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If you can only pick one weapon, it should be a shotgun. But what ammo?

Shotgun, ammo and level 3 body armour is all you need. Mobility, versatility and power.
muh dik, muh coom
ok grandpa
I would rather have a semi-auto intermediate caliber rifle and sidearm but suit yourself
what if your target is beyond 50 yards or you actually need to reload your 8 shot max tube
No. It should be a sub-compact pistol.
The best gun is the gun you have with you.
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>But what ammo?
Well, like you said shotguns are versatile. So your choice of ammo would depend on exactly which versatile activity you were doing with your versatile shotgun at that time.
>But what ammo?
The whole point of picking a shotgun is you can use tons of different types of ammo.
Also picking a shotgun as your 1 gun is highly dependent on your situation. It's not just automatically the best pick because of versatility. I'm inclined to agree with >>62087223 because I'm not taking my shotgun to the gas station at midnight to buy smokes.

>I'm talking about le boog
I'd still consider a full size or compact handgun, because if you're getting into fights that require a long gun with any frequency, you're probably going to wind up dying despite having a long gun. The handgun lets you always have something on your person and can be concealed should social situations or some sort of martial law necessitate it.
Slugs, drum mags, speed stick
ks23 with a smooth bore barrel that shoots mini HEATFS
>No mention of the superior Sweet 16
Mediocre, at best.
But what about the guy (most of us) that picked an ar15 and lvl4 plates? They can shoot much further away and penetrate lvl3 plates while the shotgun won't make it through lvl3 plates let alone lvl4 if you manage to close in on someone with a rifle.
hardened cowdung, saar, bely mutch velocity. science of hindu texts confirm, discovered 14,888 years before whitoid "science" do, saar.
fostech origin 12, 10 rnd mags. loaded thus

the rest 00

gimmie like 10 mags. i'm good.
>beyond 50 yards
Slugs. I can tag pie plates out to 100yd with my 20g pump gun using 7/8oz rifled lead slugs really easily
>some gay dickhead is lobbing slugs at you from 200 yards
>needle him to death with a dozen 223
shotguns aren't good combat weapons
tell that to germany
they got told that when they got fucked in the ass
Understand the difference between point blank in a ditch and most other combat situations at range.
You work with what you have anon, slugs dont care if you have a rifle
shotgun is like a clever. good for smashing through meat, totally good at killing people, utterly inept at fighting other bladed weapons.
i can fire 30 rounds into a man at 200 meters faster than you can put even a third as many slugs on him. it's IN
only need one slug anon
see >>62091849
i agree; if you're ambushing someone from 100yards i guess it's fine, even if a rifle would out perform it in literally every way. What are you arguing, even? Shotguns are inferior.
>what are you arguing
Dunno anon, you're the one that came into a thread about shotguns and started babbling about the superiority of rifles for some reason, Im just mockin openly now because of that.
The thread wasn't about shotguns, this thread was about a rhetorical statement postulating 'if you could only have one gun' and I'm arguing against the claim that the shotgun is the ideal choice for this scenario. (it's not; shotguns are retarded weapons)

I didn't realize I was arguing with a lobotomite, incapable of rhetorical/abstract thought. Have a good day, Sir.
That was mainly propaganda to counter the outcry over their use of poison gas and barbaric sawback bayonets
>to counter the outcry over their use of poison gas
3 years after it was first used?
okay retard
In the realm of all possible scenarios that a gun could solve, there is only one that I can think of that a shotgun would solve that an intermediate caliber semi-auto rifle couldn't solve better
>it's considerably easier to shoot birds in flight
Every other possible scenario, including shooting grounded birds, is much easier to solve with the rifle
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I’d go with a nice tight pattern 9P 00 Buck, ideally copper plated like the Fed FC LExxx. I have 4 Winchester Defender 00 Buck and 2 Win Defender segmented slugs on my side saddle and two more 00 Buck and a slug on a 3 round card on the stonk. I love SBS’s and have had no problem with slugs at 50 yards with a 14” barrel. I think 1 Buck is a good option too.
>it's considerably easier to shoot birds in flight
oh that's the one use-case I'll rapidly concede to, absolutely.
they're better for home defense range engagements.
>muh capacity and follow up shots
doesn't matter when your first shot puts an ounce (430 grains) of lead into a dude's torso.
that's basically the reason police used them up until the north hollywood shootout. that also happened to be around the time that M16s started leaving service and PDs could buy them for cheap. just a few years ago there was a video of LA counties sheriff office and one of their guys had an A2.
>If you can only pick one weapon, it should be a shotgun. But what ammo?

