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Tactical /k/ots are now viable for war
This is the worst timeline. Cats should not be subjected to the horrors of war.
Look at that tough bastard. He can handle it
won't bother watcing, what do they do?
how come dogs were proven to be meme companions while cats became top animals in war?
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Cats should subject humans to the horrors of war
Self-sufficiency and the ability to cull rodent infestation while providing brief yet much needed psychological aid via headbutts, if I had to guess. Wouldn't say that dogs get the meme status but I feel like they're better used for bomb sniffing and the like than frontline aid.
Eat pests which could spread diseases in trenches and help soldiers cope with the mental stress of the war
>bomb sniffing
It's a meme. Not a reliable indicator of explosive materials. Modern tech has far eclipsed dogs for this purpose.
I guess. I generally meant something that has no lound sounds constantly going off and less stress on focusing on keeping the animal out of trouble.
there's finite amount of rodents a cat will eat before it becomes indiferent to their presence
you realize cats get hungry regularly right? Like, they will eat and then at some point in the future want to eat again. Plus, they will hunt even if they aren't hungry. Why do you think people's cats kill mice and leave them as gifts? Hunting is part of their instincts.

do you guys think I will get banned if I post mr. kitty chowing down on a dead zigger? I have been banned twice this month for bullshit reasons and I am not sure I want to risk it.
and that number is quite high, and also replenishes frequently.
cats are hyperpredators man, they're extremely efficient killing machines usually at around 60% muscle mass of their total mass, they have heightened senses and a pretty fast metabolism for an animal it's size, when they're not fulfilling their quota, they're actively hunting and killing just to keep their senses sharp, or to eat the next day or later. even other predators like wolves often substitute a large part of their diet with fruits and nuts, cats are quite literally in the category hypercarnivores and they exclusively eat nothing but meat, save for a bit of grass to help digestion sometimes.
there's a reason the introduction of cats into farming human settlements quickly supercharged the effectiveness of farming.
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iirc 2 years ago I listened to an interview about an NGO that went in and helped provide for people's pets impacted during the war. Carriers, kibble, water, vaccinations, that kind of stuff. I think it was around the holidays since they were doing small toys for the pets, like from Santa

What struck me was that the dude said Ukraine has like a 66% household pet ownership rate. I think I'm pulling this number out of my ass since I don't actually remember what he said, but it was stupidly high. Its like every other person in a commieblock has a cat or a dog. Kinda based.
Love cats so much
Cats don't exclusively hunt for food, but simply because they enjoy it.
I think I posted dead ziggers getting eaten by pigs and cats twice so you should be good.
idiot, almost everyone and everything has muscles as 60% or more as their total mass, excepting amerifats. How much kidney do you think a single person needs? Do you think your bones are full of bone??
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>he isn't 80+% bone
Ngmi, I could and have shrugged off semi trucks at full speed, you probably couldn't take a terrier having a jaunt
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>feed me puccians

it reminded me of when I had a cat, she normally got dry food but when I would get her a can of wet food she would act just like that.
>there's finite amount of rodents a cat will eat before it becomes indiferent to their presence

After which the cat will no longer require physical sustenance but will continue to survive on prana?
That's pretty impressive, I wish mine would learn it so I didn't have to shell out for cat food.
I hate cats. I honestly think we should add them to the food chain.
you must be a dirty chink

even if you do not like cats as pets, carnivores taste like shit anyway. imagine hating cute little fluff murderers, this guy everyone.
Sgt. Tibbs, no!

you have aids now :(
Its fine, cats dont get human aids.
you're fucking retarded, the average muscle mass percentage in humans is 40-45%.
do you get off on being this proudly wrong?
>be retarded thirdie
>eat predators that help protect human food stores from animals we are bad at fighting.
>die from starvation
it's a classic.
Maybe with no brain and a manlet skeleton
But then again your kind also have the lowest muscle mass
why can't we just breed house cats to be as big as wolves?
imagine a Jaguar but the snappiness of a house cat.
>Cats should not be subjected to the horrors of war.
That's like saying a ship should never leave port.
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/k/ots dont give a fuck - they'll do fine
and will just murder all the small rodents around

based. kill all outdoor cats
i get what you're trying to say, but i think you can phrase it better.
The Persians literally strapped them on to their shields when fighting the Egyptians in what I assume had to be one of the most amusing Platoon gear checks of all time.

