting and thought a 200m shot was some unobtainable long range sneaky squirrel sniper shit ( because everyone I hunted with thought so also). Went shooting one day with a buddy from work on his farm and he had gongs at distance, watched my first impact at distance and have been hooked ever since.
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>black spraypaint
That would appear less schizophrenic, thanks for the advice!
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Well spotted, anon. I'll be shooting there from now on until the fire restrictions are lifted
>That would appear less schizophrenic
Well that by itself is a net negative, but the spraypaint route would probably save you a lot of time
fuckin speedy boys
also speaking of bergers why the fuck did they change the site to not show the BCs on the bullet selection page i dont want to have to click on each one just to see how it is
Anyone have any experience loading .284 winchester? I plan on rechanbering my AI for it. I might not be able to get huge overall length but at 2.95 inches of mag length I can get a pretty long bullet.
Nice. Used to stop by once a year to reconfirm zero when heading up to deer/elk camp. I live down south now and have access to open desert property and steel so not up there all that often anymore.
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Or maybe I should just get hi viz MOA stickers :L
>have access to open desert property and steel
Very /k/omfy, never had venison steak, much less than game that I shot myself
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my shitty little tikka has come a long way bros
I've never used them personally but their barrels are well regarded among service rifle shooters
>I feel like I should hold out for a sale.
You should unless you're getting something very rare (and thus time consuming) or have some specific deadline. Everyone knows about labor day, black friday etc, but in guns of course some of the ones like veteran's day have reliable deals. Or else again keep an eye on the various sites and forums, someone may sell something quite nice and little used at a decent percentage off.
Looking good anon (albeit use some lights man). Looks very nicely portable.
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There's a blem ATACR for two grand, dare I bite?
If that's a higher powered model then that's a pretty decent discount. Still, have you used one before? Does it have the mag range and reticle you want? Only ATACR I own personally is the lpvo and it's decent but is stiff to adjust, so was the mpvo I tried at the range, doesn't have the biggest eyebox etc. I like it fine but even at a solid discount when you're spending that kind of money I feel like ideally you should really get behind them and look at some stuff, run through the controls etc if at all possible. I mean, yeah glass is superb and all that, but people can (and should) get picky at that level.

As far as the blemish part personally I don't give a single fuck (unless the "blemish" was on the glass or some shit like that). Lots of people do though so yeah can find solid deals that way. Hell, even places like EuroOptic sell blemished scopes (including ATACRs, they have one right now) at $500+ off.
oh hell no thats not even with the bipod or a sling a magazine in this is by far my heaviest rifle lol
everything is relative lmao
>Still, have you used one before? Does it have the mag range and reticle you want?
Yeah, its that 4-16 tremor on Eurooptic. Lel. Went ahead and ordered because even if I end up hating it I figure I'll be able to sell it at a small loss at worst.
I was raised on $350 3-9 Leupolds, my most expensive scope until now is a ten year old 3-9x SWFA, so I'm excited to have a scope with a more complex reticle ans features
Shit, missed out on a 5-30 t6i for 1500 while hmming and hawwing
I love .28 Nosler thus far but my god the ammo is retarded expensive. Also right now I'm just using a fixed 10x SWFA, I really want to upgrade but under $2k.
Have you looked into any sort of instruction? Appleseed was a great course for me when I was starting out. Sure it's a little boomerific, but you'll drastically improve your fundamentals. Idk what level of experience you have, but if you've never received any formal instruction it is a fantastic place to start.
Tract torics look real good, at 2k you can get an open box zeiss s3 for big dick energy
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>it's a little boomerific
Teaching marksmanship and the origins of the Second Amendment is the best kind of Boomerism!
>drastically improve your fundamentals
If that MOA target isn't center punched in the next four weeks, you have my word that I'll sign up for Appleseed (next AZ event is at the end of September)
>it is a fantastic place to start
Thanks for the recommendation, anon
>How did you guys even get started on this hobby?
3 years of war will do it
there is no upper limit on how much you can spend with this hobby, just get a gat in 6.5 cuckmoor and put a cheap ass scope on it if your not sure.

A ruger american and a discount 10x won't set you back significantly and it will absolutely whet your appetite. Assuming your not a eurocuck the options you have depend on the state you live in. Most western states should have decent 1,000 exposures on public land, but most based people are going to be protective of good spots.
wrong post
>magpul 700 stocks
What's the catch? Any better compared to an MDT?
mdt is better and significantly more expensive. if I remember correctly the magpul one is all plastic and doesn't have metal bedding.

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