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would someone please buy our plane?
I mean, you also got the Czechs, Brazilians, and Thais buying them.
literally whomst

The only way you can score points now over the F-35 with the Gripen is if they are proven in combat against a near-peer adversary.
>worst than F16 with exact same political baggage as US planes.
god damn americans are dumb. stupid zionists
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Send your best ones to Ukraine and score a kill and you might get good press coverage.
Your k/d ratio is 0:0 right now most people don't even know it exists.
>give away a few for free and contract a few more to ukrops
>get free publicity and guarantee ukrops will buy more
>decide youd rather go bankrupt than "escalate"
america now makes mad cash because they gave cold war tech to ukrops for free, if sweden werent cuckolds they could have done that too
Sure, bud.
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how many US planes have exploded this year compared to Russian garbage? I'll wait
How many US planes are even fucking flying in Ukraine?

Where are the F16s, bud?
Thailand quite recently is weighing Gripen E over F-16 block 70 as the US cockblocked their attempt at getting F-35

It's also intended to keep parity with regional neighbors as Singapore is adding more F-35 to their fleet, indonesia is getting Rafale and KF-21 and malaysia is getting both FA-50 and surplus F/A-18 in alarmingly large number (36 FA-50 block 20 and pretty much all the kuwaiti hornet stock)
just donate them to us like you donated most of our 90's and 2000's equipment
t. eesti
F35 is peanuts. It's so over.
just how many SEA monkeys are posting on this board?
Great, the Indon ape is chimping out again. Still seething about Malaysia?
And you had to bribe Mandela so we'd buy them.
Seething is coming from the bankrupt shithole called Malingshit with no planes or money that pretends it is receiving Kuwaiti hornets while shamelessly begging Australians on /k/ to donate their even more clapped out hornets >>62062920
Make it a single seater and I'll buy one.
why are indognesians like this?
The Malaysian air force is a joke on the same level as the Philippines. It is in no way at parity with regional neighbors like Thailand or even Vietnam, yet alone Indonesia and Singapore
>lie through the ass
>get caught lying
>why are Indonesians like this
The mlei mind is a thing to behold
Take your monkey business elsewhere
This. Not sending them to Ukraine as soon as possible was a stupid idea, even the shittiest weapons like Switchblade got new contracts after battle usage in Ukraine.
>one anon said Thailand favors Gripen due to geopolitical reasons
>Indoniggers immediately sperged out when Malaysia was mentioned
Friendly reminder that lots of Indoniggers are ziggers too
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>the malay cries out in pain as he strikes you
Why are SEAniggers like this.
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>Friendly reminder that lots of Indoniggers are ziggers too

Remind us why malaysia is reduced to sucking dicks for used hornets again?
Malaysia are ranked next to Russia in GDP PPP Per capita. Around spot 56 in the world. They feel a natural kinship due to having about the same amount of money.
>poverty stricke indognesian dirt eaters think they have anything on Malaysia
Yet Indonesia can afford new 4.5 gen fighters while Malaysia is begging for Kuwaiti table scraps

>Indonesia is joining the first world OECD
>Malaysia has applied for BRICS poor people association
>US cockblocked their attempt at getting F-35
You mean after spending years buying Chinese IFVs, Chinese tanks, Chinese Frigates and now Chinese submarines you arent getting America's fifth generation jet. Wow who could see that coming?
>Of the 10 Asia-Pacific countries that were part of the Pew Centre survey – which did not include China and Indonesia
It's ogre

>firstie countries will bow down to Boring/Lockmart MIC
>France will keep building/buying French so nothing has changed
>third world shitholes will be split in 2 groups; those who are enemies of the Free World will get slavshit or Chinkshit while the others will be stuck with Gook trainers or Yuro aircraft simply because they're either a) poor b) don't want America barging into their security affairs
>Slavshit will stick to slavshit
>Chinkshit will stick to Chinkshit
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Contrary to what people say, Malaysia bought russian and american aircraft out of necessity, not simply because of shit and giggles. For years malaysia had been denied access to more modern aircraft because the US is playing favorites with singapore, philippines and thailand. At one point they just said "fuck this" and went to the russian instead. America putting both Indonesia and Pakistan under military sanction really spooked Malaysian decisionmaker hence why they're willing to buy russian made equipment which is generally cheaper and russia is willing to accept almost anything as payment.

