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the board of /k/ set sail from Kings Landing with a ship full of soldiers and officers to go far East. Where you go there will be dark mages, warlocks, demons, cults, pirates, barbarians, slavers, monsters.

We will be going to places that are hot, cold, forest and face all kinds of danger.
The "Free unsullied army" trick where you buy all the unsullied, then kill the guys you just paid and take your money back is so easy and so obvious I'm kind of shocked no one's ever tried it before.
for the sake of this thread, we are given a quest by the king to explore, the more we explore and bring back the more money we get

maybe something with some plate and cloth. For weapons I would have a poleaxe, boot knife, and shortsword
Honestly you could roll-up most of the cultures that Danaeris encountered, in order. It's like she was playing on easy mode. I know that's probably not our mandate, I'm just saying it would be easy.
we would not have an army of 10k with 3 dragons. maybe a couple of ships with good warriors. We will also be going to southyros and the far east
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OP can we sail in a Brigantine?
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Come on anon post the proper map next time.
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Ok. I will be the expedition's priest. Do you guys have anything to confess before we face certain death?
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Post the whole thing.
Can we drop by the Elf territories and enslave a few? It'll be great for crew morale...
Danny conquered the most powerful trade hub for a thousand miles with like ten men.
Dibs on having Brienne of Tarth as my companion and lover for the trip
did he really?
Sure it wasn't Twenty Good Men?
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Martin... I kneel
So this is what GRRM has been working on all these years
Presumably because the guys who make the unsullied typically have more and have large amounts of political clout, both of which was removed by Daenyeris (bought ALL of them with a DRAGON, because they didn't know that the dragon was bonded to her). Most people do not have dragons.
>Take over the trade city with a dozen guys
>sell the trade city to buy all the unsullied
>kill the unsullied masters with the unsullied
>I now own two cities
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mhmmmmmmm Nootka.....
I’m a pedophile
I’m crying

I'm sure there's enough chaos in not-Westeros post Danerys that there's some proper looting to be had.
Danny literally collapsed every single kingdom and city west of the dothraki sea besides bravos, including the Dothraki themselves. Those jews at the Iron Bank are going to own the whole fucking continent.
>good warriors
this is /k/, where would the 'good warriors' come from?
C'mon Martin
i vote to kill all of the elves right NOW
>t. 5'4 (dwarf)
>ears like knives
>take their lives

Well there's where you loot then. Burn Bravos to the ground slaughter the inhabitants, and proclaim yourselves the Savior of Essos to the poor bastards crushed by the weight of the Iron Bank.
By essos standards you're a centurion.
>Side Quest (repeatable): that’s some fine looking deer over there…

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