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Tired of the sniper talk? Let's discuss knives instead!

Post your EDC, post your favorite fixed blade, post your new acquisition, post whatever you want as long as it's sharp!

Today's icebreaker question: When do you put a lanyard on your folding knives?
poorfag here, what are some good knife brands to buy on AliExpress? I don't wanna buy fakes but a lot of Amazon stuff is Chinese anyway so maybe it's cheaper on there?
maybe CJRB? I dunno tho for 75% percent of applications fakes work fine.
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I’ve had the Spyderco since 1996, then I got a pro deal on the Gerber auto (too clonky) and am really like the Hogue auto I got.
did you put like a zippy tie or something on the Spyderco hole for better tactile response?
Ontario RAT 1 and 2 are pretty cheap these days as are a plethora of Civivi's.
just go buy a cheap gerber or something, sucking the CCP for cheap junk is not worth your dignity
If you don’t use the thumb hole, the zip tie serves as a stud you used against your pocket or something for one hand opening where maybe you couldn’t get a perfect grip on it. It stages it so that it’s easier to flip open. I staged it the way it is bc it keeps it from spinning over.
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I really like how it looks and I like the blade shape too, but I don't know if I'm sold on no-safety automatics.
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$9 at a pawn shop. Surprisingly well made and sharp. The freemason's symbol fell out when I dropped it but I don't really care.
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never, I hate lanyards lol
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Decided on being a fire emblem knife girl since my favorite character uses an athame ...is there any way to get better at knife combat?
cs gut knife. the most kino of vidya knoives.
There's probably too much to cover. The longer your knife, the more fundamentals of fencing (as in sword fighting, not sports fencing) you need to learn. The shorter your knife, the more grappling and wrestling tactics you're going to be using trying to get yours in the right place and warding off your opponent's. Ideally a knife is an arms race to an unarmed opponent trying to do you serious or even fatal harm. You seldom want to take on an opponent equally armed, there's no such thing as a fair fight and all it takes is for someone else to pop you in the right place and you're down in mere moments. Cutting at the hands and wrists, trying to severe tendons is a quick way to end a fight when your opponent can't hold theirs anymore. Thou art but mortal and not getting into a stabbing match to begin with is best practice but overwhelming aggression and repeated hammer or ice-pick strikes anywhere and everywhere can force even a big guy into a retreat or early grave as is evidenced in many prison attacks, most importantly out of ambush. The real questions are can you afford to defend yourself in court, many countries do not look favorably on self-defense with knives and are you willing to spend a lengthy time in prison if you kill someone else?
knife vs knife is largely a pointless thing to learn, and you will only really learn it by sparring another person, which is unrealistic for most people.

knife as a self-defense tool in realistic modern day situations can be learned, however the main way you get better at it is by training in regular martial arts (grappling+striking) and then understanding self-defense concepts i.e the anatomy of a self-defense situation, your strategy, priorities, opportunities, etc.
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My plan is to swing wildly and let the knife do the work
is...is that a spoon?
it's for tactical corner peeking
That active self defense channel on YT had a Russian knife attack where you’re basically fucked if someone gets close enough to stab and slash you multiple times. I’d cut appendages of my own off with that.
I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before.
skip ali express. look at civivi, eafengrow, and kizer on amazon. there's never been so much competition in the 20-40 dollar range. it's really impressive what china blades are doing today.
a yes would have sufficed
it's okay to be gay anon
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I carry a cybertool
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>plastic scales
>garbage finish
Wow, look at this spyderco I found in the parking lot.
my man
I want to get an athame or something similar
Is there a guide on knives or anything?
Pointy end goes in other guy
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No homo
bladehq has a bunch of info articles on materials, mechanisms and the like. haven't read them (and perhaps it's good to mention that as a retailer they may have bias) but they're probably good enough to get you started.
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mall ninja checking in
Kubey makes some really nice and smooth stuff.
Yeah idk I just really like fire emblem and think thieves and throwing knives and that type are so based
If you need a poorfag knife:
I have one. Pretty good.
lol this is the first time I've seen hate against Spyderco. they fuck you over or something?

picked this cuz I wanted a sub 3" fully serrated blade under 100 bucks. this was the best option. welcome to different suggestions if you have em.
cool buttplug
Nah, they’re good knives. I don’t like them aesthetically, but they’re a decent quality/cost brand.
thanks, makes it easy to conceal
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Just ordered one, do I like it?
unfortunately everything Glock is garbage, my apologies
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Zigger here, fuck you all, rate my knife.
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The jew fears the diy smith
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my shitters, left is my dads old scouts knife, middle is my scouts knife with lanyard and right knife is some random chinkshit I bought off ali.

I felt pretty cool putting the sheath on the belt of my scouts uniform but my leader said he never wanted to see it again :(

scouts gone woke baka

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