Shit-covered hands type this post.
keep seething toxobrain. outdoor cats are invasive pests and should be wiped out
>keep seething toxobrain. outdoor cats are invasive pests and should be wiped out
dogs get frantic when artillery hits and end up running into danger while cats will just fuck off and return when shit is calm again
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Your cat is a whimp.
My cat has been an expert hunter all his life. He’s cat Paul Harrell
Eastern Europeans love absolutely love cats; the toughest prison-regular guy will get a cute and fluffy cat when he gets out
if you love them why did you post a disfigured inbred show-line cat?
cats are cute and all but he's right insofar as cats will very much fuck up the ecolphy of the area in the concentration that humans tend to bring them
Good bait
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>'ate Russians
>'ate Hamas
>simple as
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>one of the deadliest predators in existence
>is loved by humans because they're too small to actually hurt us
Stone cold killers you can pet.
oh look
toxoplasmosis: the thread

You know tjat only societies that developed a cuisine around cats, dogs, rats are ones that suffered from insanely frequent famines and food scarcity? In Europe those also happened but they were rare enough that we never developed a mindset that's its okay to eat pets and pests when there plenty other food around.

And mind you that food scarcity had to be really bad because in Europe people usually switched to just easily grown plants and animals like potatoes and pigs and not wasting any part of animal and plant that could be eaten before reaching point of consumption of cats and dogs becomingcommon amd acceptedthing.

That why Easter European cuisine might not be fancy but it is filling and it is why sone dishes and foods and drinks seem a bit wierd to other societies.
You get more attached to dogs than cats, and dogs can be dumb and get themselves killed easily.
Aliens are cute, and Orientals are healthy.
Very pretty kot
use them as ashtrays
I came to /k/ to see dead siggers but now I want to browse /an/ instead
Thanks op
/k/, /an/, and /out/ are allied boards
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We need to think bigger.
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Don't forget /his/ and the dissenting voices of /pol/ (i.e. /uhg/)
and what would be without our homebase, reddit
Idk /pol/troon, what would you be without it?
Alternative headline: zelensky's slave army is suffering from famine and disease while russians bomb kiev
allies don't use such derogatory terms, sister
Neither do littlr Hobbits, but here we are and back again.
you know places like Turkey are over run with cats and nothing changed right? don't be such a drama queen
>zigzog post
>projection and bizzarro-posting
/an/ hates animals more than /mu/ hates music or /tv/ hates film
/out/ hates nature is full of LARPers destroying it
at least /k/ loves guns
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That frentime picture is cute.
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Ziggers still seething
That's a wicked flip the cat recce did.
"Well done, agent Murchyk. Return to base for treats and your next assignment."
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even chinaman won't eat cats
>Execution date: NOW
Cats are already in the food chain.
They're basically at the top.
Cats are five times denser than the speed of gravity. When they want to be.
>even chinaman won't eat cats
how I wish that were true
poor cat probably can't hear shit now.
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Australia here: No. They just go on killing even if they don't eat their prey.
The country is obsessed with cats. It makes sense given their wheat production.
Russia too desu.
Siberian cats are amazing.
Cats kill for fun, anon.
Why doesn't my cat kill anything, I think I have a defective unit
The more intelligent an animal species, the greater the variation in their behaviour.
Total rat death or total Russian death?
Cats taste okay with Nashville hot dry rub, but otherwise there's not much meat on them. I was gonna marinate some cat ribs this weekend and try a smokey BBQ sauce. By the way, taxidermied cat paws make awesome decorations.
>t. John Chang-Fedorovich from Kentucky oblast.
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It happens.
This is awful. How can people be happy about this happening to cats?
avg density of cat is 1.02g/cm^3
gravity isn't a speed but it's an acceleration
let's determine the gravitational pull between a cat of mass 4.2 kg, because my cat is yuge, and a human of mass 67kg.

