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Welp it finally happened. Had my first ND ever with my 1911. My ears are still ringing.
Part and parcel of gun ownership
Only faggots post the copypasta if you post it you’re a faggot. Doubly so if you spam 8+ character limit length posts.
Why are American houses made of plywood?
Did you throw the gun through the wall, or what?
It's drywall/gypsum. It's cheap and very fire resistant but desu I also hate it and I'll be using wooden paneling in my house.
>real ND
>no reddit ears
Congratulations, you have finally transcended into manhood.
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that hole in the wall reminds me of ur mom hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
NDs happen. I had a few.

>Be me
>On set for a new film
>Given a prop gun
>Told it's "cold" and safe
>Rehearse a scene where I draw the gun
>Practicing my dramatic flair
>point the gun, pull the trigger
>shoot camera woman in the face four times
do you by chance also own an akm with blue tape on it? i think i recognize your walls
Why does it look like you just punched your wall with a claw hammer a few times?
Judging by the outlets and cover plates, his mom taught him how to paint as well.>>62083052
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lel anon has gypsium for walls, what the fuck lmaoo
fake and gay
Greentext the events so we can add it to the copypasta, faggot.
Gypsum over wood studs is the moat common indoor residential walls in the US.
maybe this is why OP's walls are like that, gypsies never work and if they do work, they never do it correctly.
NDs happen. I've had a few.

>At friends apartment at college. Just bought my first pistol from a gun show (I was 18)
>Drinking with friends
>Show them my new Jericho
>Try to manually decock
>Thumb slips on hammer, ND into celling
>Upstairs neighbors too high and drunk (underage and illegal drugs) to call the police.

Second time
>At range
>Showing friend pistol
>Think gun is unloaded
>Point at ground show him how to wrack and pull the trigger.
>Forgot loaded mag in
>Shoot between his feet

Third time
>At parents house.
>Just bought a sig from a guy
>Get home
>Try swapping slides with another sig I had
>Forgot the other sig slide was chambered.
>Pull trigger
>Shoot parents wall

Fourth time
>At my new house
>Playing with a friend's 5.56 AK
>Release bolt
Slam fires round into ground

Fifth time
>Showing a friend how to use it
>No idea how but a round got chambered
>Show him how the trigger works,
>Pull trigger
>Shoots round into floor in the same place as before

Sixth time
>Thought maybe the house was haunted
>Grab a sig
>Physically clear it, (racked the slide 3 times) with no magazine in
> pull trigger at the same hole
>Round goes off

Seventh time
>Friend brings over a used Glock wants me to look over it
>I grab it and pull the trigger without clearing it
>Didn't even realize the thing was loaded.

Eighth time
>Friend brings over his transferable Mac 10
>I had no idea how open bolt guns worked.
>He's showing it off to me
>I put a loaded mag it and decided to try and release the bolt (I thought it shot from a closed bolt)
>Pulled the trigger for some reason
>Shot 3 rounds into my wall
Ninth time
>bought a colt single action army clone at a gunshow
>I wasn't sure if it was one of the ones with the transfer bar safety that you could carry hammer down on a loaded chamber
>hold it by the grip and slam it hammer down onto the table
>turns out it was the original style because it shot my ceiling.

What copypasta are you talking about?
Tenth time
>Sighting in a scope on a friends muzzleloader
>My friend just got done cleaning it and loaded it in his car
>he never told me that he put a primer in it, I thought he just put the powder and bullet in it
>I try out the trigger again because I forgot how it felt
>Put a .50 cal hole through his passenger door

Eleventh time
>just bought a new RIA 1911
>try to dry fire it
>For some reason the slide wouldn't close on an empty magazine
>put loaded magazine into it and close the slide
>I accidentally had my finger on the trigger when I closed the slide and I shot a hole in my computer

Twelvth time
>hipoint c9 under my pillow as always
>round chambered, manual safety off
>start having a bad dream
>it's about john cena
>he body slams me to the ground
>hear a loud bang
>realize i must have grabbed the hipoint while i was sleep fighting john cena
>put a .40 FMJ in my bedframe

