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Italy dropping Boeing for Airbus. The world is healing.
Airbus is overpriced but better planes. US tech is deep in a competency crisis including Boeing of course. Boeing was king when they put out good planes at a good price, but now they can’t do that people will either accept lower standards or just go to Airbus and get ripped off but at least the planes are good.
Should have focused on 787 based planes. Keeping a separate line open for 767 is to complex now. Even if parts are cheap.
Damn it feels good to hodl airbus stock
Makes sense seeing that Boeing has resorted to hiring southerners, Indians, and flyover state inbreds instead of humans to do all their engineering work.
is this how planes reproduce?
Trump Presidency looks likely now so Europeans will stop buying American
Last time he was elected, Lockheed rushed to deliver F-35s to several European nations months ahead of schedule.
Makes sense. KC-30 is a proven platform that can pull double duty as VIP transport. The only thing I like more about the KC-46 is that the interior is set up for cargo transport first and pax being secondary. But there is no reason they couldn't order A330 freighters.
The reason is political
Good. The next step will be kicking the USAF out of Aviano, Spangdahlem, Ramstein, Morón, Lakenheath etc.
America is too politically schizophrenic to be a reliable defense partner or weapons supplier. So people are going to build their own shit and America will become poorer. Thanks pinkos and vatniks.
This is what you get when you let pajeets code your plane software
>implessive stroke of fate
>etc etc west is finished
EVROPA is healing, at last
Implessive, you pwans coming togethe nirecly, comlade.
Boeing does engineering work?
People from Seattle are retarded
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Yeah, it's a pretty sad state of affairs.
I've always given friendly bants to 'murikans despite respecting them but it's no longer funny.
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Should Leonardo take a stake in Airbus and finally join the eurofun?
Burgers are playing in easy mode, everything was handed to them including their independence, this creates a complacent and wasteful culture that they are starting to pay for.
Hopefully soon.
Con questo ultimo risultato,
But what does "Ripped off" mean in the context of airplanes?
I just came back from a vacation for my 30th birthday celebration, and the airliner I rode in was fucking older than me.
Who gives a shit about paying a premium for a quality product when its use goes for THAT long? Especially when the competition's planes literally smash themselves into the ground out of pure incompetence.
that has nothing to do with the current day cultural insanity
Seattle is what made Boeing great, its the last 10-20 years of dustributed production lines, NPM and "muh shareholders" that have produced the clusterfuck that it is today
>Airbus is overpriced
Maybe that's just how much planes that don't disintegrate mid flight cost?
Well whoopdiedoo, mr "i want a landing i can walk away from". Are your soi-legs too weak for a bit of gravity, huh?
how can Boeing return to it former glory?
Yanks never had to fight for what they have so they didn't learn to appreciate it.
its a half brown country now
ofc its a shit show
and will remain so
Finally Boeing is getting competition
Remember that time there was a protest and a counter protest both organized by Russians in texas 2016 ?
I think the main reason is that Americans are self-centered to the point of idiocy. Being European you basically have no option but to be at least somewhat geographically and politically educated because of how complex politics are even in your own country, not to mention that you have to deal with your neighbouring countries, monitor their political situation to know what to expect in the future etc. In States they much more care about some stupid shit like hurr durr should we allow junkies to boof meth or should it be fentanyl and they behave like this is the most important question in the world. While I kinda get this egocentrism, after all US is superpower both economically and culturally so being american it's logical to think that world revolves around you, but it is based on our support as well and if USA will continue to do retarded stuff and ruin themselves instead of fucking up Russia, China and Iran, producing the best and coolest shit and just being the Big Daddy of free World in general, it will be worse for them in the long run.
Was that the one with BLM and BackTheBlue on the same street? Ngl, thats pretty decent trolling
>replace the Italian Air Force's four Boeing 767-based tanker aircraft which entered service from 2011.

REPLACE after 13 years ?
Are burgers awake yet? I have my popcorn waiting, need some entertainment to kill some time.
I don't even know where Italy is. Unless it's the Italy in Texas.
That's on you.
Sounds like someone's getting some nice kickbacks. Or are 767s also riddled with problems? It's modern Boeing so ya never know.
The country responsible for naming yours, anon.
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It's Europe's dangly bit.
>Europe needs to pick up the slack
you know what, seeing the CFT from the side like that where it looks almost like a phantom makes me sort of like them now
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>Europe must pick up the slack or we leave NATO!
Spread the production system thin and leave the door wide open for welchian psychopaths to strip it for parts.
embraer will rise
>America has Buy American Act
>but if Europe thinks about maybe moving a slight step in that direction, it's le bad
lmao even

Fuck US protectionism
>Undermining NATO cooperation
Does NATO basically means "buy our shit or else" for burgers or something?
They would hate the hurricanes.
No but it does stand for Needs Americans To Operate
how embarrassing
It wasn't always the case but it has become increasingly so since the financial crisis 15+ years ago. Particularly in areas where European systems are mature and deliver better performance albeit at greater expense. While the US has increasingly learned to settle for affordability and mass production over absolute performance.

