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Honestly, why aren't there elective surgeries to replace craniums with bulletproof materials?
The brain is extremely vulnerable otherwise.
>anon with a 40kg skull
>he either has a jacked af neck or his head lays to the side like a cripple
>last time he got into a fight the other guy killed himself headbutting anon
Even if you could replace the bone with something else, so what? Get your head knocked hard enough and you're still gonna die whether the bullets go through or not.
they can give OP a skull 2x the size so it has more room to decelerate and it won't hit the walls :)
>metal plate = die when you go next to a magnet/MRI/go through airport
>Kevlar fabric = will weaken over time due to moisture/heat why not just wear a helmet?
nice meme!
>just wear your helmet to the bar, you know exactly the night someone will cave in your skull or shoot you
Do people usually die because their bone fails, or some other reason?
I also just watched the new jreg video
you're still going to die if you get hit with a metal cranium anyways because there's nothing damping the force going to your brain
>wear a helmet, saves lives :^)
Surgery is difficult, expensive and dangerous.
Either your brain end up as scrambled eggs or your neck broken on impact.
just wear a helmet 24/7 tardo
Just back the amor with ballistic flak foam like what Troy Hurtubise did with his Trojan body armor.
What if you got an emergency gun surgically implanted instead?
Nobody expects to be shot from your forehead.
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Just eat a box of Grapenuts every day and your body will slowly replace the bone with iron.
>Anon gets shot in the head
>Instead of his brain being instantly pulped it's outer layers are turned to a fine puree from his skull acting as a tuning fork after deflecting the bullet, sadly anon spends the rest of his life browsing /v/ and enjoying it
Nah infection will get him way before that happens, the flesh is weak. The real cheat code is to remove the body entirely, brains in a jar attached to killer robots, that's the future.
perfect artificial senses and our MMI and your golden
just wear a tactical buttplug gun
We are getting there, but frankly material science isn't ready for that yet. Truth be told, I simply gametically altering out bones to be stronger is the way to go. We should also figure out better damage responses for out body that isn't "I am going to swell the brain and kill us". If we can stop that from happening, we could put some cushioning in there like woodpeckers and stop us from getting concussions in the first place.
My point is, we should improve the human form at the genetic level before we start artificially replacing parts of our body.
You might be able to do ceramics coated in a layer of titanium.
This is what peak performance for protection from high-energy kinetic impact looks like.
>nothing damping the force
If it's heavier, there will be less acceleration.
Sure you'll be bulletproof and impact resistant, but you'll also look like megamind.
If the skull is heavy enough the relative force impact will lessen. We're onto something here.
>not installing a claymore mine in your forehead for the most powerful headbutts known to man.
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because it's easier to just not get shot; ounce of prevention v. pound of the cure.
So are necks.
I know a brain surgeon and he always says "once a brain has touched air it's never the same", if you are willing to get minor brain damage for your armour I wish you luck.
Why does he say that
Got my multilayer ceramic skullcap installed. Just have no hope nobody hits me in the head with a hammer or like a really good pitch at little league and kills me with the spalling.
But the temporary cavity caused by the impact is preserved by the plate.
NTA but I would imagine that the life of any patient requiring his intervention can be readily partioned into "pre-brain operation" and "post-brain operation".
Since no one ever opens the brain "just because" I think that yes, any post-operative prognosis is defined by how the operation affected it. In other words, he doesn't have a control group because even opening the skull is a pretty serious surgical intervention by itself.
The skull averages a few mm thick. You're not going to be able to bulletproof that. A nice titanium or steel replacement would be equivalent to medieval plate armor. Knife proof, but not proof against a good halberd, nevermind bullets.
There's also more momentum caused by sudden movements (ie a fall, a car crash etc).

If such a thing ever becomes a reality it will be something to support the entire body, not just the head.
elective procedures like this do exist if you and your surgeon are both a little bit crazy in the appropriate ways
but I think a full bulletproof titanium dome would probably be too much of a concussion risk
Man with metal skull
Bullet cannot penetrate
But spalling kills him
Hi Günther.
im imagining a crash where anon's 'safely' seatbelted but his heavy ass skull flies a mile down the road after crashing through the other car like a cannon ball
It's a real thing that already happens, I forget the exact name but it's an internal decapitation where the momentum of the skull severs the spine in particularly violent crashes.
Just wear a helmet.
Please stop impersonating my family and or friends and stop using them for emotional propaganda or pyops. You people already kileld me and destroyed all that I love. Who beat a dead horse?
I want to go full borg so bad.
I'm basically a tranny but I want to be a living suit of power armor instead of an anime girl.
I would mind having a projector face I can swap to whatever I want though, would probably put an anime dude's face on it though. Commission a vtuber model for it.
man machine interface
How about lexan and no skin?
Who would dare shoot the freak with a visible brain?
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A lot of infection and scarring risk. Even if you did 1cm thick titanium diboride, it'd only stop pistol rounds without lethal TBI. Better off with a helmet and padding.

Just lexan would be marginally more ballistic-resistant than bone. Plexi-lexan composite might stop a few low-end pistols, but again you're so much better off with the helmet.
I'm honestly convinced warfare in future will be literally Cortex Command, remote control of robot/clone bodies by brains in jars.
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>mfw I accidentally killed him during the boxing match
He probably deserved it but still, I didnt think the grenade was real.
yes, quite often actually
when you maintain a poor diet all your life and you get older, you develop a thing called osteoporosis
one measly fall can be the end for you
Yeah a lot of old age hip breakage, the "fall" is because the bone spontaneously gives way not because you fall and break it.
Get shot in the head before
>Brain turned to mush
>Mush is rapidly ejected through a gaping exit wound
Get shot in the head after
>Brain turned to mush
>Mush stays contained and instead just kind of swirls around inside like a nice brain bisque
>Still dead
do you remove some brain tissue for the backing or just have it jut out conspicuously?
>Nobody expects to be shot from your forehead.
You pay the guy extra to leave the scar so that everyone knows you're packing.

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