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Where do Myanmar rebels get their supplies from?
the kuo min tang
Unironically China and the CIA.
probably the usa
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Obligatory political map from the previous thread.
Do the Tatmadaw really act like how they’re depicted in the 2008 Rambo movie?
Arguably worse
What supplies? Before they got to capture military assets they sported pipe and 3d printed guns.
They still do in fact.
>Chinland Council
>Chin Brotherhood Alliance

Can I get the lowdown? Do they have a beef or something?
Junta: china
Rebels: it's a mystery (faint distant screaming Eagle sounds)
China dropped junta after those undercover cops got murder/torture/raped
If there's one thing China absolutely won't tolerate, it's human rights abuses
China switched sides from Junta to ethic Chinese rebels in the North.

*against Chinese nationals
Every time I look at the list of belligerents of this war I wonder what the fuck. You have Marxist-Leninist communist parties allied with national socialist parties, a literal Karen Army, the Rohingya are allied with the military that genocided them? I don't even know what each side is even fighting for, other than one's a junta and the other's a bunch of ethnic armies, and somehow the actual military is losing.

Anyone have a good QRD because we're several years in and I'm still confused as shit.
The CCP didn't take kindly to having their social media filled with the mauled chink cops they sent in undercover.
they are backing the Myanmar military govt though

See >>62085979 >>62086084
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Tribal squabbling afaik. Pretty common in Myanmar and even moreso for Chin groups. They both hate the junta more than each other though which can't be said for other groups like the Shan State Army North and South.
There is a weapons trafficking highway across SEA that begins at sea with illegal Chinese fishing fleets meeting up to distribute contraband for smuggling. The arms come from everywhere, but predominantly from surplus that's effectively laundered through Chinese-run machineshops in northern Vietnam. They get doled out to these fishing boats when they pick up new slave-sailors, along with drugs (usually massive amounts of amphetamine pills), and stay on board until they make port. It's a great system because a case of AKs can stay at sea for months with 0 chance of detection, then make their way into the grey arms market through the same sellers who handle stolen government arms from their respective countries, so they all get mixed in together for extra confusion. Truck convoys operate on rough-graded jungle roads in non-stop flow across the Vietnam/Laos/Thailand/Myanmar/Indian/Bangladesh borders that can be abandoned after a few months, then re-graded up to a year later, in order to avoid satellite detection and interdiction. Chances are if you're hanging with some freedom fighter in the northern hills of Myanmar, the crushed up meth pills in the hookah rode in a truck alongside the AK on their back, the sandals on their feet and the budget smartphone in their hand.
The Junta has North Korea as allies (and no one else) and even the Norks are getting sick of them despite being friends. The DPRK seems to be transititioning to a neutral position where they support the nation no matter who is the government, like they did when the Derg in Ethiopia were overthrown or in the Sudanese civil war when the nations still remained friends despite the government changing hands.

The flagship class of Myanmar's navy is heavily built with Nork weapons including a shitload of 14.5mm rotary guns, short ranged AA missiles and a decent load of long range anti ship missiles because no one else would sell them. Also it has japanese horizon radar, chinese AD warning radar and 76mm Oto-matics from Israel.

It's a snake pit of competing powers.
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His name isn't Morphous but if you are looking for pills he can supply you..
QRD is that the conflict started as racial supremacists wanting to crush the untermensch and get them back to work in the mines, but when they refused every man and his dog had a different grievance and there was no one to stop them picking up a gun, drawing a banner and declaring war. Half of the parties in this war are just flat out criminal syndicates, not even warlords with delusions of grandeur. Now there are just plain rebels who just want to be separatists, but alongside them are revolutionaries who want to overthrow part of, if not the entire, country; even parts that other separatists and revolutionaries they're fighting beside have already laid claim to. there's a very much unspoken understanding that whoever is left strongest at the end of the conflict will get to enforce their will, and everyone is just hoping that it'll be them, or if not, then at least someone who'll leave them along to press their own agenda.
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I know it is a horrible thing to wish for but i kinda want to see what one of these things used on a large group of people does, sorry in advance to anyone who actually has to deal with it.
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I don't want to see innocent people die, however on the other hand...I guess i hope the right people use them?
The most ridiculously heavily armed 2500 ton ship on earth.
Link to the previous (excellent) thread about the goings-on in Burrrrma and an informative video for whoever wants it

>Can I get the lowdown?
Lol, lmao even. Not even the people who live in Myanmar generally know what the fuck is going on beyond the broad strokes and I bet the only people in the US who have anything approaching a holistic view of the situation glow in the dark and live in Virginia and DC.