>Malaysia wanted more F/A-18
>Malaysia looking for second hand USN/USMC F/A-18
>Uncle Sam said no. Instead offered up F/A-18F
>Malaysia tempted to buy F/A-18F but didn't want to surrender their existing F/A-18D as part of buyback option
>Deal went dead
>Suddenly US came back and "hinted" that they may export F-35 for Malaysia if they could permanently stationed their F-15/F-16 in Malaysia because reasons.
>Malaysia said "take that F-35 of yours and shove it up your ass" subtly

Til now American suffering loses because Malaysian opened the market gate for Russian and European arms sales on SE Asia and destroying the American arms sales monopoly.
>indognesians starve in their mud huts but at least they can afford modern weapons while Malaysians live a life of luxury
The US has already sold the F-35 to Australia and Singapore, both of which are literally overrun with Chinese spies. It has no excuse not to sell to Thailand
Sweden wants to send Gripen to Ukraine, but it contains 'murrican parts (quality jet engines don't grow on trees). This means that the US is able to block the transfer so their F-16 won't look like shit in comparison.
What is it about the FA-50 and the F-16 that makes those two particular planes more desirable to 3rd world airforces compared to the Gripen?
>they're overrun
Clearly not. Enjoy getting some chinese "fifth gen" jets lmao
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>Malaysians live a life of luxury
>lower per capita GDP than ching chong China

Now add indognesia to the graph
chinks are the only reason why Malaysia isn't an Afghanistan-tier poor shithole, take them out of the equation and the average Indonesian is about three time wealthier
And now you're stuck with Cyka-30s that can't fly while neighboring countries have moved on to fifth gens, how did sticking it to America work out for you?
The heck is Malayians and Indoneians shit talking each other?
You 2 are basically brothers in SEA.
Has it got a microwave oven?
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Make peace or I will execute one of your own...
nobody hates a third-worlder more than his third-world neighbor
>Malaynigger came to thread
>chimping Indonigger went silent, refuses to reply to him
I kneel

>cheap with fuckton of spare parts thanks to economy of scale
>still supported to this day with constant upgrades and production
>even mid range variants are still competitive
>Western designs and weapons (actually work)
>it's not MiG-29 (lol)

>mega cheap
>double as trainer
>not as restricted by ITAR compared to other Western aircrafts (excluding the French)
>don't have to kiss America's ass to get and maintain it
>Western design-adjacent and can use Western weapons
>it's not MiG-29 (lmao)
English please, I don't speak monkey
>it contains murrican parts
>his means that the US is able to block
couldn't be me
Your weird eastern ting tong bangbarabong-language seems even less real to me than Finnish, the incomprehensible eastern phonetics are giving me a stroke when it's deceptively written with the white man's alphabet and tricking my brain into a false sense of normalcy.
Czechs are buying F-35 once their Gripen C/D lease is up

Gripen E is far too expensive for what it is
Thai here, I want gripens. Gripen SEX. I Don't want the F35 but yanks are lobbying our gov hard to buy american instead of gripen.
Ukraine wanted to buy them in 2014-2019, you retards denied it (along with other european and murrican companies).
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You SEA people sure are a contentious bunch.
Stop abusing the anglos language and internet you fucking savages
They should make a civilian version and market it to billionaires and saudi princes. The ultimate hotrod. As a military tool, while totally adequate it's not competitive with the rest of the market, but as an expensive toy for the .1% it might have a niche.
>seething Indon immediately sperged non-stop when Malaysia was mentioned regardless of context
>shut the fuck up when Westerners shat on his race and country
KWAB, the Indog bends his knees to the White men
NATO, unlike BRICS, is unlikely to go to war against one another anytime soon.
There's this thing called "training, logistics and maintenance"
But being a russian, your vocabulary skipped over those.
>2 more weeks
Really needs an f100 or f110. 18k lbs max thrust in full burner just ain’t it
Philippines does not have fighter jets
Singapore is rich, they can buy anything and since they can afford it they buy the best (American)
Thailand never operated slavshit and have been one of the first F-16 operators in Asia
The FA-50 is the new A-4 Skyhawk/F-5E Tiger, turd worlders love it because they don't need to spend on an actual fighter jet and still get 50% of its capability.
Sure, I'll buy one.
unfortunately you're gonna hit that wall with any jet engine manufacturer worth a fuck.
Safran, GE, Rolls Royce all have to to keep in line with what their government demands.
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Despite the fact that Malaysia is a larger and more strategically important country when it comes to countering the PRC in the South China Sea, the US ... has chosen to favor Singapore diplomatically and arm it with latest equipment like F-35 and HIMARS and give them basing rights in Guam. While Malaysia's armed forces facing budgetary constraints. Yet US only provides token assistance to Malaysia such as donating maritime surveillance radar and MPAs. Just because Malaysia in the past adopted a principled neutral stance and refuse to support illegal US war in Iraq, Israeli genocide in Gaza and condemn Russian war in Ukraine.

