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Why did they use two handed swords on horseback?
Is this practical or just for film?
amongst other buffs, the rings of power grant +10 strength and allow zweihanders to be wielded single-handed and on horseback, it's a class feat
1. They're undead monsters with strength greater than a human
2. while the grips are two handed, the blades are not unreasonably big. There were plenty of historical blades with two handed grips and modest blade lengths.
They were canonically not stronger than living men. They have an AoE fear debuff while also possessing poisoned/cursed weapons. In addition, they get buffed while fighting anyone wearing the Ring (other than Sauron). Also, >>>/tg/
What kind of swords did they have and what length? I want one.
Is LOTR based on dnd or something?
>They were canonically not stronger than living men.
define stronger, im sure they as undead do not get tired, which makes them techically stronger than men.
>Is LOTR based on dnd or something?
... Nigga we ain't on /b/. No trolling.
Bastard swords, or hand and a half swords, are designed to have a length that could be weilded by one hand effectively but also have the option to be wielded by both. They’re supposed to versatile.
Those aren't two handed swords. These are two handed swords.
they did it because it looks cool.
what more do you need?
The obvious answer is that while it is possible to wield a large sword from horseback, the more practical and dare I say based choice would be a lance
They're ghosts, anon.
>Bastard swords, or hand and a half swords
you mean longswords. Bastard and "hand and a half" are from Dnd.
Nigger that's a scene from a movie, that's a question about their costume design in that movie, and thus an answer should come in the context of the movie.

And in the context of the movie, the Ringwraiths are massively superhuman in strength.
Both those terms predate D&D. Hand-and-a-half by at least 75 years.
What kind of swords are they then? Length?
I want one.
high str to wield the sword and no con score to limit their endurance due to being undead.
Longswords. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
they don't carry other swords. if all i have is a two handed sword that means i'm just gonna not ride horses?
>Bastard and "hand and a half" are from Dnd.
Damn, I didn't realise dnd was around in the 1500s.
>"William Hunt played his Maisters prize at Leden Hall with three Maisters, that is to say, Nicholas Delahaye, Robert Cook, and Peter Beste at three kinde of weapons videlicit The Longe Sworde, the Bastarde Sworde and the Dagger."
>Sloan Manuscript 2530 c.1530-1590
That's from the DnD handbook dumbass
>Is LOTR based on dnd or something?
There *is* an official rpg for lotr, called MERP. Been around for about 40 years now. It's a cut down version of Rolemaster.

>Nigga we ain't on /b/. No trolling.
based response
>two handed
They're clearly holding them in one hand, also looking more like to a longsword or bastard sword or something.
I did a quick bit of measuring based on the leftmost one (and estimating the user's handspan in gloves) and the blade's definitely shorter than 1m (a hair over 3'3") or even below 90cm, which would make it quite short for a longsword and not that outlandish for someone to swing with one hand.
Based! Thanks fren
I didn’t know that. Thanks.
LOTR literally created the fantasy genre in like 1939 its the reason dnd exists
Did they ever once fight mounted (with weapons)?
>Longswords. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Do you have any in sizes other than long?
You can get them in every size as long as that size is long.
depends how you define "weapon". Their cheaf weapon is surprise, surprise and fear, their two weapons are surprise and fear, and ruthless efficiency. that's three, their THREE weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to Sauron, their FOUR weapons are... AMONGST their weapons are such elements as fear, surprise, and... I'll come in again shall I?
honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was a genuine question.
>AMONGST their weapons are such elements as fear, surprise, and... I'll come in again shall I?
A-are you as high as I am?
This was hysterical.
Er, thank you Bernard.

>honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was a genuine question
NTAB Pretty sure that constituted a genuine answer regardless ^_^
They're literally ghosts. The rules of physics are already out the window.
They weren't always on horseback, and is having more reach a bad thing? Also they're wraiths.
>A-are you as high as I am?
uncultured zoomer swine. He was referencing high culture.
Semi-practical. there were plenty hand-and-a-half swords that could be swung one handed and you didn't need full power to swing at a man from horseback.
You write like an insufferable faggot
My sword is only half that and your mom needs two hands
>uncultured zoomer swine. He was referencing high culture.
So was I you filthy millenial, you think zoomers quote a 1980 political sitcom classic you're too young to remember and is above your reading level anyway?
Bold choice of words anon, I applaud your courage.
>You write like an insufferable faggot
I assure you, you could suffer me and like it.
>What kind of swords did they have and what length?
Longsword, Bastard sword, Hand and a half sword. they're usually just under a metre to around a metre in blade length
>So was I
he's got you there >>62087434 anon

even if Yes Minister is insufferable BBC leftist faggotry
When you're on horseback the inertia of the horse does a lot of the work, so if you've got a hand and a half sword it's entirely viable to use it as a cavalry sabre.
Obviously it doesn't exel in this role, but with a short sword you wouldn't even be able to reach anyone and a true two handed greatsword couldn't be swung with one hand.

The nazgul are ronin, they are knights without stewards or squires, so no lances, and that's again why they would be obliged to wield longer swords.
His experiment was with polearms rather than swords, but in case it's of interest anyone ITT I'll take the opportunity to shill Jason Kingsley trying them on horseback
tl;dw is that it's doable, with some caveats:
>have to let go of the reins when you want to swing, else your hand movements will be sending your horse off-course
>even without holding the reins, you shifting your weight around on its back will be also interpreted as instruction, and so you'd probably need to train the horse to ignore some relevant movements in order to keep going in a straight line
>the above points aren't a problem at standstill or walking pace, but the loss of fine control is going to be increasingly significant at higher speeds; he theorized that it might be easier in close formation with other horses
>on the plus side, when you go fast you can put less effort into your strike and hit your target just as hard
>even if Yes Minister is insufferable BBC leftist faggotry
See: >>62087668 ^_^

It was such a good show that it pains me not to find something on the same level.

