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it was seen going north in israel not that long ago.
>7 road wheels
Interesting, it's something I haven't heard of.
>jewish armoured fighting vehicle
are vehicles jewish now?
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looks like a Sabrah (export AFV)

Good spot anon.
nice didn't know about this
An American funded one
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not to be confused with sabra
Found the jew
Only if they're built kosher
You're not getting your foreskin back, golem.
Damn, didn't know about these but they look pretty neat. Don't know if I'd bring a light tank to an urban battle where better armor is favored over manouverability and speed.
i think it's export only specifically designed for the Philippines armed forces. do they do much urban fighting?
they have some trouble with Islamist insurgents

Nine (9) units in tracked light tank ASCOD 2 configuration were formally received and inducted into Philippines service as of 5 March 2024.[

5] Elbit Systems will supply a total of:

18 tracked light tanks based on the ASCOD 2 platform
10 wheeled light tanks based on the Pandur II platform

If the Israeli's are deploying these, I suspect the Phillippines aren't going to get the rest of that contract soon. Ripple effect, Israel isn't exporting armour right now.
>Israel isn't exporting armour right now.
source? the idf doesn't use these. they're export only
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Remember in the first months of the war in Ukraine when Ukraine was using Stugna-p missiles with Arabic interfaces? Those were export only too. The customer didn't get them. Half the reason you build export industry is so you can have the guns yourself if you need them. Anyway, IF they're deploying a new production Sabrah it can't be in two places at once so it's reasonable to think the tanks that would have been exported are being deployed instead.
>Cpt Yap
but armoured vehicles are not like most other munitions that have simpler usage. they require special training and units
Pinoys wanted the M10 Booker but it didn't exist yet

Jews jewed them by giving them an ASCOD 2 with a 105mm gun, it's tall as hell for even a MBT

Israel has a ton of flimsy export equipment that will never see the light of day in the IDF and are mostly for turd world shitholes
Why are they doing that gay communist pose?
Instead of investing in light tanks that will be drone feed or abandoneered they should buy Harpoons and all sorts of anti-ship missiles so they can sink every Chicom ship and transport invading them.

For a shithole like them who aren't aligned with Puccia even the Ukrainian Neptune should be in play, the Ukes would love the shekels and can build a limited run in Lviv/Poland.

Kongsberg's Naval Strike Missile, whatever the gooks have, whatever Israel has for anti-ship duties, Exocets, Brahmos, whatever the Swedes have, etc.
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some of export only shit is cool though.
IDF uses Spyder though, it's just that the Iron Dome and Patriots are more useful
but that's a different version of spyder though, Spyder all in one. information i received said it was export only. unless it was incorrect
>100+ million people
>economy the size of Vietnam, Nigeria
>can only afford 28 armored vehicles
also, patriot are on their way to retirement, will be replaced by david's sling
There's no way they were looking at Booker, and god knows what it would cost for export while still in LRIP. Sabrah, using an unmodified ASCOD hull, is going to be a hell of a lot cheaper.
a bitch to transport since it's 8x8 plus all the modules that need to be removed during transit
turd worlders don't have c-5 galaxies or c-17s
enemy now only needs to blow up one vehicle instead of multitudes of vehicles and launch trucks
>flimsy export equipment

Proof of flimsy-ness?
>Pinoys made the ASCOD work but not the Bongs
Merkava at home

Israel probably don't want to sell the Merkava to them
Philippines wouldn't want it. It's a poor country with bad infrastructure barely above sea level that doesn't face threat of land invasion. Expensive 60 ton MBTs are a dumb idea.
keep the sabrah, order no less than 100 excluding command, training and recovery vehicles; anything more is a colossal waste of shekels
ditch the pandur, it's trash
guaranimaxxx, order 1000 and force brazil to build local production; 600 6x6 and 400 8x8
use the ascod 2 as your main ifv, force general dynamics to also build local production and order 500+ vehicles
man trucks or bust
beg america for every humvee that isn't going to ukraine, they don't need jltvs
invest in armored recovery and engineering vehicles
ignore 50t behemoths, lightmaxxx and scout recon maxxx
It'd be hilarious to see the Merkava be operated by goyim, it's the only major MBT who doesn't have any other operator other than it's country of origin
i wonder what ever happened with pic rel
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He's mistaking the mix of low-end defense industry offerings with high as shitty quality. In reality, most of the planet doesn't need/can't afford the military high-end.
Sneering at upgrades for last-gen MBTs or platforms which emphasize low purchase/lifecycle costs is a form of cope for those not serving those markets.
>Merkava Mk4 blows up hordes of Chink Type 99 and Type 15
>also carries Pinoys with SPIKE NLOS to blow up more tanks and helicopters
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>tank on tank
are those a thing of the past? doubt will we ever get to see those again. i feel like in the future, most tanks will get taken out by uavs and helis
Too much moni 4 Philippines
Is the Thermal Sleeve removed from the barrel?
Cyprus and Marrocco were due to recieve older mk.3 and mk.2 Merkavas, even had Cypriot crews arriving in Israel.
After the palestinian chimpout a bunch of aging IDF reservists decided to raise a new armored battalion from scratch and comendeered those MK3s. Even had them reassembled as they were already in pieces ready to be shipped.
And its machine spirit circuitry received multiple offerings of palestinian children blood while the hull was forged with fires feed with UN humanitarian workers bones while rabbis danced around the foundries reciting the stock market exchanges!
Nothing in this can be American funded unless it's American tech, which nothing is, except the engine of the Pandur version.
Why didn't they wait for the Booker?
I prefer the roasted red pepper variant.
You will never be a real tank. You have no frontal arc resistance, you have no APS, you have no high pressure large caliber gun. You are a frankensteined overweight ASCOD twisted by Israeli designers into a crude mockery of the Merkava’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is disgusted and ashamed of you, your regional "allies" laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Real MBTs are utterly repulsed by you. Over a hundred years of evolution have allowed anti-tank teams to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even your dimensions look uncanny and unnatural to the enemy. Your freakish height is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get an ATGM crew to get a positive ID you, they'll turn tail and not waste the missile the second you shambolically roll up to them with your laughable STANAG 4569 Level 4 protection.

You will never be a capable MBT. You wrench out a fake Filipino internet defense force twitter post every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll drive into a ditch, sink into it, be unable to extricate yourself under your own power, and get your turret popped by an RPG. Recovery vehicles will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll dump you in a scrapyard marked with your original serial number, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an ASCOD is dumped there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a burnt out husk that is unmistakably an IFV.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Are we even planning on selling it to export customers? Granted it's nothing crazy or special so I don't see why not but AFAIK it's strictly for us
This really is my favorite pasta, always gets a grin from me
huh, why would you need to remove modules during transit? also just drive it from point A to B. the only time it will be flown is when getting delivered
>Merkava’s perfection
are turdies this delusional?
Turdies? Turdies hate merkavas, with good reason, that rascal has twarted Dar Al-Islam too many times!
If America is sending Abrams to Ukraine and even sold it to sand people (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco) I don't see why the fuck not?
Israel should send Merkavas to the Philippines just to make the southern Muslim countries seethe.
Wasn't Colombia looking into getting the Merkava 3 to use in the event the Venezuela goes through with a border chimpout?
just the tip

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