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have these avata quads been the gamechanger in the liberation of gaza?
It's fucking wild, that we can watch a genocide happen in real time and it is completely different than what they wanted us to believe. Not even the Nazis rounded up Jews in cities and then just bombed them. Absolutely criminal.
>all those buildings still standing
Obviously israel needs more d9s to finish this retardation
life was given but not earned. you shouldve worked harder if u wanted to survive
shit's expensive, takes a lot of time
>Not even the Nazis rounded up Jews in cities and then just bombed them.
Damn that place is absolutely devastated. Since simple revenge was the motive it seems like they should have just rounded up 1,200 pali civilians and just slaughtered them all with machine guns rather than pretend like there was some kind of noble motive about stopping Hamas. Since they're clearly not going to do that anyway. This is a lot worse. But I guess they have to claim the moral high ground. The IDF is 100% worse than Hamas and committed worse crimes every decade of Israel's history but we're still funding them even though they clearly don't need help. I guess we don't need healthcare or schools anyway.
When you think about it, paying Israel through the nose even though they've never once done anything useful for us (and in fact has caused massive problems for us) is a cyclic process because the money we spend gets invested into a concerted propaganda campaign to convince our lawmakers to spend yet more money. So really it doesn't matter what the average member of the US public thinks, because Israel has supplanted them and its citizens mean more to our lawmakers than ours do.
Pogroms have consequences now Achmad, the jizya collectors have paid for the crimes of October 7th
Obviously Israelis should have done more land -ACKnowledgments and bring more inclusive trans Palestinian POC voices into their universities right after the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust
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it helped a lot with indoor scouting so now you dont have to risk soldiers/dogs before you risk a quad
>Obviously Israelis should have done more land -ACKnowledgments and bring more inclusive trans Palestinian POC voices into their universities right after the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust
This is retardation, what they should have done was not occupy the west bank for 50+ years.
They wouldn't have if arabs could have stopped trying to kill them all in the last 50 years.
Is the genocide in the dormroom with you now?
whose the infidel now. beg gentile scum
Yes, I'm his bf.
t. Genocide
>I guess we don't need healthcare or schools anyway.
I don't give a shit about state healthcare or state run schools you berniebro skidmark.
Can you chill out a little then? Your gay boyfriend seems a bit stressed about your domineering lifestyle.
All the same government-funded Israel shill by the way.

Remember, you do this because you are not competent enough to have a real job. You are a broccoli headed zoomer faggot who wasted an IR degree bought with daddy's money on shilling a genocidal state because you are too stupid, lazy, incompetent, and worthless to do anything else with your life. If you killed yourself, the world would be exactly the same as it was before except slightly better, and nobody would even notice that you were gone.

Verification not required.
Yeah owning the libs is a great excuse to piss away 4 billion on a people that actively hate you and (correctly) think you're a moron. If you weren't a fucking retard you would realize you could also use that money to build a border wall, or on keeping our military funded, or literally any other purpose that would be more useful.

When was the last time you heard an Israeli actually express gratitude for the massive annual paycheck that they get for no reason? Because the only thing you actually hear is resentment that they don't get even more.
Whenever mods redirect these threads to /pol/ you instantly see the pro-Israel crowd suddenly disappear.
Mods either need to add IDs or Flags for this board.
>We need to murder an entire family for every pali kid that throws a rock at one of our soldiers

It's weird that the Nazis used the exact same logic. Did you learn it from them?
there is no genocide unfortunately
>the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust

It's weird that your catastrophizing it in such a pathetically self-pitying way, when you have murdered an equivalent number of civilians for every five or so years that you occupy the West Bank. 1,200 is literally nothing and like everything Israel reports it's probably an outright lie. I remember when you faggots were claiming that it was 1,400 but somehow two hundred fake casualties just got memoryholed, as is the norm whenever Israel lies. Similar to Russians, Israelis are an inherently duplicitous people and lie constantly and so everything they say must be assumed to be the exact opposite of what is true, similar to the lie about how HAMAS beheaded babies when in actuality the IDF has the highest child/combatant kill count in the history of any modern military.
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its not really a political thing
Israeli shills would have us believe this is what targeted precision strikes look like.
This college mangina is completely melting down.
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Wow, those festival goers and peace activists definitely deserved their fate, even after campaigning for a 2 state solution for decades, you think pogromists check for an Israeli's political affiliation before attacking them?
אני ישראלי, הייתי במילואים 5 חודשים גם
I woke up to the sound of sirens, I saw everything that they did live on Telegram the day of. You boycotting our dates in Costco can't do shit, you will keep crying about us, and we will keep -ACKing Islamists
>We need to murder an entire family for every pali kid that throws a rock at one of our soldiers

Based. Go cry about it to reddit.
I'm a white American. I purposefully ruin every single Israel thread because I despise shilling and more than anything, I hate Israel and view it as a vile nation that steals billions of US tax dollars and is the worst US foreign policy investment in our entire history. The fucking parasites aren't even grateful either.
I hope they both genocide each other, imagine picking a side in this conflict lmaoooo
>you have to let brown people murder you and your family or you're a nazi
Decolonization logic. Reddit spacing. Pottery.
And I would believe them only to hear you whine some more.
Based Palestinian American supporter
I can be lax and give you 20k civilian casualties at most. That's not what genocide is, buddy.
>I'm not melting down! You're melting down!

Right that's why you replied four times in 30 seconds. Lmao.

Maybe people would hate you so much if you weren't such a blatant, obvious shill. Your country is illegitimate and has no right to exist in the first place. It was built on stolen land and you should expect that people would hate you when you have the audacity to steal even more than you already got, in defiance of all known international laws. But the real issue is the theft of US taxpayer dollars, which your parasite nation has never once reciprocated or appreciated in any meaningful way. Israelis are literally incapable of helping anyone other than themselves.
Yeah, you're totally not lying or anything.
Based.Triggering pissraelis and their payeet golems
The wealth of the Military Industrial Complex is built off of us Israelis -ACKing terrorists. Wonder why the US let us modify the F-35 to our liking? Wonder why the US funded Iron Dome and now the USMC uses it to guard their bases? Why have Israel get F-15 with aid money, so they can study their combat capabilities against Syrian jets?
You can shout le jewish cabal all you want, but American foreign policy is all interests, and the present American interest in providing weapons to Israel so that they can be studied, modified, improved, and then sold to the rest of the world for top dollar. Of course you in your bumfuck buck-tooth creature breeding trailer park can't see the bigger picture
I'll give you 100,000 for the Holocaust then.
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>stolen land
You can't steal what was stolen
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>Maybe people would hate you so much if you weren't such a blatant, obvious shill. Your country is illegitimate and has no right to exist in the first place. It was built on stolen land and you should expect that people would hate you when you have the audacity to steal even more than you already got, in defiance of all known international laws. But the real issue is the theft of US taxpayer dollars, which your parasite nation has never once reciprocated or appreciated in any meaningful way. Israelis are literally incapable of helping anyone other than themselves.
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nah that's just (You)
You see, giving us 4 billion dollars is good for you, the average US citizen, because then lockmart gets to test the new JDAMs on marketplace-sized targets