Ironically, Singapore are nothing but a Chinese bitch. Just another Chinese province. Don't agree? Just look at who in charge of Singapore Armed Forces.
Bring it down to lore-accurate Ace Combat MSRP, and lots of people will buy your planes.
>F-16s for 50 grand
I'll buy it for $300
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The Philippine Air Force is still having second thoughts as to which MRF are they choosing between this and the F-16
Unless the Flips are planning to manufacture it with major tech transfers and industrial cooperations like the Hues did, F-16 is the vastly superior option.
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F-16s will have to be given for free. The Philippines does not even have the budget to run them after getting them, yet alone to buy
Lmao, if getting the F-16 will fuck them up then the Gripen will be even worse. Looks like the FA-50 will be the Philippines' only option. At least it is a decent option.
Gripen is less capable than the F-16 but
much cheaper to operate, which is the only reason its under consideration at all
>attentionwhoring malingshit mad when his bullshit is exposed
What's the matter, too scared by your White masters when they're around? I don't see you sperg out this much when they shat on your race and country. :)
> only cunt in SEA that was handed independence by their white masters without fighting for it

Malingshit: formerly whore of Western, now whore of the PRC
That's because they're uber corrupt and are trying to play third world tricks with first world MIC

If you read Philippine newspapers and media they already have the budget ready for either plane but their DoD hasn't moved an inch for months

America is used to the Philippines begging for gibs and has drawn the line between begging for ammo/small arms and making big boy purchases, Sweden doesn't care because the Philippines is begging for their 24 A/B Gripens meant for Ukraine instead of the E/F

Their Chairforce leadership are also corrupt and don't really care
Kasihan idiot malondogs aset ompong dan usang bengap dihanggar, cuma ngemis hornet, maharogol takut air mirip kucing kurap macam babiputera rogol bin kurap kah kah kah

Babiputera semakin terpuruk oleh bangla dan cina .... Kesultanan melayu digantikan kesultanan bangla dan cina .... Malon senang digondolin umngok .... wkwkwkwkwkwk
>for some reason, Indogs doesn't attack these posts despite being blatantly pro-Malaysia
Very organic don't you think?
Yes, very

Lmao, if that's your proof then I also have proof that /pol/ is White and American
Seethe Malingshit, your countrymen are actually this retarded
So why haven't you indogs attack these post then? Too afraid?
Why interrupt your enemy when he is making an ass of himself? Retarded malon
Selamat ya.... Malon sudah punya majikan baru. Kerja yg rajin di beijing. Jagain lapangan tiananmen, sapu jalanan, wc tolong dibersihin

because its more funny to shit on you :^)
And yet you niggers attacked this >>62085951 Very curious.
Nunggu MALON NGAMUK ah ... Bakalan ada hiburan hari ini

kasihan makin diayamkan karena bual dan sombongnya
What's very curious is that you still haven't fucked off after being humiliated yet again for making retarded unsourced claims about Malaysian assets and being disproven like the lying faggot you are. ANGAN-ANGAN KERAjaan MALINGSIA... Wahahhaha
What a hideous language
>everyone I talk to is one very specific "Malaysian"
>ignoring the fact the mass-chimping happened because one anon had the misfortune of bringing up Malaysia as a comparison
Lmao, enjoy it before getting banned. Also, >>62092644 What are you going to do Indon? :3
TADI SI MALON TOLOL ngamok .... Bangga n bual sudah sembang mau memiliki F18 hornet bekas Kuwait

nggak mungkin iri dg negara miskin yg barangnya masih angan2...... wkwkwkwk
>malingshit too ashamed to admit his nationality

I would be too if my cunt had to depend on second hand scrap handouts
>No, you are THIS Malaysian!
>Y-You have to, okay!?
Womp womp
Only a malondog would still be this buttflustered and responding after this much time and humiliated this badly
Chimp harder, I'm sure you will get your point across eventually.
Wow, an Indonesian!
what the fuck is going on in this thread
>>62092652 Indonesian chimping.
seamonkey chimp out

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