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Absolutely insane video showcasing several ATACMS cluster strikes against an S-300 battery filmed through a thermal camera. The missile bodies in their terminal descent can even be seen in the footage followed by the cluster munitions. Truly one of a kind footage.
Weren't those supposed to be perfect against ATACMS?
That's some crazy coverage, I know they can adjust the height the dispersion radius for how much of it gets spread around. But still, thats a lot of bombs
So what sort of recon drone is this? Hangs at 4000 meters altitude within S-300 direct view and doesn't give a fuck?
Some secret stealth tech?
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That's gotta hurt. Verification not required.
S-300P? No. S-300V? Yeah it was supposed to protect against ballistic missiles.
Or just moving slow enough to get rejected by Doppler filtering.
>Or just moving slow enough to get rejected by Doppler filtering.
S-300 can reduce Doppler rejection speed, or even turn it off completely (yes they start picking up cars). In manual mods crew can work with raw radar data and shot at air and ground targets with zero speed.
(though crew can be dumb and be not able to utilize all S-300 capabilities).
I should buy Mavic 3 Enterprise Thermal...
>S-300P? No.
PMU1 and PMU2 are also supposed to.
Cool footage but no secondaries at all? We've seen TELs go up like white phosphorous bombs when touched off. Might be a decoy setup? That would explain how the drone can loiter so close as well.
This video's directly from Syrskyi's Twitter account.
Since attackems are here and plentiful we need an edit with
>Oops! All submunitions!

That being said anon, what would it mean if there is a decoy in a position where there is supposed to have AD coverage?
>"Ya ivan we got the AD right there. Wood? That's just camo."
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Just imagine it in higher resolution
I should buy a ballistic missile
Did it partially miss? There are two vehicles standing along the road that weren't hit.
>That being said anon, what would it mean if there is a decoy in a position where there is supposed to have AD coverage?
It's certainly a positive development if Crimea is turning into an AD Potemkin village, but it's a shame to waste all those ATACMS if that's the case.
This is land war you stinking hohols not air war, stop this now.
The Ukies have whatever cameras they can get their hands on for the mission. Just because it's generally better than the garbage the Russians get on average, doesn't mean it's always going to be perfect. There is a huge amount of ground to cover with limited resources.

Idk what the expected dispersal pattern is on ATACMS, but I will say what we see in the video is in fact "hollow" (you can see the bald spot form around 1:16), and the actual shape is dictated by the terminal angle (ie it's an oval formed by a circular pattern hitting the ground at an angle)
Possibly ya, could also be ancillary vehicles or empty tel's but you can't really tell what's being hit exactly (at least I can't. I don't doubt Russia has been trying to preserve their air defense with decoys. Or at the very least make it appear more intact with decoys to deter incursions
I think there should be some kind of confirmation those radars aren't decoys before strike.
Can any /k/ anons tell me why they use Tungsten instead of cheap metals like steel?
twice the pen and shrapnel range
just to be clear this is cluster not tungsten, but it's the density
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The M74 submunition is tungsten.
are those the longer ranged version with reduced payload? still looks devastating yikes
>ac-c-ctually it was a Russian strike
Pretty sad and pathetic at this point that all you can resort too is scraping the bottom of the barrel trying too make a thinly veiled concerned troll post.
To penetrate steel you usally need something harder than steel. So Tungsten carbide is your man B)
Because what you are targeting is often steel. You want a denser/heavier balls that have easier time to zip through whatever crap it is you are aiming at. Besides, the cost of the tungsten is probably only one tenth or less of the total cost of one missile.
>forbidden waffle pattern
>mmm waffle
Comparing these videos against the supposed ATACMS strike on that Crimean beach, how is anybody supposed to believe that was a deliberate strike against civilians. If it was actually targeting them they would all be dead
Question: How many ATACMS were fired at those S-300? Were there more that were intercepted before those in the webm got through? Or were the ones in the webm the only ones launched at them? I suppose it's the later case since russian AD is proving to be shit for a long time now. Is it possible to know such details? I don't think Ukraine discloses such info and Russia will always lie about having intercepted quadruple the times of even the US inventory.
I thought it was just good ol' tungsten rain using tungsten, my mistake
No, it’s one of the things which makes it look suspicious. The tight dispersion pattern looks like a lesser payload that is detonating from much closer to the ground then previous strikes we’ve seen where ATACMS covers a huge area with a high-altitude burst but still puts out a dense spread. These frankly look lighter in addition to bursting much closer. Furthermore, as only one ATACMS fits in a HIMARS that means they’ve had to volley-fire several HIMARS. Going by these factors including the very low-quality thermals if you told me I was looking at an Iskander strike (using thermal imaging for terminal guidance) I would believe it without question. But turning that into a ATACMS strike raises questions.
mmmmm hard candies
No one said it was a Russian strike, just that there are some very suspicious factors (low quality thermals, small low-altitude burst, several in volley, dispersion pattern).
Looks painful.
This dispersion is exactly the same as from Tivaz video you cretin
You see in the video the main body slam inert into the ground followed by the munitions with a delay. What Iskander does that? Is there video?
Looks like a shell tho.
That was an attack against a nearby airport (probably being used as an airbase). One of the ATACMS got knocked off-course by an interceptor and it tumbled over bursting at an oblique angle resulting in it mostly not hitting anything but a little bit of the beach got hit on the periphery of the dispersion pattern.
>though crew can be dumb and be not able to utilize all S-300 capabilities
Fighterbomber's worst nightmare has come true and they have imported crew from central asia
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I love DPICMs more than my shoop skills okay?
What >>62087653 said, also russian MoD telegram thingy confirmed that they knocked down an ATACMS missile. At least they did so initially, maybe they already changed the story.
It should be their job to close down the beach but meh russian life is cheap, so what gives?
it's beautiful
>182,000 pre-formed tungsten fragments.
devilish trips, love it
I want FHD drone footage of CBU-87 beehives being dropped by F-16s.
>The tight dispersion pattern looks like a lesser payload that is detonating from much closer to the ground
Dispersion height can be adjusted in ATACMS
>as only one ATACMS fits in a HIMARS
Ukrainians have and make a lot of use of M270, the tracked, larger version of HIMARS and it fits 2 ATACMS or 12 GMLRS
Also, as >>62087648 notes, you can see what does appear to be the spent main body hit the ground, which Iskanders don't do for obvious reasons.