You're not doing a lot to refute the stereotype of Jews as duplicitous cunts
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Bla bla blah we've heard it 1000 times already, we'll drone strike that faggot tim al-Houthi and all of his troon college kid supporters, and you will do nothing but seethe about it on /pol/
> ruins as far as the eyes can see
> we do precision bombings only, guys. honest!
It's funny how Serbia was condemned (and bombed) about genocide for 8000 bosnians but Israel gets away with 40000 dead palestinian women and children like it's nobody's business.
>You see it's ours because we owned it 2000 years ago in the bible

Are you saying I'm the one saying the israelis are being precise? that doesn't even make sense retard.
Bro you haven't done shit, IDF is pulling out of North Gaza after the third time being there and declaring victory. There's no end game. In the best case scenario you go home, and HAMAS slowly comes back. They're not going anywhere and will continue to be a constant and unending torment for the state of Israel, and you've completely squandered any kind of international sympathy or goodwill for future conflicts. Doesn't sound like winning to me.
People care because Serbs were killing whites. Nobody cares about Palestinians, not even other Arabs.
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>40000 dead palestinian women and children
Sucks that Lockmart doesn't employ you then, you're too retarded to even work as a janitor there.
It's also quite funny that Jews basically won the game of the American dream, and are now insanely hated for it by the loser class of America, they came as immigrants enduring pogroms, faced discrimination, and then built businesses and enterprises despite all the hardships, basically the model minority that chuds constantly goon about
Difference is that Israel isn't rounding up Gazans and shooting them in mass graves. Gaza is a pretty dense place so collateral damage is expected. The 40k number is bogus btw
>No rebuttal, just seething

I accept your surrender.
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no. you are the only one who thinks it's some form of strike. it's buildings rigged with explosives
Gaza was surrounded by walls from the get go, though. They have nowhere to go. And yeah, 40000 is a lot LESS than the actual number.
>genocide is when you bomb buildings
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Bibi came out a day after October 7th and said it will be a long and hard war, its hard to defeat a pseudo-state that can turn into an insurgency with 100km's of tunnels that's embedded within the civilian population.
I also remember Al Jizzeera and Co saying that there will be tens of thousands of IDF casualties, and that this will be like Stalingrad. Obviously Gaza is a hard battlefield, and Lebanon will be even harder, but the nation of Israel has faced worst odds with way less resources and international backing.
>We don't steal your money
>Actually we do take your money but it's for your own food, we're actually helping you and you're too stupid to see it goyim
>Actually we are stealing, stealing is BASED, you fucking loser
/pol/ is dead
>hospital official says
so a bunch of terrorists got turned into kebab?, got it
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its an off the shelf avata
>we can watch a genocide happen in real time
If only.
>Bibi came out a day after October 7th and said it will be a long and hard war, its hard to defeat a pseudo-state that can turn into an insurgency with 100km's of tunnels that's embedded within the civilian population.
>nation of Israel has faced worst odds with way less resources and international backing.

Are you serious right now? This is an absolute hilarious level of coping. Are honestly taking Bibi's word for it that he has some kind of grand plan in mind and that this is going to get better the longer you stick it out? Shit was fucked from the get go and if you honestly think that there was a plan for regime change in Gaza or any kind of endgame beyond fucking shit up for a bunch of civilians and then leaving, you are a motherfucking imbecile. You don't do counterinsurgency and regime change by flattening every building in Gaza and bombing schools and hospitals. It's pure bloodthirsty revenge. There is no plan beyond that. It's a pointless waste of everyone's time and thousands of lives, and most importantly, my taxpayer dollars, which are going to a nation that essentially thinks I'm lower than dirt if I'm not one of their supporters.
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theres an inherent problem with using something like that atleast with stock firmware, i think they openly advertise that they have backdoors in the radio protocol which they sell to police/security companies
>leftist throwing a tantrum because he was kicked off campus for protesting
fuck is this
>the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust
if 1,200 dead kikes is the worst thing to happen to jews in the past 80 years then it sounds like you guys have it pretty easy, so why are you always crying about how oppressed you are?
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roof breaching bomb so you can bomb people inside buildings
>Pogroms have consequences now Achmad
Historically speaking, Pogroms were almost always done in response to the Jews killing or extorting Christians on behalf of either other Jews or some local nobleman. Stop pretending like everyone hates you for no reason.
So how can it tell if an insurgent enters the house vs a 12 year old girl before blowing it up?
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IDF is expanding philadephia corridor in gaza that will allow them to enter whatever parts of the gaza strip and allow them to do raids in the future just like they always do in the west bank

your mistake is thinking that the idf wants to fully occupy gaza hence why you think it's over whenever they pull in an out of an area but you're just wrong. the idf is fighting a very different war and has a raid system based on intelligence: they'll enter an area kill bunch of terrorits and destroy infrastructure (as much as they can find) and then leave afterwards. they'll reraid an area again after gaining intelligence on operatives regrouping or infastructure they missed. they've been doing this for months and have killed thousands of terrorists and destroyed 100s of tunnels shafts. they'll continue to do this

tldr; hamas is fucked either way
the thing has a camera so you dont waste ammo
dozers are the economic way to remove buildings in general if israel shot howitzers at each theyd go broke
America successfully cleared out Fallujah and occupied it for years without leveling the entire city. Is the IDF incapable of such feats?
not comparable in any way. the entirey of gaza hus hundres of tunnels shafts running under civilian areas with some coming out of civilian houses and have been deeply imbedded for 20 years
not remotely comparable
and levelling it is a better determinant of victory
Holy fucking shit imagine unironically falling back on the holocaust. Get the fuck outta here you serpent kike. And no, I don’t like Palestinians either.
Fallujah was significantly damaged, however.
Fallujah was also not nearly as heavily fortified as any city in Gaza.
There was no urban battle in the Iraq War which compares to it. The closest example is Mosul, which is still smaller in scope, took nearly a year, and basically destroyed the city.
>bomb hit a mosque

Oh no.
>It's pure bloodthirsty revenge
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>muh genocide
Syria - 600k dead (including 30k Palestinians) dedicated to ethnically cleansing Syria and keep a minority Alawite clan in power. Not a genocide
Tigray war - 600k dead including an attempt to exterminate the Tigrayan people killing 10% of them. Not a genocide
Yemen Civil War - 378k dead, including 80k by STARVATION caused by US ally Saudi Arabia. Not a genocide
Gaza war - 40k dead, or roughly 2% of the population, with the largest humanitarian resupply operation by kg per capita per day in human wartime history, door-to-door room clearing, and roof-knocking: GENOOOO-
kill yourself
I wonder why israel fumbled the PR war with guys like this and OP on their side
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Cool, cool, child suicide bomber status?
notice how you don't adress any of the points or numbers he raised. makes you think
>Trying to reason with /pol/estinians
There's a reason even other Muslims hate them - even people born into a religion based on absolute submission to divine will know evil when they see it.
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You people can't even pretend to not view yourself as a chosen race even when you're doing your mossad shilling rounds
>The wealth of the Military Industrial Complex is built off of us Israelis -ACKing terrorists

jizzrael is the nucleolus of terrorism in the middle east
>Not even the Nazis rounded up Jews in cities and then just bombed them
Not bombed, just shot.
Have you considered taking the uyghur option? Just saying, the moment we start talking about them suddenly ragheads start short-circuiting and convulsing very bad:

