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Some bling bling gats from the Tower of London
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>Gucci guns
Does this count
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this is really nice
Bonus points on this one for being one of the few that won't tear itself apart on use.
It’s a P-Series, so I’ll allow it. Is Jonathon bedazzling guns again?
Fuck the english, free my nigger Cromwell.
This is really outstanding, one of my favorites of these blinged-out flashy guns I’ve ever seen.
If I bought that I would need 2 extra clips
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I guess I'll join in with some I took at the Autry Museum a couple of years ago.
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I don't recommend visiting LA, but if you're there for some reason the Autry's worth it just for the gun co
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>gun co
gun collection, not sure how that got cut off.
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Some Presidential bling to counter OP's royal bling.
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More POTUS bling, I think this one was made for JFK IIRC.
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And finally this weird thing, blingiest of them all
Oh, that is absolutely bitchin'.
>I wanna look fancy as I die because I only have 6 rounds
Fucking why? Why are revolverfags the swordfags of guns?
check what thread you're in
Semiauto pistols will always look better than revolvers. The most you guys have is stopping power, and even this is considered a meme by many.
Why are you the retard of faggots?

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