Thirteent time
>see new shotgun laying on brother’s bed
>rack it
>oh that’s pretty smooth
>think it’s unloaded because no matter how many times I rack it, nothing ejects
>aim at window
>pull trigger
>12 gauge boom

Fourteenth time
> 1:30am
>spent the Friday drinking with my good friend
>he's got his p226 and p365 XL sitting out
>he goes to get more beers from the fridge
>I've literally fingered the magwell of the p226 and racked it like a mother fucker, it's unloaded
>grab the 365
>rack the slide, align the sights
>glass table disintegrate
>guns, glass, beer, cards fall all around me

Fifteenth time
>Be drinking white claws
>Get a good buzz going
>Decide to play with Ruger Vaquero
>Forget I had it loaded with ratshot
>Accidentally pepper TV screen with tons of pellets
Sixteenth time
>buy a pistol with the hammer exposed
>thought if the hammer is down i dont need to keep it on safety
>show it to my bro
>he points it at wall facing moms side
>he pulls the trigger
>the hammer MOVES BY ITSELF from his retard strength
>gun goes off

Seventeenth time
>typing list of ND's
>move hand from keyboard to mouse to hit post
>hand grabs pistol on desk
>shoot a 9x18 into wall

Eighteenth time
>carry suppressed old .22lr hammer fired because if/when have to shoot defensively don't want sirens and lights and shit, just want to scuttle away with collar pulled up to hide from all the vidya
>so can't always IWB depending on clothing/weather
>carry in shoulder bag, sometimes very compact one, muzzle pointed at sky, hammer down on a loaded chamber as the hammer must be cocked to fire and I'm faster doing that than racking the slide
>at small grocery store with 10 year old son. Yes, he knew.
>slip shoulder bag off to dig out grocery bag at cash register
>slips too fast, bag hits floor
>little noise, as of breaking glass thermometer or something
>quite bright in store, and as my heart rate goes through the roof and I try to look calm while picking up bag, digging out grocery bag, pulling out money to pay... a thin stream of drywall dust falls between the three of us, me, my son, and the store owner
>son sees it too, his eyes and mine both dart to the ceiling maybe 12 feet up
>I quickly force my eyes down and deal with bagging veggies and stuff

Nineteenth time
>playing with my takedown .22
>half rack slide and look in chamber
>nothing there
>slam foreend home
>pull trigger
>round goes off
>turns out the extractor broke and didn't clear the gun when I racked the slide

Overall you shouldn't feel too bad about NDs. It's part of owning guns, and you should get used to them.
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You RN
How do you make sure the cops won’t arrest you or your land lord won’t evict you?
Not your fault. A jury would agree!
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I've ND'd into my sister a few months ago. The swelling hasn't gone down and has actually only increased. Should we go to a doctor?
>very fire resistant
Not really
>How do you make sure the cops won’t arrest you
For what? NDs aren't a crime if no one is hurt (not even always then). If you shoot holes in your own house like a retard it's your own business and cost.
>or your land lord won’t evict you?
OP said nothing about being a renter. Even if he was though, I'm a landlord and it'd depend and how he'd been as a tenant, the specific circumstances, and how he reported/acted/dealt with repair. For some people it'd be "yep get 'em outta here" but for some it'd be "yeah, this guy has been a great tenant, just made his young dumb retard mistake and he'll never do it again".
Gypsies in walls? A Tubi movie or something Beria did?
Was this one of those 9mm 1911s?
it'll buff out
You punched that wall in a fit of autism.
Alec “Now I’ll show you why they call me revolver” Baldwin
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This gets longer every time
Did you ND the whole 1911 into the wall? I've heard .45 stronk but that's too long and not wide enough to be a bullet.
Americans like money too much and often prioritize profit over quality. We used to have more companies run by people who about their craft, but they were taken over by business school graduates.
Both, totally unrelated to each other but memed about seven years after the movie releases.
You know the internal walls aren't so much of a problem, it's the fact that external walls are just a slightly upgraded version of them. It's like they've heard of a cavity wall and just gone "yeah 4" block is expensive, let's use OSB and some fucking spraycrete instead".
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i really think 95% of americans are too stupid to own guns
Why are European houses made of concrete and communism?
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Because if the house is used up we have enough land to move one lot over and rebuild…. Literally the answer is we have enough space to fill so we don’t have to worry about building shit that will last 1000 years…
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So far the best response to the assassination attempt on trump has been this.
It's not a big deal, anon. Happens to the best of us.