Please familiarize yourself with the weapons you're opining about before doing so.
Good work.

>New shape!
>Limited edition!
>Stays crunchy in milk!
>Explosion in your mouth!
>100% of your daily vitamin BOOM!
More mass means more inertia so an object retains velocity for longer.
But larger diameter means more surface area and thus drag.
By using a high density alloy (which is also harder than steel) you get more mass on a fragment without increasing size, so you gain inertia without a higher drag penalty.
Same reason why in places where lead shot was banned from waterfowl hunting the options are steel or tungsten, steel is cheaper but since it's less dense than lead your lethal range is reduced while tungsten performs closer to lead.
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In the video, the attack is on the S-300B, the same as in Mariupol. So, another strike on the S-300, which has been modified to destroy ballistics. The strike was aimed at the radar. Presumably, so many missiles were fired because of the risk of interception.

On July 13, the distance from the radar to the nearest PU was ~800m. During the attack, the distance was less, therefore, it can be assumed that the blow was delivered at the right moment, when, in addition to destroying the radar, it was possible to engage the PU.

The image shows the location of the air defense system on 13.07, that is, 2 days before the attack.
I remember when this footage first dropped, ziggers were trying to make out that the Grad survived perfectly unharmed.
>hollow elliptical cone shape
the donuts are the cluster mortar shells
I remember. Fun threat.
What should you do if you see the empty case hitting the ground? You have like 5 seconds before the cluster rain.
>waffle cone shaped dispersion
>donut shaped dispersion
What's next, eclair shaped dispersion? Cupcake shaped dispersion? WHERE DOES THE MADNESS END?
Can someone explain to me why sometimes the Russians can intercept ATACMS well (like the failed strike in Crimea were all the missiles got intercepted and caused the shrapnel of one to fall on the beach) and other times they completely fail?

Why would they fail against such a ballistic missile with big size, no stealth and a very predictable path?

Also why the Kiev multi layered anti air systems including a full patriot multi battery system and some other European SAMs failed a week or so ago leading to the hospital and some other targets to be blown up? The intercpeti rate that time was around ~70% but still low for what was not that massive of a barrage. 6-8 missiles went trough out of about 30.

I used to think that you either overwhelm the anti air system or use stealth to avoid it or just go so fast and low that it can't engage you (hypersonic cruise missiles for example).

