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Ceramic tiles from a hardware store duck taped together with computer paper backing inside an AliExpress plate carrier will save your life for $10. Can do handguns and even shotgun slugs but can't take rifle rounds

A $20 geology pick hammer is small enough for close quarters indoor combat and breaching
ngmi, no one is using pistols and shotguns when WROL hits, die screaming in poor, faggot
Level IV plates aren't even that expensive, retard.
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A bag of rocks will stop rifle rounds and melted milk jugs will be about IIa at the propper thickness. Good luck being poor!
I ordered 2 of those aliexpress carriers. They're literally too small for any American human, male or female, over the age of like 12. Fucking waste. Theres no way actual 10x12 plates are fitting in there either and I challenge ANYONE for proof to the contrary
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I bought the $35 Italian level III plates and $20 unbranded chink carrier from Sportsman's Guide when I had the chance
I wanted to buy some plates and the shop has very cheap ones with a remark "plates after expiration date". What does this even mean? How can a plate expire?
Militaries dispose of plates after a set date because they assume it'll get thrown/dropped/stored in boiling and freezing conditions that it's better safe than sorry just to cycle them out after a couple years

Also I'm sure it effected regulation in the entire armor industry but a few of the Kevlar alternatives in the '00s would actually turn to tissue paper after a relatively short amount of time, so many assholes risked their lives using "5% lighter for 3x the price" soft vests that turned out to be utterly defective compared to regular kevlar
Great, thanks. I understand that storing conditions aren't always perfect but when I buy some plates and store them at home in room temp, they should be theoretically fine, right? If they are not visibly damaged or degraded.
FUARK im jelly I missed that
5 year shelf life if stored properly/not made of steel AFAIK
Plates don't usually expire that's just a best before date really. Just Tap and torque and if it passes you should be ok. Make sure it's a good brand on the NIJ CPL though. If your armor plates sit in a room temp closet they'll last forever

I believe it was zylon armor
Got wet and decomposed
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Good luck making something actually wearable and doesn't fall apart after five minutes.
>I can strap these weights to my chest and now I can shrug of rifle rounds!
Making a basic chest curved mould and melting the right sort of plastics into it is probably the easiest way to make something actually useful. You can put layers of kevlar string/material in whilenyour doing it as well.
But for all the effort of getting something half functional out if it you might as well just buy what you need.
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I was thinking of marketing a polyethylene chain mail vest to the bongs at a 22 percent markup, it is only fair.
what would that do?
Shouldn't you put some cut up tire in between the tiles?

I went full hog and bought a few front/back sets plus some cheap SEPT2 helmet shells because why the fuck not. Also scored one of their weird oversized Italian III+/IV plates that still passes a quick torque test. I still can't believe that shit was all NIJ certified, under 0101.03 to be sure but still fucking certed armor that's in passable/usable condition. I got a real steal on it all even with SG's ridiculous exploitative shipping fees.
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I got their poly plates and sept2 helmet for a war reporter larp.
I bought lvl III UHMWPE plates from Sportsman's Guide for $25 each and they'll stop m193

Yeah most of what I bought were those poly plates. Won't stop any steel core round but if it's FMJ/JSP it'll stop 'em all through 7.62x51mm NATO. If they have M855 or hotter I've got some cheap but functional Botach III+ plates (lmao polyurea coating stinks) and that big Italian III+/IV ceramic standalone thing. The biggest deal was the backer on that Italian ceramic not being thick enough for some of the spicier AP loads, but if you layer it atop one of the III poly plates I think it'll equate to roughly level IV.

Italian III poly gang in the house. Seriously though, that deal was fucking insane, like a good quarter of /k/ now looks like 1990s Italian Carabineri reenactors when fully kitted out in armor thanks to Sportsman's. I think they still have a few neck protector plates left, but no trace of the actual vest ones.
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poly plate testing. I cut a plate up to make side plates. Used the leftover bit for shooting.

I'm guessing 55 grain 5.56mm FMJ?
I wonder how much tile will uparmor an AR500 plate. Has anyone tried hybrid ceramic-steel designs?
I'll probably be using pistols and shotguns along with my rifle, but I'll be aiming at the groin and head anytime someone's wearing armor at those distances.
True. Even budget plates (LAPG & RMA) are better than arts and crafts projects.
You would be getting the worst of both. You either add unnecessary weight by making the steel thick enough that the steel can take rifle rounds even after the ceramic is gone, (Why even have ceramic at that point?) or you make it thin enough that the the ceramic is necessary for it to be functional armor, in which case, more ceramic would be lighter to provide the same amount of protection and the steel makes no sense.
The idea is to provide better protection with marginal weight increase compared to straight steel. Ceramic fails when the relatively weak composite can't stop what's left of the bullet, but hardened steel would be much more capable of stopping whatever makes it past the ceramic.
A couple dozen plastic milk jugs, some fiberglass epoxy and a good press makes a class 3 trauma plate.

This isn't a troll post, it is true.
those are actually damn good plates, based milk jug anon.

That said there's plenty of really OLD plates that still work. The Italian poly plates come to mind, like >>62086196 showed, still work against their rated threats 20+ years after manufacture despite being old, worn, and most likely exposed to extreme temperatures/chemicals.
>Trusting his life to a $10-POS
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No one is using rifles in close quarters

Level IV has other drawbacks

Can't wear rocks

Melting milk jugs releases toxic fumes that will hurt you

Sounds like your just fat no offence

The steel that weight lifting plates are made from is not strong enough to stop even pistol and shotgun slugs. You'd need ar500 steel

No need. Composite for the sake of composite isn't some materials engineering hack

Now that could actually be very good. The ceramic will prevent the steel splaying your insides. But then may as well just use ceramic

Yes it unironically works but hardware store tiles are easier and practically as good
you will never use any of this crap, it's a waste of money
Kevlar looses its properties when wet too. That's why the panels are always sealed up in plastic. Zylon was breaking down and losing as much as half its strength in a year of use. There were several cases of cops killed wearing zylon vests.
Ah, what a ghastly affair it is, this most heinous of crimes, the vile act of stabbing.
>Cast iron weight plates
Faggot mass replier, kill yourself
Hopefully it never will be. Why do you want to be shot?
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>but I'll be aiming at the groin
>implying you'll still be standing afterwards and not puking your guts out while holding what's left of your balls
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I hope not, but it feels cool to wear and I like to do pull-ups and pushups in my PC
>No one is using rifles in close quarters
Rifles dominate in close quarters you fag
I'm saying its a dumb idea like OP's.
A ceramic tile from the store isn't stopping anything unless you build into a layered system that prevents it just shattering.
Fiberglass is the shit for DIY armor. You can add ceramics to the resin, but they need to be micro or nano sized and magnetically stirred.
Glue the cheapest tiles at home Depot to the strike face with silicone caulking, and it shrugs off 7.62x54R if I recall correctly.

What suspension and chinstrap did you buy?

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