>be me
>Maxwell Yearick
>at Trump rally
>tickets ran out, decide to camp on the roof of a nearby factory
>can't see shit, didn't bring binoculars
>grab truck gun to use the magnifier on my AR
>point gun at Trump's head, pull the trigger
>almost blow his head off
>escape, glowniggers can't have an assassin get away
>they paste some local high school kid and post his body online
I'll be more careful next time. Might even invest in some real training.
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It's okay. We've all been there.
If you shoot inside a Karen city shooting inside city limits is a crime. Even outside you can still be charged for shooting too close to a road
They even charged a cop for it once
A house is a house
.... you do fucking realize that is those comme blocks are only around east Europe thanks to ussr that wanted to suck all life out of it.
Needed to repaint that wall anyways.
shitposting aside, Americans use a variety of materials to build houses. Interior walls are made of plywood, structural walls are made of hardwood, exterior facing walls are made of brick, hardwall and plaster.etc The problem with this strawman of a statement is that we really don't use one material when building houses, which makes this kind of an overgeneralization.
Because we have vast, responsibly maintained forests while euroniggers turned their entire continent into a barren hellscape. Wood is abundant and cheap here.
i know right? concrete house = bullet proof house
You couldn't afford a few more pixels for that background?
omg chat is this real?
But why?
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Pictured left, barren hellscape.
Pictured right, lush well maintained fields.
Why would you make a wall that does not bear load from something else?
t: non-american
Europeans when americans make their houses from something
>easily workable
houses are made from brick you nigger
>t: never worked in construction or anything related
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>barren hellscape
This is the image that comes to mind from those words.
mutt cope
houses are made from brick, at least in first world countries, not nigger shitholes like us of a
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Both of those pictures look the same. Western Europe has no real forests left. I distinctly remember an article a few years ago about trees from King Louis XVXIXIVIIXV's old shipyard being chopped down to rebuild Notre Dame because there was literally no other old growth trees left in France. White men in America a century ago decided to protect at least some of our untouched natural landscape for future generations. Meanwhile European industrialists raped their own countrysides without restriction.

Your houses are made out of brick only because they were made before strong manufactured wood was invented. There's no demand in Europe for new single family homes like in USA because all of you fags are either dirt poor or willingly live in tower blocks jammed full of syrian refugees.
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If you want them to fall over in earthquakes, sure.
>There's no demand in Europe for new single family homes like in USA because all of you fags are either dirt poor or willingly live in tower blocks jammed full of syrian refugees.
>have your house built from plywood
>call somebody dirt poor
>same hole
dude made a clearing barrel in his home, it's the designated discharge area now, just accept it
>Both of those pictures look the same
t. mutt

Here's the thing though, fundamentally they are the same. They're both artificial landscapes, nothing natural about them.
If you'd live in the one on the right though, you deserve to.
I think I remember you, were you watching Cars?
Because their parents like to hear their sons/daughters mastubrate through the wall and vice versa. I can't think of any other logical reason for a rich and developed first world Western Anglo speaking country to use Lesotho-tier building material.
>nineteenth time
Holy shit this copypasta has gotten way longer lmao
A house is already going for like $300k I can't afford for it not to be made of plywood.
Come on, guys. You've seen enough real NDs posted here to know that's not what a bullet does to drywall. He ran into it with something, caved in the drywall, and said he ND'd with a 1911 as a .45 ACP big bullet meme.
I had exactly one ND. I had recently picked up an SKS and took it to the range for some playtime. First 10 rounds were fine, but when I reloaded, as soon as I dropped the bolt the first round fired. Hands completely off the trigger and it left a nice divot in the ground. Startled the fuck out of my range buddy and I.

