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Serebryansky forest near Kreminna

full vid (16 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvolEEFTkYo

what gun is he using?
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Is he OK?
He tried to say that he's an ally. What a fucking idiot, yell "I surrender".
Oh dont worry he wanted to die
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>More stupid background music amongst good footage
Thread's just gonna get deleted again, m8

but anyway, I expected the dead zigger to have a grenade or something, I guess he really was zonked from the concussion
Isn't it a grenade by his feet?
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the thread did devolve into mercilessly trolling Russians, but that's hardly your fault
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UAR-15 my guess
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Based evader
Wait a minute, russians got a discord where they coordinate to mass report until the automated system removes the thread? I vaguely heard recently that theres a discord ran by some fsb faggot but I thought it was a rumour
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>russians got a discord
Sounds about right
Zamn, zigroids having a code red meltdown over some run-of-the-mill trench footage. And yet, no-one is surprised.

Business as usual.
if you don't like seeing dead Russians, you could always petition your Duma member to end the war and bring your sons and brothers home.
I mean, Russia *is* a democracy, right? Putin's power comes from the consent of the governed, right?
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There are several zigger discords, they're usually full of turdies, underageb&s and trannies who think they're running le epic psyops on 4chan
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You're probably talking to the FSB faggot that showed his office in /chug/ bragging about how he makes the equivalent of 6000 euros a month posting on /pol/ and coordinating raids while serfs die under him
>Dozens of threads about the Trump shooter

It's /k/ related!

>First person footage of trench clearance

This belongs on /Pol/ threads removed.
the brain matter
>discord trannies are behind NOOOKS spam
Was it really necessary to shoot him that many times? One round to the head should be enough.
how vatnik didn't react to light?
Blind and deaf from big boom in his room

Fuck him, desecration of your hated enemies corpses is an ancient tradition
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Probably just concussed/confused as fuck and can't mentally process what's going on.
Well, that or way too much methanol-contaminated industrial alcohol.
literal nazis killing poor russian liberators.'
I'm literally shaking and pissing myself.
Maybe he mistakenly thought that Russians were the ones assaulting the trench?
I need a good explanation of what the holy fuck is going on in this video. Almost AI-like since some elements are sooo randomly positioned.
You're not supposed to waste your ammo.
did cawadoodi taught you that?
seems like a dead or drunk russian near an office. The office seems to be near Lakhta tower which is the main troll farm russians have
Listen mate, no one gives a fuck if you're canoeing some towel head or vodka slurping inbred you just slotted, fuck them
>No don't waste those 5 shots
>Proceed to magdump a bush 400m away
Bullets are cheap, pulling your buddy out of the trench because the "dead" russian pulled the pin on a grenade when he passed by him is mad expensive
Unused ammo is wasted ammo.
Get zlotted you degenerate, babushka needs her Doritos.
Is he okay?
yeah, he wasn't using that brain anyways.
lighter cranium = more speed.
Gore belongs on /b/, fuck off newfag
this is combat footage, coping with visually confirmed russian losses by calling it gore has been happening for ages now, it's really not an interesting tactic.
Today marks a day when op was in fact NOT a faggot but rather very based and also my nigga.
go back to your safespace zigger no one cares about your tears.
>Using a telegram link in 2024
OP should kill himself ASAP
>1 sec
>See trench full of trash

It's so obvious.
>Don't post this here, it's clearly not military nor weapon related
>Oh the aftermath of a missile hitting a hospital? Absolutely relevant.
hello saaar
>Man ass
>Phalic building
Yeap, FSB.
Unlike you little chechen onahole, most people here are lone wolves who hate Russia and don't need to get paid, you aren't stopping anyone, you are done with the subversion.
OP asked
>what gun is he using?
get killed in a trench, brownoid
>Point something that has been public information, with female azov soldiers videly featured in propaganda and interviews
>Get that dumb crests, eggs will be measured
What did he mean by that?
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Russian ubersoldaten being slaughtered by stout shortstack ukie women?
It's just like my japanese animes!
He's baiting you silly, he started his sentence with "lmao" it can't get any more blatant than that lol
It was actually her... I can feel it...
They have female combat medics typically.

Crazy eyed uav operator.
>look a man in the eyes and shoot him

That is cold and you have to be a sociopath for that. Trench raisers should be put on a watchlist post-war.
>you have to be a sociopath for that
Have you seen those eyes tho?
Oh he's fine he had an open brain surgery by best doctor azov can provide he's recovering so he can be on the next assault in storm Z
>taking the risk of getting yourself or your friends killed
That is stupid and you have to be retarded for that.
Looks intense
Saar, back to call centre and do the needful, shift is soon saar.
Yeah war requires people to do horrible things. It's a shame there are states and leaders starting those huh?
>Helmet falls off, brains leaking out
>One more for good measure
Not sure if you noticed but he was kind of in a middle of a fight.
Not sure Azov cares.
What minute? Just watched through it fully, havent heard anyone said that, there were someone shouting "vanya surrender you are fucked"
When you get up to the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter asks you how you'd died, do you really want to answer, "I wanted to save $0.70"
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>Crazy eyed uav operator
standard issue female slav eyes.

