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how does one learn how to be an archer when u live in an apartment?
At an archery range and/or club.
They exist.
Fuck your neighbor
Fuck your walls
The bow and arrow calls
Or, you know, this: >>62083082
>how does one learn how to be an archer when u live in an apartment?
Why is living in an apartment a constraint? Are bows prohibited in your apartment? Can you not go to an archery range like >>62083080 said? Was this really worth a thread?
Fuck off back to /feg/ Raul
I don't have a car so idk if I could go to the range
Then you shouldn't be spending money on archery (unless you're getting a scholarship)
Take a bus and/or walk.
I'm almost 35

Are you allowed to bring a bow on the bus lol?
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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
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Become the range.
Shamir killed trillions
Op here I wanna be a thief thatd be based learn knife throwing
When I lived in an apartment, I'd collect a bunch cardboard boxes from work and form them into flat stacks bound tightly with duct tape. Then I'd shoot it at close range inside my bedroom. You can at least practice your form and release that way.
Fuck your neighbors
Fuck your walls
The knife calls
>no car
>can't carry a fucking bow in public
eurocuck detected
Wow! A pile of garbage!
nta I just liked making a shut in into a capable killer

damn that bitch can shoot
I can accept that
>Are you allowed to bring a bow on the bus lol?
Probably yes. Back when I did archery I used to go to the range with public transport all the time. Also a disassembled bow doesn't look any different than any other sports bag. If you're planning on using a traditional bow then it's just a big stick you're walking into the bus with. You're not going to be travelling anywhere with the string attached to begin with.
>buy a bow and arrow
>leave your apartment
>shoot bow and arrow
Even in the most cucked country on earth, Sweden, we're allowed to open carry a bow as long as you're not carrying anti-personnel arrows.
Got a VR headset?
>anti-personnel arrows.
Huh? With a decent bow you can put a totally blunt head clear through a person's body.
>anti-personnel arrows
Do Eurocucks think there are explodey arrows like Rambo?
>anti-personnel arrows
the jew fears the indoor archer
I wish I'd thought about doing archery inside my apartment earlier
Just have to put a steel plate behind the target and it's good
Buy a case? And >>62084149
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You can shoot in your apartment?
you stop being an Urbanit and start being a human
They also fear my ORANGE SHAG CARPET.
I actually had a longer shot in my old apartment compared to this house but indoor archery is a matter of personal conviction more than physical constraints so it's up to anon to faito-faito-faito and ganbatte.

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