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Inspired by another thread. Dedicated thread to post your groups.
Over 100 yards edition.
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What gun?
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Just an ordinary BCM upper, Aero lower
This is a bait, right?
Do you have groups to post?
anon, the first time I fired my rem700adl 308 (A $150 rifle) with a cheap ass scope I got one inch groups at 200yards. This was my first time ever firing a gun. It came submoa straight from the store. All you have to do is put the crosshairs on your target and pull the trigger.

My friend let me shoot his ar15 .223 that same day with a cheesy zombie holosight and at 100yards I still got submoa groupings. The recoil compared to the 380 was nothing. He also had a .270 with a wooden stock that bruised the fuck out of me after 6 shots. Fuck wooden stocks.

Another guy we went out with brought his brand new fancy m1 out and the scope was so far from zero we could barely get it on paper.
Cool rifle, anon.
Those sound like very nice groups. May I seem them?
this was like 13 years ago but I do have pictures saved somewhere. If I can find them I will post them.

To be fair I did have a bipod on the rem700 and was using 2 beanbags to stabilize my cheek/chin. I literally watched a 10 minute video how to shoot a rifle before we went to the range and did exactly what they showed. I asked the rangemaster if he had any beanbags and he said their were a dozen on the shelf in the corner. That's all the training I had with a rifle and 200yards was the max at the range.
Bro you post a 3 shot 4 inch group shot with an optic AR-15 from a rest and you dare ask me for a group?
You know the M16 is 3 MOA at absolute MAX right? Please post you AR group so we can judge you and your gun. The public perception of rifle accuracy is MASIVELY distorted. You're not getting sub 1 MOA semiauto unless you have an accurized rifle. 3-5 MOA is normal for average semiautos and a 4 inch group at 100 yards is pretty good for a budget AR.
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Thanks, OP! I didn't realize your target was at 125, your group is well averaged. Mine inflate like a balloon after 100
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>The public perception of rifle accuracy is MASIVELY distorted.
I would say that the public perception is distorted massively in the opposite way than you’re implying. Normies unironically believe you have to be a world class shooter with a multi-thousand dollar rifle to maintain sub-MOA groups at 200 yards. I will say that the gun community itself has the opposite perception, though. Many guys believe that their 4 MOA groups are actually 1.5 MOA.
lol lmao
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>no groups
>I will say that the gun community itself has the opposite perception, though. Many guys believe that their 4 MOA groups are actually 1.5 MOA.
I've seen this a lot. I hear tons of people say their rifle is "1 moa" and then shoot a plate size group at 100 yards (not that there's anything explicitly wrong with that, it's just not 1 moa). I think "1 moa" and "sub moa" have been drilled into the collective mind of the gun community through marketing such a degree that people are afraid to admit that their guns is anything less than 1 moa. the truth is there isn't anything wrong with a 3 moa rifle especially if it's a AR or other semiauto that isn't going to be expected to make long hyperaccurate shots.
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Zeroing scope before a little long-range practice.
100 (or 200, I actually forgot which trip this was from) yards with .50 BMG.
3 shots pre-zero, 3 shots post zero.
This is an IMAGEBOARD sir. Nice big fish story though.
T3x. With match ammo.

It also seems to be like 1.3 moa att 300m with s&b fmj in good conditions.
Here are my super shitty groups I shot at 100 yards last week:

>14.5" AR-15 with ACOG
>button rifled Roscoe SOCOM barrel
>Geissele SSA

First time shooting this rifle, first time using an ACOG with a crosshair, first time using an SSA. Plus it was almost 100F and I was sweating my balls off. Yes, this is all cope.

I'm planning to go out again this weekend, I'm positive I can tighten it up.
this my group
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Turns out MOA targets at 100 with only 4x or less is on the extreme
I tend to have really high standards for my shooting. I used to shoot 3 position air rifle at the nationals level. Did a year of NRA high power as well.

The top right one isn't bad. At it widest it is maybe a tag over 3.5"

I also don't like to shoot 3 shots and call it a "group", I think it's important to work on consistency and not just spam 3 shot groups until you get an impressive one to post on the internet.

What also sucked was that for some of these I was using my ACOG without the fiber covered so it was a red crosshair on a red bullseye. Those were the bottom two. Then I borrowed some tape from some dude at the range.
Sorry. Meant to say top left isn't bad, 3.5" at widest.WVD0
Any AR-15 without a shot out barrel is a 1 MOA gun you absolute retard.
Learn 2 shoot.
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I too made that mistake once, not even 10 layers of masking tape could alleviate the issue
>3 position air rifle at the nationals level
>year of NRA high power
I can respect that, but 10-round groups in 100F is impossible for retaining MOA

Congratulations in advance if you're able to prove me wrong this summer and stay cool out there, pardner!
Yeah. Electrical tape ended up doing the trick pretty nicely.

I'm not expecting perfection, but I am confident I can narrow those groups a tad bit more. Though I am realistic about what this barrel is capable of. It's hardly match quality.

