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I don't understand why people like them. They were often criminals and drunkards and used to be more of a threat to civilians than to enemy soldiers. Their most fearsome weapon was the black plague they carried all over europe.
>I don't understand why people like them
They have swag and bully the pope
>t. assblasted walloon
I live in a town here in Italy famous for producing a lot of Lanzichenetti, but we also have a statue of a few of them decapitated so you kinda can understand just how hated they were. They were literal mercenaries, nothing more.
But apparently they don't mind spanish gold when carl V points them against protestant villages
Hard currency is the lingua franca in all ages.
Because being a merc and rolling up on civilians and hacking down peasant revolts with bombastic twohanded swords, getting drunk and doing all that with complete impunity under the legal protection of a mercenary contract that also gets you paid is fucking based. Men today wish they enjoyed this degree of freedom of being a Hobbesian nightmare. Also you're on the wrong board
>tl;dr they were fucking based and you might want to consider transitioning if you share no internal kinship with that
>hacking down peasant revolts
they were the ones revolting, landsknechts were famous for being prone to mutiny. most massacres caused by them, like the sack of rome, was due to them not being paid soon enough. fathers were forced to kill their own daughters in order to not be raped and quartered by those animals.
>under the legal protection of a mercenary contract
they weren't, mercs were cheap pawns and could be discarted just as easily. moreover, the acts of the landsknechts caused a definite, irreparable rift between the catholics and lutherans, directly caused the council of trent, the birth of the inquisition, and paved the way ultimately to the thirty years war a century after.
and you call them based. fucking idiot.
>you might want to consider transitioning
ah so you're a poltard nevermind, i thought i was arguing with a normal person.
Most of their bad rep is based on the time they were basically on their way out.
During their heighday, Landsknechte were goat professionell soldiers that usually did Jobs that knights couldn't do and levied infantry didn't want to do.
The criminal thing is mostly the anachronistic way how we view the past. Most people back then were not exactly classy people. If you were a peasant and not bond to your land, you already were in the top 10% of wealth.
Most people were pennyless workers doing ods jobs every day to then drink themselves to death.
Becoming a merc was a great way out of this lifestyle.
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>irreparable rift between the catholics and lutherans,
This was because they read same Bible in the different ways.
why do people like pirates, mongols and samurais? because they look cool
they had mad bussin' drip, swag, and rizz
They were actually an all female army of tanned blonde bimbos with schizophrenia
Basically this
They're to germans what pirates are to brits and americans. Sure they were mostly unsavoury characters living short and brutish lives, but whatever. And some of them were patriots in service to their country too.
>they were the ones revolting


>they weren't, mercs
also wrong

>acts of the landsknechts caused a definite, irreparable rift between the catholics and lutherans, directly caused the council of trent, the birth of the inquisition, and paved the way ultimately to the thirty years war a century after.
learn some history man.

>Their most fearsome weapon was the black plague they carried all over europe.
why is /k/ so atrociously bad at history? the landsknechts came after the plague, the medieval plague pandemy was in the first half of the 14th century. completely different era.
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>criminals and drunkards
So the same like most military personal throughout the ages?
>Their most fearsome weapon was the black plague they carried all over europe.
To which plague are you referring to?
>council of trent
Was a reaction to the ongoing reformation. What are you on about? The Landsknechte weren't linked to a specific faith.
>Der mit dem Handt Roer
>The guy with the hand pipe
I love bad boys.
Holy shit they are swagged tf up. I'm ditching my gay ass BDUs and buying a fucking jester outfit ASAP.
>threat to civilians than to enemy soldiers
Damn the French should've sent their army to Pavia instead of the king and 26k civilians.
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I'll never understand why people give a shit about the morality of people who died hundreds of years ago, makes it impossible to discuss mesoamerica online too.

They were a bunch of absurdly proud and vain killers who got paid crazy money to dress like clowns and swing crazy ass weapons around all over europe
The reason for their extravagant dress was that they were exempt from all sumptuary laws by the Imperial Diet of 1503.
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After the sack of rome pope clemens couldn't halt carl V's ambitions any longer, and rubber stamped a new cadre of cardinals chosen by carl hinself. That was a master stroke that made him rule over christianity as well. The humanist current developed during the italian renaissance, which advocated for dialogue with other dogmas and especially sought to mend the rift between lutheranism and catholicism, was ultimately set aside and the new, spanisj sponsored catholic church would become radicalized and oppressive, generating orders that actively used torture, like the inquisition or the jesuits, and heralding the biggest period of witch hunting in history, in order to eradicate any sort of dissense. If rome hadn't been sacked, which wasn't carl's plan anyway, most likely the century of religious wars that followed and that also fomented the birth of enlightement would not happen, and euripe would be more unified under a strong secular progressive catholic belief.
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The kraut clowns fear the Sicilian tercios. So effective they still were viable in a time where everyone else was using line infantry
Landknecht plebs swerve.
Conquistadores coming through.
Yeah I'm sorry swarthoids haha but the human sacrifice has to go haha
Rich coming from moorish rapebabies.
lame and gay
Landsknechts fought in tercio from the moment it was invented. Literally - the first tercio was made of spanish gunners and german pikes.
Great at bullying stone age cultures.
Also great at failing in european warfare and being replaced by pike and shot.
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>They were often criminals and drunkards and used to be more of a threat to civilians than to enemy soldiers

