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>Trying to get a CCW permit in Los Angeles.
Good God, this process is beyond ridiculous. I've already paid $400 for the initial application fees, and I still have to pay for an 8-hour gun safety course and more application fees down the road. Plus, I need to submit every imaginable document and wait months for them to process it. And how is it even constitutional for them to make you provide character references? I wouldn't be going through this if my girlfriend and I hadn't been jumped by cholos two weeks ago in our relatively safe neighborhood. This place is unlivable. Hopefully I never have to use my CCW, or I'm probably going to be locked up forever.
How'd you get jumped by cholos?
>ccw permit
What? You mean you can't just put a gun down your pants and go to Kroger? That sucks bro.
I live in Oregon and had a 60 dollar application fee and an instant background check.
Whole thing took a few hours tops. Even got the picture taken and card printed out right at the courthouse.

After 4 years it’s 40 bucks to reup.
OP's a pajeet and he's bullshitting
Replying to myself but for the record I thought the whole thing was superfluous.
Didn't even know it's even possible.
>"And how is it even constitutional for them to make you provide character references?"
Just imagine the average person interested in ccw that is unable to provide character references.
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I was chilling at a local park late at night with my girlfriend (I'm 21 but look 25, she's 19), and some drunk cholo teens started calling me a pedo. I said, 'Fuck you guys, I'm not a pedo,' and then they got up in my face and pulled a gun on me. My girlfriend managed to pepper spray the guy with the gun but also got herself accidentally. Thankfully though, these level 0 criminals let us run because she got him so good that he was screaming in pain on the ground. We called the cops and ten minutes into them asking us what happened, they got a call that some other cops had found these guys (2 guys, 1 FtM tranny, 3 girls, all juvies) at a 7-eleven dousing the pepper sprayed cholo's eyes with milk. The cops drove us to the 7-eleven so we could identify them and they were obviously the perps so I pressed charges. Unfortunately, the detective told me they most likely won't get any time because they are juvies and the gun was fake.

I'll provide some proof.
use that money to leave California, retard. what good is a CCW when you get thrown in jail for life after using it to legitimately defend yourself anyway cuz the commie judge thinks the multiple felon who tried to kill you "could have turned his life around someday"
Also yes I was I retard for engaging with them, I learned my lesson.
yeah this furthers my point that your CCW would be useless in CA anyway. prick pulled a gun on you, you'd be fully morally correct to draw and clap him...but then the faggot judge would throw you away forever cuz "it was a fake gun anyway"
>leave california
I'm trying but my family lives here and they are providing for my education and housing.
I would rather roll the dice on a commie judge than be killed or have my family killed when I could have defended.
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>Also yes I was I retard for engaging with them, I learned my lesson.
Good, but this is the 2nd lesson you should learn from this experience.
The 1st lesson is: STOP hanging around the park late, especially if there are drunk retards around, especially if you're with a woman, and especially if you're too much of a sperg to ignore someone trying to get a rise out of you.
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kek OP missed his opportunity to do a mass shooting on two edgars, three tiktok girls, and a tranny.
In free states you can.
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LOL. LMAO. You get what you deserve.
You're right, only Pajeet trolls could conceive of such an unthinkable situation as getting attacked by feral spics.
It's pretty sickening that we're at a point where advice like "let aggressive drunk foreigners dictate whether you can use public parks at X hour" is actually sensible advice.

Also, I don't get why pulling a fake gun on someone doesn't count for something.
they look white to me
>dating a girl too young to go to a bar
>engaging with low lifes on the street
OP fucking kill yourself
i guarantee you all those kids were born in america
>I was chilling at a local park late at night with my girlfriend (I'm 21 but look 25, she's 19), and some drunk cholo teens started calling me a pedo
OP were you at any point dating this girl when she was a minor
Why are you even bothering with a permit? It’s LA. There’s no laws
>21 year old dating 19 year old is bad
Are you retarded? Serious question.
Not bad, just lame
the one on the far left might/might not be Mexican but those others are all 100% drug addict lower middle class white kids
>carrying legally
>registering anything with the government.

