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In terms of pure aesthetics,
PL-01 mogs.
I wonder who's behind this post?
cybertruck of tanks
The warrior sucks balls I just think the challenger looks neat.
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Fat fuck
Challenger 3 looks sexy from front view
but a little mid from side view
It's pretty neat I'll give you that, but I honest to god think that just about every tank that has been made in the last 50 isn't a Leopard or Leclerc fucking thrashes it in the looks department.
Fuck you bloody it's absolute Cinema from side view
If you knew the nightmarish horrors involved in British military procurement and budgeting you'd comfort eat too.
Leopard II.
Those are the holy trinity of tank aesthetic and I WILL fight a motherfucker IRL if they disagree.
about as functional as the T-14
>doesn't know Russian mindset
Give it some atgm's, better/more aps (that can target drones) and order 2000 instead of K-2.
Bait used to be believable
>about as functional as the T-14
as absurd as it may sound it's probably more functional than the T-14 since the mockup was basically a Swedish light tank with a bodykit
Its design is unironically too good - it got normies hyped while it's actually just a CV90 body kit.
It's been over a decade but you can still see fresh comments written by retards convinced that we had super high tech tank ready for production but German/US MIC/leftie conspiracy killed the project.

t. Pole
Why the giant sheath on the barrel? It looks silly
This looks like it belongs in a Flash game.
Only if it was hovering

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