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Thread for reading the comfiest national defense publication. The whitepaper discloses info about Japan's weapons development along with discussing its strategic posture. 50th edition!

English https://www.mod.go.jp/en/publ/w_paper
Japanese https://www.mod.go.jp/j/press/wp
For kids https://www.mod.go.jp/j/kids/wp
Do not read the WWII suicide guide for Japanese kamikaze pilots.
Ty anon
Ok, I won't.
NP. I posted a little prematurely - interrupted by something irl - but I'll be back in a few minutes to get the thread going.
Thank you, OP. Nice read.
Why do they do a kids version?
So they have context for when the teachers start handing out lunge mines again.
The english-language digest is 36 pages. The index, roughly speaking, is in picrel. If all you care about is Japan's latest hardware -> parts 3 and 4.
it was written by a coward propagandist to convince young men to kill themselves to protect the self-image of a few ruling elites. you should fucking kill yourself if you thought that was a powerful or moving piece in the slightest.
For us obviously

But honestly a good move to encourage civic understanding among the youth
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Do children not live in a Society?
The last section of the 70 year timeline has this year.
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Stand-off capabilities:

>Japan will fundamentally reinforce its stand-off defense capabilities to respond from outside the threat zone, including anti-aircraft missiles, against naval vessels and landing forces that invade Japan, including its remote islands.


Acquisition of Tomahawk will be accelerated by one year, starting in FY25.

►Improved Type 12 Surface-to-Ship Missile (SSM)

Acquisition of upgraded Type-12 SSM will be accelerated by one year, starting in FY25. The improved Type-12 SSM features more pronounced rearward-angled main wings and clearly defined X-shaped tail fins. Naval News:

As Naval News previously reported, the Type 12 SSM originally had a range of about 200 km. The new upgraded version aims to extend the range to at least 900 km, and eventually to 1,200 km. The shape of the missile has also been modified to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) and make it stealthy.

The last time you made a thread about that stupid shit everyone rightfully told you to fuck off retard imagine simping for an utter failure of an “empire”
How many times will they fold it?
So its basically Japanese LRASM.
What does it say about industrial capacity? I feel like that's the elephant in the room for every single first world country.

Can it actually pump out thousands of pieces of equipment at a moments notice, and if not, why does anything else matter? If you cannot outproduce your opponent you're just going to end up like Russia or Ukraine, stuck in a perpetual war.
chad old japanese lady
virgin ameri-chink

What a load of horseshit. I wish that average Japanese were this unabashedly hostile towards tourists and Chinese people, because it would greatly mitigate our current overtourism problem. This is pure horseshit concocted by a bored schizo for reddit gold.
>ror every single first world country.
sounds like an oxymoron

how can one be a 'firstie' with zero industrial capability for the forseable nextx 2-decades?
Never heard of this before. Just started reading and this is pretty cool.
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Claimed as my wife. Nobody else is allowed to do so.
pretty interesting read anon thanks
I was not the anon who made that thread
wtf I love Japan even more now?!
So fuggin qt Owo
lol are you serious? Japan is an industrial powerhouse. I'm not even going to bother elaborating.
>In recent years, the number of scrambles has consistently remained high, nearly 1,000 times annually
>In 2023, NATO air forces across Europe scrambled well over 300 times to intercept Russian military aircraft approaching Alliance airspace, with most intercepts occurring over the Baltic Sea.
>Japan alone normally scrambles 3 times more than all NATO members combined at the height of tensions with Russia.
Fucking hell these guys have some fucking flight hours under their belts.
Got busy and worn-out by my day, decided to wait a bit to see if some more boring nerd responses would come in. Does anyone actually want this torn apart in detail?
This pamphlet was folded over 1000 times...
Pretty much, there are also plans for swappable warheads including a reconnaissance head for independent terminal target selection.
Calm down, they just really like eggs. They put them on everything-- curry, rice, ramen, you name it.

captcha: WARY TJ
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>The cover of this issue is based on the concept of "swordsmithing." Since its inception, the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces have worked hard to forge swords "so that the swords will not be drawn." In other words, they have been forging swords that will act as a deterrent and prevent armed invasions of our country. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Self-Defense Forces, the cover expresses the steady strengthening of our country's defense and deterrent capabilities, based on the National Security Strategy, and the determination to continue making unremitting efforts in the future.
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>The photo on the back cover shows uniformed SDF personnel saluting KIMURA Tokutaro, the first Director General of the Defense Agency, in the ceremony marking the agency’s establishment.

>70th Anniversary of the SDF's Founding
>50th Issue of the Defense White Paper
>that sweat
He must have opened the cockpit 0.5 seconds ago and the outside air got him. Japanese summers are like wading through a wall of humidity
Nips love to complain about it being hot but outside of Shikoku and some spots in Kyushu it's really not. And even then they're only annoying because it'll be like 85% humidity in the mid 80's.
The places it'll push 40 commie units are much dryer.
Sounds like you can't really blame them for complaining, then.
They're just being simplistic by saying 酷暑 atui "hot" when they should be saying 蒸し暑い mushiatui "muggy [hot&humid]"
looks like no
the heat of the jet engine cooks the egg
Best Defense of Japan - be on friendly terms with China and Russia, drop claims on Kuril Islands. Spend money on unfucking your demographics.
A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha snort. You serious, bro? Be friends with the two most untrustworthy, backstabbing, liar pants on fire, scam central nations?
>be on friendly terms with China and Russia
Literally impossible. They don't have friends, only slaves and enemies.
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I really like their covers
>be on friendly terms with China
The commie shitters favorite pasttime is stabbing ethnic Japanese people and making tik tok videos about beating up Japanese kids. The best defense of Japan is to nuke Beijing

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