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The Kraken division is getting a new FPV drone from a German startup called Donaustahl (lol)
Standout features:
>modular, with optional IR/thermal cameras
>multiwarhead, with a "click" system to attach the explosives
>effective combat range of 5 to 7 km, a vertical ascent rate of up to 18 to 22 m/s, a maximum speed of 140 km/h and can be equipped with a wide range of payloads weighing a maximum of 2.7 kg
>made of a specially treated wood, making it 10% heavier but 75% cheaper compared to carbon
>AI capabilities to autonomously identify targets
The price for one unit is less than €1000, and can do both drop missions and "one-way" kamikaze strikes.
sounds like a good and cost effective system though.
I'm calling my German weapons plant Iseneisen
looks high concept, lets see if its any good
AI buzzword makes me sceptical
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Their twitter profile is quite unhinged lol.

I think it may already have been battle tested:
Or maybe they are training their AI on Ukrainian FPV videos.
On their profile they jokingly (?) say they have personnel in Ukraine.
>made out of wood
>Germany sends Maus to Ukraine
Will Russia be forced to counter with their own from Kubinka?
>The Kraken division
Aren't most of these guys literal Nazis, football hooligans, former skinheads etc tho???
I like these guys already
>Like the Azov Regiment, the Kraken Regiment has also been the subject of controversy surrounding recruitment of fighters from far-right groups, though the soldiers of the unit reject the claim as Russian propaganda. Commanders in the unit acknowledged that it is possible that far-right individuals are members in the regiment, but said such people are outnumbered by a diverse group with the intent to defend Ukraine. Kraken is not officially part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but answers to the Defense Ministry.
>The unit is said to be composed of "gym rats", "ultras" and bouncers, while also having drawn in experienced combat veterans of ages varying between 25 and 60. The morale of the regiment has been described as high.
I like these chuddies.
And the drone is called Uruk-Wal?
>specially treated wood
The AI may just be an advanced contrast seeker
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>drone made of wood
Is this german humor?
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Cardboard wasn't enough? SHOIGU!
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Donut steel drone
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Mehr like Dronaustahl.
Am Ich right guy?
That's just the name of the company mang.
It was a steel mill on the Danube, now they build weapons.
It's FPV, right? Can I buy some?
It's mostly aliexpress parts, some wood and 3d-printed holder for the ammunition.
I should start a startup like that.
Somewhere, Hermann Putin is seething in his Tzarbunker that the West who can afford high tech composites can build drones out of cheap wood.
this meme shit probably costs 10 times what a regular FPV bomb quad costs
just take their normal fpv quads and replace the camera with


it wont win you FPV races or freestyle competitions but you'll be able to hit stuff at night
fpv camera switcher unit is like $8, you can run two on the platform with most stacks now.
Hell, most frames are designed for FPV camera+gopro, you even have space and weight capacity on commercial frames.
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how many are they able to churn out and at what cost? they have to compare to ukie workshop drones and some of those workshops are fucking god tier. just look at what magyar birds are capable of
Kraken/Azov are where all the young guys are going because they have a good reputation. This has been causing seethe from competing nationalist groups for a while now who need fresh blood.
you can print some mount to put 2 cameras on the same quad ez. why would you want to tho it mostly adds a complication and failure point. atleast for night bombing

i think for day bombing the quality of analog FPV is too shit for thermals to be an advantage

theres also the caddx infra
i heard they have a digital version. i wonder if they support the avatar system. i have a 1.6 inch whoop and a 4 inch quad with the 1s lite avatar and a 7 inch quad with the moonlight kit

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