its pretty much the same in canada but they still wont give you the permit
I see a nice browning auto 5 and i want it
Fuck the feds
this. just run away after taking care of business, should you get jumped, because you're gonna get jumped at some place without CCTV, anyway.
I’ve wanted to go to Cali for a while in spite of some of the more horrid parts of the state such as that, but why in gods name would you willingly stay in the worst smoghole in the entire state?
Culturally and spiritually they are still foreign all the same. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing that retarded shit.
Didn't the cost just double a couple years ago?
I thought it was funny when I went to go get my prints and submit my form at the sheriff's office while concealed carrying it really undermined the entire process. It actually was similar to the feeling of me driving myself to take my drivers test when I decided to get a license.
Left Oregon for a free state, Portland is proof that not everyone should vote imo and they are hell bent on fucking up my home state.
Fuck that stay the fuck in California. I am tired of these fucks shitting up every other state.
Total Califag Death
This park is literally a 2 minute walk away from my house and it was 10:30 at night, not incredibly late. I grew up around here, I'm sure as hell not coming back at night, but I did not expect this. And yes, yes, I learned my lesson not to take any chances whatsoever.
You must also be a teenager if you think a 2 year age gap is a problem.
The guys who jumped me were cholos, the girls (and tranny) were white
Which one is the tranny?
>"let aggressive drunk foreigners dictate whether you can use public parks at X hour"
Forget the foreigners for a second. Ever heard o MacArthur park? Parks being packed full of violent niggers in Los Angeles has been a thing for so long that there are songs and tv shows about it.
I'm trying to leave but it's going to be a couple more years unfortunately.
The overwhelming majority of Californians leaving to other red states are right-wing and white themselves. White flight is only gay when it's retired boomers coming in racketing up the price of housing and just generally being insufferable to be around.
Why do you dress like a pedo?
The one behind the police officer
>This place is unlivable.

So leave. I left the NY metro area for much less and that has many safe, prosperous areas. Cities are bad. No freedom, no personal space, high taxes for low return, goblins, you have to be a millionaire to even consider retiring there and even then you bleed money.

Why are (other) burgers so terrified of change? Be like G.I. and PCS often until you find a good deal. My garage is larger than most urban apartments, my alarm clock is a rooster (I have loud cock), and I and my neighbors enjoy target practice on our acreage as an American should.

The US is large. Find a red state location that's not urban (because cities are bad) and build your dream on the cheap. I did and I'm not at all special.
Which is completely legal if the age difference is small?
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>The overwhelming majority of Californians leaving to other red states are right-wing and white themselves.
Outside the big cities and coastal resort towns it’s culturally indistinguishable from fucking Texas. And even then, there’s far right pockets all over the place. I’ve seen a Trump campaign sign in fucking Santa Cruz
My parents live here and they are paying for my education and housing. My job also pays a lot so I'm in a pretty good situation financially here. That being said you are living my dream, once I can buy a house in the PNW I'm out of here.
says the tranime reaction gif user
They were right wing. Jews destroyed the state and flooded it with illegals.
Righties enjoyed the cheap labor all the same.
is the cock black?
Yeah dude, all those lower middle class Republicans loved having cheap Mexican labor depress wages.
NTA but working class types were not really a reliable portion of the Republican base at the time that was passed, they were largely independent swing voters that could vote either way (before the internet politics was also much more local and moderate than it is now so most people didnt really identify with a party as strongly as now, conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans used to be a thing). The W Bush administration shitting the bed as bad as it did was what opened the power vacuum in the GOP that enabled a much more populist and working class aligned strain of conservativism to really take root in mainstream politics.

It's not that these people were always Republicans, it's that the Republican party has moved towards them and away from the pro-big business party of social elites and southern evangelicals it was in the 90s and 2000s.
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whoah that's scary, I bet they're probably into really fascist alt-right stuff like Ben Shapiro too

