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Why were paper shotgun shells phased out?
Lead is better.
Cost and ease of manufacture(fancy way of saying cost a second time).
Along with the fact plastic is more durable.
Durability. Paper is flat out worse than plastic. Water ruins them no matter how much wax is coating them.

>t. ancientfag that grew up duck hunting with paper shells
They jam guns if you get them wet or store them somewhere too humid.
because plastic is way better.
cheaper, faster to produce, reloadable.
Simple as
Because paper is less durable, paper gets wet and the round gets ruined.
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Boy, is you retarded?
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Actual loader here,
paper has 2 distinct disadvantages as other mentioned, durability and water/moisture resistance.
Since shotshells are mainly used for hunting, and hunters see a LOT of humidity and rain, paper shells are at a clear disadvantage over the plastic shells.
Also, very old paper shells had quite a thicker cardboard, and in case of moisture that paper would swell and interfere with shell loading and extraction, also having worse internal volumetry and probably worse to plastic in production phase. Now is still possible to find paper hulls for loading, but it's more like for the the good 'ol times feeling i guess.
The Germans would have really been big mad if they had plastic shells.
Damn you're very ancient
Any advantages to using paper shells such as reduced weight or recoil?
I still wonder why no one is making aluminum shotshells right now.
Aren't some oldass shotguns only rated for paper/loading of paper cartridges of that era?
I've never seen them but my uncle has two old Model 11s inherited from his dad/my pappy that allegedly aren't usable with modern ammunition
They swell when they get wet and fail to extract or tear due to it. Plastic ones are waterproof. I reload paper shells but I have to wax them in an oven
>Any advantages to using paper shells such as reduced weight or recoil?
Well in my experience they survive BP better but that's about it.
they are better for the environment the vast majority of people just throw the shells away when they are done shooting.
>Water ruins them no matter how much wax is coating them.
You have to get paraffin wax liquid and head an over to about 100 degrees, leave the primer in and holding the brass dip them down into the wax, then leave them stand on some foil on the open end in the oven. Then decap them
>they are better for the environment the vast majority of people just throw the shells away when they are done shooting.
There are plenty of biodegradable shotgun shells and wads, you are talking worthless shit.People like me reload for old guns, usually double hammer guns that were originally shot with BP paper cartridges.
>I still wonder why no one is making aluminum shotshells right now.
you wouldn't wonder why if you actually thought about it at all.
>leave the SPENT primer in
clarification because there is always that dumbass reading. Main reason for paper shotgun cartridges is shooting BP
fragile, don't work when wet, cause jams and they aren't part of the projectile so there is no reason why you can't just catch/pick up the hull. it isn't like the wad or the shot which you can't easily recover. there is no reason to leave the hulls on the ground. even jewish bong government that banned plastic wads and lead shot didn't bother going after plastic hulls
I do believe that is not strictly linked to the fact of the shell being made of paper or plastic, but due to the pressure developed by the round itself. Also, standards that have changed over the years. If memory serves, switching between black powder to smokeless made a really big change and then CIP/SAAMI standards stepped up, and modern munitions followed.
Since shotguns are really old guns, it is not uncommon to still have some of the older ones that aren't up to spec for modern pressures so it could be very dangerous.
But paper hull by itself isn't a guarantee of lower pressure, since there are some available hulls with high brass designed to be used with modern powders and heavy loads.
IMHO it's more of a nostalgic feeling than any other reason really.
I have plastic 25mm flares that do the same thing
BP and smokeless rounds are proofed to the same pressure. Specs didn't change but the shells commonly used did.
High brass is also meaningless. It was to prevent very heavy loads of BP from burning through the paper hull. Now it's simply marketing.
Biodegradable plastic just seeps into the ground water and is one of the main causes of testicular shrinkage in men
I assume either they're talking about shooting lead only OR the chambers aren't 2 3/4" and are instead the shorter chamber length I can't think of ATM.
War. They broke and/or got soggy (yes, even when coated with wax).
this, biodegradable plastic is a greenwashing meme

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