.t slav
And then we wonder why they drink so much
Ever wonder why we don't get pissy and insecure when foreigners lust after our women?

You can have them.
I love how this dude can just casually work among the corpses of homeless vagrants under the shadow of a Lovecraftian Obelisk and think things are cash.
If it's not slavic women, then what is your preferred ethnicity for women, slavic man?
slavic men*
What any true-blooded huwhite man seeketh.
Why is the flag of the Russian Empire (1858 – 1896) flying?
Because russians love it? They dont really differentiate between it, soviet flag, and russian flag
>Thicc Latinas
He is just making shit up to sow discord. Firehose of falsehood if you will.
Chechen barrier troops eating good
Khazar milkers
Honestly I'd brag too if I got 6000€/month for shitposting.
the guy getting domed says 'svoy blyat' which translates to "friendly, damnit"

to which the ukrainian replies "what do you mean friendly, lay down bitch"

but you wouldn't know that because you don't speak the language
took me a sec to realize this is sloppa.

I prefer her preggers.
Give me the fucking timing then
Damn you are right. Sorry bro.
It is after the first shot next to his head. I mean he could almost be saying something else but in the context "cвoй блядь" (one of you/friendly/ours/yours) makes sense.
kill yourself
Okay, yeah, now i can somewhat hear him saying something
nigger you can literally hear the guy shooting him reply to what he said

fucking retard
How good are the Ukie ARs?
the front of his head fell off!? Is that common?
He had probably assumed that it was another instance of russians fucking up and attacking their own trench
Well, bad luck
it's a nice flag desu, simple but the colors differentiate it compared to White-blue-red
Thats not very typical, Id like to make that point.
Anyone can explain what is the whole plus and minus they are calling out every now and then? I'm guessing spotting russians is a plus, killing them being a minus.
1 spotted
1 down
2 spotted
1 down
that means there's still one 'plus' around to watch out for.
>He tried to say that he's an ally
He tried to fake out that he's AFU, yet more war crimes from russia
I wonder how many mobiks she have gutted with her little flying robots
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They use it as a symbol of the russian empire and nationalistic movements as well
Based on my limited experience from foreign vacations, spanish and even german girls are orders of magnitude better
>a man
Nah, you're naive
plus means good, plus plus means very good. old army slang
I've never heard about the shaving legs thing, is it true?
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why don't puccians even try to surrender when it's obviously hopeless? do they like dying?
Because they know no sane person would accept their surrender after the child rape and grenade suicides they've done.
In civie hospitals you do this before surgery or during emergencies you sometimes have to cut down the chest hair in order to use a defibrillator on some patients. Never heard about needing to shave the legs though.
He made it up

shaving your chest should absolutely be a thing for those expecting penetrative chest trauma

.t former Bronx emt
they've made accepting their surrender a very hard thing to do.
>expecting penetrative ass trauma
Chest is 100%, back too if you have significant back hair, really the entire torso. Limbs only if you have forests that can hide wounds. The torso should be shaved because standard battlefield treatment of penetrating lung injuries is chest seals, you can't get a good seal if there's hair all over. It's important to achieve an airtight (or really, 1 way) seal of the chest cavity to prevent and/or alleviate a pneumothorax
Its another chick you can Google azov infantry female and see her in images. By this point she's a special forces level combat medic and marine level rifleman. Total badass. She smol and fast. Hard to kill someone like 4'10 120 lbs. She's that small and curvy. Its from constant combat.
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Russian trauma treatment does not require any body shaving at all. Shaving legs is just to make the rape more fun.
What unit was that sucker from? He's got the patch on his arm.
Yes... yes, this is ideal...
>Shoots him like ten times when he only needs to shoot once, twice just to make sure
Bit of a waste, isn't it?
Do you want to die or do you want to save a bullet? They already blew him up and detonated the ammo in that little orchole and still he was alive.
Zisters are we getting rid of Azov this 3 day war
Uh Lyova is a female name? Right?
I'm a bit unsure, you seem to be implying that there are practical limitations to the application of TZD...
dem niggaz be Steelers fans
Definetly no, its a way to say Lev, like Jhonny to Jhon
Those Russian Flag colors from 1991 reminds me of the 1980s Pepsi colors.
>papali suka
Heh, just like my S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games.

Thanks to Azov, foreign Youtube, and anon for not posting age-restricted shit I can't watch.
Someone should tell that cocksucker this complete lack of professionalism is why the Russians are being fucked up and losing the war.
Every added bullet makes him an even better zigger.
In 1989 Russia swapped 20 warships for a shipment of Pepsi.

