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N-not sure if TEMPO.
>russian motorcycle assault group
Russians need to take 2000 motorcycles and just make one big push along single field.
I'd like to see reenactment of those ww1 horse charges
>special napping operation
If I had a nickel for every time Russians made a massed motorcycle assault which was slaughtered piecemeal, I'd have at least three nickels
>Napniks storming the trenches in PJs looking bedrolls and snacks
*Napping in the 20s* ft. heavy brass
Why are the bikes still standing and untouched while the bikers are roasted?
A combination of miscellaneous clothing and vodka makes mobiks more flammable than cheap Chinese motorcycles
"Charge of the Fried Brigade"
>the Zs are because they're sleeping
BBQ at the golf course
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fell really off the bike like this
All they need now are some punk rock bands to stand on top of cope cages while they charge into the fire.
Honestly, what the fuck is this war.
This is the third bike pileup I have seen so far. What do you guys think actually got them in the same spot?
Were they retarded enough to drive next to each other with no spacing? Were there 10 FPV drones hovering over the same spot to get them one by one there?
Would love to see footage of a large motorcycle attack get mulched.
>Pyotr is hit! I must stop in this kill zone and help him!
Bodies attract bodies
Surely even untrained vatniks would realize that stopping in the middle of nowhere in FPV country is a death sentence, right? They are already doing a suicidal cavalry charge, stopping to help someone would just get all of them killed.
Beyond the question of how retarded they may be, after all the videos I have seen of them just abandoning their comrades, I don't know if they would even bother.
I hope there is more footage of such an attack soon, it is bugging me how close all the bikes are next to each other whenever this happens. It's like someone put a cartoon-esque tripwire and got all of them in one move.
>Surely even untrained vatniks would realize that stopping in the middle of nowhere in FPV country is a death sentence, right?
Two days training, plus I'm guessing the last wave (and all the waves before that) didn't get to pass on their knowledge.
Machine guns will cut them down just like ww1 horse charges
But it is Russia so given them a few weeks of giving a try
>Is he ok?
I mean the turkey? is it done?
>yfw the only good counter infantry can use against drones is massed fire like in the revolutionary war except this time its shotguns loaded with birdshot instead of canons loaded with grape.
Don't get me wrong, I want to bring back military motorcycle troops in the US like no other, but
>Pyotr is hit! I must stop in this kill zone and help him!
More like, "Pyotr is hit! He's the only one who knows where we're going! Blyat! We cannot go forward, we cannot go back! Blyat! We stay here until next wave comes!"
>that one burned dude with hellrider rigor mortis
I want to see NVG wearing electric motorcycle troops who dash across no man's land right before daybreak. This is the only way I could see motorcycles used in open fields of Ukraine.
>still squatting

real vatnigga
>28 napniks on chinese dirtbikes, Ukraine is under siege
Imagine dying naked, spread eagle...
Those are hohol pows, yes. Perfidious crests!
Yes Rajesh, everything you find inconvenient is staged.
>it's staged
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and these men have found their exits.
You're staged
god damn can't these guys just hold the camera still? Shaky cam was old when cloverfield came out get over yourselves.
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You know, it must suck when it fails because you die and all, but it must be fun as fuck being part of a dirt bike assault squad going around the fields of Ukraine looting houses and raping people and animals.
They did it before or after being bombed to shit?
You think maybe they tried to get off them to hide? You think maybe this was the staging area and no one got on them yet? I'm sure if you think real hard you can come up with reasons.
They clearly dismounted. If they got ack'd while on bikes, the bikes would also be visibly damaged.
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like this but more gay and retarded
What makes me absolutely seethe is that despite the evidence of the contrary, Russia is winning in the heads of every "non-hawk" westerner. Fuckers literally have to do these scooter shooter suicide runs but no, le Russia is too big, le too strong and le too dangerous and must be negotiated with!

