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Is it any good?
Well its better than what they have now, which is nothing. Probably decent as well.
As good or better than Russia’s latest Black Sea fleet ships that Ukraine keeps sinking.
Do you have ab updated list?
It will be extra fun when Ukraine receives these STM500 attack submarines from Türkiye
hardly, that thing is a corvette. what can a corvette do exactly, against anything bigger than an inflatable?
Launch torpedoes and anti-ship missiles at sea targets, shoot down cruise missiles and other air targets, transport helicopter, SIGINT, etc
Atmaca can engage naval and land targets beyond 300 km. Gezgin can engage targets beyond 1200 km.

But i doubt that Turkey will provide Gezgin missiles to Ukraine
∴ warship
57 or 76mm deck gun
16 VLS cells
2-barrel weird looking CIWS
Torpedo tubes

Handy looking little ship. Useful, but I doubt it will be much use on it's own. It will surely become strategic target No. 1 for Black sea fleet. Alone it will be sunk by saturation attack.
Better than anything Russia has.
>tfw I won't be able to clown on the Russian Black sea fleet getting BTFO by a country without a navy once Ukraine acquires a navy
It should go on commerce raiding in the Pacific. The ship should be named Emdenovich.
>As good or better than Russia’s latest Black Sea fleet ships that Ukraine keeps sinking.
My concern is that it might be easy prey for a kilo in the BSF. Sinking ships when you don't have a surface navy kind of works both ways.

Ukraine's recreate-it-in-the-aggregate navy made out of drone ships offers good value and it can't really be sunk.

Pretty sure Turkey said they will not hand it over to Ukraine until the end of hostilities anyway. So you'll be able to clown on the Russians all the way until next year.
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I don't think Russia has much left in that department!
>we'll be honest
>they never really did either
Great news!
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Lol, its going to be destroyed as soon kt leaves the port.
post deck plans
Why, is it being used as a children's hospital?
Ukraine isn’t going to use it in the current conflict because Turkey won’t hand it over until it’s over.
Why do you lie? post proof
It's probably only going to go around showing the flag. Though it would be sick if it went out and started raiding any Russian-flagged ship it could find.
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>Russian tug chugging home from Cuba
>shove two Neptunes in its ass
>refuses to elaborate further
>Russia goes totally apeshit screaming PIRACY
>Capital Ship Commerce Raiders we are so fucking back
>Russia starts convoy system like it's 1943
>be Russian Navy warship
>open fire
>it's a British fishing trawler
I've been looking for it, too. No idea.
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So the Turks are bankrolling the Black Sea Fleet's replacements? That ship is going to be Russian once Ukraine capitulates.
Does Ukraine even need a navy? Black Sea is at most 1000 km coast to coast.
>Sail among identical Turkish flagged MILGEMs vessels but turn off your transponder
>Lob AShMs at Puccian junks
>Puccians wouldn't dare to return fire because they wouldn't risk targeting Turkish vessels, which would start a war with HATO

It would be a sight to behold
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>thirdie still doesnt know how a shutter works
damn, this is a pretty embarrassing posts.
you should show it to your family so they can laugh at you.
It's better than not having one. Also Corvette's are useful for offshore air defense, ISR, and amphibious landing defense.
Yeah they need a navy to blow up russians
is that a fucking freedom class mod?
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No, it's called the MILGEM project. Corvettes, frigates, destroyers.
>turkish name
>turkish emblem

Ottomanbros, milky janissary boys are back on the menu.
yeah bro the OTO Melara 76 mm, Harpoons, RAM, and NATO standard torpedoes are useless against anything bigger than a dinghy. You're clearly the SME here.
I'm also oblivious to the fact the displacement for the Ada-class is high for a corvette and more on frigate low end, e.g. it is the same as those frigates Ukraine was building before the invasion
>built in turkey
>seaborn turkshit
uh oh
My best guess is tha they'll use it as a sea drone platform, enabling the drones to strike even further in the Black Sea
Would be kinda funny if they go raiding Russian ships in the Baltic or Pacific.
don't be that guy

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