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Alright /k/, an elephant just escaped the zoo and decides to run down to your street and fuck your shit up. It has a vendetta just for you and knows where you are and live. You only have time to grab the CLOSEST gun you have by the time you realize it's you or him.

How fucked are you?
Even a 22lr pistol is good enough
No animal is bulletproof, even a blue whale would get its internals fucked by a barrage of 22lr
Lol no. You've been next to a real elephant? No, your mom doesn't count. There's a reason elephant guns exist. Also, if you kill it, you better do it out of sight of the herd, because elephants hold vendettas and will come back to avenge their own.
This is current sitting between my bed and nightstand, so technically this. If I had another foot or two I'd have my AK.
With a face-on charge I'm not confident soft lead slugs or buckshot could penetrate the skull of an elephant. So probably fucked, but at least have a chance.
Elephants are well known and notorious for surviving head shots by high powered rifles and dozens of rounds from handguns/rifles poachers try using.
Not that anon but I've been around elephants a lot of times without ever having to set foot on Africa. You can kill one with a bunch of 9mm
Yeah brother they can tank a .375 h&h to the skull if it's a soft point, but I'm sure your .22 will find it's way through. Maybe it'll bounce around the skull too, doing major recoil damage.
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Just took the 50 Beowulf out to clean but I have no beef with elephant.
Elephants have a small brain and powerful skeletal/muscle structure. If you miss the brain and hit nothing else worth hitting... then yes they will continue to attack. But no their skulls don't "tank" rounds like a video game. A simple 7.62x39 will EASILY get into an elephants brain if you put the round where it belongs. The reason big bore rifles are used in Africa is for hunting purposes. It's frowned upon in the hunting community to need a bunch of follow up shots. you ruin more parts of the animal and have less available meat to waste and you look like an amateur hunter who can't shoot. So to prevent this. Big bore guns exist for maximum penetration. Where ONE shot that might miss the brain creates as much muscle/skeletal damage and penetrates deep into the elephants body and still hits other vitals. Someone trying to kill an elephant with an AK in self defense doesn't have to worry about optics and can magdump at the creature and fuck it up very quickly.
I grab its trunk effectively putting the elephant into a chokehold. It knows its life is in my hands and submits. My nearest weapon is my intellect.
Too bad, he has beef with you.
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20 rounds of .300 BLK I'm fucked
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>Good day Sir!
Seriously they seem like the epitome of retard strength.
No they literally cannot. That was not a brain shot. You're imagining that elephants have some massive brain like a human, their brain is absolutely miniscule for their size. It's very easy to miss the brain even though you technical hit it's skull. And unless you hit it's brain, the skull shot won't kill it right away. Not because the skull tanked it, because it didn't. 375 H&H of any kind will easily go through an elephants skull, but because it missed the actual vital.
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Can I wait a couple of weeks? Got the ammo in but waiting for the conversion in the revolver to be done…
>A simple 7.62x39 will EASILY get into an elephants brain if you put the round where it belongs
Most poachers actually use poison these days.
Anon… I’m personally mad that your graphic doesnt show an elephant brain to scale..
How dumb is it that I want to make a snubnose ankle gun chambered in this?
The source from that photo shows the round not penetrating.
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Sounds awesome… once… If money was no object I’d try to get one of the short barrel bfrs with the goal of having a muzzle break that’s longer than the barrel…. In all honesty I’d like to eventually get a rifle in it.. either an encore or a handi rifle… but really I hope someone figures out how to chamber a bolt action in it…

500 bushwacker , 444 marlin case, 45/70 case..
What the fuck is up with these kids who don't own guns? I've heard this shot placement shit repeated on here constantly. Nobody who's ever shot under stress, even just timer/competition stress, would think they can be that accurate.
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This is my hour. Not even joking.
That's the closest to you? You keep it by the bed or something?
>But no their skulls don't "tank" rounds like a video game
You don't realize how soft foster slugs are. I've seen them fail to penetrate boar shoulders personally. Google has plenty of animal skull pics that survived bullets being lodged in them.
I wouldn't grab anything, I would listen to it and that's what nobody did.
Lol the irony. These guys who go elephant hunting train to hit the small brain on a big moving dangerous game animal with one or two shots at most. They have big, unergonomic, heavy, massive recoiling double rifles or bolt actions which are hard to shoot, and they don't rely on the power of the cartridge alone to do the job. They know shot placement is key and they only have one or two rounds to get it done.