Really should have been our clue that their military wasn't all it was cracked up to be in hindsight.
Werent soviet Coke fans? I now Zhukov have requested clear coke specifically so he can storage it in vodka bottles
I imagine Coca Cola wanted like, money, rather than a small fleet of barely floating scrap metal.
Lyova is a cutesy variant of the name "Lev" (lion)
Half my posts started getting deleted when confronting our local farttard about half a year ago when he started abusing VPNs to mass report posts he didn't like. This is probably just more of the same.
I use a VPN anyway but still the attempt is kind of lame. I'm assuming the guy is either him or someone doing the same thing.
Here's a joke from russia around early 2000s, when putin returned the soviet anthem music, just with updated lyrics, goes something like this:
>ru government meeting
>a financial minister receives a call, then turn to others and says
>"since we've returned the soviet anthem, could we maybe also return the red flag? I have a representative of coca-cola on the phone, they say if we make the flag red and add a small coca-cola label in the corner they'll cover our debts"
>putin turns around to the prime minister
>"when does our contract with aqua-fresh (the toothpaste brand) ends?"
to be fair, it wasn't a shipment of Pepsi. The Soviet Union needed to fulfill their monetary obligation to begin their franchise agreement with Pepsi. Pepsi couldn't exactly accept what they were actually using as money (was it just rubles? I forget) and they were also poor as fuck at that time. So, they traded them these warships which were being scrapped anyway because they saw the writing on the wall, the Soviet Union was in terminal decline so they were downsizing their military.

All in all, your point stands.
Learn to use a computer, Wintard.
>pantless man (potentially dead, potentially alive, more than likely raped)
>Imperial Russian flag (the old one)
>The Obelisk
What the fuck is going on in this video?
why is there only one guy, unarmed ?
I have been watching these video, back 2014 it was squads of russian fighting now it seem to one guy in shack, or 2 guys in trench
An ordinary day in mother Russia
The only thing its missing at this point is a Ukrainian drone strike
You are watching the end stage of an engagement, he's whats left after the arty, supporting vehicles and drones have all done their work
Watching these videos helps me see the appeal Ernst Junger saw in the Western Front.
The fuck kinda name is Jhon? Sounds like something from Game of Thrones.
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Damn as soon as the weapons sanction was lifted everyone in Azov started dropping their ak74s and picking up m4s as their primary.
They still keep a few AK74's in the mix, although funny enough, early in the vid, it seems to be an AK74 that jams. And is the only weapon shown to jam.
The point of mixing in the 74's seems to be, it's kept on point because you don't care if it gets fucked up one way or another. Not saying the guy holding it is expendable, but he's more free to toss it or himself around, slam it against roots or stones, step on it, land on it accidentally.
Plenty of replacement 74's.
>Half Life 3 first reveal
>a watchlist
True, a watchlist that periodically makes sure that they're okay and have everything they need.
> Welcome! Welcome to City 17! You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining oblast centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by our bananfactors. I've been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown - welcome to City 17. It's safer here.
You never know with ziggers. It's not like they use brains during normal operation.
They've been at it for more than a decade: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/putin-kremlin-inside-russian-troll-house
59°59'19.9"N 30°11'08.7"E
geolocation in st pidorsburg
Holy shit that was intense. Amazing video.
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Oh no no no no
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I love these guys
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why didn't he say anything bros?
because he got shot in the head
Imagine supporting a bunch of nazi murderers?
What exactly do you think ammo is,made for?
>The Brain matters!
It's just a flesh wound, there was no brain to begin with.
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Indeed The irony of Russian nazis aiming for lebensraum and heim ins reich for Russian speakers abroad is so naziesque that it isn't even funny. Those starved POWs can not be unseen, nor Utkin's tattoos.
>the people posting Twitter screencap threads, use memeflags and say frens are zigger shills
Why am I not surprised lol
I know this is bait but the only disgusting thing about this footage is that they're not doing this in Moscow to every man woman and child and also raping the women at the same time.
i've read somewhere, or maybe heard in some inteview, that aparently they arm assault units with mostly m4s if possible and keep most of the aks for defending units
>seems to be
Where did you read this?
He just got naded before, dude's probably in shock and bleeding out, unlikely he had a full grasp on his current situation at that point
Tell me about Vanya, why does he bare his ass?
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I don't want to create a separate thread.
Just GoPro on Bradley.
because modern Russia has an identity crisis that will never solidify into anything tangible.
>You're probably talking to the FSB faggot that showed his office
have you screencaped this?
Also knows as shit-piss-cum flag in Russia
>dawn assault
pretty kino
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>what gun is he using?
Azov got a lot of DDM4s with random parts swapped out. No idea where that surplus came from.