Now it's a story I tell when teaching a youth firearm safety course whenever someone asks BuT WHy?
sucks to suck
>I'll be using wooden paneling
Gypsum drywall is at least somewhat safer; if you do all-wood then there is essentially zero fire resistance between rooms.
look at the size of that hole in the drywall. that's how you win two world wars, sonny.
>White men in America a century ago decided to protect at least some of our untouched natural landscape for future generations. Meanwhile European industrialists raped their own countrysides without restriction.
This has to be b8, even ghetto school burgers cannot be this stupid
It has been stuck at 19th for 3 or 4 years now.
>Not cream cheese, capers, and lox
the hole is from throwing the gun after the first 7 shots. Whatever can't be killed by 7 rounds of .45acp most certainly couldn't survive having God's Own Sidearm thrown at them.
You want your house to be flexible, you got high winds and tornadoes in the midwest, earthquakes on west coast, hurricanes on the east and south. Also less likely to foundation issues.
Damn anon, I didn't know you were into home renovation!
They don't actually own guns, so this is the only way they can feel like they are a part of the "community"
Twentieth time
>playing with my takedown .22
>half rack slide and look in chamber
>nothing there
>slam foreend home
>pull trigger
>round goes off
>turns out the extractor broke and didn't clear the gun when I racked the slide

Twenty-First time
>Playing with K98 in my house
>Leave the rifle loaded at some point and forget
>Sometimes, I like to take out the magazine and dry fire to practice working the bolt
>Remove magazine from the rifle and the four rounds within
>Forget I had one in the chamber
>Proceed to pull trigger

Twenty-Second time
>I heard a noise on the balcony
>grabbed my gun, Custom Sig P365 9 mm Federal hollow point.
>squeezed the trigger
>fired a hole through 3 feet of wall, into and out of my fridge, it bounced off the floor, and buried itself in some wood.
Twenty-Third time
>be me college kid lives at home
>on zoom call dry firing my new glock 17 with no magazines because hi cap mags didnt come with
mic muted video off
remember I have one spare 9mm round
drop it in the chamber aim down sights take it out
rinse and repeat
drop it in the chamber close the slide set the gun down
answer question asked of me on zoom class
mute mic pick up glock continue dry fire practice
first shot of the gun was ND through my desk frame into the wood trimming of my room
ears ringing
open the door to my room and my brother just looks at me and calls me a fucking idiot
start laughing and explain to him how retarded I was and to never tell anyone ever lmao
he tells me in sounded like a large textbook hitting the ground
to this day none of my friends know
i now have two 19 round glock mags and 3 10 rounders
keep my glock loaded 90% of the time
chalk up the ND to a one off and triple check everytime I dry fire practice

Twenty-Fourth time
>walk into motorcycle dealership and inform the staff that I am carrying (concealed)
>strike up conversation with parts counter guy and once again inform him that I am carrying (concealed)
>wanted to show him how easy I can field strip my Glock 19
>pull out gun, rack slide, drop mag, and pull trigger to disassemble
>round goes off and buries into wooden table in middle of store

Twenty-Fifth time
>hanging out having a few drinks decide to watch Sicareo 2 again
>get to the part where Benecio straight murders the guy in the street
>im like a much less svelte version of him(portugese/itialian with a little Malta thrown in)
>usually unload my firearms when libations are present but I had some weirdo FedEx guy give the stink eye earlier
>go to recreate the bumpfire scene and AD 4 times in a row
Twenty-Sixth time
>be me 2018
>inna mall shoppin
>have to take a shit
>pop a squat
>bored out of my mind
>cant shit
>come on get out
>rabbit turd
>gonna be here a while
>pull out Model 69
>happy i have a toilet gun
>mirin my baby
>checkin for anything wrong with her
>shes fucking perfect
>bowel movement finally
>brown snake inna toilet
>clean self up
>legs are asleep trying to get off toilet
>grab cripple assistance bar to help me up
>fucking ND into the restroom toilet
>people screaming
>get my fucking pants on and run outta bathroom with others
>pretend i know nothing and act scared swith all the other folk that i heard gunshot
>go home
>PTSD of embarrassment has caused me to get a tick every time i remember incident