Under Trump it just got worse with him trying bullying tactics to gain an edge. But since leaving office the sector of American politics that he is the figurehead for, has run with it without understanding any of the nuance behind it, and driven confidence in US having any shared values with the old world, off a cliff.
Just don't buy anything from Eurocopter
Unless they were proposed the Lockheed LMXT, Airbus platform with US systems. They can claim they get best of both.
"The Romans, where are they now?"
Good you can start paying for your own shit now deadbeats
and taking orders from you guys too!
Always has been. NATO is a hegemony with the US as its leader. Not an equal partnership.

(because the founders were smart enough to realize you get more out of people if you treat them nicely - cf the Warsaw/CSTO)
>start paying
Everyone funds their own military dipshit. The US isn't subsidising anything.
>Another thread in which euroturds behave like jilted mistresses looking for validation from americans

lmao. One would think that such a development would be celebrated as a European triumph, instead 80% of the thread is europoors still seething angrily about the US for some reason. You spend so much time being catty and asshurt about Americans that you don't know how do do anything else kek.
During the cold war European countries couldn’t stand a chance against the Soviet Union and ended up as massive defense consumers because they did not a sufficient industrial base to compete with the Warsaw pact.
Nowadays the EU is the continent spanning political block and Russia can’t even beat Ukraine and the real reason why nato still exists is largely out political inertia, Europe has high living standards and an older population therefore they aren’t likely to want sweeping changes up until Trump dedicate to upset everyone
You don’t understand anon, ITALY BOUGHT A PLANE! Cleary America is done for
>Airbus is overpriced
Boeing is only cheaper because they cut corners in quality control.
yeah Airbus has stupid operating cost such as special bolting tools that record each bolt ever drilled with the exact date location torque applied and store it in databases to keep track. Boeing doesn't put the bolts on half the time, much cheaper.
I call it the wide man's burden
If it's Boeing, I'm not going.
>The US isn't subsidising anything
>The US isn't subsidising anything.
The US TRIED to have an equal partnership originally and Europe told them to go fuck themselves then started another world war so the second time the US just put itself in charge.
>he US TRIED to have an equal partnership
You mean the league of nations the US congress refused to join?
Makes sense to go with A330MRRT, most of Europe uses it and there's even a joint refueler program.

IMO P-8, refueler and awacs should be on the same 787 platform.
they weren't using air bus?
i can hear your teeth grinding from the other side of the atlantic, muttoids
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WW3 is just going to be WW2 again. Former enemies allied to steam roll europe... then back to enemies.
Bolts are extra weight. You fly better without them.
So what's gonna happen to American industries in 20 years when white boomers and gen x-ers will all be retired? Is it just over?
WW2 was basically the culimination of centuries of strife between European states that happened to involve the rest of the planet. The US were just another 3rd party with a mix former Europeans that logged late into the game.
Millions must die
I hope not Leonardo have Boeing tier QA and even worse aftermarket support.

>t c-27 maintainer
They originally wanted extra 767s but it looks like they decided it was easier to just scrap the 4 they have rather then run a mixed squadron.
This. I'm not even a burger nor a euro but I clicked on this thread to read about Airbus' military offerings, only to realise that it is full of unprovoked anti-american seethe and cope by europeans.

This is a level of rent-free head occupancy that is genuinely pathetic.
porco dio
>Italy dropping Boeing for Airbus
Dude, America dropped Boeing KC-46 for Airbus years ago in the first place. Boeing cried oy vey at politicians for years until the decision was reversed.
making shit up in all caps is still making shit up
>Being European you basically have no option but to be at least somewhat geographically and politically educated because of how complex politics are even in your own country
Lmao no you don't
t. Euro
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no A400M :(
Thailand just selected Gripen E over F-16 Block 70 as well
Nobody's looking forward to doing business with the US for the next few years, except maybe Russia
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>The US isn't subsidising anything
It's not a competency crisis, it's a regulation crisis. It's cheaper for Boeing to have accidents than to actually take care of their shit.
this is why monopolies are the shortcut to communism from capitalism
Post air force? Lmao
Well, white boomers are the ones who think regulations are evil and that profits are god. So shit will probably get better because younger generations here typically value crazy things like “safety” and generally aren’t scum sucking money-grubbers.
Yeah but regulations is communism. Free market will fix itself

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