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Opinions on MP7 and P90? Were they ever good?

IMO They are both overpriced weapons and their created usecase (piercing armor) has been made obsolescent. The only good thing to come out of either is the 5.7 caliber for pistols, which I think is viable if you're worried about people with armor coming after you, granted the high price per round. HK was apparently developing their own 4.6 pistol and quit.
>They are both overpriced weapons
Theyre niche with a small market, so they aren't ever going to be 50c a round.
>their created usecase (piercing armor) has been made obsolescent.
How so? Soft armor hasn't become less common. It wont penetrate plates, but neither would the MP5 you'd previously be using, and neither would the carbine you're more likely to have nowadays (SAPIs stop M885 from a 20" barrel, for example). What the MP7 and P90 are, are very compact and controllable while not being rendered irrelevant by the frag liners that every serious military uses; in stark contrast to 9mm weapons.
>which I think is viable
What does viable mean in this context? Everything a Five Seven can do, a P90 can do better.
> What does viable mean in this context? Everything a Five Seven can do, a P90 can do better.
Viable personally for me, from the perspective I would potentially need to protect myself against multiple armored targets.
They were products of their time. They still have a use for very specific cases, but most militaries are gonna spring for shorter barrel versions of their carbines/SMGs they already have for rear line units. Police are going to use SMGs or carbines, depending on the department and their policy. Only real use it has is in specific dignitary protection where a gunman might wear concealable soft armor or some specific helicopter pilot program where they need a gun to GTFO from a crash site but are in the front lines.
They're good at what they do, but what they do is fill that small gap between "we need to have a lot of ammo in a small size, it needs to go through soft armor/soft barriers, and its worth building a whole logistics network for."
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I just want full auto SMGs to be civilian-legal, bros...
Has the P90 ever been used in a big raid? I've seen pics of guys using MP7s and MP5s, but I don't think I've ever seen a pic of guys using a P90
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> Police are going to use SMGs or carbines, depending on the department and their policy.
I'm curious if there's any police departments still using PCCs are patrol guns. I have seen one bodycam video online of a cop using an MP7 once and I read that most detectives prefer PCCs for their handiness, but I'd like to hear more if any of you know anything.
US secret service uses/used it, also various police forces have it in their inventories.
They were a second line weapon of their time, good enough to defeat level III but compact enough to be kept in a chopper or truck.
They were the M1 Carbine of the 90s.
>good enough to defeat level III
Are they really?
Britbong cops have a semi-auto version of the MP7 along with their MP5s.
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i think the p90 is an excellent gun and was designed very intelligently, but fabrique nationale has made sure that civilians will not benefit from the design of their firearms. they do not want guns in the hands of civilians, they only want military organizations and state governments to use their weapons. they're just too greedy to pull an HK and refuse sale.

it was a very good design on the premise that it was incredibly cheap to manufacture - nothing about the gun is particularly expensive, which is what makes its MSRP of $1500 is fucking insane. kel-tec sells their version of the p90 for $500. it's a $500 gun. it's an upside-down and oversized ruger 10-22. on its merits? fuck yeah dude. it's a spicy bullpup mega 10/22. it's beautiful. hearing some faggot boomer tell me he spent his kids college fund on a p90 because they used it on Stargate? yeah, not based.

and you can't just ignore something for 35 years and expect it to still be as good and prestigious as it was when it was new... and FN expects you to think that way about the p90.
The machinegun registry was the greatest infringement in history
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as for the mp7? it's probably one of the worst guns ever designed. i haven't shot one - maybe it's great! but nobody has shot one. HK has really REALLY made sure nobody has shot one. so it's probably fucking dogshit, dude

the mp7 is fucking gigantic in comparison to other guns that are designed to be small. it's small compared to a full length non-folding mp5 or an m4 but next to a TMP or an mp5k you realize that this thing is not even in the same size category and on top of that it fires a significantly weaker cartridge. look at that psa 5.7 mp7 clone or the cp-33. in video games this gun is like half the size it really is irl. and that's not even considering the micro uzi or SR3 or any of the other ultra concealables

the mp7 has a gas piston system so the gun is already a level of complexity that exceeds any submachine gun on the market and for a benefit of... what exactly? less recoil? in a gun that essentially shoots 22 magnum? no wonder nobody can buy these because if you could they would be four fucking grand
The MP7 is just the Tanker/Medic/MP gun. The tankers switched back to the G36 after the Portuguese provided a solution to store G36s in Leo2s.
I guess the MP7 is just a weapon of its team, being the time of international crisis management.
The MP7 has replaced the MP5 in some german states as the patrol gun
Peruvian counter-terrorists used them to supposedly great effect in a hostage raid at their Japanese embassy in 1997
>That bolt
Holy shit, the AR-18 casts a long ass shadow despite being failure.
I really like the form of the MP7 and MP9. Magazine in grip, charging handle on top, big enough that you can put whatever you want on it, and you could probably chamber it in cartridges much more powerful than 9mm.
Still not buying the sauerkraut. If someone makes a gun in that style for the US civilian market, I'd be interested.
Also, we have tiny ARs in 5.56 and 300 Blackout now.
>fabrique nationale has made sure that civilians will not benefit from the design of their firearms. they do not want guns in the hands of civilians, they only want military organizations and state governments to use their weapons.
Fuck you talking about? They offer civilian version of everything in their catalog except M240s, even shit that shouldn't sell like semi SAWs. Are you basing all that bitterness on them not offering factory 10.4" PS90 barrels?
>nothing about the gun is particularly expensive, which is what makes its MSRP of $1500 is fucking insane.
Aside from it being 80% made in Belgium, shipped incomplete and finished in VA. Same reason SCARs and SL8s cost.
the U.K. MOD has semi-auto *only* MP7SFs
>File: small weapons

the Brugger & Thomet MP9 (adapted-developed from Steyr TMP) has also been chambered in the saboted 6.5 25mm CBJ cartridge which overall outperforms both HK's 4.6×30mm and FN's 5.7×28mm, with only a barrel change from 9mm.



conversion barrels were also made for SIG SP2022, Glock 17 and MP5K
>good enough to defeat level III
Are you sure it's III and not IIIa?

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