TWW had its moments as leftie high culture but while it occassionally hit high notes, it wasn't consistently on the same level.

It wasn't really about left/Labout politics, that was just the political party, which the show made clear doesn't really matter because the civil service runs rings around them 70% of the time
Don't watch it (v bad boomer cringe) but Thatcher made them do a skit with her as PM.
That isn't high culture but pop swill. Barf.
>Bernard Woolley on defence capabilities
this is so incredibly Reformer it's practically vatnikposting
>this is so incredibly Reformer it's practically vatnikposting
You mean because it's assuming eastern-bloc competence? If so...yes but not for the same reasons.
The show was above all about political realities inducing western government incompetence which sort of creates eastern competence because it's intended as parody not jingoism so it highlights our flaws, not theirs.
Not the adversary's either (that would be the French).
>it highlights our flaws
they're imaginary flaws that could only be cooked up by hippie leftists at the BBC

if it was mere comedy then nothing more need be said, it can be consigned forthwith to the realm of cartoons for adults

if it was anywhere near a halfway serious attempt at criticism, it fell far short when it didn't even bother to look up publicly-available info on NATO vs Warpact strength estimates before concluding that NATO defence must solely be a jobs Potemkin on utterly baseless grounds.

peacenik defeatist bullshit.
>if it was mere comedy then nothing more need be said, it can be consigned forthwith
I considered a half-dozen ways to skewer your arrogant ignorance but your words are such a great example of self-parody that I decided I'd only detract from your self-destructive efforts.
> every single guy has his sword in one hand
> OP: why did they use two handed swords
those are bastard swords for proper evil bastards. yes, they're quite practical in the open field. they also got those special magical daggers for close and personal fights
>NATO is actually very very weak
>I could say why but I won't because IT JUST IS OKAY
You don't understand self-effacing humour because you're obsessed with how you're perceived over how you really are.

It's why ridicule is so feared by the weak-minded.
>it's just a self-effacing joke bro!
as I said, either it's purely humour, or is intended to be satirical; which one is it?
you declined to clarify and took refuge behind the
>it's just a joke bro
defence while at the same time claiming that it
>highlights our flaws

no, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
>no, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
Does the matador fight with a distracting cape or a barbed short-spear?

Satire works because its funny, not despite it. You claim a false dichotomy and I reject it.
You fail to understand the most basic principles of the dramatic arts and you don't want to either because you're consumed by an obsession with face
idiot, the dichotomy I offered is between
>PURELY humour
>satirical humour, i.e. with an element of critique

in any case you answered the latter, in which case it still fails because it's ludicrously uninformed
Only sith deal in absolutes
they use horses for transportation and not warfare
>this satire is accurate because IT JUST IS OKAY
>this satire is accurate because IT JUST IS
No but you would neither understand nor appreciate the actual reasons
>but yes
>I am very smort, please believe
I'm not going to make an effort-post for a retard zoomer contrarian.
Are you sure they’re bastard swords? Why not longswords?
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That grip would be pretty shit to use on horseback and is something you would see on a dedicated two handed sword even if the blade length isn't.
Look, the Jackson costuming dept did a pretty good job but they weren't perfect.
This is true but "Men" in the LotR universe are far stronger than regular men nowadays
>Is this practical or just for film?
Actually it is unless you are a weakling, My biggest sword is a two handed claymore (same shape as pic) and it has a good sprung blade but I can spin it one handed. Real swords don't weigh that much
Its about five feet long. So Two handed swords are not ideal compared to something like a sabre on horseback but if they can slash and have hand protection and can be used point on in the charge they would do alright, the main thing you would need would be a sword knot. The weight of a big two handed sword is not actually too bad unless you are a weakling or a manlet or something
That grip looks more like a longsword as opposed to a bastard sword.
Interesting. Very cool sword. How long is your bladde?
>Interesting. Very cool sword. How long is your bladde?
I don't actually know and I'd have to get up and go and measure it but I'm ball parking it, 4.5-5 feet in total something like that the grip is quite long and wood wrapped with leather strip. I have very few reproduction swords, it was used in the making of Braveheart but by way of a reenactment group that became extras in the battle scenes. Its a fully live blade sprung steel and has a peened tang, I did a few cuts with it (I did some kendo as a youth) and its actually very good, it cut a sheeps head in half for me with almost no effort but I'm not much into cutting/hema/larp I'm more into antique swords and history. By spin I mean a rotation in the wrist as you do with sai.
That’s pretty cool, anon. It’s a pretty sword.
That's lifist
I mean to humor you, they are the ghosts of Numenoreans, and thus compared to normal men slightly super human.
Canonically, the Witch-King wielded a "great, black mace" which was specifically stated to be capable of shattering shields and felling men with a single blow. This is taken to a further extreme in the movies, which is what we're talking about anyway, with the fuck-huge flail that he swings around like it's a toy, and which easily shattered Eowyn's shield and arm when she tried to block a swing from it. Sounds pretty fucking superhuman to me.
>prop dudes make a flail
>Peter Jackson: BIGGER
>prop dudes make a bigger flail
>Peter Jackson: BIGGER
>alright fuck you dude, here's a ludicrously oversized flail you would never put in your fuckin movie
>Peter Jackson: PERFECT
unlike most BTS, LOTR's Making Ofs is a treasure in themselves
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you can call them just "swords" and you'll be technically correct.
that grip is exactly what you would use on a horse - closer to the center of mass for better stability and control. when you dismount you can use both hands or keep it in one depending on situation.

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