So yeah, you probably own guns... as do 100,000,000 million Americans, and you're part of the 99% of dumb low IQ normie gun owners who doesn't train, compete, or actually understand the mechanics of shooting.
I was moreso referring to your AK and "elephants tank high powered rifle" comment. One of the greatest elephants hunters used 6.5swede as a cartridge for all big gsme including elephants and to great success. 6.5 swede is very close to 6.5creedmor
I shoot 2 comps a week retard. I'm not saying shot placement doesn't matter, I'm asking what the fuck is up with these morons who keep saying they could kill elephants and grizzlies and dragons and shit with a 22?

If you think you could pull that kinda killshot off you don't own a gun and have never shot, period.
Really all I can do is mag dump at its head and hope that I get a lucky shot on its brain or eyes.
>an elephant just escaped the zoo and decides to run down to your street
There's literally a sea between me and the closest zoo with elephants, good luck lol
A 22lr might not even pierce an elephants skull so that's not what I am debating. I don't think there's anyway to kill an elephant with a 22lr in a quick manner no matter where you shot it from. Best you can do is blind it if you're a good shot and lucky. But you generalized about shot placement and to me it really feels like you don't compete because a competitor in any quality shooting sport knows that what a lesser shooter considers "impossible" we consider easy.
>It has a vendetta just for you and knows where you are and live.

I'm not Indian though
My cat does that sometimes.
I don't need a gun, I could probably take it bear handed. The trick is getting behind it and going to town on its unprotected hind legs.
Dang, Giraffe confirmed for gigabrain of the savannah.
Wow, it flattened him like a fucking Looney Tunes character.
that nerve twitch
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>12ga shotgun
>don't even have any slugs
I guess I have no option but to accept the PRÖÖÖHHHing
Must be a fucking huge cat
Same, I had to check 3 times because I assumed competence on anon's part
There is a weak spot just above the root of the trunk which is about basketball sized and can be penetrated fairly easily. The elephant in the picture was shot too high by the looks of it. Bell points this out fairly well in his book. Anyways, if I were taking frontal brain shots every other week, I'd at least want a gun that can knock the elephant out on a non-penetrating hit. Something like .416 Rigby or .470 NE.

6.5x54 Mannlicher-Schoenauer actually, which is even weaker.
That scene at the end from district 9 but with an elephant instead of an exosuit
G17. I aim for the knees and pray.
Interestingly the closest gun I have is my .308 durr rifle.
Also living upstairs. I think I'm good.
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>How fucked are you?
I put my hand up, he stops in his tracks, and I pet his head. If it work son dinosaurs it will work on big dogs with tusks.
>hurp durp derpa doo you can't kill an elephant with anything less than .45169 quimbly viper magnum express
Poachers have been shreking elephants with AKs for the last 70 years.
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>88 Mav full of buck.

