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File: glid_missile.webm (431 KB, 888x550)
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apparently it's fired from a uav and then glides to the target. it seems extremely small and slow. i wonder what guidance it has
probably just a quad bomb.
Normally I'd be able to rule out types of guidance based on size, but these days it's insane how small you can make things. For all we know it's AI assisted electro optical. The AI puts a box around the motorcycle and tells the glide bomb to home in on the box.
so it is a MAML
The fuck is that?
OP is probably that fag who makes all the maliciously awful israel/hamas war threads. Someone spent time working on this clip to crop it exactly as much as necessary to remove the IAF logo and contextualizing caption. It's not "glid_missile" or classified anything. It's a regular-ass day for israeli airforce ops.

February 12, 2024
Those are some unfamiliar looking sights, but thanks for the debunk.
what's the point of this point? yes the video was cropped to focus on the missile. your links don't say what weapon was used
point of this post*
because he's jewish, it's personal for him
ynet news is just a popular heeb website. I linked them bc at a glance the clip itself seems not to be on the main IDF socials, or the IAF's (usually @IAFSite) for that matter, around the date it should be posted. Could still be on their actual website but I didn't wanna dig that far just to evidence its existence at some past time n date. The clip with english caption was reuploaded by this guy:


The point is that you are trying to be a misleading little fucking weasel about a short video taken from a generic recon drone, 150+ days ago, that shows a small munition striking a soft target to predictable effect. It is the most mundane thing in the world and the IDF themselves did not make special remarks on the weapons used. You have a track record of being the fuckin worst with your shitty 1pbtid webm threads about this dinky little sand war, and so, all things being equal, no, you do not have it on good information that we're looking at a fucking sekret new payload, with your zero sources or context for why this information would be true for any reason whatsoever, and yes, kill yourself at the first availability.
Kill yourself, shill.
what missile was used? you'll have no problem naming it then? or else shut up because your posts are of no contribution
i doubt it's similar. missile in the op has a very flat trajectory
Literally any fucking quad with a brick of ACME dynamite strapped to it. The white blob does nothing unusual and there's no reason to think it has any special capabilities. Choose your own adventure. Why not decide it's lanius, that way you can use your one shitty lanius webm.
Everything has a flat trajectory when viewed from above.
You can't really tell what the trajectory is on a gliding object when seen from above. At least not with that short of a clip and distance.
Was I trying to sound smart or say I'm an expert? I don't think I was, but it's cool to hear that my post had that aura to it. Like I'm Ryan McBeth or something.
fair enough. although in linked yt video i watched i don't see them missile coming into frame making me think it's far faster than whtever is in the op. but i guess that could be because the shot is taken from futher away?
it was dropped from a drone and glided into moving targets. it's not your average quad with munitio strapped on it. also, it not lanius. lanius drones are far smaller and only have enough explosives to take out one guy
>enough explosives
The bike in the video had a gas tank. You ever seen a bike zip into the back of a semi trailer? Usually it results in a fireball because the gas tank gets torn open.
File: LegionX_Lanius.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x747)
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1.18 MB JPG
this is the size of a lanius drone/ they are really small and have specialized warheads only big enough to take out one guy. also as far as i know the idf doesn't drop drones from uavs

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