Indian Cyber Defender Group

They can't built proper sanitation but sure are world market leaders in everything that causes annoyance on the internet.
That wasn't a kill out of neccesesity that was a kill out of hatred.
One more reason for having a couple of ak74s is that if they had to stay for longer they intended to ammo could become a problem. Easier to loot 5.45 from corpses than to summon 5.56 out of thin air.
I wonder what kind of ammunition they are using. I assume it's mostly sourced from the US, but could they be running the new M855A1 or maybe something older? I'd guess that especially if they got A1 the penetrative capabilities of their M4s would well exceed their 5.45 rifles.
Have you seen the shitter video? Those pidors are survivable like cockroaches, better dump a mag in one just in case
he did, he tried bullshiting the attacking soldiers saying that he's on their side
He seemed genuinely confused more like he thought they were idiot Russians.
>gunning down an unarmed man

Literal war crime. Add it to the list.
Ally of who, the LGBT?
>attributing russians to be just dumb and not malicious
>I assume it's mostly sourced from the US
They could literally be running anything. Even civie euro .223 ammo.
We wuz Kievan Rus n sheeeit
That honestly seems like it's a part of the reason why banan had to be acquired. Some weird fixation to claiming the "ancestral lands".
That's just cope. The reality is just reacquiring the brown off pieces of the empire back into its fold. It's that just ukies are more important piece of the empire, than some random churkastan.
I find it strange because it’s essentially the precursor to the Ukrainian trident symbol which is banned in Russia.
Nor should they, really, and neither should we here, fuck russians.
>They could literally be running anything
They could, but didn't the US send a fuckload of 5.56? Someone has to know what it was.
>We should act like niggers because we hate them for acting like niggers.
You are not a real man.
Yeah nigger, why can't telegram just let me make a fucking account and stop being ran by bucktoothed swarthy faggots
>We sent a code to your other telegram device :)))
Yeah I love never being able to use your shit app because you will never let me "sign in"
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I hate wojaks but I still kek'd
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is he ok
It’s a righteous kill
I talked to a Drill Sergeant about that he said:
"We send a lot to Ukranians, during range weeks my recruits only have roughly 100 to 120 rounds left."
That is per day. Judging by the metric that he used to have 300 to 360 rounds per recruit per day the US send a fuckton.
It becomes a war crime if he clearly and without a doubt disposed of his gun and declared his surrender. He declared himself an ally and that's it, no indication of surrender.
That an unarmed soldier is subject to protection is a half truth myth.
Understand that for Russians, they have been taught for 30+ years now that life is shit and there's no way around it, the only difference is it's even worse outside of Russia. That is assuming you are living a normal life. Anything other than that is absolute hell, which is why Russians have a reputation for hearing the call of the void more keenly than others. To put simply, Russians are trained from birth that life can only get worse - and that's before introducing things like how Every Ukranian to a man is a psychotic bloodthirsty murder-rapist. So, when your trench is being taken by Ukies, you know deep down that since things can only get worse, it's better to die now and get it over with.

Also, they assume they're going to be treated the same way they treat their own prisoners. Hence all the suicides.
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Don't kill him :(((

Also this is 3rd Assault Azov Brigade not the Special Purpose Brigade Azov which is the original Azov unit.
They kill themselves because they're not allowed to surrender or be captured under penalty of punishment in Russia.
>getting lost in the dark on the way to the objective
Even more kino. It isn't a night op if you haven't missed a waypoint.
Yeah but if the other party cannot accept it because they are in a bad situation, like trench clearing, then they can still shoot.
Just because you drop your gun and cry „I am out“ you aren't, really.
i saw earlier on yt but the trench they're attacking seems to be empty?
they dont encounter any opposition

what are other good long form footage channels?
I know 3rd separate assault brigade and 2K battalion
Thanks based anon for translating the vodka speak for us. Take my (You).
he's just taking a nap
>don't encounter opposition
>highlight of the video is a Russian getting blasted in the face from 2 feet away
Must have been a mirage
The actual reality was that Russia was trying to take over the oil distribution to Yoorup that Ukraine was cutting in on, as well as the huge swathes of arable land that hasn't been turned into commieblocks.
>What the fuck is going on in this video?
That's called "Monday" in Russia
if you actually watch the entire 15min videos you'll see them pre fragging dugouts and trenches and clearing them but there's almost never anyone opposing them
yeah, just a bit tired
If they hit the target they aren't wasted.
They love 74's with a couple of RPK mags both as beater guns for pointmen and as extras in trenches and vehicles.
First thing you do on contact in trenches or if vehicle gets disabled is to just grab AK, magdump until out of ammo then go to your personal weapon.
shouldve been obvious by the timing of their shill posts. also the fact that they always accuse posters of being glowies or air force employees or some shit, its trademark russian projection as well as trying to get out in front of what they're doing before you can accuse them of it.

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