Twenty-Seventh time
>Basic training, finished urban training with blanks.
>Clear rifle in front of DS. Begin 12m ruck back to the bays.
>Bored as shit for 3 hours. Constantly switch selector back and forth between safe and fire.
>Even put pressure on trigger a lot bringing it to the edge of the break, but never firing it.
>Get to the bays, everyone is on line in PTs ready for inspection before lights out.
>I clear my rifle before DS walks in and see brass fly out.
>Bunk mate sees it too, he holds my rifle as I make a dead sprint to the latrine to throw the blank away.
>Get back online as DS walks in.
Twenty-eighth time
>be me
>get cheap laser sight and flashlight off a range boomer
>probably shit tier Chinese trash but free
>install it
>spend afternoon zeroing my sights on my ar
>eat a dinner
>go back outside in the dark realizing i never zeroed the laser sights sights
>laser looks fucking awesome at night
>far as the eye can see a full stobe goes across my yard
>point it into the field to see how far it goes
>ND into a cow
Twenty-Ninth time
>be me
>chilling out in dorm
>practicing my slide on my pistol
>pulling slide back and letting it go real quick
>watching bullets eject is fun
>hmm I wonder if I can slide it while the trigger is pulled
>without even thinking just pull the trigger
>ND into my oil heater
>immedietly throw gun accross the room into my clothes basket
>half an hour goes past, nobody has come to my room
Lucky I got away with it

Thirtieth time
>begin M9 cleaning process
>trigger is stuck for some reason
>"Hmm why won't the trigger move?"
>squeeze it really hard
>nothing happens
>stare at M9 like retard for 15 seconds
>"Oh, the safety!"
>click safety off

Thirty-First time
>black powder season
>been out all weekend
>last day, about to leave empty handed
>rainy off and on
>using my uncles gun
>tells me to pop it into the ground so he can clean it when we get back
>turn to my uncle
>hey Roy BANG
>fire a round right next to his foot
>moisture fucked up the cap and it second hangfired
Thirty-Second time
>walking in back pasture with buddy
>I have my 50s Winchester 94, he is borrowing my old NEF single 20
>looking for hogs (or anything moving really) but get bored and start shooting bottles and anything else we can target
>I just shot, ran the action, and loaded a new round
>dropping the hammer to half cock so we can continue walking, my thumb slips off the hammer
>It fires into the dirt less than 2 ft in front of my buddy, he is showered in dirt clods
Thirty-third time
>be me
>had just gotten my first gun from my dad
>it was a marlin .22 got a box of ammo too
>play around with it in my room
>loading the mag, cycling the action and watching the rounds fly out
>older brother gets home from work
>hey check out my new gun
>shoot his lunchbox out of his hand
Thirty-fourth, fifth, and sixth time
>at the range
>patterning my rifle for deer season
>cease fire
>put my rifle in the rack, BANG
>ND into the roof
>no one notices
>targets changed, range hot
>load a new mag
>load round, BANG
>put one over the berm
>clear it and put it away, bring it to gunsmith
>walk in, gun in storage case
>set it down on the counter, BANG
>sent one right between the eyes of the moose head above the entrance door

Thirty-Seventh time
>cleaning bolt action .308
>new gun, not entirely familiar with the little particulars of its operation
>disassemble and put back together
>test to make sure rounds still enter chamber properly (safety was on)
>cycle several rounds and decide I'm satisfied
>throw bolt open and remove mag
>close bolt, undo safety, dry fire to decock
>blast a hole in my ceiling
Thirty-Eighth time
>bought a colt single action army clone at a gunshow
>I wasn't sure if it was one of the ones with the transfer bar safety that you could carry hammer down on a loaded chamber
>hold it by the grip and slam it hammer down onto the table
>turns out it was the original style because it shot my ceiling
Thirty-Ninthth time
>Sighting in a scope on a friends muzzleloader
>My friend just got done cleaning it and loaded it in his car
>he never told me that he put a primer in it, I thought he just put the powder and bullet in it
>I try out the trigger again because I forgot how it felt
>Put a .50 cal hole through his passenger door
40th time
>see new shotgun laying on brother’s bed
>rack it
>oh that’s pretty smooth
>think it’s unloaded because no matter how many times I rack it, nothing ejects
>aim at window
>pull trigger
>12 gauge boom