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In case you're wondering what all the screeching and seething is about, seems an Iranian ship smuggling weapons to the houthis just... disappeared. Nobody has any idea where it's gone. Be a shame if the full load of 152mm shells it was carrying turned up in Ukraine.
NTA. but that would require de-jure Gaza annexation which would cause immense seething all over the world since the UN can't even acknowledge Golan heights as Israel even though it's been more than 50 years.
Of course dialogue it's going to come as well as great job opportunities for all this poor palestinians affected by the war:

You don't understand, it's a part of their culture that we must protect at all costs
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UN and for that matter all the clowns are done after November:



I am still a bit worried about ukrainians (sorry if you are pro-russian but well, realpolitiks) although it may be a good reason for europs to finally start taking defense budget seriously again, that in turn may benefit Israel's security too and a more aggresive approach on westernizing MENA.
Israel sold US military technology to the Chinese. They continue to cozy up to Russia, Netanyahu and Putin still consider themselves personal friends.
They are exploiters and nothing fucking else.
I'm not pro-russian and I support Israel as much as you, it's just that the Jews can't really afford to do 1/10th of what the world accuses them of doing, which is sad
lmfao. they're with the vdv now
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also, the jews eliminated one of assad's buddies. a very well known with ties to hezbollah and the irgc. because why not. just another monday
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well known business man*
>waaaaa all those jews got the money that i DESERVE!!!!!!!!
You sound like a seething little brownoid crying for gibs
>brownoid crying for gibs
Saar you are mean to Israelis.No rupees for you.
You know palis could have chosen less shitty rulers? First Arafat playing the tough man and giving the mid finger and spiting on the David Camp summits and then choosing Hamas once UN gave them autonomy, so yeah, great idea, nah, Allah doesn't like poor decision.
Yep, if palis werent so horrible they could have prevented this. They just had to stop being so belligerent. And before pali shill comes and says "but its their land", was jordan their land?
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>Your country is illegitimate and has no right to exist in the first place. It was built on stolen land and you should expect that people would hate you when you have the audacity to steal even more than you already got, in defiance of all known international laws.
Hey! I'm proud of my country
>But the real issue is the theft of US taxpayer dollars, which your parasite nation
Oh, you meant Israel.
Actually I heard it was 4 million
>Your country is illegitimate and has no right to exist in the first place. It was built on stolen land
So you want the Turks to give their country back to the Greeks and fuck off?
4 gorillion brown boys got bombed by the Israel kafir
And 20 Arafats and 100 ayatollahs and the entirety of ANC as multiple qestern gay paradas and antifas.
Are we really going to discount the 6 million imams martyred in the hall of costs?
killing insects isn't genocide
its pesticide
>Since simple revenge was the motive
Honey, there are too many people. This is just a drop in the bucket in population reduction required. A really good conflict would have 100s of millions dead. And that still wouldn't be enough.
>So you want the Turks to give their country back to the Greeks and fuck off?
Yes, slava grease!
>nazis' executed millions of people
>then buried them
>then dug them up
>and cremated them
>and so we have no evidence in the slightest of these mass killings

thank you USSR for your bold and fearless pursuit of the truth
Imma be real with you, i have an Empress Irene dommy mommy fetish thing going, so yeah, fuck them turks, New Roman empire when?
Oh right, I mean, I haven't seen them whining about the hundreds of thousands of uyghurs China is harvesting for organs or the tens of thousands of tajiks sent as cannon fodder by Putin or all the afghans eho are now dying of violence and starvation under the taliban but who cares about non-western opression, they need to score back one against the West even if it's just against some jew colony who comedically have beaten them back over and over again and surely that will get them some japanese-nordic waifu or a harem of 72 alien girls or whatever.
I really wish Mustafa Kemal came back, he is the only muslim leader I can think of who could have cured all these retards of the brainrot which has been fucking over mena for decades now, he would have killed with his own hands all these islamists and wipe the rest into something other than being subhumans.

Anyway, tough shit eh?
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Hey did you know the soviets used american tanks? Of course after ww2 was very inconvenient because tovarish all we need is T-34 and lend-lease was not a thing.
>hundreds of thousands of uyghurs China
Shit, i was kidding about the 6 million imams but china might actually be able to kill 6 million uyguhrs and harvest their organs
Seems more likely to have joined the rest of Iran's fearsome underwater assets.
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>When was the last time you heard an Israeli actually express gratitude for the massive annual paycheck that they get for no reason?
Kind of funny, the Tel Aviv Pride parade this year had a USA part (01:26:00) to a song about unity so that slice of Israeli society seemed pretty grateful (when do you see that at a Pride parade?). I thought it was amusing because the images were of American troops and Captain America like you'd see on a boomer Facebook page but I think that just looks generically American to them. From what I can tell it's the Jerusalem Post comments section that seeths about Biden not giving them all the bombs, but Trump is the shoe-in to win so they have something to look forward to.

>Shalom /k/ literal idf here ... We will do everything we can to achieve this.
En brera.

Do you think the IDF will go into Lebanon? I was thinking they would a few weeks ago but now I'm not so sure.
I've never seen a brown this upset.
Calm down son, you'll stroke out and get your 72 virgins finally.
Well 73, since you're one too lmfao
To be quite fair (and I'm generally anti-Muslim by default)
>trusting Bibi
Even among lifelong career politicians with countless corruption allegations, Bibi stands above them all for bold faced lies.
IDF hasbara poster getting a janny slot has been a disgrace for /k/. It's the diet coke of Ghislaine Maxwell being a reddit mod.
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>It literally doesn't matter what we do, arabs will declare victory btw.
Oh, I'm reading a book about the Lebanon war in the 80s, and watched a documentary about it, and the PLO declared victory while mass mag-dumping in the air in the middle of Beirut (after they agreed to leave Lebanon for Tunisia) on the basis of holding out longer than the Arab states in the wars. It's at 2:30 here:
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Islam is thoroughly corrupted by the globalists. That's why Muslims are whining on the internet and not actually getting involved. During pride month I saw a poster from the biggest muslim organization in my country promoting some muslim trans streamer, and some muslim homos. I guess subverting and taking over a group with an average IQ of 80 is pretty easy, it just takes a couple of generations. In 2 years nobody is going to remember or care about what the Jews did to Gaza.
I know, I just decided to post actual muslims losses, this whole thing is retarded, whenever you point out how fucked they are they either said stuff like Al-Qaeda and ISIS being meat puppets of Mossad, citing that one time Hamas qas helped by Israel ad nauseum or plainly shutting their mouths about non-western brutality on ragheads, like, wtf Israel has been letting muslisms get elected within their own government and so europeans and americans, try to let a jew within Iran or Afghanistan central government, I don't think they even let christians but they will point at some church bombed during the fight, I guess they never heard about Montecassino or the fact jew,christian and minorities always go extinct extremely fast within muslim countries.
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Pic related, the moment you see anything not praising isn'treal
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>I don't think they even let christians but they will point at some church bombed during the fight
This one is a bit more complicated because I've run across Iraqi Christians being huge edgelord Saddamboos and memeing him both dunking on the Ayatollah and also being the more authentic anti-Israel leader. I think a minoritarian regime in which an Arab secular socialist type thing is attractive because they do get wiped out by majoritarian Islamist movements. Somewhat different but I think Christian support for Sisi in Egypt is also a thing because they fear persecution from the Muslim Brotherhood. There were (or are, but reduced) hardline Palestinian groups like the PFLP and DFLP led by men of Christian background which adopted socialist ideas.
I thought this was going to be about a Gaza FPS.
Which would be kick ass.
Palestine supporters are doing amazing things, simultaneously diluting the meaning of the word "genocide" and making people reconsider whether or not absolutist stances against it actually make sense. Nice job breaking it, hero.
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every pissrael deserves death
how now Yemen involves the US and/or one of its allies and is therefore a genocide by default
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>/pol/ is an echochamber
>ruins as far as the eyes can see
It probably already looked like that before they started bombing lmao
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>jew simp. how is your circumcision doing? did a rabbi bight it off?
>be burger zionist
>make the most prolific bbc porn in the world
>export tranny shit by force to the rest of the world
>accuse others of not noticing
kill yourself you zionist.
>People who like Jews don't go on nazi board full of seething browns
And this is surprising how?
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>>be burger zionist
>>make the most prolific bbc porn in the world
>>export tranny shit by force to the rest of the world
>>accuse others of not noticing
>kill yourself you zionist.
So true comrade, too bad the degenerate West can't be more based and trad like Russia
i'm american from new york.
you're a cuckhold who lets black dudes fuck your wife. lmao
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>i'm american from new york.
>you're a cuckhold who lets black dudes fuck your wife. lmao
Please stop including me and my wife in your strange sexual fantasies anon, go roleplay with someone else
bro i'm just stating facts. you're probably a migatard that would die for israel.
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>bro i'm just stating facts. you're probably a migatard that would die for israel.
>t. migtard
am i wrong?
how many times have you voted for zion don?
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here comes the subhuman BRICS cope
it's almost as if hamas is embedded within civilian areas
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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stop trying to reason with the /pol/estinian, they only understand a strong deterrent
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>this board is full of kike shills holy shit. do they think we don't notice the massive difference between arab chimpout threads circa 2021 and the ones they make now?
You're welcome to fuck off back to your containment board anytime, schizo.
>hello fellow arabs
This video is fake
that was an actually /k/ino documentary. saw it a few days ago. the israelis pounding beirut with artillery and airstrikes was pretty based. hopefully we see a repeat of it in the not so far future
Why do you lie to people who have access to the truth
>i'm american from new york.
And I guess you are as white as toilet paper, in fact I won't deny this may be a fact, but like toiler paper you end up more often than not full of shit :D