lmao fucking retard
Its amazing how willing people are to just double down on their fuckign stupid here
Blowing someone's fucking bicep off with one shot like what happened with Rittenhouse's attacker is enough damage for me
Not if they're a bath salt zombie
No amount of bath salts compensates for a total physical removal of muscle tissue
yeah and if he had a shotgun instead he might have required his arm getting amputated, if he didn't just bleed out and die from it.
>anon hasnt seem what bath salts do to a man
I could perceive a shotgun dealing more damage with a single shot
I couldn't perceive a shotgun dealing more damage with 6-8 shots than an ar-15 could do with 20-30 shots
Curious if you're using optics, ring, or a bead
t. relatively inexperienced gun owner
>anon hasn't seen what close range shotgun blasts do to a man
I can imagine a man getting off an aimed shot after being shot 1-3 times by an ar-15.
I cannot imagine a man getting off any aimed shots after being shot once with a shotgun loaded with buckshot.
or a slug for that matter
>I can imagine a man getting off an aimed shot after being shot 1-3 times by an ar-15.
Yeah maybe if the man had been shot in one hand 3 times and nowhere else. Get real. Nobody's getting off aimed shots after taking 3 rounds 5.56. Same with the buckshot though, obviously you take 3 pellets of 00 you're not taking any aimed shots either
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When bullets hit something soft going faster than around 2700 fps they start doing sorcerer explosion magic shit and the effect gets greater as the velocity increases
a 10.5" AR-15 is slinging lead at about 2750 fps at the muzzle
a 16" ar-15 is about 3100 fps at the muzzle
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tell that to the guys at Mogadishu

buckshot and slugs don't have that issue.
m855 is bimetal steel core with more mass and a lower velocity than m193 and isn't ideal for using against soft targets, but that makes sense, because it was designed to be used against armored targets
it's actually worse than m193 in several respects, including accuracy, but those were considered acceptable tradeoffs for the ability to defeat some types of hard armor
>buckshot and slugs don't have that problem!
they have a worse problem in that none of them defeat any kind of armor, even just shitty soft 3a
>b-but muh specialized sabot rounds etc etc
now you're in the same territory as m193 and m855 so you should probably just drop it
>witnessed a soldier shot in the shoulder
>walking around smoking a cigarette twenty minutes later
Only partially believe this, and it's a far cry from taking aimed shots after being hit 3 times
>four soldiers were hit in the extremities
>none sustained life threatening wounds
Still doubting they're taking aimed shots
And again, I'm not arguing that the 5.56 is better or worse than buckshot/slugs. I'm arguing you're a dipshit for your previous statement about a man taking an aimed shot after being hit 3 times
>none of them defeat any kind of armor
This is a complete meme issue anyways so it does not matter
>have your cake
>eat it
please choose one
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This is like calling 12 gauge impotent because birdshot didn't stop someone past contact range.

The simple solution is to not use loadings that perform suboptimally. The only loading that matters is the one you are firing, the other ones don't have any importance in the immediate moment. It's not like you have to spin a roulette wheel and choose whatever kind of ammo it lands on.

Ahmaud Arbery wasn't incapacitated on the spot by the first round of buckshot. A 1987 FBI Ballistics Workshop noted an incident in which someone was shot in the heart with buckshot and ran ~60 ft (albeit in support of a faulty conclusion, but I have no particular reason to doubt the event itself happened).

Could either of them have actually fired accurately had they been armed and inclined? Maybe not. But I think you also underestimate the kind of damage a good 5.56 loading does. See picrel (mind that is at an impact velocity of around 2300 FPS, or roughly 10.5" muzzle velocity).
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You're picking one weapon ever in a life or death situation and you aren't just third holing your AR?

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Whichever one is best for killing crowds of Hindu rape rats.
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>muh armor
lol niggas walkin around like they hard but really they got a coccyx up they ass

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