This is an anime board and you are still Californian.
This is ludicrous. Californians, do you seriously live like this?
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Yes, it's a filthy latin american favela full of fentanyl zombies and it's exactly how they deserve to live.
Yeah I know Trump isn’t as extreme as he’s made out to be I just couldn’t think of a better term for it
Calfornia is so large population wise that it actually has more registered republicans in it than most states in the country. It's a majority democrat state--but there are a ton of people living there from all political stripes. So it's not surprising that in some areas of it, you would see a lot of support for Trump. There's more Trump supporters in California than there is in Oklahoma or Missouri for instance. This is why a civil war in this country at this point would be more of a city to city thing than north/south like it was. It would probably look a lot like what we have now. Pockets of domestic terrorism from either side.
i'm surprised you can even get one in LA. From cradle to grave in Denver it was 7 months of waiting, including multiple trips to different agency buildings, safety course, waiting for reservations to make the reservations, and so on until I got my CCW. Total scam. The whole game is rigged but you have to run through the hoops. Urban centers are hives of scum, I've been either violently assaulted or witnessed the same ~1x / month this year alone.
Pepper spray is OP btw everyone should carry and requires no license.
These US cities are total failures of governance, do what you can to get ahead of the game before the endgame settles in over the next decade.

Question for anyone, should you even bother calling the cops if you have to drop someone? I'm seriously considering just walking away if I have to drop a junkie and there's no witnesses. I've seen people stabbed and bleed out and nothing happens. Why should I bother with years of legal hassle? I'm serious in this question btw, not planning on murder but I mean the downside is getting put through the ringer because a retard tried to kill me and I had the audacity to protect myself.
Siege warfare would be the name of the game in a civil war. Its pretty much, city cores, versus everyone else.
It's not the age gap it's the gap in life experience between 19& 21. Each year in that age range is leaps& bounds of real world learning curve& maturity. Difference between 19&21 in a relationship is vastly greater than a relationship between a 29yr old& a 31yr old. Never said it's bad, never said it's illegal. Just said it's fucking weird& lame and OP should kill himself for it and for engaging with low lifes in the street
Sounds like roastie cope.
They both want it maybe stop infantilizing adults and acting like 2 years of adulthood actually makes a difference. I had adult responsibilities since I was 14 because of my fucked living situation. It's not exactly a huge learning curve.
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straight outta fallout
i used to think like you and it's not like you're wrong. there's a set of foundational assumptions about the nature of relationships that say an age gap relationship is bad. 100% won't date a woman even close to my age in my 30s. my ideas about what constitutes a relationship and what I want out of it have changed. I'll only date girls in their early-mid 20s, and will soon get married accordingly. In general, not supposed to be friends with your wife, that's a modern feminist program that's not really aligned with reality. I do think age-parity relationships have their place but it's not really the only option
Insanely retarded take. Also, I would have never engaged with those retards if they didn't look like they were 15, but yeah I shouldn't have said anything regardless.
There's not that much difference between 19 and 21. Are you a boomer? Yeah, back in your day, it was huge, as kids (18 or 19) would go off to fight a world fucking war. The maturity levels are much more spread out now.
i don't want my girl to be 'experienced' I want her to be excited to be with me. The more experience a girl has the more jaded she gets, fuck that noise if I wanted my partner to be experienced i'd be a faggot and date men because that's what women turn into the older they get when they're single.
>nine thousand and one laws hanging over OP's head like a sword of Damocles
>one i undotted, one t uncrossed, get the book thrown at you
>actual lawless cunts get to walk
>I said, 'Fuck you guys, I'm not a pedo,'
That's exactly what a pedo would say, pedo
>troon calling random guy a pedo
Actually I think they were projecting
shut the fuck up nigger
Nah. Pedos tend to be avoidant pussies Posting up is the least pedo thing he could've done.
The people in the thread telling him to just like put his head down and not engage, ironically that's more pedo behavior.
you probably taught them a lesson. Hopefully it sticks with them
My girlfriend was blind for over an hour after she got some of the spray (tear gas + pepper spray) in her eyes from downwind. Meanwhile she got him right in the eyes for over 3 seconds. When I had to identify him, he was crying and his eyes were bloodshot red, also the officer who was driving us said he was in an incredible amount of pain. But these people are room temperature IQ genetic scum so desu they probably won't learn anything. They didn't even have a clean record despite being 15-16
Honestly nobody cares what you think. It’s clear you’re past your prime and coping
>it's the gap in life experience between 19& 21
NTA it is two years at most. There was a moment when my wife was 21 and I was 19. She had just turned 21 and I would not turn 20 for another month. We graduated high school in the same year.
The gap at that point, if there is one is just college vs High School. A 19 year old by the end of their freshmen year in college is a different beast than a 19 year old HS Senior. It's still not really a big deal, and pretty common. I think the age gap hysteria these days has only led to more lonely people. The main difference between someone who will say they were groomed at 18 or 19 by someone in their early 20s and someone who doesn't--just comes down to whether the relationship ended well and how online the people involved are.
That's not really true. The main thing you're going to run into if you date younger women in their early 20s is that they're not going to want to settle down and have a family. They want the drama and lots and lots of sex. A woman in her mid to late 20s is more likely to be ready to love.
Move to Orange County.
Good idea, I'll go buy a house there tomorrow.
Anyone who willingly lives in Los Angeles deserves whatever happens to them
>lives in CA
you get what you deserve. these problems would solve themselves if people had any self respect at all.
>should you even bother calling the cops if you have to drop someone?
In my retarded anonymous opinion, yes, that's genuinely the best option sometimes. If no one else is around, fucking book it and change your clothes as soon as possible; the police aren't omnipotent. Since 2020, 49% of murders are unsolved, and that number is even lower in major cities where the cops are defunded and too jaded to actually care about what they're doing.
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>Unfortunately, the detective told me they most likely won't get any time because they are juvies and the gun was fake.
>the gun was fake
>they brandished it as if it was real