>Do they have a beef or something?
There are literally hundreds of armed groups of various description ranging from "4th+ generation marxist splinter groups who have been fighting the government since the British were in charge" to "a few dozen villagers with rusting SMLEs who formed a militia to avoid starving to death" to "suspiciously well-equipped ethnic RWDS created to secure the local multi-billion dollar narcotics industry" to "I wonder why those extremely well-equipped but otherwise completely nondescript gentlemen over there have a Beijing accent and why I can see a helicopter flying just above the treetops in a northerly direction".

The relationships are just as fucked as you'd imagine; an endless snake pit of grievances and objectives of every flavor (economic, political, ethnic, etc.), constantly shifting alliances and hostilities, hundreds of glowniggers from a dozen asian countries embedded all over the place, etc. I am also fully expecting a battle royale once the Junta officially leaves the building because the only even half-baked form of unity that these groups (largely) share is that that they want the Junta GONE.
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shit map, let me flex my map skills with labels
also includes the shit going on in northeast india
>every street is a different country
>yo lets kill each other
why are asians like this?
The Government's only option to survive as a nation is to either assimilate some of those groups or exterminate them. They should hit the smaller ones as hard as they can and anyone who doesn't agree wipe them out.

No nation can survive that amount of fragmentation, if the government really represents their people they should act with extreme violence to wipe out smaller groups and force the larger ones to join them or die.That way the survivors of the smaller groups get taken over by the bigger ones which are easier targets.

This is nationalist dictatorship 101, why aren't they doing it?
asians are so unoriginal that they even made a bootleg of yugoslavia
haven't they been pioneers in the use of 3D printed rifles?
Eh, a government openly hostile to such a significant portion of its' on population doesn't have the right to rule.
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Jesus what a clusterfuck
>phoneposter saved and reposted the compressed downscaled version
I'm not straining my eyes to read your image anon
It's just like a Stellaris map after everyone discovers skynet.
Wrong thread?
From me.
Flee your mind.
Why do you have naked trannies and black dicks saved on your computer? Russian/serbian tradition?
>its own population

That's the neat part, you just decide that they aren't part of your nation's population and the answer to the problem becomes obvious.
CCP is supporting the authoritarian shithole government as always
I wish, rebels are so underequipped that they are using fucking 3D printed FGC-9, civilian shotguns and whatever they can capture from the military.
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>You want Juche pill or Juche pill, you chose which!
>But that isn't a choice....
>Exaractly, that how good Juche pill is!
>CCP is supporting the authoritarian shithole government as always
Didn't the CCP since cut ties with them?
They did, although I was sure it was after they found out that Junta is kidnapping their tourists to force them to work at scam call centers or something like that
Honestly Kimmy would look pretty badass if he lost some weight (and by some I mean ALOT).
He just looks like a Kpop star now.
Would be cool if he'd just make annoying music instead of annoying threats of nuclear warfare.
>CCP supports the junta
>"trust but verify" as Iron Felix said
>send undercover cops to investigate kidnapped chinese tourists
>junta discovers them, blood bath of torture
>CCP stops supporting junta, backs some of the rebels instead
>junta cracks down on border scams/trafficking near Namhsan, arrests 1000+ chinks
How come you can buy an AK in a cigarette shop in Thailand, but Americans pay 40k for automatic weapons?