Literally just one more year and they are going to be fucking done, unless they manage some sort of hail-marry bombing run that totally cripples Ukraine. But no, what you are gonna get is a bunch of leftoid and isolationist traitors forcing a peacedeal. Fuck you. Russia delenda est.
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If only we could track the flow of money that is being poured into pro-russian propaganda and narratives.
Motorcycles are just an adaptation bro.
Like Mad Max, but in a gay Russian way instead of a cool Australian way
Yes, do not support any peacenik politiican.
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Oh, the President's guys. Haven't heard from them in ages.
I haven't seen collageschizo in a while... oh no...
so are gays in or out
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>dismounts from bike
>falls over
>casually walks away even with drones hovering above him
>refuses to elaborate
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As sad as it is, probably the more realistic answer.
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>Like Mad Max, but in a gay Russian way instead of a cool Australian way
>I want to bring back military motorcycle troops in the US like no other,

But you only want to look at them since children like exciting things, are not in the armed forces and are obviously not a motorcyclist or you'd scorn such a stupid idea. The cool factor is so compelling the idea is periodically revived then discarded because ATV and quads are vastly better.
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Told 'im
^This. If you drop your bike when you dismount you can easily flood the engine and crankcase oil happily seeps past piston rings. That's why dirt bikers promptly right their mounts.

Cargo cult design at its finest. Absurd extra weight, poor suspension travel (because tire hits body) and no protection for crew.
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do you think he still is alive? is he yet cozy?
>do you think he still is alive?
If he was taken as a POW and had the good fortune to avoid any prisoner swaps, then probably.
as far as I know he was captured and chucked into a POW camp. Unless he got exchanged back and went to the front again to die for fish brick, he's probably alive.
>Charge of the Lightly Fried Brigade
probably cozier in POW camp than in russian civilian life. with some luck he might get a day off to snooze to all hearts content, unless they make them work? idk. what do modern POW regulations state?
based bard quoter
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If you don't want to be part of a POW swap, you can tell your captors that and they have to keep you with them, afaik.
that doesn't sound too bad. i guess it beats going back to russia? no idea if they can force you to go back, or if they shame you. going all smersh on defeatists.
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If a mobik get captured and returned in an exchange, he'll be ostracized as a coward and will not receive any of the pay he's owed.
>^This. If you drop your bike when you dismount you can easily flood the engine and crankcase oil happily seeps past piston rings. That's why dirt bikers promptly right their mounts.
>vatniks are pro riders who take their swwet time to dismount while under fire
>naked, spread eagle..
he died as he lived
Exchanged POWniks spend 1 month in FSB torture chambers, receive 1-2 weeks of vacation and are sent back to the meat grinder.
Two of the bikes still have their stands down. So it was probably a group of them parked together and taking a break or something. This probably wasn't taken anywhere near the front lines.
Does anyone have videos of POW interviews and other POW content? specifically Russians being held captive by Ukraine.
Or they simply caught fire and stopped to drop down.
Russians are subhuman but in most cases it should be obvious even to them that a bike should be left standing. It's simply easier than trying to wrestle it back up when you want to remount.
>What makes me absolutely seethe is that despite the evidence of the contrary, Russia is winning in the heads of every "non-hawk" westerner. Fuckers literally have to do these scooter shooter suicide runs but no, le Russia is too big, le too strong and le too dangerous and must be negotiated with!
Do you know why? Because TV isn't showing footage like this to boomers. Really, that's it. This maintains the illusion in the eyes of boomers and third worlders that Russia is "strong" because if they even see any war footage it's carefully curated to avoid showing the blood and guts stuff we get to see every day. At best a boomer or a pajeet will see stock footage of (intact) Russian equipment, parades and from time to time footage of an attacked Ukrainian city. They don't see these retarded spectacles, the cope cages, the prehistoric equipment, golf carts, e-scooters and so on.
They could at least report on the desertcross 1000 atvs and motorbikes showing up. All they do is show the map of controlled areas since that is what is confirmed. They can’t say those gains are made at 1000 casualties a day.
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This is why we must do our part and share the obvious
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Not the right war but still. Funny.

I guess is that, much like dirt biking here in the woods, you get used to roll up next to your buddy in a combat zone to talk so you don't have to shout over the engine. And this means people bunch up and die in silly ways.
Don't mistake it for compassion.
Untrained vatniks especially are the ones who will stop to loot their own dead.
My guess is that it's simply a consequence of "morality," quotes intended, as to not upset people by showing what war REALLY is but the unintended consequence is just a map, stock footage, and a false impression that Russia is a functioning state with a functioning army. If anything it's a gaggle of gypsies and a circus at this point, but I really don't see how the point can be driven home to the old and the retarded without making their evening news full of dismembered corpses and moronic contraptions. In this the full limitation of legacy media and "legacy people" has been exposed. A boomer isn't thinking about an illiterate churka on an e-scooter when he hears "Russian army," he's thinking of the media image of "Soviet Union" from his childhood.
>who dies first is a faggot
>act as if its some friendly motobike race
>trips over something
>walk away
>oh, what is that? drone? the fuck?