I mean, it starts to pop out around 11pm -5gmt

Who knows, to be quite frank the only reason pro-palestinians have been let run rampant was due election year, if this had happened 2025 they would have been already deported and we would be seeing airstrikes across the entirety of MENA.

Oh by the way, did anyone tell Trump Putin has been supporting Hamas and Iran? I suspect that may be included in any potential "deal" he may want to bring to the table.
>"If you add those who are likely to die of malnutrition or as a result of wounds inflicted by Israeli bombardments in the weeks and months to come, because of the risks of superinfection and because their pathology will be treated late, then yes, the figure of 186,000 deaths mentioned in The Lancet is credible."
zionism can only be defended by lies
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>Al-Jazeera & friends including UN
One may actually start to ask why US and EU tax payers still go to UN...
You're the one that mentioned black cocks, you falseflagging zigger cunt.
yeah if trump wins, iran and friends are absolutely cooked.
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>October 7th 2023: lmao get wreck kike paraglide-chads will throw you to the oven!
>July 16 2024: P-please cease fire! War is hell!
Fuck around and find out.
also, crazy how low israeli fighter jets used to fly when doing their bombings runs.
>if you count living people as being dead, then the number is credible
Communist math.
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>The obese Gazan shrieks as he eats your aid
Wow it's been months already, surely someone has died of starvation by now? Oh wait, even the UN reversed course and declared there was no famine kek
F-4s were pretty fast and they were dropping free-falling iron bombs. It was 1982, same year as the Falklands War, which is an interesting window where there were these hot, fast modern jets that were also trying to fly low and use terrain masking:

The Israelis had TV-guided and radar-homing ones as well which they used on Syrian air defenses in the Beqaa Valley. Using a lot of EW too but I think these technologies were still relatively primitive in those days.
It officially is now the most destroyed city in any modern war. Even Russians didn't fuck up mariupol this badly.
>which they used on Syrian air defenses in the Beqaa Valley.

the destruction of soviet AD was one of the more interesting parts of the war. israeli UAVs would just fly above elements without being detected even though the israelis themselves expected heavy uav losses. much to their suprise the UAV would fly for hours without getting detected.

i think it was also the first war in which uavs were used at that scale for survailence
I read they used the UAVs to try to bait the Syrian AD into turning on their radars by simulating an attack profile. So they might not have been detected for hours because the Syrians were scared of going visible. Israel really sent in a lot of soldiers. It was half of the whole IDF after a decade of expansion. At least two divisions each in three columns. They also had F-15s at that point for the air-to-air role.

But one of the biggest problems for the Israelis is that (or so I read), they began experiencing a real erosion in morale. The PLO was like Hezbollah today, they were firing rockets into Israel and doing raids, and the Israelis wanted to go after the PLO, but it wasn't, like, an existential crisis. The government used an attempted assassination of their ambassador to Britain as a casus belli, but it wasn't done by the PLO but the Abu Nidal organization. There was some kind of mismatch between the politics, strategy.

Their greatest strength is really the domestic homefront support for the IDF. They have a phrase, "en brera," which means "no choice" or "no alternative" but seems to have a similar kind of meaning to "let's roll" from Flight 93. It's like, fight or die. No retreat. Zero fucks given. They had that in 67 and 73 and did crazy shit. Stuff that other armies can't do. It's when they feel like their backs are against the wall and when the will of the people and the army align so it's all one thing. They lacked that in 82 but I think that came back on Oct. 7. I saw this stuff popping up and I was like oh shit they're doing the thing:
Or like a compressed spring going off. It's like that.
>They have a phrase, "en brera," which means "no choice" or "no alternative"
IDF here as well, can confirm, Troon leftists think we are like them and will keep our #HandsoffRafah if they keep boycotting Starbucks. Bibi knows that if he crumbles to international pressure, he's pretty much toast, might as well seize the opportunity and take our chances with wiping out Hamas and Hezbollah now.
Also this version is much browner and better
>Troon leftists think we are like them and will keep our #HandsoffRafah if they keep boycotting Starbucks.
Well you guys have Aroma. Starbucks was a flop in Israel. The nearest Starbucks to Israel is in Amman. I heard some Israelis joking about it, like getting Jews to pay Starbucks prices for coffee? American coffee? No way.
>Troon leftists think we are like them
Oh, I'm not sure I agree, I'm not sure they have a theory of mind about Israelis at all. They have a monolithic, one-dimensional view of Israelis. They get their ideas from Palestinian diaspora college professors. If they see something with an "Israeli" stamp on it, it's like sticking their finger in an electrical socket. It just zaps them. Logic disappears. They don't try to understand them at all, even as an enemy. This is actually a benefit to the Israelis because while it feels like the world is against them, their enemies don't have a clue about them, how they will react, what will work and what won't.
>bomb hospitals
>target everything that moves so people can't get to doctors
>no one can confirm starvation deaths
>no one starved hurdurr
pro isrealis have two faces
>we are western and civilized and moral we would never do the things we have been caught doing, its all lies we are good
>hell yeah we killed these sand niggers we even filmed ourselves doing it, they are human animals