41st time
>be anon's stepdad
>drink heavily while cleaning guns
>feel primal urge to pull trigger
>ND into hand
>stepson posts me on /k/

42nd time
>Be me, a retard
>Pointing Double action revolver at wall
>Uncounciosly put pressure on trigger
>New hole in drywall

43rd time
>Be shooting 380
>Man I really gotta sneeze
>Violently sneeze
>While doing so I ND my 380 into my foot
>Lose my pinkey toe
>At least my no speed limit sign tattoo is alright

44th time
>1911 user
>watch paul harrell video
>he talks about lowering the hammer to half cock for CCW instead of using the safety
>try this myself
>hammer slips
>ND into my fridge
Forty-fifth time
>be me 6 months ago
>go to test drive a new tesla while cc'ing a micro 1911
>gun is digging in to my side while driving so I go to adjust it
>BOOM then hisssssssssSSSSSSSSS!
>pull over fast and gtfo to escape the chemical smoke eruptuting everywhere
>Car is now being cunsumed by a jet of hell fire shooting into the interior
>think "my god what have I done!?"
>call the tesla dealership and claim their car tried to kill me
>Tell the salesman riding along "you heard the boom when the battery ruptured right? shits crazy!"
>am picked up and told if I give them a second chance they would sell me a model y for cost.
>I politely decline and decide to pay for all the repairs I've been putting of on my grand marquis.
Overall you shouldn't feel too bad about NDs. If you havent ND'd lately you havent been handling your guns enough. It's part of owning guns, and you should get used to them.
easier to repair negligent discharges
nice spam
US had reforested more area since 1990 than all of Europe combined
cope as one must but the numbers don't lie Americans aren't building their homes out of American trees (they're Canadian)
quite a few nd's bud, make sure to stay safe! I've had my fair share though, will greentext.
15 years old
>dad and his felon friend give me a shotgun to shoot for fun
>ND into the creek and drive away
>just bought a gun for protection
>fire some rounds at a shadowy figure outside my room with my Ruger 10/22
>just a vision I had on acid
>sister is too loud talking on the phone
>load my Draco and fire some rounds into the ceiling to quiet her down
>at work
>guy talks about wanting to get his first gun
>show him my Glock 29 and ND into some machinery
>had to pay $700 in restitution but all good
>guy is tailgating me
>wave my gun around to show him I mean business, put a .380 into my car ceiling
31 (last year)
>walking around town
>trip on a pothole and accidentally pull my P320 out of my jacket
>didn't go off fuckyes.jpg
>as I'm putting it back into my jacket ND a round into a shop window
Sks’s they have those freefloating firing pins right
This is .45, son, not some sissy liberal 9mm like you faggots shoot today. He’s lucky the house is still standing
cope and seethe
Not his fault at all when the "armorer" hands him the SAA after declaring it safe to the entire set crew
He's a massive douchebag ofc but he's entirely in the right here. Even the poor cinematography lady was telling him to draw the gun while facing her
>Finally happened

It didn't have to, ur just a retard
i have only nd'd once but it was the guns fault as it had mechanically fallen apart inside and it caused the gun to fire by rotating the safety to the on position.
Your lucky you didn't explode the entire neighborhood with that, sonny. Must have been one of those sissy 9mm ones.

>/k/ is srs business

Why are Europeans crammed into disgusting commieblocks?
Pixels and armorer shared the budget.
Yes sir. I'm the man that shot Lightning McQueen
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How hard is it to copy the actual thing?
File: borgor.jpg (55 KB, 315x567)
55 KB
Yea, and I didn't realize it until then.
wtf are you on about? I related a personal experience

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