Yeah, that's the military alright.
Spat my drink out, I know, I know, "I bet you're a R*dditor", but it's just all so fucking funny.
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I don't understand why Landsknechts are so popular they always was a cheap copy of the Swiss and their only military exploits is burning Germany down in a civil war.
>The second pandemic was particularly widespread in the following years: 1360–1363; 1374; 1400; 1438–1439; 1456–1457; 1464–1466; 1481–1485; 1500–1503; 1518–1531; 1544–1548; 1563–1566; 1573–1588; 1596–1599; 1602–1611; 1623–1640; 1644–1654; and 1664–1667.
NTA (and granted, the anon that NYART might indeed be retarded and historically-illiterate) but once the Black Death came to Europe the plague was omnipresent, always recurring in this city or that region with great regularity. Mercs DID bring plague with them, although that was often not very reassuring to defenseless people at the mercy of their depredations.
Landsknechts were in their infancy in the Swabian wars while the Swiss were veterans of the Burgundian wars. As landsknecht grew in popularity the Swiss were in decline. By the end of the Italian wars Swiss domination was long over but landsknecht were still used for another century.
Nome del posto?
Name if the place?
Anyone could be a landsknecht. Only a swiss could be a swiss mercenary.
The gaudy dress and giant swords leave an impression on people
Mercs will merc, they don't care about theology, they worship money.
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Because they did more than the Swabian War and followed a more formalized organisation, implemented shot components (at first crossbows then firearms) early on and had dedicated siege trains.
The swiss Reisläufer were in contrast a one trick pony.
The Swiss revolutionized medieval warfare, steamrolled the European battlefields for 80+ years, made every country in Europe adopt their style of warfare and served for 300 years in almost every european kingdom and overseas, dwarfing the Landsknechts: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweizer_Truppen_in_fremden_Diensten
The Landsknechts are a historical footnote compared to that.
And the Landsknechte were the next step. Then the spanish Tercios, then the dutch brigades...
>served for 300 years in almost every european kingdom and overseas
Because the Old Swiss Confederacy was a poorhouse and having a foreign mercs as household troops was quite common.
>made every country in Europe adopt their style of warfare
There was exactly one adopter of their style of warfare and it's the subject of this thread. Then the spanish invented pike and shot and the swiss style went the way of the dodo.
>And the Landsknechte were the next step. Then the spanish Tercios, then the dutch brigades...
No, thats the point, it was directly from Swiss phalanx to Spanish Tercio, the Landskencht did not play a role at all in the development of warfare.
and the Swiss was the goto mercenaries because they had a considerably better reputation than the Landsknechts, apart from the unique organized mercenary industry in Switzerland.
The Swiss reinvented infantry warfare in the early late 1300's, by 1440 they became so dominant that they could stop french cavalry on an open field outnumbered 20:1, by then all of Europe began hiring Swiss troops and copying Swiss tactics, by around 1510 the advancement of firearms lead the Spanish to incorporate arquebuses en masse instead of halberds. The Spanish then would become one of the largest employers of Swiss troops for the next 3 centuries.

Again, Landsknechts did very little besides the 30 years wars, deal with it.
To be fair the Spanish tercio frequently included landsknechts. Most of their victories in the Italian wars were with German troops.
Should I get a Katzbulger?
>and used to be more of a threat to civilians than to enemy soldiers
LOL. Tell it to Francis I.
The main reason to get any kind of sword is because you think they're neat, so if the katzballer appeals to you, knock yourself out.
>the Landskencht did not play a role at all in the development of warfare
Except for being the evolutioanry link between swiss pikes and the Tercio, that is. No amount of your butthurt denial is gonna change that, Schluchtenscheisser.
They embodied the true Germvn Sprit that wouldn't be seen for centuries until Oskar Chadlewanger.
Except the Germans were the only ones actually "copying Swiss tactics"with the Landsknechts. Copying, and then improving upon them, that is. With the Tercio being the final evolution of that improvement, as the very first Tercio was created by combining german pikemen and spanish arquebusiers.

Again, your butthurt denial of the Landsknechts exceeding the Swiss at their own game does little to change that it happened. We're dealing with that historical fact just fine, it seems more like you're desperately projecting isntead of doing so.
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I heard they were, you know, gay
Because fuck the pope, lel
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But will they gang-peg me too? Very important.
>this nigga believes in a progression of "evil backwards religious people" to "'enlightened' wholesome 100 heccin progressives". I'm honestly surprised you didn't manage to work in something about the "Dark Ages" in too, you Redditor
>secular "progressive"
I just can't with you idiots
Brown hands typed this.

The Ibero-Visigothic blend of people who overwhelmingly make up the Spanish drive the Moors out of the South of the country. They were not intensely mixed.
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Depends on the one you're looking at. Its not a katzbulger, but I have one of these-- pic related-- and its SICK enough that I bought several more of his daggers.
scusa ma non mi doxxo
Landsknecht mercenaries are admired not because they were particularly badass forces, but because they were colorful and culturally pervasive. More militarily impactful forces like swiss mercenaries or professional spaniards are dour in comparison. Though IMO the semi-democratic organization of the swiss is underappreciated as a successful social-militaristic system.

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