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So I need a handgun sight, but have severe astigmatism. I have heard the Primary Arms 1x prism scope has "basically unlimited" eye relief but I don't know if that would make it suitable for use on a handgun. I don't really want a full size handgun scope either due to the size.
Does anyone have the 1x? Can you confirm how good the eye relief is holding it out at arm's reach like you would on a handgun?
If I were you, I'd be more worried about whether my handgun had picatinny top rails, because not many do.
Bump for interest.

As far as I know magnified prism optics have short eye relief but maybe its different for 1x..
Mine does, I wouldn't have made the thread without considering this
Just get an rmr HD it has a circle reticle which is easier on astigmatisms. Poormary arms prisms are terrible optics for rifles let alone putting that big heavy pos on a handgun.
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Get glasses, there arent any pic railed handguns outside 22 target pistols
Holosun EPS mogs trijewcon
Even a 1x still has an eye box though its very forgiving for a rifle. It would not work well on a pistol. Instead get a red dot with the smallest dot you can and treat it like a larger one. EX: 3moa dot RMR becomes the 6 moa dot model for you.
>So I need a handgun sight, but have severe astigmatism
Start practicing your point-shooting then, numbnuts
Ok boomer
>easier on astigmatism
No, nothing works. I cannot use red dots, it's simply not possible.
I own one, I wouldn't have made this thread otherwise
It's a target pistol meant for long range.
So step up your point-shoot practice routine. Goddamn broccoli headed zoomers are lazy
In exchange for bumping my thread I will give your bait a (you). Pleasure doing business anon.
I don’t believe you. I have an astigmatism and use pistol dots fine.
Are those fags making one with .5 moa adjustments yet?
>I don't believe you
Too bad
I doubt you (or any of your guns) come anywhere close to 1 MOA of accuracy at 100 yards. You'd be lucky to get 5 MOA.
Nigger you don't know me. I can put 37/50 shots on a B27 at 100y with a DAO j frame.
Tested it as soon as I got home from work, can't believe no one did yet.
It's definitely usable, much better than I expected, but you'll have a bit of shadow depending on your arm length. I'd say go for it.
You have my thanks anon, just ordered one. Worst case I return it. A bit of shadow is nothing compared to my astigmatism.
OP the 1x has huge eye relief but the problem with a prism on a pistol is its so heavy its a block of glass might screw with the slight weight

Its a good idea though
*slide weight
Why not just irons? Slap an XS Big Dot on there and call it a day.
Astigmatism literally doesn't matter. Focus on the target, not the dot.
I didnt read the thread but eye relief retard, it's not a red dot
Almost no pistol on this earth has pic rails.
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pretty sure op has a deagle
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Anon, most people have astigmatism. Suck it the fuck up, yes you can use a red dot. If its really that bad you can't drive at night.
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Or perhapse a contender / encore. Either way, the fisrt two of you are retarded
I assume you've done this already, but just in case you haven't: tell your eye doctor about the issue and explain how it is affecting your shooting. If they're worth a shit they'll work with you to get it right. Your doctor may not be specifically correcting for an astigmatism. I had to do this with my prescription. Don't be shy and tell them that it's fucking up your groups.
There's zero chance that OP would be as inexperienced as he seems and shooting one of those.
Lmao, no. The thing is bulky as hell and weighs a ton.
Get glasses or get your eyes fixed.

t. fellow football-eye

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