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I'm hypothetically a millionaire/billionaire and I'm going through a midlife crisis and want to purchase for myself a rated warship so i can go blow up Somali pirates and/or Chinese illegal fishing boats
Which flag do I sail under(officially when I'm not flying the skull and crossbones), and what are my chances of getting a letter of marque from the U.S. Congress? Where do I resupply?
>Panama or Liberia
>You're a fucking pirate; plunder.
Aa gay as it is to say, Fpbp
Bring back Sea Shepherd or what ever tv show.
>Fuck with China
>get NGO money
>get tv money
>get Greta Thumberg pushy
Bet ya won't fag
This. Say you're "doing it for the environment" (you really are) and the left will leave you alone.
i saw a prototype british warship for sale on a used yacht website a while back. it looked like one of those LCS style ships. if you really want to CYA, start a private security firm and try to get contracts with glowie agencies to do off the book work and they'll help make people look the other way while you're doing gangster shit on the open sea
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found it
>we've got Independence Class at home
It would be deeply funny to go pull an Omar on pirates on such a ludicrously identifiable and unique ship, be sure to name it some badass pirate name like The Somali Musketeer
Where are the fun toys
Might be the first challenge, where to get a boaty gun
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>rated warship
Find like-minded people, start your own small """fishing business""" with a few boats, stick an M2 browning on the front of the boat you'll be on, rip out the AIS shit, and go chink hunting off the Argentine coast in the dead of night. They'll never see it coming.
Sea Shepherd is so fucking based
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Alternatively, if you're really fucking rich, you can bribe CSSC into building you a nuclear submarine fully laden with the newest chink weaponry. Become racist captain Nemo.

die hippie nigger I hope the Japanese chop your head off with a katana bataan style
US Navy has decommissioned a few Freedom-class LCSes & is looking for buyers, if they strip the 57mm ask Bofors for a quote on a 40mm L70 turret, also I suggest you buy some Notwegian "bicycle handlebar" -style mounts for the fiftycals to replace the standard mount has you using the standard spade grips.
Might be able to find something at one of the ship graveyards. Worse case you get parts to fix one, but maybe someone threw away something more or less in 1 piece that needs an engine refit or something like that.

You could also rat rod it and just piece together a ship from all the ones at the graveyard and make something truely...unique.
Sea Shepherd is gay. I am Norwegian and i eat whale regularly. Anyone who has a problem with that can walk the plank.
Not wanting to board and sink chinese fishing vessels while fucking environmental girls.
Get with the times old man
>what are my chances of getting a letter of marque from the U.S. Congress?
but you might get a few contract offers and equipment is known to fall into the ocean from time to time.
Fight chinese soft power with American media money
Elon, we all know you just wanna sink boats carrying Chinese EVs. It's cool, we support you.
>>Fuck with China
It was Japan.
If you have money and want to go the vigilante route, get a submarine. In fact, Jules Verne had written a book about this.
Same thing
>he didn't get the corvette in his twenties
Nothing more pathetic than an old man getting his first warship.
There are lots of oerlikon 20mm, 40mm Bofors and their Soviet equivalents spread through Africa and the middle east (hell there are even some boomers that own them privately and take them to range days), they would be quite reasonable for a ship of that size and ammo is comparatively plentiful/affordable.

I'd be surprised if there's anything significantly bigger that's both available and suitable for naval use that isn't already attached to a boat.
This one sold for 100k€ and it did go to Somalia

After the new Pohjanmaa class corvette comes, next on the list to go are Hämeenmaa-class minelayers and Rauma-class missile boats
They have to get a taste. 10% should be more than enough. The environment gag is a smoke screen. It's about paying your "taxes".
>>62084414 yeah yeah whatever this thime though it'd be china
Pirating with a fleet of destroyers would be kino as fuck

You could not pay me any amount of money to board a submarine made by fucking chinks.
If your idea is to throw stink bombs at a ship that processes whales, you’re dumb.

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