the world knows what israel really is and all the money it spends on propaganda will not fix it
>i have to make comparisons the death toll of multiyear long conflicts to make it seem like we aren't as murderous
>the world knows what israel really is and all the money it spends on propaganda will not fix it
the world doesn't care and all this will be forgetten when this war ends and most will go back to using israeli made and israeli linked products
killing terrorists is okay actuallly
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Maybe stop using hospitals to stockpile weapons, protect combatants, and launch attacks?
Speaking of hospitals though, did you already memoryhole Al Ahli hospital? 600+ Palis killed in a parking lot by a failed rocket launched from behind the hospital. Certainly a humanitarian like yourself would condemn such cynical and evil behavior, no, Ahmed?
>"numbers hurt my brain because I can't math good"
If you don't like people dying, don't start wars and then run home to hide behind women and children you fucking pussy.
>Certainly a humanitarian like yourself would condemn such cynical and evil behavior, no, Ahmed?
Why do Israeli shills believe Netanyahu is some military genius? Isn’t it obvious he’s trying to prolong the war for as long as possible in order to stay in power and avoid going to jail on corruption charges? He’s currently battling with idf generals who want a pause in the fighting in order to replenish munitions . Even former Israeli officials are admitting that Israel only has 2 choices, a Gaza with Hamas still in power or another Somalia.
Ironically one of the last surviving leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was pro-Palestinian.
>the world knows what israel really is and all the money it spends on propaganda will not fix it
People will chastise Israel but will remember all the bad shit fundamentalist Muslims do and suddenly not care lol
Was 9/11 Jews or Muslims, I forget?
How about ISIS?
How about the British bus bombings?
How about the Bataclan?
Remind me
Why would they stockpile munitions in a hospital if Israel keeps attacking hospitals? Wouldn’t important and limited munitions be underground?
Shizos blame at least two of those on jews anyway.
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Why would they stockpile munitions in a hospital if Israel keeps attacking hospitals? Wouldn’t important and limited munitions be underground?
They do that too, but the hospitals are used as staging areas for briefing, planning, and arming Hamas during combat operations, hence the dozens of videos of Gazans toting AKs and RPGs wandering in and out of waiting rooms.
Funny how I've never seen an "israeli product" in my life. What do the jews produce, even? Other than money laundering schemes, that is.
Did Hamas have any long term planning other than "durka durka death to Israel"?
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>Funny how I've never seen an "israeli product" in my life. What do the jews produce, even? Other than money laundering schemes, that is.
Whoa sub-70 IQ cousin fuckers can't into techology, shocker
Where are these videos you speak of? And also, isn’t all the stuff you mentioned easier and safer to do underground?
most people don't know this, but a lot of tech products they use on a daily basis were made directly in israel or have to israel. one simple example i can think of is the dot-projector use by face id on iphone (previously used by xbox kinect). this technology was originally developed by an Israeli company.
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Good god anon have you heard of this website called "Google?" Lazy fuck.
SodaStream and oranges. HP also own the Israeli anwer to China's Hikvision for large scale surveillance. Calvin Klein and Nike have warehouses on Palestinian land.

For people who actually do the boycott thing, an app like buycott is pretty much obligatory.
> originally developed
who knows where they stole it from and tried to monetize the tech.
To fight a war of attrition with Israel. The cracks have started showing. There are reports that israel is running low on munitions and the US can’t resupply them fast enough. They have lost a lot of tanks. Israeli generals are currently fighting with Netanyahu for a ceasefire deal in order to replenish munitions. Netanyahu won’t agree to the deal due to threats from far right ministers in his coalition to disband the coalition if he does.

The has also led to Israel being hated across the world and also many countries recognizing a Palestinian state.
> large scale surveillance
an israeli product every anon dreams about, huh? what kind of cope is this? just say the fuckers don't produce anything of use.
A video of a fighter with an rpg entering and leaving a hospital does in no way prove your argument, nor does it justify bombing a hospital.
> 600+ Palis killed in a parking lot by a failed rocket launched from behind the hospital. Certainly a humanitarian like yourself would condemn such cynical and evil behavior, no, Ahmed?

>be israel
>bomb a hospital
>hire two people who have a different dialect of arabic than the one spoken in gaza to "admit"
to hitting the hospital with a rocket
>meanwhile keep hitting other hospitals like you hit that one multiple times
>oh shit we've killed in the last 9 months that it has hurt our reputation
>better compare the deaths to conflicts that lasted 2 years (tigray) 9 years (yemen)10 years (syria)
>we also better ignore that more of gaza was destroyed in in the 1st two months of the conflict than aleppo had destroyed in for years
you're coping. google or microsoft would have went directly to whomever israel copied from.

also, these big tech companies continue to build r&d centres in israel. also on occasion acquire israeli startsup to incoporate them and make their technology their own. they've done this multiple times. for example google is set to acquire an israel startup for $23 billion
Many pharmaceuticals are developed in Israel.
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>A video of a fighter with an rpg entering and leaving a hospital does in no way prove your argument, nor does it justify bombing a hospital.
Weird how the laws of armed conflict don't agree with you, but hey, two more Takbirs until the Ummah comes to Rafah's rescue, eh Omar?
It's gotten to the point where they're running out of tanks. No wonder they haven't invaded Lebanon yet.

Most of it is in their own tunnel networks, which the IDF does not have the temerity to actually infiltrate. When they forced hundreds of people out of Al-Shifa and wandered around its tunnels (which were built by Israel, funnily enough), the best they could "find" were a dozen AKs and some very clean looking vests. It's like how they believe Hamas leadership are simultaneously cowards hiding in Qatar and hiding Bora-Bora within the tent camps they're going to bomb. No matter how flimsy or incoherent their justification for this is it ends in more dead Palestinians, making it an Israeli success.
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>t. seething /pol/estinian
Rafah status?
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> startup for $23 billion
so, money laundering. got it.
calling it money laundering won't change the fact that it was made in israel
>why does the world hate us? is it because we killed tens of thousands of innocent people
>no its some oneone else's fault
>why is the the ICC writing arrest warrants for us, is because we wrote and are following through with a plan to starve 2 million people
>no its someone elses fault
>why do people want to boycott us
is it because theres 1 million people in the west bank who we deny water, steal their land, surveil torture kill when they fight back even if its just a futile gesture like throwing a rock at a tank?
>no its someone else fault
>why do our neighbor hate us? is it because we constantly bomb them?
>no its someone elses fault
>why do people call us war criminals? is it because we hit schools with white phosphorus bombs?
>no its someone else fault
>most people don't know this, but a lot of tech products they use on a daily basis were made directly in israel or have to israel.
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kiryat shmona status?
rural galilee status?
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Running water status?
port of eliat status?
economy status?
"israel" (occupied palastine's future), you are the boers
good thing hamas video taped themselves correcting acts of terror on oct 7
You got the JIDF on you, buddy
>long term demographic future for the zionist project status?
If we're talking about making videos of perpetrating heinous acts, the IDF has done a great job of showing the world their best Dirlewanger Brigade impressions.
>killing terrorists is okay which is why we hit all the hospitals school, water treatment plants electrical infrastucture, bakeries and flattened 57% of the gaza strip mostly killing civilians
today zionist say hamas is a tyranical undemocratic regime that the people of don't want and are being saved from, tomorrow they zionists claim that the people of gaza supported octuber 7 and are terrorists who deserve to die
>pic of a guy holding a sock with no context
>text added by some arab
far better than filming yourself decapitating foreign workers in my humble opinion
>correcting acts of terror on oct 7
they did kill 400 israeli soldiers so they did atleast some good on that day
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Here's the original in Hebrew if you want. But it's not like this is the only degenerate posting this kind of thing to social media.
yes that text was added by that arab. he knows hebrew. nevertheless even if that soldiers posted that