I kneecap him and run.
I live in a commie block. The elephant can go fuck itself while I throw shit at it from above.
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"will die later after several hours of internal bleeding" is not the same as "will die before it has a chance to mush you into the fucking dirt and shit on your corpse"
I eschew closest and take the time to retrieve my 6.5 Swedish Mauser.
Should be fine with heavy monoCu supers.
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The problem isn't killing the elephant, it's killing the elephant before it turns you into paste. Ruark and Capstick both write about how hunters that hit the elephant in a vital location still got sent to the happy hunting grounds by a big tusker because it still had enough energy to grind them into a fine paste before bowling over dead.
>mfw closest gun is an ak74
I'm ded
Well I'm currently at work and they don't let me bring guns into the building. So extremely.
I've got 20 rounds of 350L. I genuinely don't know if it'll get through its skull, but at least I have some bullet momentum in the gun.
I'm fucked anyway, but I wouldn't try to stop it since an elephant's life is worth more than my own. I would just die reenacting this movie scene:
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they all said I was stupid, I would never need one!
It took 86 shots to take down Tyke. Good luck mag dumping 6 times before it tramples you.
What about 5.56 with 3 30 rounds mags ?
Adequate penetration is king, shot placement matters after that
>loading .45-70 projectiles in .458winmag
Shiggy diggy, unless those are some pointless pipsqueak loads.
I've got a 12ga O/U on hand but I only have birdshot or rubber bullet loads, so I guess I can piss him off a little bit more before he pastes me.
My .308 semi is nearby but grandpa's Mk1 is in front of my keyboard. I guess it depends on the distance we start the engagement.
It's at the front of the safe behind my computer chair.
My guns are stored dorectly below me and the tallest (therefore closest) one is:

Moist nugget

It'll do
>Nothing, but nothing, is as overwhelmingly attention getting as an elephant that has just decided he doesn’t like you; and nothing in the animal world is better equipped to do something about it.

>For sheer ferocity and determination to get you, he has no match. He will spread his ears in threat display like a windjammer in a line squall, screaming like a bass calliope with all stops lashed down. He will tuck his trunk up against his chest, and he’ll start coming. If you are very cool and lucky, and can get a shot through cover that could stall a tiger tank, a heavy bullet, precisely placed, may turn or kill him. Then, again, it may not.

>As he gets closer, it will dawn on you that there is simply no place you can go to avoid his six tons of murder. He can easily outrun the fastest sprinter with his deceptive shuffle, and if you’re thinking about climbing a tree, don’t bother. He’ll either knock you out of it personally or toot up a couple of chums to share in the festivities.

>If 12,000 pounds of screaming, screeching, infuriated elephant bearing down on you has somehow rattled your nerves to the point that you miss that six-by-four-inch spot on his forehead, or your bullet fails to penetrate the two- and one-half feet of tough, spongy, honeycomb bone that protects his brain, then you may as well forget it.

>The most talented mortuary cosmetician in the world couldn’t rewire you so your own mother would know if you were face up or down.

>Angry elephants are highly inventive and develop quite individual modes of operation in their sorting out of careless bwanas and locals. After all, there’s a lot to the old saw that the black stuff between an elephant’s toes is really the remains of slow natives.

>A favorite procedure is to grip the victim firmly by an arm or leg (experienced elephants prefer the leg as being sturdier) and methodically beat him to furry guava jelly against the handiest solid object. A convenient tree trunk is favored as a mortar by many, but a few show a marked preference for a concrete-hard termite heap. Either way, it’s academic as far as the victim is concerned after the first swing or so.

>One uncoordinated gentleman I used to know in Kenya was brought home in three plastic buckets after a prolonged session of this type.

>One of the most popular variations on the theme is the traditional stomp-and-stick technique. This method is fairly self-explanatory, especially if you have ever had a good look at an elephant’s feet and tusks.

>Recipients of this treatment are often difficult to repackage owing to the amount of topsoil that inadvertently gets mixed up with their tatters, making the whole remains a good deal heavier than the original hunter. In execution, the S & S system involves thorough kneading with the forefeet, followed by rolling with the knees, and judicious stirring of the whole mess with the tusks. Results are most impressive.