The national match rifle I have has a Douglas barrel and they guaranteed 0.5 MOA. I haven't shot that with it tough, downside of using irons.
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Zeroed my scope just the other day. Hot as balls but got it to a fist sized group at 100 yards. Good enough for me.
>Douglas barrel
>guaranteed 0.5 MOA
Cold barrel required? I'm starting to believe triple digit summers are antithetical to precision shooting
>confident I can narrow those groups a tad bit more
You don't need me to tell you that accuracy is more important than precision, but I wish you luck just the same, fellow crosshair ACOG anon

>fist sized group at 100 yards
>non-FF barrel
I'd say that's breddy gud, BASFbro! I'm sorry that they shut down Camp Church, Saddleback and Baldy Mountain :(
wtf they shut it down? Why? For the season or something? Also, speaking of, my main ammo shop moved too. On freaking 4th of July week they closed down and moved. Who tf does that.
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zero'd at 100 then wind picked up
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300 meters, prone, rifle resting on a rolled up army blanket
What rifle?
Groups that were taken while calm shouldn't count. Only groups where you exercise beforehand should be used.
I am not actually sure if it is cold barrel for 0.5MOA. The barrel is a heavy profile and the national match fire cadence is very slow (2 sighters, 10 shots) so I don't think you would actually shoot it enough to get it hot enough to actually noticeably impact group size.

Also I love the crosshair. I used the chevron a lot while in the military, crosshair is far superior IMO.

Nice group anon
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>they shut it down? Why?
Fire restrictions (the BLM makes that call every year)
>4th of July week they closed down and moved
Damn, did they raise their prices since? That was the best place for range ammo :c

They also say a clean bore shifts your POI, precision shooting is a cruel mistress, ain't it
>used the chevron a lot while in the military, crosshair is far superior
It's unequivocally the reticle you need to get a group that dense 2 MOA or better with a non-match barrel!
Brainless post
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Single hand unsupported shots, Feinwerkbau AW93, 40 shots of .22LR @ 25m / 27,34yd.

There's one flyer and that's really just me, and yes, that IS annoying
Unironically don’t know what my tightest group is because I only shoot bottles and steel
Based trash magdumper
Think they just wanted a bigger location, hopefully business is well. But now it’s out in Glendale. It used to be 3 seconds down the road. Had bulk ammo and pretty good deals on guns.
>just wanted a bigger location
Turns out they're planning to have an indoor range operational by next summer! I hope there'll be 100yd rifle lanes (lot easier to zero without 10-20 MPH winds in triple digit weather

I would've been in the opposite valley this payday if you hadn't let me know, good looking out, pardner!
Do you know what shop I’m talking about? I didn’t mention the name glowie
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You gave me the name of that place last autumn, silly goose! I asked AZ anons in /arg/ about which LGS had the best ammo prices
A 3 MOA rifle is still better than the standard for a sniper rifle in WW2. People both over and under estimate accuracy. They think you have to be 1 MOA or the rifle cant hit shit but then most people's rifles are nowhere near 1 MOA. Then there's the whole debate over group size. 9 hole argues that 5 shot groups dont count and you have to shoot 9 shot. But then any rifle is going to be greater than MOA if you shoot a big enough group. Eventually you'll fuck up or the wind will catch the round or the gun will get hot etc. I think most precision rifles can't fire a reasonably fast 9 shot string without opening up a bit. IDK what's right or not.
Aiet you good this time fren.
I used median group size over 5, 5 shot groups and then shot 5 more with the best ammo types when evaluating ammo for my 22.

I don't think a single group will ever tell you anything unless its like 20-30 shots.
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Is it, though?

Here. 600yds with a 14.5" and 62gr ss109 swiss surplus ammo. TA31 graduated in meters.
Nice group, Dan
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Doh, my mistake, I misread that as "62gr Winchester-Swede OTM". Looks like you qualify for another year of main range membership, good shooting
Not my range. But they probably use the same shot tracking system.
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>same shot tracking system
>non-CMP and non-Yurop
Glad to see American ranges updating
Is the 700 yard range still open?
Man I don't think my ears are good enough to hear steel at 700yds.
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No, off-limits until the fire restrictions are lifted :(
It's very audible when you're the only shooter there :)
>But then any rifle is going to be greater than MOA if you shoot a big enough group.
Precisiom shooting boomers will fall into this trap all the time
>Oh I shit a 10 round group and it's 3 moa the gun must be 3 moa
And then you see the group and it's a 1 moa group with a few flyers. The rifle is accurate you just flinched lol.

How fucking accurate do you expect M855 to be mr. I-can-be-anything-on-the-internet-my-parents-pay-for-so-I'm-going-to-say-I-get-sub-MOA-shots? Post groups faggot
>I don't think a single group will ever tell you anything unless its like 20-30 shots.
At a certain point you start to get diminishing returns and the variable stacking can create erroneous data. I've found 5 rounds is a good middle ground between consistency and thoroughness.
Groupings should be made with the least amount of shooter error possible in a machine rest with store bought match ammo at best and surplus milspec ammo at worst

Then take that data and compare it to actually good shooters
Which is exactly why i use median group size over several 5 round groups.
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dbk-04-bdc used for 120 euros with mounts
is it worth it?
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And old pic. Full magazine at 100 yards with an ARX100. Basically as fast as the range lets you shoot (1/second).

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