1. it's not terrorism
2. iit's still far better than recording yourself decapitating and killing foreign nationals
world opinion status?
>w-we don't c-care what the world thinks
is that why you spend billions of dollars on lobbying
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Never forget - this is what happens when you trust Muslims will keep a ceasefire. Truth is, Hudna means they can break treaties whenever they want if you're not a member of the same death cult.
>it's not terrorism
is dropping a 2000 pound bomb on a residential area terrorism?
>is targeting journalists and ambulance's terrorism?
>is killing aide workers so forriegn aid stops feeding people in gaze terrorism?
whoa nigger you seriously expect me to watch yoru youtube video. i will entertain you though: i personally don't care what the world opinion abuot israel is currently because it doesn't matter for as long as they're not sanction. and as i said it will change after this war is over. most people don't give a shit.
There are videos of the idf attacking civilians.
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>is dropping a 2000 pound bomb on a residential area terrorism?
no. but embedding yourself withing a a residential area probabbly should be

>>is targeting journalists and ambulance's terrorism
was hamas using the ambulance to transport fighters? did the journalist die while embedded with terrorists (unfortunate) or where they part of a terro group ?

>>is killing aide workers so forriegn aid stops feeding people in gaze terrorism?
there are still foreign aid workers in gaza and israel itself facilitates aid to gaza
The ambulance crew, which were killed trying to rescue Hind Rajab, didn’t have any Hamas fighters.
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>1. it's not terrorism
You do have a point there. These posts are intended more for an Israeli audience than a Palestinian one.

>2. iit's still far better than recording yourself decapitating and killing foreign nationals
Palestinians get to film their decapitated corpses and foreign nationals killed by Israel. While the Israelis are merely content stealing their underwear and demolishing their homes. Very civilized of them.
it's war nigger. go cry about it. playing with lingerie doesn't harm anyone and last i checked destroying buildings is not a war crime. the boys are just having fun
>we'll just inject the word terrorist into the footage of some guys in an ambulance after the fact and that will make it true
gradually I came to have them
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Just let them have this one anon, between the Houthis and Iranians losing a ship full of goodies and the continued buck-breaking in Gaza they're literally desperate for a win.
never seen an ambulance being used like that to pick up random dudes in corners. not suspicious at all.
> desperate for a win
that should be Israel. they started with a big L from the get go (7th of Oct. 2023). Now they kill tens of thousand women and children to "compensate" but the damage is already done. Israel is laughing stock without the US gibs and weapons, including the overrated Mossad.
>last i checked destroying buildings is not a war crime.
>inb4 "iit was absolutely necessary those abandoned homes had Hamas in the walls"

>the boys are just having fun
Don't forget the girls!
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ill remind you that south africa won in namibia and did well in angola, and still didn't last as an apartheid state
yes it's absolutely necessary!
south africa and israel are in no way comparable for like 10 different reasons
>we just had to destroy 70% of gaza
>we just had to destroy most the agriculture
>and the water treatment plans
and none of those 10 reasons is in favor of Israel. kek.
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Thank you for proving my point.
>there were more than 600 people in this parking lot in the middle of the night
KEK. That number was only made up when everyone thought it was Israel. As soon as it was proven Hamas bombed it that number disappeared and the hole event got swept under the rug.
>>we just had to destroy 70% of gaza
fake news

>>we just had to destroy most the agriculture
>>and the water treatment plans
things tend to get destroyed in war, yes. maybe they would have more if hamas didn't spend most of their funds building terror infastructure and digging up civilian infastructure to make more
you're not making any point. you're also not as smart as you think you are. the jews didn't go around killing germans. and they certainly didn't record themselves and brag about it while doing it. they also weren't using humans shield tactics and embedding themselves within civilian areas
>Gaza war - 40k dead
The only source for that number is Hamas. The number is quite obviously fake.
asking twitter and college kids for help lmao. just surrender with your hands up holy coward
That amount is an extreme undercount.
>we just had to take bulldozers to all the orchards and fields in gaza, we just haaaave to shoot farmers gathering olives in the west bank
>things tend to get destroyed in war

nice use of passive voice "things tend to get destroyed in war" as if the israeli government didn't deliberately destroy it as part of a policy to get as many people killed as possible, as if israeli isn't doing dozen other things at the same time to make gaza unlivable for its civilian population
40k dead, 2/3rds are women and children magically.

Even considering hamas tactics of using human shields, refusing to wear uniforms or identify their own soldiers so they can blend in with the population, using civilian infrastructure for military operations, and using under 18 soldiers (which count as children to those counting), 40k is an incredibly low figure. When your army consists of nothing but "civilians" you can claim only civilians are dying. And polls show that Palestinians support hamas tactics, so fuck em.
yeah that number only counts people who were found and died near someone with authority to register and confirm deaths, not people who died under the rubble or in the street, or people who died of thirst or starvation or disease or got wounded and died later away from the hospital after the overworked doctors gave them the most basic treatment
bulldozers are used to make way for armoured vehicles and remove IEDs. yes they had to. because it turns out using predictable routes makes you very prone to IEDs.
It's a number provided by Hamas themselves. You really, honestly, with all your heart think they are going to try to undersell how evil the jews are? Fucking come on.
were they terrorist water plants? did they supply terror water
israeli is probably a net loss for the us now, its not the cold war where egypt and syria were soviet allies, the us has to intervene all the time to protect israel or clean up the mess of its actions. it puts tension of every alliance the united states has in the region. all for maybe some weapons tests?
>protect israel or clean up the mess of its actions.
35 us citizens died on oct7th and more were taken hostage. Hamas is the second largest terrorist organization in the world.

Last time I checked Americans don't take kindly to their kind.
most of these are showing infastructure destroyed in heavy urban fighting. what do you expect to happen when everything around is destroyed ?
> all for maybe some weapons tests?
israel provides superb intelligence to the us, which is especially critical now that tensions between the us and iran are high. they also do other glowie shit like assasinations and hacking campaigns behind the scenes we don't know about
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>the jews didn't go around killing germans
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Jewish Allied soldiers aside, do you think they wouldn't have had the right to do so?

>and they certainly didn't record themselves and brag about it while doing it.
They couldn't really film themselves doing it in the 1940s, but do you seriously think they didn't feel at least some sense of pride in defeating those who considered them subhuman?

>they also weren't using humans shield tactics and embedding themselves within civilian areas
If they were forced into ghettos, then it makes it pretty difficult to operate outside of a civilian area. As for human shields, I can't think of any instance of it being done by Jews in WWII. As for who's doing it today, don't look up where pic related is from.

Yeah, it's actually closer to 186k.

