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File: 073-1.png (572 KB, 3304x2028)
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So was the f-35 a good idea in the end?
The f-35 is the spiritual successor to the mig-21, of course it would be successful.
This is one of the most outrageous posts I've read in years.
good. means we're returning to form
Anyone claiming X or Y system is great or terrible before it sees combat is guessing based on propaganda from both sides.
Ah, typical /k/.
Yes but not for the reasons you might think
Good thing the F-35 saw combat in the middle eastern theater then.
>It doesn't count if it dabs on Muslims undetected!
Is this the one where a pilot jacks it off?
The idea of a light stealth mass-produced multirole fighter jet was a good one.

The idea of a common design with three different variants was stupid and already failed once with F-111.
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>The idea of a common design with three different variants was stupid
The F-35 is practically worth it just out of the gate for how superior it is to the AV-8B; effectively doubling the number of carriers the US Navy has available and making it viable for the UK and Japan to have carriers at all
It also being a straight upgrade to the F-16 and F/A-18 is just gravy

In fact even as it balloons past the trillion mark I'm pretty sure it's still cheaper than three programs replacing all of them would have been
Yeah probably, stealth plane that can drop a paveway, since most modern soviet/russian planes are going to be depleted in the near future, what is not to love.

Shame that they don't produce the F-111F for paveway dropping needs anymore.
The F-35 is cheaper per airframe than a Gripen, a Rafale, a J-20 or a MiG-35.
If the US is making a mistake, what the fuck is literally everybody else doing?

The latter two surprised me to learn because I thought you could operate Russian/Chinese jets with change from a laundromat but not anymore I guess
You said it bud
What reasons did you have in mind
Yeah but the f-111 makes my pp hard so it's based
>The idea of a common design with three different variants was stupid and already failed once with F-111.
Nobody tell him about the F-4.
Part of it is simply volume of scale. They're producing so many F-35s that they can afford to discount the prices.

By comparison, all the other 4.5 and 5th generation competitors have such small production runs (Gripen and Rafale), are struggling with trying to catch up with cutting edge tech (J-20) or just straight up don't exist (MiG-35).
Inflation art
>lust provoking image
>somewhat relevant time-wasting question
>cutting edge tech (J-20)
>lust provoking image
for whom? it's a fucking plane
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You're telling me you wouldn't cum all over those abs?
Pretty sure this artist draws this plane having sex, so it literally is indeed a fucking plane.
Oh, I must have overwritten the actual image, fuck.

See you all in Autumn, boys.

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