Is US customs actually that good at what they do or does the US have a massive black market?
Motherfucker they're not actors.
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They make some themselves (picrel)
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Little bit from everyone.
The US has a MASSIVE black market combined with most gun owners being the most bootlicking servile cowards ever.
>show up on a range with a homemade AKM or M16
>let loose with fully automatic
>next second get swarmed by 30 "conservatives" with their cucked weapons demanding that I show them my papers
>they gun me down and brag how they defended the 2nd Amendment from criminals
There is nothing more craven and self defeating than a "conservative".
Why would there be a massive black market for firearms when you can just buy a decent AR-15 for <$700? There is a market for auto sears, but those are small and can be hidden from customs enforcement. If anything were to come in it would have to be smuggled in through Mexico, however there is little demand among criminals (niggers) for a real automatic AK. They're content with their Dracos and Glocks with 30 round mags and auto sears. In fact, criminals actually smuggle way more arms from the US into Mexico for use by the cartels.
The norks make some good music though
You don't actually need a retard switch on your gun to be highly effective with it.
So its mostly Russia, its friends, China until maybe recently and...India?
why doesn't the DPRK support the Marxist-Leninists?
That's basically all the groups in Myanmar.
>Arakan army, armed wing of the United League of Arakan
>Arakan army (another one), armed wing of the Arakan National Council
>Arakan Liberation Army, armed wing of the Arkan Liberation Party
>Arakan Rohingya Army, just doing their own thing
>Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, random islamists
>KNU/KNLA Peace Council (No affiliation with KNU or KNLA)
And those are just some of the currently active ones mentioned in the last thread
For overt sales to the junta, yeah. That UN report is mainly to point at them and accuse them of supporting the oppressors. A lot of money from the west is still finding its way into Myanmar through cyberscams (I.E. "innovative online crowdfunding methods") and heroin sales. In addition, basic materials and machines for Myanmar's own arms production have been finding its way to the country from the west. https://specialadvisorycouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/SAC-M-REPORT-Fatal-Business-ENGLISH-1.pdf
yeah, but that's mostly general ching chong lao. general sing song ma supplies the rebel side. both are good friends.
>don't even know what each side is even fighting for, other than one's a junta and the other's a bunch of ethnic armies
Everyone against the junta, after the revolution it gets...difficult.

AKA Stack's on cunts!
>I am also fully expecting a battle royale once the Junta officially leaves the building because the only even half-baked form of unity that these groups (largely) share is that that they want the Junta GONE.
I hope the Rangoon students faction come out on top.
A good heart is worth a lot and you can't buy it with a key of china white.

>North sentinel island
The way this is going, I wouln't be surprised if they were a player in this.
>How come you can buy an AK in a cigarette shop in Thailand
You can what?
I spent my Thai covid country-quarantine the wrong way.
>Zomi Revolutionary Army
>bootleg scandinavian flag

what a joke war
They've been at it for the past 80 years, my man

don't bother trying to understand it, they don't either. It's balkans^3
Smoking accident waiting to happen
>refuses to interact with other human groupe or engage in civilisation

I mean, given what civilisation looks like in those places I'd say they made the right call.
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Who supported the Junta? Also China.
>Who supported the Junta? Also China.
I wonder if it's a CIA v Pentagon thing?
Also GUR is helping them building drones and with intel
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Nah, they supported the junta first, then the junta kidnapped Chinese citizens to work in scams, then they cut the support and now support the Wa State.
They even got QBZ's.
Probably not very good undercover cops if they got caught.
Wa state is pretty interesting. They're yet another semi-autonomous region. And regions like theirs and the kareni's have been operating as de-facto nations for so long that they're pretty much just normal countries these days with tax agencies that aren't just extortion rackets, national budgets, public transport, education e.t.c.
Just look at this shit, these are rebels but look like an actual (if a bit of a third world) army
Wa state has a lot of direct support from China of course but still, it's impressive it didn't turn into a "Free Syrian Army" situation.
The Karenis are even more impressive cause they managed to do it without any foreign government support, all just entirely financed by people working abroad and sending mone back until they had a functioning economy.
It's basically the onion's "Armed Gunman" skit
Time to read James C. Scott's "The Art of Not Being Governed An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia"
>For two thousand years the disparate groups that now reside in Zomia (a mountainous region the size of Europe that consists of portions of seven Asian countries) have fled the projects of the organized state societies that surround them—slavery, conscription, taxes, corvée labor, epidemics, and warfare. This book, essentially an “anarchist history,” is the first-ever examination of the huge literature on state-making whose author evaluates why people would deliberately and reactively remain stateless. Among the strategies employed by the people of Zomia to remain stateless are physical dispersion in rugged terrain; agricultural practices that enhance mobility; pliable ethnic identities; devotion to prophetic, millenarian leaders; and maintenance of a largely oral culture that allows them to reinvent their histories and genealogies as they move between and around states.