>40k dead, 2/3rds are women and children magically.
>One suddenly has the impression that the Gaza Muslim population consists only of little babies whose childish helplessness might move us, or else fragile old ladies. The Palis send out the pitaible.
and who destroyed everything around?
the martians?
>don't look up where pic related is from.
hey you can't use that example they got a talking to, (after it became international news and they probably won't get any real consequnces)
it's called war. ever heard of it? you think the japs were crying about their infrastructure getting bombed? they probabbly didn't like it but understood what they got themselves in too. same goes for gaza and hamas
>as part of a policy to get as many people killed as possible
I just don't see a way to rationalize israel as trying it's damnedest to genocide the palis when even by hamas' own inflated counts they've somehow only managed to shoot 40-60 thousand of those 2 million-ish fish in a barrel when they can bomb the entire area with impunity. If they really wanted to go wild and chuck everything they had into population centers for the purpose of mass casualties they could have done more than that on the first night after the attack.
I do hope you on your next mission.
have fun with Israel's version of the war against terror.
> which is especially critical now that tensions between the us and iran are high
a good reason why us iran relations are so bad right now its israel,
>do you think they wouldn't have had the right to do so?
the right to go around maiming random german civilians and anyone else who happens to be in germany? fuck no

> but do you seriously think they didn't feel at least some sense of pride in defeating those who considered them subhuman?
you seem to be incapable of distinguishing between soldiers and civilians. there would be a huge difference between killing soldiers who are involved in occupations and random germans, including foreign nationals who just happen to be in germany

>If they were forced into ghettos, then it makes it pretty difficult to operate outside of a civilian are
plenty of resistance groups operated out of civilian areas. but didn't cry when they got attacked back. the problem isn't operating out of civilian areas. the problem is crying genocide when you get attacked back and pretend like there was never any fighting to begin with

>don't look up where pic related is from
>wounded guy on a truck
it's fucked up. but not human shields tactic and certainly not the same as storing munitions under a school
>We will do everything we can to achieve this.
Everything except ending the occupation and withdrawing to the greenline, right? The one thing that might actually achieve your goal.
you're flat out just wrong
>guy on the hood of the vehicle
I'm no israel supporter but this one struck me as odd to fixate on. Isnt that a relatively common way to move battlefield casualties?
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Forgot the pic
> population centers
Gaza is the world biggest tent camp right now. There's literally no undamaged building there - hospitals, schools, churches, etc - "precision bombing" leveled everything.
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>the right to go around maiming random german civilians and anyone else who happens to be in germany? fuck no
If killing 767 civilians on October 7 was truly barbaric, then what is killing at the bare minimum 7,797 children? Is this right only afforded to Israel because they typically have a comfortable distance between them and their victims?

>you seem to be incapable of distinguishing between soldiers and civilians
I can think of one country that's very, very bad at this.
>there would be a huge difference between killing soldiers who are involved in occupations and random germans, including foreign nationals who just happen to be in germany
So true. Don't look up Nakam.

>certainly not the same as storing munitions under a school
Would you have preferred a mosque?

There are much more blatant examples out there.
>If killing 767 civilians on October 7 was truly barbaric, then what is killing at the bare minimum 7,797 children?
it's not about numbers and you know it. there's a difference between waltzing into a village and roming everyone you come across and dropping a bomb on a military target with civilians around or inside it, if this wasn't the case then no war would be justified and any strategic bombings in ww2 were unethical or something

>Would you have preferred a mosque?
>weapons cache going back to 1948
>when there was barely any idf
lfamo. i genuinly don't know what point you're trying to make

>There are much more blatant examples out there.
that's just a pali getting arrested.
so i guess killing civilians is okay when you have the legitimacy of a state and can afford jet fighters to do it with
>any strategic bombings in ww2 were unethical or something
they weren't and achieved very little on either side
>so i guess killing civilians is okay when you have the legitimacy of a state and can afford jet fighters to do it with

look up "collateral damage". thank me later
>here's a difference between waltzing into a village and roming everyone you come across
as if israel hasn't commited einsatzgruppen style massacres in addition to its bombing
What the fuck is roming?
They left part of the territory, and they used that freedom to push for the liberation ofthe other, much larger part. Who could have seen this coming?
Just look at the names of the people that wrote that article and you can tell its bullshit.
Clearly organic posting
Hi there everyone, it's me, your God fearing white American friend who fucking hates Israel (nothing against Jews btw), unlike the rest of my massively cucked country which sucks its dick constantly.

I just wanted to say that every time JIDF propagandanon makes a thread, I will immediately derail it as fast as possible by reminding them of Israel's crimes and turning it into a massive cancerous shitflinging contest. They can ban me, and have several times, but I will still do it whenever I possibly can because I hate Israel and their manipulative lying bullshit. You should do this too, because it's you're duty to fight cancer and paid posting everywhere.

God bless. No need to thank me. I do it for the board.
lmfao. embarrasing
Clearly (((they))) have an agenda... This British medical journal that's been around for 200 years is Hamas, which is also ISIS. "McKee" even sounds like an Irish name.
>I hate Israel (but not the Jews)
At that point just go full antisemite, it's funnier for everyone involved.
Anyone who doesnt suck bibi's cock is hamas. I think I remember him even calling hostage families hamas supporters.
No, the frustration and desperate cope of Israeli shills when you criticize them in a non-racial way is pure joy.
this is all that matters. their "indirect method" for counting dead is retarded. no serious person will us it anywhere that matters
but you have to admit more people have died then just the ones who were recorded as dying by the ministry of health, there are tens of thousands burried under the rubble, who have died with being recorded
Yes because hamas would never overstate their poor civilians dying. Palestinians are professional victims, they wouldn't miss a chance to make Israel look bad.
yes there are certainly more people who have died than those accounted for. 10k? i don't know but even then 10k+37k is still a far cry from the 186k you get using their "indirect method"
The official death toll plateaued at ~40k because the Israeli invasion made it impossible to accurately report the death toll.
>they wouldn't miss a chance to make Israel look bad.
Why exaggerate when they already do that to themselves?
Israeli intelligence accepts the figures, are they anti semites too?
>made it impossible to accurately report the death toll.
Well that's never stopped them before.
Someone just shared a link of me, it was about a palestinian doctorate explaining how Israel will steal the Patagonia from Argentina to piss off Iran, and then the Antarctica because apparently Iran can take over Antarctica or something, yeah.
The other day one of your buddies dropped the mask and started talking about Da Al Islam taking over the world, you should be a bit more organized.
Top tier /pol/estinian bait
Hamas goes into the tunnels underneath the cities but the civilians can't go in the tunnels. Then they attack Israel and provoke a war. It's a strategy to maximize civilian deaths as a way of radicalizing them.
How about Israel's north border? has it been liberated? has the 100k displaced civilians returned to their home yet?
weapons grade copium the post.
Look I sympathize with Israeli victims on October 7th but don't act like Israel has the higher moral ground here. Israel has done a lot of heinous shit since 1948. And Israel's government is so right wing right now that you can literally get away murdering a Pali, 200 Palis died in 2022 alone ffs
cringe image nocap
Impressive. Very nice. Now, lets see a map before 1948.
Why? Its full of dead empires and nations.
nice try poojet lancet spammer
>Hey there Norwegian If we take your country, why don't you just move to Belarus? I hear they are white there too.
Israel attacked the USS Liberty though, they both have attacked America
>still seething hours later
Classic fucking pali
Friendly fire happens in war.
>autistic screeching
We investigated and cleared them. And they paid reparations.
When Muslims pay reparations for 9/11, we'll call it even.
fuck CQB, just throw drones at everything, a drone around every corner and window, a drone in each squad, drones fucking everywhere.