What The FUCK does it being "fake" have to do with any fucking thing?!?!?!
AFAIK it doesn't fucking matter if it was real or fake if it's used in the commission of a crime and if it looks like the real thing.
Something about the reasonable-man standard or some shit like that.

If it being fake REALLY makes a difference in this case than california is even more pozzed than I ever thought.
Only one of those looks like a Mexican
No they are not stay in your fucking state. You faggots always say you’re le based right wingers but you fucking locusts ruin everything you touch
Concealed is concealed.
Americans are so fucking retarded with their age purity shit
None of those look Mexican except the guy on the left.
>I was chilling at a local park late at night
Parks are closed at sundown and that's when the shitstains come out. That's on you.
>lives in Los Angeles
>has to navigate shitty gun laws or get killed by illegals
You voted for this
Never come back. Glad my state is a better place with whiny bitches like you gone.

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I was born there nigger. My home town is an unrecognizable opioid hellscape because we allowed retards to vote. I saw with my own eyes the shit that happened in Portland. I remember as the governor used her emergency powers to put a toll on I5 she told the police to watch the city burn.
It makes my blood fucking boil.
I won't be going back it would just depress me to see what has happened to my birth place.
It's not really "willingly" for most of us that are actually from here. Everybody I know that isn't terminally woke has wanted to GTFO since high school but escaping LA is a nightmare, such a rat race that you can't save up enough to move with, even if you've got money most places won't rent to you without a job already lined up and nobody's hiring people from CA (lots of industries here with little opportunity anywhere else, hard to get senior enough in a job to apply out of state because every senior job gets taken by people FROM out of state, etc.), it's geographically hard to move out of, etc. Almost everybody I know who's escaped LA was a transplant who basically just went back home and the only exceptions had some sort of outside help, a GF from out of state who they moved with or whatever.
I live just south of LA in OC and I'm pretty happy here to be honest, we have a fairly good gun culture too if you can believe it. Same with the inland empire in Riverside etc. They might as well be different states
Ben Shapiro brought a container full of written death threats and he still couldn't get one, give up and move
your state is such shit that half of the state itself is trying to leave and become part of Idaho
The three girls were regrettably white. The two imbeciles that assaulted me were mexican, not all of them are in that picture.
Things have changed in the last few years and it's much more possible to get one now, it's just a huge pain in the ass and takes as much as a year to get through the whole convoluted process.

At least LA has a process. Try getting a CCW in San Francisco, lol.
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I think that's for establishing a reasonable fear for your life if someone ventilates them in a self defense shooting. Brandishing/assault with a firearm both require a real, loaded gun in California. Always read what unreasonable bullshit your state's AIPAC housegoys have legislated, it may save you a felony conviction and years of your life.

How many million? That sounds like a lot.
hahahahahah shut the fuck up, burger
>Americans are so fucking retarded
t. burger

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