they had to use every possible drug to act like that, right? right?
It's called adrenaline. Your body just does that, until it doesn't anymore and you die.
dude, i saw vids with ukrainian camps for pow
they just walk around and do some useful physical work
its cozy as fuck, especially after your 70iq brain realizes your commanders are lying fags so you just have to atone your sins and work hard
this and ray of hope you wont be swapped and may one day live free in a better state motivate the hell out of you
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Imagine watcing this on Fox Nwes.
I'm in a chat with late zoomers and this is exactly what they do. They say "Ukrainians are fags, Russians are white, all our savings and tax dollars are being raped to go to Ukrainian jews". Half of them are spics, flips, and other assorted nonwhites or mixed race and mystery meat. Meanwhile the white factory workers, college educated right wingers and most others I closely associate with >25 are pro-Ukraine. Bizarre contrast, mostly based on information bias, you put it.
>What makes me absolutely seethe is that despite the evidence of the contrary, Russia is winning in the heads of every "non-hawk" westerner
This point of view justifies the increase of the war effort.
>Ah, yes mr Boomer russia is so strong! We should write our congressman to double ATACMS shipments to Ukraine just to delay the collapse of our empire.
It's also because of the binary partisanship that has been intensifying since the early 2000's. If something can be pinned or associated with one camp, we, the strong and virtuous, are automatically opposed. The Russians have or course done pre-emptive groundwork, projecting a shallow international image of apparent masculinity, robusticity, "spirit", etc. It's why they get picked up by Republican Boomers daydreaming about when they were born or just before (the glorious 50's, "when manhood was real"), and young patsocs and other exotic leftists whose aesthetics and motivations largely align. Walter Benjamin may have been an insufferable, neurotic, subhuman and effete kike, but the one thing he got right is that politics in the age of the reproducible image; mass media, is a phenomenon of aesthetics. It's all about what imagery appeals to what psychological phenotype. The Russians stumbled into this, it's not like they're particularly clever. Nonetheless, what we are seeing is the unfortunate confluence of several factors to their advantage.
Most people my age I know don't really care about the war and the only explicitly "pro-russian" (mostly an enemy of my enemy case) I know is a full on /pol/troon.
t. Zoomer
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>I'm in a chat with late zoomers
>Half of them are spics, flips, and other assorted nonwhites or mixed race and mystery meat
Why would you torture yourself like this?
>is this what you want crooked joe to spend your taxes on?????
Yes. Absolutely 100%

They are a bunch of traitorous, backstabbing, cocksucking faggots, that's what they are. Since the start of this shit these faggots have been shilling Russia non-stop, calling them "based and trad".

Fuck this culture war bullshit, I fucking hate Americans for this so fucking much, it's unbelievable. 50 years demonizing the
Russians, red-scare, yadda yadda yadda, and this is what conserva-cucks are shilling for?? Did Reagan die for nothing?
I'm a late millennial ('95), so I like to keep tabs on how the zeitgeist is changing. Being white also motivates me. I have a fake persona I maintain in the chat, and the subsequent ones I've been invited to through it. Call it "opposition research". The greatest danger of segregation is that we lose sight of what the people replacing us think, and thus what they will do. e.g. the spics in the chat consider themselves white, while the flips and the one or two odd chinks will vacillate between seeing themselves as white-equivalent or superior to us. In both cases, it probably explains why they identify with the internationally-directed Russian traditionalist and white self-image
I would say it's 50-50 in the environments I pass in and out of. Most of the support is passive. As the other anon stated, for them it's about contrarianism. Being pro-Ukraine is the kind of thing their parents, or affluent whites might do, so it's "gay", because "I'm a cool, independent and irreverent thinker"
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How come the motorcycle riders always end up so horribly charred?
Is it just because they are sitting on top of the fuel tanks?
If the Chinese CCTV footage I've seen has taught me anything, it's that their bikes bust into flames very easily
Fuel tank right above engine with hot exhaust
The mobiks inside the assault sheds also end up charred but you usually can't see them as well from drone footage.

Most of the mobik gear (uniforms, protective gear, vehicles, other materiel) seems to be flammable. There are some gnarly videos of mobiks that manage to get away from their burning trench/vehicle/comrade only to excruciatingly slowly succumb to their own uniform being on fire and them being unable to put it out.
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Imagine having "He died like a faggot" on your headstone.
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I think it might be a landmark sort of thing.

>Blyat Sasha, look over there at that pile of burnt corpses. Clearly this is the way we are meant to go!