Urban Moving Systems
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>friendly fire happens in war
shut the fuck up it was on purpose
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Nobody thinks this but /pol/troons and the odd nutcase. You're free to explain away why the Israelis were openly flying their flag during the attack.
>Nobody thinks this but /pol/troons and the odd nutcase.
Oh does that conveniently include the Liberty Survivors too?

>You're free to explain away why the Israelis were openly flying their flag during the attack.
Because they're retarded, feel free to explain why did they come back the second time to attack the ship again? Fuck off filthy Israeli
yes a bunch of goat herders did 911. definitely not bush or israel
Of those that believed it was intentional? They were also wrong, as multiple investigations concluded.
>Duhhh it's the world's worst false flag attack!
That also explains why this incredibly high risk false flag (which inexplicably flew an Israeli flag), whose mission was to destroy a ship ASAP used a grand total of 2+2 aircraft armed with nothing but 30mm and later napalm rather than iron bombs.
Occam's Razor anon.
ah yes, multiple investigations that ignored the testimony of eyewitnesses. Again, explain why Israel came back to attack the ship TWICE

>That also explains why this incredibly high risk false flag (which inexplicably flew an Israeli flag), whose mission was to destroy a ship ASAP used a grand total of 2+2 aircraft armed with nothing but 30mm and later napalm rather than iron bombs. Occam's Razor anon.
More like Israeli military incompetence
Of course not.
>maintained a continuous presence there for 3,300 years.
Not this hasbara bullshit again
Should be on every Holocaust “victim”s gravestone. Or do y’all take your dead to the Pawn Shop?
>jooz are master manipulators and are controlling the west into a slow destruction to benefit themselves
>also they are retards

just because the Israel lobby is competent doesn't mean their military is competent too
their military in 1967 was competent as fuck. old school idf was based. although it hard to compare it with the modern idf since they haven't fought a symmetric war since 1973. but my guess would be they would smoke any conventional military
modern idf can't even beat Lebanon
literal retard
sorry reality doesn't conform to your retarded opinions
israel hasn't fought lebanon since like 1948 or something. the lebanese armed forces have always had a minor involvement if any since then
>>better compare the deaths to conflicts that lasted 2 years (tigray) 9 years (yemen)10 years (syria)

The Israeli-Arab war has lasted over a century now, and still hasn't reached 1/5th the deaths of 10 years of Syrians killing each other
Hezbollah is part of Lebanon
Hezbollah has the exact same doctrine as Hamas - spamming artillery from civilian population centers then playing the victim - albeit with x10 the stockpile, Israel won't engage them again until either
1) Israel has completed the Gaza campaign on their own terms (destruction of the tunnels/brigades/stockpiles, liberation of hostages or recovery of their remains)
2) Hezbollah chimps out and launches a mass attack like Oct 7th
Israel can't even beat them in 2006
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hezbollah is not lebanon. most lebanese people aren't exactly fond of hezbollah. also reread my post again, you seem to be lacking reading comprehension. i was reffering to conventional armed forces and symmetric warfare. hezbollah is by no means a conventional fighting force. the concept of 'victory' for them is very different.
Hezbollah is a legitimate political party in Lebanon though, and they do collaborate with the Lebanese army. If Israel were to go to war with Lebanon hezbollah and the lebanese army would work together
>. If Israel were to go to war with Lebanon hezbollah and the lebanese army would work together
lol lmfao even. you must either be 12 or completely braindead. if they didn't fight israel togehter in the past, why would they all of a sudden? hezbollah knows working with the LAF would be the easiest way for israel to spy on them. also, most as in the vast majority, of lebanese people don't want a war with israel. the idea that the LAF would fight along side them against israel is the most retarded shit i've seen this week
even if Israel would threaten to glass all of Lebanon? Please. The idf can't beat hezbollah alone anyway so it doesn't really make a difference
Looks out of context, couldn't it be his daughter's sock and he misses her?
>even if Israel would threaten to glass all of Lebanon?
israel wouldn't bomb lebanon for no reason. it's always because they start something first. most lebanese people aren't stupid and know this

>The idf can't beat hezbollah alone anyway so it doesn't really make a difference
the idf is whackign hezbollah as we speak so i don't know what you're talking about. they haven't even sent ground forces in yet but hezbollah has already lost like 3 division level commanders and something like 15 brigade level commanders with some 370+ of their fighters dead mostly in south lebanon. which is far worse than 2006
when i say they start something first i am reffering to hezbollah
Israel's north border hasn't been safe for 9 months. Doesn't matter how many commanders you kill if the 100k displaced civilians can't even go back to their home
>Everybody that calls me out on my one-liner garbage is the same person
It just means that your meme pic is shit, anon. JIDF can't meme
ok but the two aren't mutually exclusive though. yes the northern border is under attack but hezbollah is also taking some hefty losses. they lare literally scrambling looking for ways to stop the idf from whacking so many of their guys daily
>hefty losses
>400 out of 100k fighters
400 killed soldiers doesn't push hezbollah away from Israel's border
hezbolla lost 250 fighters in 2006 and they regreted starting that war and didn't attack israel for nearly the next 2 decades. i wonder what would happen if that number was doubled.

they care about their losses which are not only men but also infastructure in south lebanon
>i wonder what would happen if that number was doubled
they would still attack Israel apparently

>they care about their losses which are not only men but also infastructure in south lebanon
of course
>they would still attack Israel apparently
they only attacked because of hamas and oct 7. and even then were scared of going all out
and the idf can't even stop hezbollah from attacking Israel constantly for 9 months
they kill most guys that conduct attacks and are inflicting heavy losses on them with south lebanon destroyed. i say it's a small price to pay for turning terrorists into kebab
north israel is fucked too, I guess it's a small price to pay too
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it's objectively nowhere near as fucked as parts of south lebanon
they're both empty so it's not that big of a difference
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>it's not that big of a difference
kek no. one has billions of dollars more damage and white phosphorus in their soil. the other nowhere near as much damage. lsouth lebanon which is far poorer than israel will have a much harder time returning to normal once the hostilies cease.
I would be really surprised if any Israeli are willing to live on the north near Hezbollah after this
oh you think this is israel's first war? you must be really 12
my bad, I forgot about the war where Israel failed to invade south lebanon
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Very nice. TGD
They tried that twice, failed miserably and withdrew in a worse situation than they started both times
don't worry you won't forget this time when all villages 5km from the israel border are turned into rubble
id slap the shit out of israel and hamas
slap them cheeks
Israeli evacuation zone status? I think you'll find that's mutual.
A thankless job you do anon I can't be bothered to try, too busy with chinkshills in my neck of the woods, but godspeed and goodluck.
>I think you'll find that's mutual.
nope. we already had that convo remember. "dead-zone" means uninhabitable. aka the buildings have been turned to rubble and the soil has wp. they simply can't just move back because there's nothig to move back into lmfao. let's hope iran has a few billions to spare for rebuilding, otherwise they'll be fucked for sometime given lebanons economic situation

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