But that doesn't seem to be always the case.
Can anyone explain?
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we also offer them in all stages of male pattern baldness
> 5GUM stimulate your senses
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>tfw you're an S300 SAM operator and you get hit with a NORWOOD-5
ATACMS was made to kill SAM systems and was made by the US, so of course it absolutely hammers eastern equipment. this is its raison d'etre.
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>first video os significant strike in months
>shitty low res quality with jump cuts
>can't see a shiet
>cluster patter clearly missed

2/10 just for effort
Incredible that S-X00 sites getting pulverised is reported as nonchalantly as an SPG or some shit.
>Why would they fail against such a ballistic missile with big size, no stealth and a very predictable path?
2/3rds correct. It's bigger than a GMLRS rocket (though smaller than an Iskandar), it's not stealthy, but it doesn't have a predictable path. It's a maneuvering missile so it doesn't follow a fully ballistic trajectory. Generally this means that it flattens its flight envelope to reduce warning/engagement time, don't think of it trying to pull high-G turns to out-maneuver an interceptor. Still, it helps enough that, combined with the speed inherent in a ballistic/semi-ballistic path, the crew of the SAM site has only seconds from launch to detection. They're generally poorly trained. Sometimes they get off some quality shots, sometimes they don't.
Agree, burned some grass lol. Shitfest.
>thermal that can perfectly show strikes at 5km range
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Russia had 8 batteries of those in total, they lose 2 radars in last 4 days
>He doesn't know about Cruller, Mille-Fueille, and Tim Bits dispersion
I'd like to see one in a lithuanian tree cake pattern, whatever that entails.
The pastries are being baked. The dough is rising. Soon the eclairs will be in the mouth and everyone will understand everything.
Go prone or jump in a ditch and pray none of them direct hits your asshole
Shame its impossible to confirm a loss from this footage. We'll have wait and see if any russian channels start whining
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it doesn't
*ICM. It has no armor defeat capability. Un-fuck yourself retard.
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ire of my anus
at these bumtouching crests!
their lying pigeons.
Air defense cuckold status?
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You don't want to break your teeth now jimmy wouls you?
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You now remember shills of all sorts claiming "xaxaxa weak wectoid ATACMS will all be easily shot down by mighty Puccian air defense"
when the radar is working in anti TBM modes the capability to detect slow targets near the horizon can be hampered, you must either have a relatively new tech radar, multiple radars or lower tier AD system to cover the site, something they didn't do apparently
Whoops didn't realize it was anti personnel/softskin only. You probably can shoop better than me.
>ATACMS is a maneuvering, not a ballistic missile
>VHS copy.flv
nice video but theres no effect on target
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It's nice that Russian radar system have building in burning-and-smoking effect to protect them from Westoid cluster munition
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JSOW when?
>The warhead of the AGM-154A consists of 145 BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb (CEB) submunitions. These bomblets have a shaped charge for armor defeating capability, a fragmenting case for material destruction, and a zirconium ring for incendiary effects
>what makes you think that the ATACMS is some wunderwaffe SRBM? It's because it's made in the US of A?
I didn't know tungsten shot loads were a thing.
That's got to be hell on the barrel.
delightfully devilish
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>Tranny erection launcher burns as crests rain ATTACK Cums!!
>Air Defense ont the scales with their eggs with their letters to the czar fanning their balls and we must catch the missile in our ass.
>Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition
>posts M74 submunitions

Anon I...
>made to kill SAM systems
no it wasn't.
>Assault Breaker was conceived to attack moving, rear echelon armor massed deep behind enemy lines. At the time the program commenced the only means for attacking these targets was by the use of manned, penetrating aircraft. The perceived advantage of Assault Breaker was that it would permit attacking these targets with standoff weapons. Assault Breaker was conceived to obtain a uniquely high kill rate at a much smaller risk and cost than existing tactics permitted. United States Department of Defense officials believed that Assault Breaker's fire rate could destroy in a few hours sufficient vehicles in Warsaw Pact reinforcement divisions to prevent their exploiting a breakthrough at the forward edge of battle area.
it's basically a PGM replacement for tactical nukes, designed to break up enemy concentrations.
it could have been 100 atacms and you would still come out ahead if you total an AD system like and s300/s400. it's anywhere between 500-1b for a battery. that's why the vatnik cope of saying "and how many atacms did they use?" is retarded since we know Ukraine has limited stocks so the cost to benefit ratio is amazing.
Will the Russians risk losing their remaining batteries if it means they will lack any coverage of Russian cities?
Russia knows that their cities aren't threatened by nato. Nor by Japan.
They've already pulled extreme amounts of soldiers and materiel and AD systems from their bases close to binland, Japan, etc.
Actually APAM (Anti-Personnel Anti-Materiel). Text is wrong, shoop is A-OK.

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