It's like "This hole was meant for me" but as a catastrophic, multi-vehicle pile-up instead.
Guess we found OP. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Imagine what Reagan would feel if he saw the absolute state of US foreign policy regarding this war. I wouldn’t be surprised if his grave is letting out fumes.
I swear you can see a burning dude swan dive from the wreckage at the end there.
no way the field gooncave is real
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the ride never ends
there's something in an ATV that makes a man happy
I prefer dirt bikes but it's to the same effect
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>Artist's Recreation of Events:
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
if they don't show russia as powerful then people won't want to send shit to ukraine
do you think the average boomer would be okay with their tax dollars being sent to fight a gaggle of gypsy vatniggers?
it's the same reason they had to hype up the sandpeople, the tree niggers, and the somalis
I swear zoomers are all over the place politically, but the only thing they have in common is that they will be very wrong about whatever they believe
I know a bunch of 100% DNA tested white wignats who hate both sides but seem to prefer russia over ukraine marginally
their prevailing opinion from them is that the war is killing white people and they want it to end for that purpose, cause it depresses them
they like watching videos of pajeets, chinks, etc. get mauled and slaughtered in industrial accidents but a clip of a drone killing a slav is just too much for them to bear
Beat me to it
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>images that make you hungry
What's interesting is the background static. You might assume it's because of inconsistent blockage, but it's actually it cycling through different frequencies.
>Imagine watching this on Fox News.
There's a section of WN's that got dissolusioned with western leaders letting on 2% new male population a year and got propagandised by targetted Russian propaganda and still haven't realised Putin is the exact same shit but with hidden homosexuality instead of overt.
Theyre just desperate ideologs that are looking for a way out and anyone against their current governments or creates destabililisation or disrupts the status quo is an ally.
I've been a wn myself for decades. No amount of looking abroad for foreigners to fix our problems will fix it, and neither will killing western Hegemony by being cowards in proxy wars either because all that does is make us poor AND full of foreigners.
Tell them ziggers aren't white. Simple as.
I'm more of a Western Nationalist, as I think Japs, Filips, etc can be good enough citizens with assimilation (kinda like Irish were directly on par with blacks a hundred years ago, but now they're whiter than white).
That said, it's not a good time to be a westerner right now. Our governments are all different flavours of traitors to the country and to the people. Some are trying to import mass hordes of thirdie subhumans, either to depress wages, or for retarded rainbow ideologies; meanwhile the right tend to be wannabe authoritarians that blatantly deepthroat murderous foreign dictators.
Given only those two choices, I'd tentatively go to fight for the right, even if only because they aren't pushing literal civilizational suicide - only a dictatorship with themselves as the head.
I think western culture and values will inevitably win any confrontation - just that lack of face-saving horseshit and putrid subhumanity that you see in Russia, China, India, or Africa means that even militias and guerilla bands would be able to slowly but surely carve out places for themselves and take the west back, even if it takes a long time.
Keep in mind, the average African still thinks the sights on a gun make the bullets hit harder if you dial them up.
So, to conclude, we need total zigger death and hopefully pajeet and chink extinction as well.
We'll need to handle problems at home at some point, too, but I'd say that dealing with Russia first is more important - otherwise they'll fuck with any western civil conflict and they'll certainly not be on the side of the people who want to fix the west.
You should remind them that though Slavs are white, Russians are at the very far end of European populations, with a significant minority of them heavily admixed with Uralics (half-EHG/IE, half-Siberochinks), Turkics, and other woods fairies. Then you've got a large minority of the country's population which are churkas, Uralics, siberochinks, Koreans, Chinese, etc. They may be "Europe", however they are the least European you could be and still be part of it.
If you bump into them I hope you tell them that cause they're not gonna listen to me. When I say the dissolution of the United States as a world power is probably a bad thing, they think I'm just a brainwashed golem mutt.
I'm halfsies so they hate my guts and I'm in no position to judge the whiteness of others.
I only know them through some less extreme friends I used to game with.
It's incredible how much things would improve if the Three Gorges Dam collapsed.
Looks like he broke his left ankle in the crash - it buckled the first time he stands up, and the second time it looks like he’s trying to hobble
>their prevailing opinion from them is that the war is killing white people and they want it to end for that purpose, cause it depresses them
That's a fair thing to be upset about, but why the fuck would they side with Russia in that case? The Russians started this war at their own convenience and could end it whenever they want by just throwing in the towel to stop the killing.