>Other jumbos, outfielders at heart, have a marvelous time throwing their victims in graceful arcs above the trees, then running over to see if they can smash them with their trunks before they hit the ground. An imaginative, creative elephant can stave off boredom for hours with these games.
That might be 458 Lott…. Theirs an anon who reloads who posts it every so often..
Mossberg 500 with #4 buck in the tube, and a side saddle with 4 buckshot shells and two slugs. If I can get the two slugs in the gun before it gets to me I might have a chance. The thing's in arms reach in a rack behind my computer chair, too.
I mean, those FTX pipsqueak loads were doing 2410. I just needed something that wasn't going to explode in my suppressor, but was going to drive them faster than berry's plates bullets could go. the 500gr DGSs were like, 2200 or something. I'm not done developing load data, but the stock on my 458 Lott is cracked and I don't want to push it until I get it fixed.
I think I can get the 250gr monoflex to 3000, but I'll report back when I actually do it.
Would a good enough brenneke slug drop an elephant?
nah what I'm saying is as a competitor I know even super skilled shooters miss incredibly easy shots under clock stress occasionally. so when people say "ah it's easy to kill X you just gotta place your shot," it's obvious they've never shot under stress. shits hard.
i dont get it
im not indian but i dont get how people cant get mad when they see humans killed by nonhumans
You place the human in a position of innate superiority in your mind, thus the "inferior" creature killing its better angers you.

Other people either don't see humans as objectively better creatures, merely smarter animals, or know that animals are devoid of malice and only react to their environments and programming.

There's nothing to get angry about in this webm because a primate agitated a massive domesticated animal until it killed him.
are animals devoid of malice?
they can partake in sadistic activities, they often do
are humans not devoid of malice too if they're just smarter animals, shaped only by environment and programming?
you're not gonna tell me that we are uniquely conscious and free-willed in a way that animals are not after saying we're also just functionally the same but with a few more iq points and tool use right?
there's nothing to be angry about because it's just chemicals in your brain blah blah
hope you never get mad about anything
Even Indians hate other Indians.
Is that from "Death in the Long Grass" or a other work? I'd like to read whatever it is.
rajesh, I told you to only reply twice. if you keep posting everyone can tell you are doing the needful. I will redeem your comment now.

>are animals devoid of malice?

when an animal kills, maims, or, rapes it is driven by instincts and its reward system. humans are largely the same, except we can articulate the difference between right and wrong (in my case at least). Because we understand that unjustified murder is wrong, we are now bound by morality forbidding us from committing such an act.

Animals do not have that burden and as such cannot be examined by the same litmus test as a human would be.

Not like animals have it any better. If a 70IQ hermit becomes the village rapist, the villagers may decide because this individual cannot understand right v. wrong he simply should be exiled instead of beaten to death. When a bear attacks a human, it is unceremoniously euthanized every time.
Indians are subhuman
I bet the jeet tried to rape the elephant before this vid
I second this request
.38 in my pocket
I'm just gonna run for it
>Noooooo you neeed le epic big bore elephant gun, elephant skull is inpenetrable

picrel is what professionals (ivory poaching nig nogs) use. Nothing special, just mud-aged AK-47 and dental surgery toolkit.
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>nig nogs
just say nigger or not at all
racism is cool but gatekeeping racial slurs is lame. what are you, a spade loving jiggaboo fucker?
Why did he do it, bros?
the fuck are giraffes doing with all that brain anyway
his ancestors fought at carthage
I had no idea Boatmurdered was actually realistic.
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uh oh

it's loaded with hollow points too
indians are below the elephant doe?
In 2013 a guy killed a full grown elephant with a .22
I keep 00 Buck in my shotgun, so... Not looking good.
Yeah that's "Death in the Long Grass", have a link.

Your a scholar amoung men anon.
>the CLOSEST gun
that would be a .380, but I have a 12 gauge upstairs with slugs readily accessible (although it would need to be loaded).
I was told a story by a south african professional hunter about a poacher they caught who had a home made muzzle loader that used d cell batteries as projectiles. he had 2 tusks with him when they picked him up so apparently it worked.
What poachers do is shoot an animal in the guts and wait around for it to die of sepsis. Even a musket is good enough to manage that.
>12 gauge shotgun
I think I'm fucked
remember, the elephant in this video >>62086139
is the Indian elephant. The smaller, more docile, and more domesticated species of elephant. It casually murdered a man just by stepping on him.

African elephants are genuinely monstrous, which is a strange juxtaposition when you take into account they're some of the most emotionally sensitive creatures on the planet.
He was rapping it's legs with some kind of metal stick and started poking it with the end.

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