We calculate gravitational acceleration using the following formula F = G(m1)(m2)/r^2, where G is the gravitational constant 6.67*10^-11, and m1 is kot and m2 is mans, and r is the radius between the two.
F = 6.67*(10^-11)*4.2*67/(0.1(squish that cat))(0.1)
F = 0.000001921627 kgm/s^2
This is how fast you love ur cat
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>94 posts
>no Bakhmut Cat
This may come as a shock but the type of people who chose to spend all day watching videos of humans dying horribly tend to not have much empathy.

Is this a failed media coverage of clearing trenches of rats, or a failed PR stunt by some atlantic council intern?
>nobody cares about the war

It’s so desperate it hurts
you're wrong, dogs have suffered enough. it's time for cats to paw the bill
Don't stress, god gave them nine lives for a reason. They're basically built for this shit
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> a defective unit
Nah. That's normal for cats. Story as old as time.
They aren't bringing the cats in to eat the rodents but to kill them. A cat will kill rodents just for entertainment.
4chan isnt known for its high IQ posters anon, that cats probably dead from its wounds
Some cats don't kill rodents much or at all, and some cats will go full doomslayer on every feathered and furred thing they can.
Cats that don't kill things are usually fat and/or neutered. I have never seen a healthy female or intact male cat that didn't kill multiple critters a day.
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Cats are made for war just as much as humans
Tactical pussy
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>alright meow let’s stop kitten around

When I was in Baghdad there some k/ate that hung out in the barbed wire around our compound.
>Call the cops I don’t give a fuck.
Trench cats are objectively based and WW1pilled.
That actually sounds delicious
>Nashville hot dry rub,
Spaniard here. I've never heard of this.
Its teleplasmosis, buddy
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>be Spain
>yfw you will never rub a hot, dry one out
Stop already. You are giving me an sad.
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>they're too small to actually hurt us
If cat scratches "hurt" you then you don't belong on this board.
My cat loves Pucci™ Premium cat food!
Nta but i got got pretty good by mine. He was over in the middle of a construction yard having a standoff with 3-4 street cats. He thought i was embarrassing him in front of the boys so he gouged my thumb webbing with his back feets when i went to pick him up. The back ones seem dull but are real work doers for cats when they actually want to put their weight into it. Stitch worthy wound.
you've never been *really* scratched by a cat then
You're both pussies
>You're both pussies
In this context, it's very ambiguous whether that's a slight or admiration.
I work with dogs and machines, and the machines are far worse than the dogs for actually finding things because they are set-up to report even the smallest trace of a possible indication. Because of this, they go off all the time and the only reliable method we have are the dogs because when they indicate, we always find something.
Also, I can give the dogs headpats and play fetch with them between searches, whilst the machines are boring and just sit there doing nothing except getting in the way.
To be fair, cats introduced to islands with no predators have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous birds and played a significant part in 40% of all recorded bird extinctions.
People just don't notice, because they only exterminate things smaller and fluffier than themselves in order to remove the competition for head scritches.

Because those large cats are exactly the same as house cats, just bigger. The only difference between Tiddles and Tigger is size.
cats are wild every other animal would run away but cats just chill because they see the human stand there and think it's safe
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>play vacuum cleaner sound on the phone
>all infiltrators get instagibbed by razor wire
>desperate to post that nobody cares about the war
You're not convincing anyone, Vanya.
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just go back already
wrong, they will kill them for the lulz.
>t. I have 4 cats and live in country side
post scars faggot
>extinction of numerous birds
>People just don't notice
because it's not actually happening
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