It would be like if a serial killer wipes out my entire family and I decide "Well I can't blame him, he's a white guy too!". White nationalism shouldn't mean white people have zero responsibility and can just act like niggers.
I've been complaining about a great firewall for a while.
Campaign finance laws and shit aside - just that single act of permanently cutting China, India, Russia, and everything east of Poland and south of the Mediterranean off from the internet would bring such unimaginable improvement to practically every sphere of western life.
On the other hand, though, I can buy stolen and recasted Warhammer minis for dirt cheap on the Chinese internet, so it's a silver lining, I guess.
>So, to conclude, we need total zigger death and hopefully pajeet and chink extinction as well.
I really would like to see Russia and China get wiped the fuck out so that the West can sort itself out without foreign interference, in peace.
If I were to explain this to them, they'd just tell me it's not my business because I'm mixed too, so I don't really care that much about that aspect of things.
Probably like other anons have said, there's alot of agitprop targeted at wignat types to make them believe that russia is somehow not the aggressor.
They don't seem to necessarily care that it doesn't make sense, they'll just eat up anything which fits their confirmation biases.
What's wild to me is the horseshoe theory made real in both weird-left (pseudo-racist to full-on-racist commies, patsocs, nazbol) and far right (much less frequently) admiring China. I have talked to a myriad of losers that all look to China for inspiration, as far as being a nationalist, monolithic, violently expansionist, remorselessly historically genocidal state. They don't realize that China is laying the foundations for greater praise, and potentially cooperation, in the future, just as Russia did yesterday. The Chinks do not think you're human no matter the colour of your banner, unless you are a chink.
>Charge of the Blyat Brigade
This is the truth the MSM doesn't want you to know.
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So good n tasty
my tax dollars, fuck him
Started the ambush was in the transitional state of dismounting. Always initiate contact when the foe is in transition. Anyone from fire team leader on up just know these things
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Enlisted prisoners can be compelled to work, though there are restrictions on what sort of labor they can be made to perform. Officers can't be compelled to work, with the exception of doctors and chaplains who are still obligated to perform their duties but can't be made to do anything else.
>drives bravely forward
>gets shot and falls off
>staggers over to cover while being shot more
>falls over
I laughed I'm not gonna lie. It's like a tf2 clip.
RIP, he didn't deserve this. Fuck Putin.
Oh you want that AIDS meat well done.
They're all winners.
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hello from the sky
seems like a game of poker at this point
Russia is all in where the west barely wants to see let alone call
I mean, the west isn't much better. It's all smiles and cooperation until you stop paying the US tax and you start getting threats of removal of things you're dependant on like the stopping of military supplies until you do.
Geopolitics in government form is and always has been about grabbing and taking what you can from others either through diplomacy, threats or violence. China isn't really much different even if if prefer their online state propaganda department glassed.
>gets shot and falls off
>gets shot
Funny thing is, no one really mentions the massive pump n dump that Russia is doing right now to get people into the military, hands on tools in factories, burning through fucking millions daily to pay for it all, they have no stockmarket, the ruble is super-fucked to the point NO ONE will trade it (yuan or rupee do needful only) and inflation on some produce is 50% higher than last year as inflation from the pumping is going mental.
They can also ignore that they have to talk to faggots like the Norks just to scrape up some shitty 122mm shells and sucked off Iran to show them how to build a 1970's scooter motor powered fucking drone
I was in Ukraine in 2014 when some shit started kicking off and while I do genuinely like Ukrainians, some of them I'm related to and the country is ripe with potential.
>They're still poor
Not Africa, destitute niggas poor or anything, just an industrialised, heavily agrarian country like mine used to be in the 1970's, we extracted and grew stuff, did a little building stuff but for the most part it wasn't hugely destitute or wealthy. They didn't have much left of a military, it was as-bad or slightly worse than Russia is right now and if someone had half a brain, Ukraine would have been absorbed into Russia without a shot fired.
Even when I saw that country at its lowest point, people would still look out for you, make sure you're ok, bit embarrassed about how things have gone to shit but no one was giving up on Ukraine 10 years ago and they're unlikely to ever change that for one often ignored reason-

>got a sniff of the western lifestyle
You didn't have to be living in a shithouse country with no future like a Russian or suffer for no reason. You pull yourself up, bring your neighbourhood up, your town, your oblast and your country one fucking step at a time and its a struggle. But they ain't going back to that slave, red beans and rice shit
Russian Life offers them NOTHING
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Nerve gas?
I think he saw the drone incoming and got distracted from the roads surface

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