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Is the Fairbairn-Sykes the ultimate throatslitter?
Is this knife good for garden work?
there have been daggers like that since antiquity man, nothing special about it
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No. And Yes.

It's good at stabbing but the tips tend to chip off due to physics and us having bones. The older FS knives would chip so often they'd be worn down to 5 inches, sometimes less.

That said there are four basic types of "fighting knife"-

long pointy and meant for stabbing
>Single edged
similar to bowie knives or kbars, blade tends to be thicker. General purpose knife, not really ideal for combat but can be used like one if needed.
Similar to a stiletto but thick like a single edged blade. Unlike the stiletto, they tend to be sharp along the entire length of the blade
Khukris tend to be the exemplar in this field. Single edged blades where the weight is towards the tip and the blade is often curved to improve chopping

Most knives fall under one of these 4 categories. Sometimes, traits merge to get the best of two classes or at least "close enough" to be viable. For example, I own one of the old pattern Glock knives used by the Bundeswehr and it's a cross between a stiletto and a single edge. Thinner than a kbar by far and much lighter, but it still keeps that single edge. Honestly, it's slightly better than the FS knife because you can still use it as a utility knife but it's better suited to combat due to weight.

That said, innovations still happen even with old designs. My current obsession is bevel wedge blades like pic related. They're odd looking as they are shaped like a flathead screwdriver at the tip but the amount of penetration you get is insane. The blade will literally guide itself into your opponent and it feels like the knife twists naturally as you push into flesh.

Serrated blades are for camp/animal processing, nothing else. They suck otherwise.
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You talking about this one?
WW2 SAS veteran describing the fairburn sykes
my mistake, he is army commando not SAS
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Not in a practical sense, no. It's too large to be easily concealed and it's not exactly the most intuitive design for high-stress use cases. >>62086328 Also provides a good explanation for its weaknesses from a material perspective. Personally, I'd rather opt for a small, single-edged fixed blade (legal reasons) with a narrow tip, high hardness, and a handle that facilitates stabbing, not slashing. If concealment's not an issue, just get a gun.

Yep. Still one of the best knives in my collection.
Get a hori hori and a smatchet or billhook.
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The only reason people dickride the FS is because of the stabby grandpa video and even then to my recollection people really only got rabid over it once that video started making the rounds in normiespace, which tends to happen with anything. France had a comparable dagger and Australia had a better one. Germany, Australia and the US were all fielding daggers that wouldn't fall apart with some utility work and all went in a neck just fine.
>The older FS knives would chip so often they'd be worn down to 5 inches, sometimes less.
>... were all fielding daggers that wouldn't fall apart with some utility work

The whole, "tip breaks off," is greatly exaggerated. It was only a problem with the FS knives the US marines were using because they didn't receive proper heat treatment. All this propaganda helped normalize hating daggers and many US states were able to pass laws restricting people from carrying daggers easily because even those who liked knives saw daggers in a negative light.

Yes, a badly manufactured knife can chip and snap easily, but there are so many factors to consider other than shape such as: the metal being used and the heat treatment. You all know this, but seem to fall for the propaganda anyway.
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Schizoid af, frfr.
The FS had an issue with a weak tip. The V42 did as well and that was because its design was ass from the pommel up. All of this runs directly counter to the
>OMG 2 edges so much deadlier
BS that got daggers b& for carry in many states so IDK what you're on about. I just consider the FS overrated and if you think that equates to "I hate daggers" then consider that from where I'm sitting that's just an affirmation of what I said.
what is the best kind of dagger I can buy on the internet?
be honest
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>the stabby grandpa video
I have been her over 12 years (newfag, yes) and have no clue what this is referring too.
QRD, link?
Unironically this.
Why isn't a tanto the best stabby boi? It seems like it should have the strongest tip for it?
A serrated dagger? Disgusting.
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It's a great letter opener
You don't need a strong tip to pierce flesh, anon.
Yeah it's the hitting the bones part?
FS knives were especially popular for going between the ribs, to pierce the heart and lungs. Of course, there are ribs in the way, and sometimes the strike is imprecise and hits a rib and snaps off the tip. That's the issue with knives with super thin tapers and such is they're very sensitive and will snap off very quickly and easily like we see with FS knives.
This thread has awakened something in me and I just bought 6 survival/combat knives including this one. The only knives I have right now are box cutters.
Negro it's like the 5th post ITT.

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