You know sometimes the difference between being in one country and crossing the border into another is a matter of crossing a river
PLA marching style too. Mentioning that one of the parade dancers was as an ex-soldier in the Communist Party is an interesting thing, the CPB was fighting an insurgency during the Cold War and then broke up along ethnic lines and this is one of the successor organizations.
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Wa State is pretty much a micro-China.
As you guys mentioned it's actually impressive how they manage to fund an actual functioning country in the middle of a shitshow that is Myanmar today.

And again, they also get cool toys from China like small arms, armored vehicles etc...

The Junta fucked up royally by fucking over the Chinese.
>Motherfucker they're not actors.
You can "act" a certain way without being an actor. The same way you are acting like a retard right now without being an actor.
>As you guys mentioned it's actually impressive how they manage to fund an actual functioning country in the middle of a shitshow that is Myanmar today.
Wa State is basically China's plausible deniability drug lab; the main sector of their economy consists of meth and opiate production which they then sell to the Chinese which the Chinese then sell to various and sundry but especially Mexican cartels.
As long as they're not getting high on their own supply. Good for them.
>Anyone have a good QRD because we're several years in and I'm still confused as shit.
Everyone hates the Junta and wants it gone but what happens after that is less certain.
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>devotion to prophetic, millenarian leaders

>Order Anarchist society
>Look inside
>leaders who demand devotion and loyalty are cunts
Many such cases.
>they are using fucking 3D printed FGC-9
Which, it should be noted, is extremely based
>Karen national liberation army (4k coalition)
This has to be a joke
I'm imagining a white woman crying in 4k
>>next second get swarmed by 30 "conservatives" with their cucked weapons demanding that I show them my papers
>>they gun me down and brag how they defended the 2nd Amendment from criminals
Things that never happened.
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It's not that's the ethnic name of the people. Thankfully they do not have a war with the MILF.
>National Socialist Council of Nagaland
there needs to be more gopro footage of this fustercluck for historical purposes someone rich send a bunch of em over there lmao
do u sell lethal flying dildo ?
As a Scandinavian I will give them my full support.

It's a good flag design and it's about time it went intercontinental
>It's a good flag design
Non-tricolour balkan flags are better.
Montenegro is top tier flag.
BiH is close behind.
I don't get why this map shows the MNDAA, TNLA and AA as PDF affiliated groups while the 4k coalition is listed seperately. The former three are more closely allied with each other as the Three Brotherhood Alliance and frequently engaged in ceasefires with the junta. They are more aptly described as co-belligerents of the PDF and maintain close links with China. The 4k coalition on the other hand has some groups who are fairly loyal to the NUG such as the KNDF.
>You have Marxist-Leninist communist parties allied with national socialist parties
Nagaland is probably the wildest province, through at least three provinces are like something out of a movie.
The Karen are tribal so sometimes internal rivalry sees some split. They have a large enough population in Thailand that they are are generally considered as trans national insurgents.
Wa state is run by a warlord, it isn't governed by "the Chinese". And to say it's a massive drug lab, well I'm going to say it's like wakan, it's a black market commercial hub.
It'll cost you 40k to get in and anyone trying to sneak in is summarily shot by the roadside. Warlord shit.
Wa is to China what Fermanagh is to Russia. The US has it's own WA state, you remember noreaga?
It's more like a free trade zone set up on the border. It's really small, way smaller than you think. It's essentially where deals are done between corrupt military figures, warlords. It's not a country, nor just part of Myanmar the Chinese invaded, it's like a casino. Wa state is the house
>Wa state is run by a warlord, it isn't governed by "the Chinese".
I didn't say the Chinese ran it, I said that China used it as as plausible deniability drug lab. Which they do.

>And to say it's a massive drug lab, well I'm going to say it's like wakan, it's a black market commercial hub.
They also produce meth and opiates by the truckload.
if I could own a machine gun with just a $200 tax stamp and a form 4, I probably wouldn't even bother.
You wouldn't want to upset uncle Sam anyway. He smiles on entrepreneurial efforts to support small US industries, less so on importing automatic weapons. Because yes, yes you can just buy them legally, so domestic buyers tend to be terrorists
This only happens on boomer ranges btw. No one will give a shit on BLM land or certain private ranges (iykyk).

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