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Post gear. Discuss gear.
Previous >>62041474
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New infographic draft coming soon for (you) to review.
Idle thought for you - at eurosatory, a group advertised their new body armor recycling business. Breaking the plates seems to be a standard part of it. Someone could have a bunch of data on plates lurking out there.

The company that was advertising https://repurpose.procotex.com
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How do the cheap Kenwood PTT cables on Amazon compare to ones on Disco 32 that justify the price difference? Is it just the build quality?
low impedance amplifier for boom mics and stiffer switch for ptt.
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Appreciate it man.
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Yeah I know. It just looks too bland for me, unlike the filter I posted.
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is the arcteryx ATOM a good puffy jacket for being stationary in medium cold weather?
the alternative would be a patagonia pcu LVL3B, the helion isnt an option for me because I'm in Europe.

what's a good price for the atom and the 3B?
i found an atom in crocodile color for 230euros, it doesnt have a hood tho, do you prefer it with or without hood?
anyone tried the granite gear chief patrol pack?

how is it?

to me it seems a good option because from the reviews I've seen it hold weight very well, and it has a high capacity, ita a top loader but unlike the ILBE/MR6500/stone glacier or other central/lateral zipper packs it opens up as a clamshell, but has straps inside so shit wont fall out when opened, it also has 2 external side pockets, not as convenient as the torpedo pockets of the 6500 but still good, and has molle if you want to put some external pouches, not to have more volume but for quick access
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Can I use a walker razon slim with a microphone for a gaming headset?
Supposed to get issued those nods (psq42's) soon for deployment kinda hyped
Yes. Dont listen to>>62090819
So the wendigo works micro rig is basically a kit bag in layout, but with a mag compartment in the back. Except it's $250 fucking dollars.

Is it built like $250? Because this is basically my ideal chest rig if I wanted to carry a rifle for "incidental use" instead of a pistol.
Someone gimme all the info jpgs please.
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Any ID on the gloves? Thank you.
Flyer's gloves.
I have no experience with it, but I checked it out after coming across their X account. I don't see *any* reason why their rigs cost what they do. Their "MRC Micro Rig" is basically a Haley micro rig except without the pistol/tool pouches and the GP pouch is split into 2 sections, one of which is designed for quick access to a pistol. I'm sure it's well made, but it fucking should be for $235.

I guess if you were fine with buying hook-backed tool/accessory inserts, Whiskey Two Four makes a placard that has one big pouch up front with both the internal front and back being loop lined. The mag insert section can carry up to 3 .308 mags. Seems like it was designed with hunters in mind, but it's only $69. Doesn't come with a harness, though.

I'd buy the panel 38 if it wasn't so huge, except I can't find exactly what I'd want to line the walls with for internal organization. I've also been considering the Condor stowaway for the same purpose (yeah, I know, condor), but I don't like the internal layout.

Brushbeater gear is selling the same bag for around $150, which is definitely more in line with the Haley rig. Don't know why, Brushbeater might just carry gear to help facilitate their training courses rather than as their main source of profit. They seem like the type judging by the hastily constructed website.
nomex pilot/crewman gloves
doesn't look like any flight glove I've seen.
looks more like something from wiley x. look up the wiley x raptor and orion
Naj those look different
>Brushbeater gear is selling the same bag for around $150, which is definitely more in line with the Haley rig. Don't know why, Brushbeater might just carry gear to help facilitate their training courses rather than as their main source of profit. They seem like the type judging by the hastily constructed website.
The Brushbeater rig might be your best bet if it has the features you're looking for. And yeah, he only just started selling chest rigs. Previously his store was mostly radio related stuff.
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Can anyone ID this bag? I like the size and the look
some chink sling bag
appreciate the effort anon…
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why are the anus tops on rucks always sticky as fuck?
Hazard 4 freelance (thank you google image ai search machine)
>DM ships to Australia but not Europe
>$30 flat rate international shipping
Where the fuck do you live in europe that they won't ship to you?
I still am not entirely sure how to use lens on PC.
you have to pay 22% VAT and duties on top of the price and shipping that's why it doesn't make sense to buy it compared to the alternatives because European countries are faggot social states with high as fuck taxes
as another anon said, hazard4
I will tell you that their bags are not really appropriate for anything unless you're into photography and using them to carry photo equipment (large oddly-shaped compartments)
but for that purpose they're fucking incredible
>source I have four hazard4 bags
ah it's the one in escape from tarkov called pillbox bag
in the end, after having tried several different rucksack models, I think that the best bag design I ever tried is the mystery ranch SATL and tactiplane/6500 type bag, as for the load bearing system I still think the mystery ranch is among the best but some of the others aren't that far away
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This fucking shit is leaking charcoal what the nigger?
And it only expired in 2016

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